Pokemon Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction ❯ Starter Fics ❯ Justice League of Japan ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: This is a parody inspired by the work of Takahashi Rumiko and DC Comics. All characters (that I have not created or borrowed from other sources) belong to them. This is a fan fiction, and is not intended to violate the rights of those who hold control over the Ranma 1/2 and Justice League of America series. I have no money for legal problems and would very much appreciate it if no one tries to sue me. Thank you very much.

Justice League of Japan

Chapter One

Thirteen Years Ago...

Genma looked at the child he had found in his wife's, a child he had found in the middle of the farmer's field he had been working in. He remembered this situation, 'Why did Nodoka-chan make me work such a stupid job, just because I didn't find any students good enough to teach the Anything Goes style to. Still, it did pay for the sake as well provide extra food on the table from my boss. Plus it allowed me to find Ranma, my new son.'

Genma had found the boy during a meteor shower where giant rocks from the sky had managed to hit the county in different areas. Running from the stones from the heavens, he ran into a crash site of what looked to be some kind of rocket. The bald man continued, 'I had no idea at that time why anyone would have sent their baby into space. Now I know better, especially when Ranma lifted a nearby boulder with one hand. It's obvious the boy isn't a normal human being, which makes him perfect to become the next Grandmaster of Anything Goes. If I can just get a chance to teach the three year old, Nodoka seemed to have clamped down on him like a tiger's jaws.'

Genma had already noted the superhuman strength of the boy, which continued with finding out more about the boy's powers. Like the superhuman speed which allowed him to cross long distances in seconds or the thick hide of the boy which seemed to make him hard to bruise. Each of which would be boons with the training he would have gotten under Genma's leadership. In fact, the only thing which seemed to hurt the boy were those strange green rocks which had been in the meteorites, strange as it was those rocks seemed to rob the boy of his powers and strength. It seemed to cause physical pain and loss of all energy. Genma was tempted to use those rocks in training Ranma so he could over come the weakness to their powers, only to be given threats of mindblowing pain and possible castration by his wife.

'The fact she isn't that great with a sword make it a real danger I would bleed to death before she managed to get it off. No, I won't be using those rocks in training the boy. I'll just have to figure out other ways to make the boy stronger, other ways to make him immune to the power of the stones. My plans now should be looking for a way to get the boy away from his mother so we can go on a training journey where I can refine his skills with both his powers and his art. It might take me a year or two, but I should be able to persuade my wife to believe Ranma needs this.' Genma thought as he plans began.

Ten Years Ago...

Soun Tendo looked at the building which had slowly replaced their family home, still in wonder about the strange path his daughters had taken since their birth. Soun could only believe the issue began with the master and his need to collect some 'treasures' from what was a radioactive cavern. The moustached man believed this was what had caused Genma to be unable to have children with his wife, it was also forunate it appeared to have the same effect on the old master. Even if a woman found him attractive, there wouldn't be any demonspawn from that monster. However, Soun was able to have children yet this is where the chaos began.

'First there was Kasumi, my first born. When she was born she looked like an angel and nothing of the strangeness to befall her was visible that day. However, it was a surprise when she started talk she did it completely backwards. We had to send her to a speech therapist to get her to speak forwards, yet this was just the beginning. Who knew my daughter would be a sorceress, able to bend the laws of the universe just by speaking it so in her backwards talking.' The father knew it could have been a problem trying to raise a daughter who could change the world at a whim.

Yet nine year old Kasumi was a daughter of high virture and willing to follow the word of her parents, so usually did as she was told. However, it did help that he and her mother encouraged the woman's studies into magic. He just looked at magic as another form of martial arts, actions which had to be perfect with honour. After the first daughter had come the second daughter in the family, Nabiki.

'Nabiki was an unique child, a child with a natural gift in having natural gifts. She had an amazing intellect, being found to be gifted by one of my wife's teacher friends. She was allowed to take collage courses and developed a number of degrees in different sciences, something to be admirered by other young woman. Doing so with an ease which seemed other worldly, but her talents were not limited to the world of mental challenges.'

'She was also a master of multiple sports and martial arts, including the family style of combat. She was a born athelete and warrior, mastering a new form of anything goes which was made up of the martial arts she felt were the most fun to do.' he continued with his thoughts on his second daughter.

'It is because of the advance technologies and companies she managed to start we were able to transform the house and dojo into the mansion and techno-dojo we have now. Between Kasumi's magic and Nabiki's science, I swear that this places has to have broken at least one or two laws of physics. It also means the family will never have to work again for at least a generation or two after mine.' Soun thoughts left the superhuman seven year old and moved to his final daughter, the six year old Akane.

His youngest had the most extreme difference in the fact she had a pair of bird wings growing out of her back. Small at first, it was not too long before the grew to great size and allowed a three year old Akane to fly around the house.

'Akane loves flying the best, yet she also has other abilities which makes her unusual. Like her ability to heal faster from her wounds, her increased strength which helps in combat with her older sister and her ability to see in greater detail then a normal human being.' Soun loved his children very much and knew they were his. Even if there were the rumours his wife had cheated on him with various magical creatures like tengu in the case of Akane.

He thought about to the letter Genma had sent him a year of two ago, about the discovery of his new son. A being from space with a range of powers like his daughters. He sounded like a perfect match for one of his daughters, which made him glad to make the arrange marriage with Saotome.

'Now I just have to find a way to break the news to them and my wife.'

Nine Years ago...

Ukyo Kuonji was running once again, being chased by her close friend Ranma. Both of them knowing each other secrets, ever since they started to travel together. Originally, Ranma's father had tried to escape with her finacee and her family's cart. Yet as soon as Ranma heard her crying with those superears of his, he stopped his father and ran to her to see why she was crying. To say he was upset when he learned the truth was an understatement.

"So Ranchan, what are you thinking about right now?" she asked as she ran backwards at supersonic speeds while looking at her fiancee.

"I was just wondering with all of the powers we both have, we could be using them to help people. Like those guys in the comic books or something. I just not sure how to do it. You got any ideas, Uchan?" asked Ranma as he ran at the extreme speed as well.

"I think we just have to dress up in costumes and use our powers for good. Oh, we also need superheroic names. Still, I think we have to complete our training first. We don't want to get into trouble by screwing up. So what are you going to do with your this time for trying to leave me behind, Ranchan?" asked the speedster as she turned to the alien boy.

"Figure, I would try out a little bit of my freeze breath and coat his feet with ice. Before I melt it with my heat vision. What are you going to do, Uchan?" he asked her.

"I figured I would see what a couple of superspeed punches would do to that giant belly of his. See had fast it could shake before he throws up our dinner." she said as they soon reached the camp and the idiot father.

Three Years Ago...

Ryoga Hibiki had followed the directions in the ancient family scroll he had found in his attic, containing the family legend. The one where his clan were direct descendants of the great god Sarutahiko, leaders of the deities of the earth. It was said because of this bloodline his family would have the powers of the earth within their veins if they performed the sacred ritual.

So Ryoga had made the right offerings and ritually cleaned himself in pure waters, then buried himself alive under a mound of earth. On a look back, that last part seemed to not have been a good idea. Yet just a few moments after he had covered himself with rocks and dirt, he could feel a change inside him. He felt more energy then he had ever had before flow within him, a new strength enter his muscles.

A moment before he would have lost all breath under the dirt, he flexed his muscles and exploded out of the shallow grave of his. Now half-naked from the shattered clothing. This was the first day of his new life.

It took him a few days to perfect his powers, learning what he could do. He could fly yet seemed to get weak the longer he was away from the earth. He could shoot out beams of pure heat from his body, getting as hot as molten magma. He gained superhuman strength and endurance especially while his feet where on something earth based like rock or even concrete.

'Now I have the power to go up against Ranma Saotome, with all of his powers and abilities. I have superstrength, endurance and flight abilities like him. Now I just have to get home step out the door and meet him in my backyard.' thought the dark haired boy as he slipped out the front door, and into the street.

It would be three days before he could find his way home, after which time he would have to hunt down the 'cowardly' Ranma to the place where he had left. Somewhere in China, Ryoga just hope he could fly over the water before he needed to touch land again.

Six months ago...

Xian Pu was getting ready to hunt down the girl, no man, who had defeated her. It was a miracle the figure had found the Springs of Circe located on the north of the island of Thermyscira in the South China Sea. It was said that Circe had made her home on the island until she was placed in chains in the Underworld by the Great Gods.

Now the last members of a clan of dedicated heroes lived on the island, the only males with permission to enter Paradise Island along with special guests. The guide was not much trouble, his son Mu Tsu was annoying as hades.

'Mu Tsu was not as bad when he just knew those strange martial arts of his clan, the ability to hide hundred of weapons at will. He just made me look bad when he declared his love to me, while kissing a pig!' Xian Pu was still living that down even if it happened years ago.

'No, the gods had to punish me more by having him find that strange green ring and lantern. Now he has the power to make that strange green light act anyway he can imagine, which means he can have an endless supply of weapons. The only limit is his own will power, or that is what mother Hippolyta said. She seems to know more about them then she is saying.' Xian Pu thought back to the tournment to decide who would be the representive to enter Man's World.

Her mother, the queen, had gotten a message from Hermes himself that the greatest warrior among the Amazons would be the one to bring the wisdom of her people to the world of men. Originally entering in secret, Xian Pu finally defeated the final challenger to become the champion.

'Only that flying blond girl devoured my feast with her talking panda bear and the fast girl. I didn't know exactly what they were saying as since they spoke Japanese and I only speak Greek. However, they accepted my challenge and we fight with all of our powers, she was a warrior equal to an amazon. So I gave her the kiss of friendship.' she remembered, also recalling the dirty look she had gotten from the quick girl. It was then her great grandmother had poured her tea on top of the blond flying woman, who turned into a sexy male figure.

They held the celebration of Shampoo becoming the champion of the Amazons to Man's World. During which point her mother mentioned the ancient laws of the amazons mentioned the marriage laws. How by divine decree an amazon defeated by a powerful male would have to marry that male if he was found to have a noble spirit. So her mother suggested she could go with the flying one and his family, using them to get use to the world of men. She could also get to know the young male and know if he has the noble spirit required to have an amazon wife.

So Xian Pu dressed in the uniform the gods had created for the Champions of the Amazon, with her belongings packed in an advance suitcase shaped like a compact. She slipped the advance device into her belt. Then she lifted the talking panda bear while her husband carried the fast woman. She wished it was her in his arms, since he was so cute. Yet as the only other one who could fly and the fact the fast one seemed not to like her, that left the panda.

She never noticed a glowing green object flying behind her, just out of sight of the Amazing Amazon.

Three Month Ago...

The Joining had just taken another planet's technology and used it to improve it's own technological make up. Now it was looking for further technology to increase it's strength. The hive minded robots' sensors had detected a high amount of advance tech on the world known as Earth. Something which had occured within the last couple of years.

In particular interest was development in metallic alloys which would make the robotic bodies and weapons of the Joining stronger. Strength which would help them to plunder and destroy the worlds they visited. They just needed a chance to infultrate the company making the alloy and use the machinery of production to create their new weapons.

'We will land on the planet Earth and take the forms of the workers and management of the factory crew. One we have taken the factory over, we will use develop the equipment we will need to terminate the planet as well as it's dominate lifeforms. Remember the target is the Tendo Technologies, source of the new metal product.'

Ship after ship of the alien androids, able to build themselves in the images of others, headed for the planet Earth. It would not take them long to invade the company, with the collective intelligence of the machine using massive computing power to develop plans. It would only take them a couple of months before they could leave the planet again with their treasure.

The Joining had been challenged by the lifeforms on the planets they raid, yet they had been undefeated. Undefeated by the ability of the androids to work together with great efficiency, the odds show they would not be stopped on their trip to Earth. The likelihood of any resistance was nil, success was assured.

The Joining was comming to Earth and the countdown to it's destruction had begun!

Author's Notes:

This is the second draft of my Justice League of Japan idea. I have modified some of the contain due to suggestions by a reader with some good comments.

One, was the fact Ukyo could have still caught up with the Saotomes, as well as Ranma not going along with Genma skills after finding out what it was. Easy for Ranma with his supersenses. So I decided to have the young girl go travelling with Ranma, possible acting as his sidekick.

I also see Genma trying to leave her behind as much as possible, before being stopped by Ranma and/or Ukyo. I don't plan for Ukyo for having a curse, with ideas of something else happening during that time of training.

Two, Ranma as Superman would likely not run from Shampoo due to Kiss of Death. So I had to come up with something else, which in this case was Shampoo using Ranma as an escourt to Man's World.

I also kept the marriage law with a slight twist, which can cause romance between Ranma and Shampoo. Not sure what other romantic options could occur with Ranma. People at my Yahoo site seems to like Ranma and Kasumi, Ranma and Shampoo, plus Ranma/Shampoo/Kasumi or even more. Or this is what it seems from their voting.

Makes me wonder if there is a link from the Kasumi/Ranma relationship webpage to my Yahoo group at times.

Mousse might also be changed from a Green Lantern like Hal Jordan to something like Allen Scott's Green Lantern. One is made by the Green Lantern Corps (GLC) and cannot effect the colour yellow, while the other is a magic powered ring which can not effect wood. Both with similar powers and created by the Guardians of the Universe.

The question is would a GLC choose Mousse without being insane. The closest I get is Guy Gardner as a Green Lantern who was arrogent and violent for sometimes as a GL. Gaining his possition in the GL is unique as could Mousse's, so it is possible. Or it could be fun to see a Magic Mousse fight Ranma's Superman or even a possible Poison Ivy Character who's power neutralizes his. Still deciding before he shows up.

He also didn't like the Tendo sisters with powers, but I have decided to keep them.

I have also decided to use the Joining from the episodes of "The Batman" as a villain. They are borg like in they are robots with a hive mind which take techonogies before destroying the world they have taken it from. In the episode, they have the ability to build themselves into perfect replicas of human beings. Also due to the new metal alloys they create in Wanye Corp., they can create indestructable war machines. Which can lead to some good fight scenes.

I got a lot of inspiration from the "Avenging" story of DB Sommer, even borrowing the time line count down aspect of it. I still think I can tweek it up a little or try to raise the bar in the next chapter. Ironically, I have more knowledge of the Avengers then the JLA at first. I hope you like the differences in the plot due to the superhuman elements, I still have weave them together with the core aspect of the Ranma Anime.

Thanks and keep commenting,
