Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Mirror my Reflection ❯ Chapter 2

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Please bunny, don't die on me
Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Shogakukan Comics and Nintendo. Long live Shogakukan comics!
Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics for pokemon talking. If lance is talking to Ash, it may also be <>
Warnings: Shonen-ai Championshipping, one-sided Red/Yellow
Psychic Sabrina - hi! Ah… well, um… Ash is thirteen or fourteen in Johto, and fifteen in Houen, so I just made him older. I don't really like yellow for various reasons… I don't know, its not in the manga I have, but I think Pika and Chu did have a child. At least the last time I saw them, they were both going on a journey with Yellow, and … I don't know anything after that. I don't even know what the female Pikachu's real name is, so I just call her Chu. Don't think the Dratini will show up again, but you're right, it wasn't ordinary. Very perceptive! It might take the two a while to get along.
Incomplete13 - yes, ^-^ I like Y x Y… so! Yellow's reaction shall be quite interesting when it comes.
Air Sylph - ok! *bows*
SS2 Megami-sama - well, I know its pink. But I gave him red hair because it looks cooler.
Roxanne de Winter - I shall try my best!
Sam - yes, in the manga, Claire is really Lance's younger sister.
Link Masters - yes, that's true… to an extent…
Timeline: 10 days later
Chapter 2: Getting to know you
“Dragonite! Hyper Beam!”
Red's Dragonite nodded happily as he threw all six Nidoran into the air, fainted. Elsewhere, Dragonair and her baby Dratini were soaking in the pond along with Gyarados.
Gyra was protecting his child protectively.
Needless to say, any possible threats were quickly deterred, while Aerodactyl scanned the sky for danger in the form of other trainers.
“Hey.” A voice he didn't recognize said. “Looks like you've trained your pokemon well.”
“Hm?” Ash looked up, seeing a girl with blue hair in a ponytail jump down from a Dragonite's back. “Thanks.”
“I'm Claire from Blackthorn City.” She introduced herself as they shook hands.
`You're a dragon trainer?” Ash asked with interest.
“Yes.” Claire said brightly. “I'm almost the best. I'm the eighth gym leader too.”
“Really? That's cool.”
From behind Ash's eyes, Lance peered out, noting with interest that his sister seemed healthy and happy. * I'm glad for her. *
“Yes.” Claire paused, before lowering her voice. “There's a confidential question I need to ask you.”
Ash nodded, and they moved a few paces away, into a bush, where hopefully Yellow would not attack him.
Still, one never knew with little girls.
“My brother's pokemon returned to my home months ago, alone… and … I'm worried about him.” Claire said truthfully.
“Your brother?” Ash looked confused. “But why are you asking me?”
“Because. You're the champion. I was wondering if he might have challenged you.”
That was a very valid point. “I see.”
“You wouldn't happen to have met him? His name is Lance, and he has dark red hair and golden eyes. He uses dragon pokemon, like me.” Claire finished.
Ash shook his head, not having ever fought anyone like that. “I'm sorry, but no. I don't remember.”
It was the unvarnished truth.
Blaine had mentioned something long ago, on Cerise Island. Something to the events of `that bird is Lance's secret weapon', but that was it.
And they had defeated the bird, Pika and all the others.
He had never even seen Lance.
He paused as he heard Aeroy cry out a warning. The sound of a thundershock made him wince. Chu must be trying to impress Pika again.
And if Chu was there, Yellow would be too.
“We need to get out of here.”
Claire looked at him strangely. “What?”
“Um… crazy fangirls.” Ash said, hoping that was a good enough explanation.
Claire nodded sympathetically in understanding. “Junior trainers that chase you around, huh?”
“You too?”
Claire sighed. “Unfortunately. I had to kick one of them in the face before he quit ambushing me in my gym.”
Ash chuckled. “Well, let's go.”
Aeroy and Dragonite swooped down and picked up their trainers reflexively, before they flew off. The rest of Ash's pokemon vanished into their poke balls.
Yellow frowned. “Come back, Red!” She and Chu ran after the two trainers.
“Follow me.” Claire said, lowering her voice. Red shrugged, having nothing to lose. They flew for a bit before they swooped through a waterfall cave.
In the back was a shrine, and a building that served as a house with a built in pokemon center.
“This is Dragon's Den.” Claire said. Several dragon pokemon greeted her and her companion. “I live here instead of in the city.”
“I see…” Ash said. She had a lot of privacy. “So, um…”
“I like your necklace.” Claire said, closing down his train of thought.
“Oh, this? I just got it.” Ash said, fingers going up to touch the crystal instinctively. “It's pretty.”
Claire nodded.
Suddenly, Ash stiffened, eyes lolling into the back of his head. A white glow surrounded him, and when it cleared, Claire was startled to be looking into Lance's eyes.
“Lance! You're back! What happened to you?” Claire asked, stunned at her older brother's strange appearance.
“Long story.” Lance said, sighing. “But the summary is that I was killed in the course of battle. Lugia liked my views and chained my spirit to this world using that necklace you saw Red wearing. He wants me to do something in the future to save this earth.”
“I see…” Claire said, after much thought.
Lance hugged all his pokemon as they flew to him happily, with exclamations and queries. Soon, everything was finally concluded and settled.
“Too bad you can't stay here.” Claire said.
“Yes. I thought it strange that Red is the one with the necklace, since he fought against the Elite Four.” Lance nodded. “But if that's the way things are, I can wait.”
“You can't possess him indeterminately?”
“No. The most is a few hours. I'm still new at this spirit thing.”
“That would make sense.” Claire gave her older brother one last hug, and then watched as he faded back into the necklace and Ash reappeared, rubbing his head.
“Ow… how long was I out?”
“Only a little.” Claire lied.
“Oh, I see.” Red said. He blushed. “Sorry to bother you.”
“It's nothing, I enjoyed our little talk and your visit.” Claire said. “Maybe we can meet again some other time?”
“Maybe.' Red said. He left the cave and then flew back home.
End Chapter!
Character Bios just in case
Name: Ash/Red (Red is a nickname and what its called in Pokemon Adventure in the U.S.)
Age: 14
Past: Um… Red started out with Bulbasaur and Poliwhirl at age 10, and he won the Indigo League/Kanto championships that year. He managed to get involved in every single Team Rocket plot and foiled them all. He also helped Blaine capture Mewtwo, and with Green and Blue defeated Team Rocket in Saffron City. 2-3 years later, Lorelei and Agatha tried to recruit him to join the Elite Four in their quest to destroy humanity, he failed and was frozen as an ice statue until Giovanni freed him. Then, he defeated Bruno on Cerise Island and we haven't really seen him since.
Personality: Very cheerful, a bit of a braggart (he grows out of it later), excited and always running around. He treats his pokemon as `friends' and tries to impart this to other trainers.
And if anyone wants Lance's bio, it shall go up next chapter
Drop a review to encourage me to update faster. ^-^
Completed 3/20/04