Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Mirror my Reflection ❯ Chapter 4

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Timeline: 13 days later
Thank you, Link Masters and SS2 Megami-sama. I really appreciate your support.
Chapter 4: Mercury and Glass
Ash had gotten used to the situation more, and Lance usually just stayed in the necklace and occasionally interspersed in his thoughts.
It was kind of like a voice in his head, but he wasn't schizophrenic.
At least Ash hoped he wasn't yet.
Still, it was helpful. Lance had not tried to make him do any crazy things, and usually just stayed quiet. And once, when he had been nervous and unable to think of a strategy during a battle, the trainer had instructed him on what to do.
So it was kind of like mutualism.
Right now, the spirit was sitting behind him, embracing him around the shoulders, while he ate his cereal.
“Lance? What's it like being dead?”
The dragon master raised his eyebrows. “Strange question.”
“Well… um… we haven't talked very much, and so…” Ash continued to stammer a little. A faint blush tinted his cheeks. After all, nobody besides his mom ever hugged him, and she was usually out of town at work with Devon Corp.
“Oh.” Lance said. “Hmm… well, you can't taste anything, and you don't really feel… I'm slightly solid, and if I use enough power, I can assume a body temporarily… it's different. But in a way, it is very peaceful too.”
“No stress?”
“None whatsoever. Right now, I'm just here to protect you.” Lance told him reassuringly.
Red felt better as he finished eating his cornflakes and chocolate milk. He peeled an orange as he pondered another question. “But what about your pokemon?”
“They're here with me…” Lance said. “It's one of the Dragon Master's powers.”
“Oh!” Ash looked intrigued. “I See.”
Lance pressed slightly harder down on Ash as he activated his powers. More flashes heralded the arrival of his dragon pokemon team, who all happily chatted with their trainer and his new companion.
Ash continued to blush faintly as he felt Lance wind his arms around him. “Uh… Lance?”
“I have to keep somewhat in contact with you, or it drains off a lot of my energy.” The trainer explained.
Red felt much more relieved after that explanation. Fact always beat idle speculation! Lance would be crazy to have a crush on him! Besides, he was too young. And he had liked Green for a bit, but he didn't mind her being with Gary. They were still friends.
Happy now, he finished eating the orange section by section and then put his dishes in the sink, washed them, and put them in the dish rack to dry.
“Ready for another day?”
Lance's eyes crinkled up slightly in a half-smile. “Yes.”
The pokemon who were still eating nodded, and the others gave cheerful yells.
The day awaits us! Let's go!
Fly! Fly! Fly!
Yay! Fresh air!
I'm ready for battle whenever you are!
Let's go! Pika repeated, jumping up and down.
Ash checked on the plant pokemon roaming his yard outside. He found the large victreebell family (almost seventy members, counting the young bellsprouts) feeding themselves on poke chow and any wild food that ventured into their hunting grounds.
“Hmm… I could just take one of you and leave the others here. It's much more comfortable without a computer box, don't you agree?”
Many nods came from the pokemon.
One of the leaders Victreebel raised a vine to indicate his assent, and Ash nodded as he placed him in a poke ball, before clipping it to his belt.
Ash hated the popularity of being Champion sometimes, but on the plus side, Devon and Silph always sent him plenty of items and sometimes cash. It was advertising, obviously.
Right now, he was wearing a special, rare, developed for researchers poke belt, which could hold up to five hundred pokemon through some strange time-space bending. Still, he wasn't complaining. It gave him ample room for his entire team and even almost four hundred free slots. The bellsprout family took up a lot of space.
That is, if he came across any interesting new specimens…
Lance was back in the necklace resting at the moment. Smiling, Ash checked his supplies, confident that there was enough to last a month, before he climbed on Aerodactyl's back and they flew off to search for more adventure.
Red sighed as they passed over a barren area. All the trees had been cut down, and no reforestation attempts had passed through the Indigo Governing Council yet.
The heavy rains had turned it into a place lurking with mudslides and boggy pits. Only a select few species of pokemon, including Barboach, were able to make their home in what was once a rich example of life.
“People keep destroying the environment like this, and there's nothing I can do about it. The council still thinks I'm a kid… but what will happen when all of the pokemon habitats are gone? Will they die too?”
The thought saddened and sickened him.
Pika licked his cheek, reminding him that he and Ash's pokemon were still there and very much alive. With a small smile, Ash hugged the little pokemon to his chest.
Maybe in time, people would realize what they were doing.
Ash thought back a little farther, before he realized he had a question.
< Yes? >
Ash grabbed hold of Aerodactyl's neck to steady himself. “Woah! What was that?”
< I'm talking in your head. It's more convenient that way. Besides, you look like you're talking to yourself. >
< I do? > Ash crimsoned in embarrassment.
< See? Isn't this much easier? >
Ash nodded in understanding and kept an eye out for danger as Aerodactyl flew on.
< The Elite Four… I know Bruno didn't agree, but the other three of you wanted to clean this earth… right? >
< I know Lorelei and Agatha told you our goals. If you do not agree with them, I can understand. >
Red chewed on his lip meditatively. < But you were right… >
He continued to muse as Lance's eyes took on a slightly hopeful light. * So soon? Maybe you are right, Lugia. *
< My reflection… >
End Chapter!
Started 2/25/04, completed 4/5/04