Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Whenever, Wherever ❯ The Decision ( Chapter 2 )

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A/N: well, here's chapter 2 for you!

Disclaimer: in case you were wondering, or in case you're really stupid, no, I do NOT own pokemon!

Chapter 2: The Decision

***** Brock: well, what did he say? Brock was clearly impatient.

Misty: yeah, what was it? She asked, a little hysterically.

Ash: uh......

Ash was afraid this would happen. He hadn't even told them and they were already freaking. He did some quick thinking.

Ash: he said I, uh, had a bad case of, uh, food poisoning, but it should, uh, clear up in about a week!

Brock and misty stared at him for a few seconds and he was afraid they wouldn't buy it.

Brock: well, that's a relief! I was afraid it was something more serious!

Misty: yeah! You had us worried for a while there ash!

Ash: yeah, sorry about that!

Why didn't I just tell them? He asked himself. There my friends, they deserve to know.

Brock: so, what are we going to do today?

Ash: let's go the gym!

Misty: ash, are you sure you feel well enough to go to a pokemon gym?

Brock: yeah ash. Yesterday you could barely stand! We had to carry you to the hospital!

Ash: really, guys I feel fine right now.

Brock: whatever. Just try not to hurt yourself, alright?

Ash: no problem. All right guys let's head to the gym!


As ash and his friends headed to Viridians gym, misty couldn't help but get the feeling that ash wasn't telling them something. Even though she was worried, she decided not to question him about, knowing how stubborn he could be, and not wanting another argument. She was afraid to make him mad, since, for awhile she had been feeling a sudden attraction for him. A deep affection that had been growing for some time. She was deeply afraid that he wouldn't feel the same way towards her. Besides, how serious could eating a green mushroom be?

Pikachu was also worried. Unlike humans, he could sense things. He could sense that ash was being untruthful, and that something was terribly wrong. He figured that ash was afraid to tell everyone what it was, and decided to try to find out when they were alone.

Brock: say ash? Didn't you already get the earth badge at viridian gym?

Ash: yeah, but that was because Team Rocket's easy to beat! I heard that there's another leader that runs the gym who's way stronger! I'm hoping I can fight him this time.


Ash and his friends arrive at the gym.

Giovanni: who goes there?

Ash: I'm ash Ketchum from pallet town! I beat Jessie and James here a while ago to earn an earth badge, but I wish to challenge the real leader here!

Giovanni: so you're ash! I've heard a lot about you! I hear you're a strong trainer. We will have a three on three match, no time limit!

Ash: okay then! I choose charizard!

Giovanni: a charizard eh? This should be easy! Go kingler!

Kingler, use hydro pump!

Ash: charizard, use laser fire!

Giovanni: what's that?

Kingler launched a hydro pump attack at charizard. Charizard dodged then fired a series of thin, red beams at kinglers elbows, knees, and wrists. Unable to support himself, kingler fell and was unable to battle.

Giovanni: impressive! Try this one! Go dragonair!

Giovanni sent out a majestic looking dragonair.

Use your blizzard attack!

Ash: try a fire blast!

Charizard powered up for a fire blast, but dragonair was faster. The blizzard hit charizard before he could dodge and encased him in a block of ice.

Ash: charizard, no! Return!

Ash returned charizard and sent out pikachu.

Pikachu, use lightning rod!

Pikachu started glowing. He breathed a strange looking mist that flew to the ceiling. Then he sent a thunder wave at dragonair, causing him to glow. When Giovanni saw the lightning wasn't hurting dragonair, he ordered it to use fissure! Before it could comply, a stream of thunderbolts came from the cloud at dragonair! It tried to dodge, but they followed him like homing missiles and exploded on impact. When the smoke cleared, dragonair was knocked out.

Giovanni: hmm. You're a lot stronger then I realized! I'll have to try harder. Go, Persian!

Persian is my strongest pokemon! You'll have a hard time beating him!

Ash: pikachu, use your- ungh!

For a little while ash's stomach had been bothering him, though he tried to ignore it. Know, however, the intense pain brought him to his knees.

Ash: I forfeit!

Giovanni: forfeit?

Ash: sorry, but I'm not feeling to well right know.

Misty: I knew you shouldn't have left the hotel!

Brock: come on, we're going back right now!

Giovanni: very well. We'll continue this match another day.

After they left, three figures appeared behind Giovanni.

Giovanni: so that's the pikachu you've been trying to capture?

Jessie: Yes sir! You want us to get it for you?

Yes, stated Giovanni. Bring me all of his pokemon. Seeing as he's ill you shouldn't have any problems. Use your weapons on his friends if you need to.

James: Yes sir!

Giovanni: I warn you now. If you fail me, you will pay the ultimate penalty. Be gone!

Team Rocket: yes sir!

As they left to obey his orders, they truly wondered if it was the right thing to do.


Ash and his friends are back at the pokemon center.

Misty: no you just lay there ash and don't move! Brock and I will be back soon with some stomach medicine. Just stay!

Ash: alright, alright, already! I got it!

Misty: good! I was afraid nothing would get past your dense skull!

Ash: I'm not dense!

Misty: are too!

Ash: am not!

Misty: are too!

Ash: am-

Ash was going to say am not, but was suddenly tired of the fight.

Ash: Whatever misty. Maybe I am dense. Just go so I can rest my stupid head.

Misty was suddenly ashamed at herself. Here ash was lying on the bed in pain, and she was fighting with him and calling him dense.

Misty: I'm sorry ash. You're not the dense one I am.

She ran out of the room, and Brock ran after her.

Ash: misty wait! He called too late.

Ash was feeling a little guilty himself. Even though misty had upset him, he never meant to make her cry. This is why he hated it when they fought. He never wanted to upset her, since he loved her. He didn't remember when these feelings came up, and only knew that he had had them for as long as he could remember. He had never told anyone, except pikachu, but he was afraid that if he upset her she would leave him forever.

Pkachu sensed his despair and tried to comfort him.

Ash: Thanks pikachu.

Pika kachu ka pipikachu, pikapi?

Ash: what do you mean I should have told her? I'm not hiding anything!

Pi pi kachu!

Ash: I'm telling you pikachu I'm fine! I'm not hiding anything!

Pika pikachu, pikapi, pikachu said sadly.

Ash: of course we're friends, pikachu. I can't tell them though, because I can't stand to see them worry about me, especially misty.

Pika pika chu pika.

Ash: fine, but only if you promise not to tell them.


Ash: it's not just food poisoning. It's some kind of rare disease that no one's ever heard of. The doctor said there's no cure. I only have a week to live.

Pikachu! Pi pi pikachu kapi!

Ash: no pikachu! There's no cure! Nothing can be done! The doctor said so himself!

Kachu, pikachu said sadly.

Ash: it's okay pikachu. We all have to go sometime. At least I realized my dream. I'm not going to worry, and neither should you. I only wish I could have had a chance with misty.

Kachu pi pika, pikapi?

Ash: don't you see pikachu? I can never tell her how I feel. If I only have a week left. If she never knows how I feel, then maybe she'll find someone else. Someone with more time. When I go pikachu, I want you to look after her, and listen to her and Brock. Will you do this for me?


Ash: thanks pikachu.

(end of chapter 2)

A/N: well that's chapter 2 for you. Next chapter, misty tells Brock about her feelings for ash and try's her best to win his heart! What will ash do? Find out next time and review, if that is what you wish.