Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Mirror my Reflection ❯ Chapter 10

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Well, let's play a little guessing game, shall we? Who owns pokemon? Definitely not me. I only own the story and new characters/items/pokemon
Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to me under international copyright laws and taking it is plagiarism. Thank you. *Phantomness bows*
Notes: <> for telepathy or communication between Lance and Ash, italics for pokemon talking, ** for thoughts.
Chapter 9: Walk this path
Red followed Articuno to a cave, hidden underwater.
“Articuno… are you all right?” He asked.
The bird pokemon regarded him with a beady stare. How did you get here? And on an Aerodactyl, no less? Are you-.
Articuno stopped as she saw another form take place behind Ash, transparent but still recognizable.
Ah… Dragon Master…Welcome.
Are you injured? Lance asked in pokespeech, getting ready to heal
I'm afraid so… Articuno sounded ashamed. That is not all… but I will explain in a minute.
Lance nodded, and then went over to Articuno and used the Viridian Power until it was completely healed.
Dragon Master, I speak frankly. We are all in grave danger. Articuno said. Let me show you something…
Ash and Lance followed as she led them to a nest. Four crystal eggs sat inside.
With all the global warming going on, my children, the last of my line, will not hatch… Articuno said sadly. And once I die, the balance of the three legendaries will be broken. Moltres and Zapdos will fight to the death, and not even Lugia will be able to stop them then.
Red felt a wave of pity in his heart. Poor mother bird… so what if she was an Articuno? She still deserved to live!
The worse, is that Team Rocket has kidnapped Zapdos…again. I do not wish moltres to fall to their trap as well.
“What can we do to help?” Red asked, partly fearing the answer, but touched. He had to help in some way.
Articuno coughed, sounding ill already. You must, the two of you, work together… work together and…
Articuno was cut off by another coughing fit. Very worried, Ash took a stash of potions out of his backpack, but the bird shook her head.
My time is almost up…but please, I am begging you…
Please save this earth…
And before Ash's horrified eyes, the pokemon gave up her life.
Ashamed that he had done nothing to help, Ash could only collect her eggs, and hope that in the future, they would hatch…in peace…
< Please… take me away from here… >
Lance nodded, and teleported them both home.
Ash sat on his bed, unspeaking. * Horrible. * His mind chanted. Horrible, horrible, what the humans were still doing.
And if Articuno spoke the truth, how many pokemon had already been killed with their hands?
Ash felt heartily ashamed of his race.
Perhaps, what Lance and the Elite Four had meted out, was only justice.
< Lance…. Tell me what I have to do. > He pleaded.
The Dragon Master sat on the bed, not looking at him. Giving him privacy…
< You do not like my plans, Ash. >
< I know, but… I cannot just sit here and do nothing… please. What were you planning to use Lugia's powers for. I have to know. >
Sighing, Lance gave Ash a few minutes to collect his flyway thoughts before beginning.
< If Yellow had not interfered, I would have used Lugia's power for destruction. I would have wiped the continents clean of humanity. >
< Only a select handful of trainers would have remained to take care of the pokemon. That is what I had planned. >
Lance looked at Ash. < But you are too kind hearted. That is not your way. >
< Perhaps its time for that to change. > Ash replied, as a caustic feeling began to spark its way through his body. With a start, he realized that it was anger.
Not just his anger… he could feel it from all of his pokemon. He had always had some empathy, but this was more.
As he watched, a black glow began to surround his body. When it cleared, nothing had changed outwardly, but inwardly, he felt… power.
Fire. Water. Earth. Air.
The elements… the legendary pokemon… they were giving him this power, but not for idle speculation.
He had to fight.
< With this step, there is no turning back. > Lance warned him. < You will be a sword of justice for the pokemon, as I was. >
< You will live for them. >
< You will die for them. >
< Are you prepared for this? >
< I am. > Ash replied oddly, his voice sounding disjointed, as if a chorus of voices were speaking. And indeed, they were.
Suicune, Raikou, Entei, and Ho-oh materialized before the two. Lugia rose from the sea, and followed them.
It is time. Ho-oh said in a gravelly tone. With Articuno's death, the death of the first legendary, the purging begins.
Ash and Lance nodded, as they joined hands as partners, and began walking down the road of destiny. A pale white glow surrounded Lance, and when it cleared again, he found himself to his shock, human again.
Consider it a reward for our duty. Suicune explained. We trust you two will lead the waves.
< Lance… I may not be able to say this in the future, so now, I want you to know that-. > Ash blushed, not knowing what to say.
Lance cut him off, pressing his lips against the other trainer's. < My light… I will love you forever. I will not willingly leave you. >
< But what a time to love… >
< Ash, if there's one thing I learned from death, it was to not dwell on the what might happen. We are only tools in their hands now. And that is the way it shall be. Love is the only thing I have. >
Ash accepted the explanation solemnly, as he wound his arms about his partner's neck, and nodded.
The next day, the destruction of Saffron and the surrounding four cities was reported. No pokemon had been seen, only torrents of energy, crashing through the area. In the other areas, people trembled, fearing the worst.
It was time to pay the price.
End Chapter!
One day 2/27/04