Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Mirror my Reflection ❯ Chapter 3

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I'm still plotting how to write in shonen-ai Championshipping…
Disclaimer/Notes: Por favor, see an earlier chapter.
Timeline: 3 weeks later
SS2 Megami-sama - it's my favorite pokemon manga along with Zensho! Too bad English stopped after book 7.
Link Masters - thank you!
Chapter 3: Shooting Star Dreams
“You know, Venus,” Red said, as he groomed his purring Venusaur. “I feel lonely sometimes.”
The plant pokemon ruffled her leaves slightly, looking at him. Why? You have us, and your friends.
“I know.” Ash replied. “I kind of feel selfish for saying that.”
Nonsense! What you need is a mate. She said practically. That's what pokemon do. Someone who can stay with you and comfort you all the time.
Ash coughed. “I'm a bit young.”
You are? Humans are so strange. Look at Gyra and Dragonair.
“That's different.'
“I'll explain later.'
Venusaur took another bite of poke food and nodded her head, still a bit confused. * If he's lonely, he should just find someone. It's the sensible thing to do after all. …It is strange how humans are sometimes. Actually, it's more like most of the time. *
She yawned.
Still, Ash thought, as he rubbed his necklace, feeling the familiar warm tingle of energy under his fingers, maybe dating wouldn't be so bad.
Now whom could he ask?
Even though Misty was nice, he knew she only liked him as a friend. The same went for Erika.
He hardly knew Sabrina…
Ash banished those thoughts. Pokemon training was more important. But still…
That night, before he went to bed, he made a wish upon a star for a friend to stay with him forever.
Lance sighed as the boy finally fell asleep. * Sleep well, and recover… we can't save the world if you're in bad shape. Why are you pushing yourself? You are already grand champion. *
“I wish I could help you, but all I have is power… nothing else…”
Focusing, Lance checked for injuries, and finding none, disappeared back into the necklace. He sealed some magic into Ash to deal with the exhaustion, just in case.
After all, Ash didn't have to know about him.
At least not yet…
It was exactly two days later when the merging occurred.
Ash had been brushing his teeth when he looked up into the mirror and dropped his toothbrush.
It was a normal reaction. His eyes had suddenly turned golden for a second as his hair lightened to red, before changing back.
“What was that…”
But since mirrors don't talk, Red had decided it was an illusion caused by lack of sleep and ignored it.
Lance, on the other hand, was quite shaken.
“How did it happen?”
< He's maturing, as I said. > Lugia said philosophically.
“But I'm not him!”
< Hmm… in a way, you are. You're like an older, darker version. >
“Thanks for the compliment.” The Dragon Master said sarcastically. “But I'm not happy about losing my personality.”
< There are ways around this, don't worry! I'm sure you'll find a solution. >
“I'm so touched by your hope in me.”
Lugia shrugged and cut communications, as Lance settled back into the necklace, trying to think of a plan.
The next day…
This, Red decided, was not his day. Currently, he and Aeroy and Pika were fleeing from a horde of crazy females shouting proposals.
Marriage proposals.
“Aeroy! Faster!” Ash urged the pokemon. “We have to lose them!”
How? I'm flying as fast as I can!
“Um… hold on! Let me see if I have some X Speed!”
You used it all up when I was battling that Golem! Pika cried. We're doomed!
All of a sudden, Ash's necklace glowed once, and Aerodactyl's speed shot through the roof. Red even felt his eardrums hurt as they shot scarily fast past the mountains and into a safe haven, far from the girls.
So, what did you use? That worked. Aerodactyl said, after they had all caught their breath.
“Nothing. The necklace just glowed, and suddenly, you were flying faster.” Red said in a morass of confusion.
Impossible! There is only one person who could do that.
Aerodactyl sniffed. The Dragon Master.
“Dragon Master? But… I'm not him.” Ash said.
“No, you are not.” A voice said, causing him to jump. “But I am.”
Ash did jump again, when a translucent figure of Lance appeared in front of him.
Pika shocked them both, but only Ash got sizzled.
“What-what where did you come from?” Ash managed to get out.
“Where do you think?”
“Um…” Red furrowed his brown in deep thought. “You're a ghost?”
Lance sweatdropped.
At least Pika, convinced he was dead, wasn't attacking him this time.
“Think about it Red.”
The necklace! Aeroy yelled. Of course! I've been feeling suppressed dragon power for weeks!
“…Weeks?” Ash paled, wondering what Lance had seen of his private life. Even though he put on the childish and boastful act outside, he was more mature then the screaming fans knew.
Or, for that matter, his many opponents, but in any case, Ash did not like people peeking in on his real self.
It was one part that he wanted to keep sacred.
Was that too much to ask?
“To make a long story shorter, Lugia sealed my spirit into that pretty little trinket around your neck.” Lance said. “He said something about needing help.”
“… But why me?”
“I have no idea.” The Dragon Master responded.
“Um… so… you're… kind of like a spirit?”
“Possession spirit.” Lance nodded.
“So basically, you're stealing my body?”
“I'm just borrowing it for short periods of time.”
Ash sighed. “I see… and how does this work out?” * this is definitely not good… I mean, I have to share a body with someone! But I have to be calm, think the situation through thoroughly… *
“As I said before, I'm not sure about the particulars. But we'll figure it out together in time.”
“I hope.” Ash said, as his life took a turn for the strange. * And maybe it won't be so bad… *
End Chapter!
So Ash knows about Lance now…
Completed 4/2/04