Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Mirror my Reflection ❯ Chapter 11

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to me under international copyright laws and taking it is plagiarism. Thank you. *Phantomness bows*
Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokemon talks
Chapter 10: All I want is you. Is that too much to ask?
In less than a month, Kanto had been destroyed. Lance and Ash moved onto Johto, and then Houen and the many islands after that.
It was not an easy task.
They killed, yes, but after that, they had to help the pokemon rebuild. There was also a way to re-introduce the pokemon that had been murdered by the hands of humanity.
It was hard work. Ash didn't know how many times he cried when he saw the circumstances the pokemon were living in.
It hurt, that he could hardly help.
Lance was going to sleep drained every single night, and there was hardly anything he could do about it. He felt useless.
Yes, he could destroy, but…
He did not know how to heal.
Nearly a year had passed since that fateful decision, and he was still working. Trying, failing, a vicious cycle of self he had been thrown into.
< Do you regret it? > Lance asked.
Lance was currently lying in bed, looking elegantly tired. But Ash knew it wasn't just a façade.
Lugia had warned him that they by accepting this power, their lives had been cut in half or more.
Ash wasn't sure of the right answer to that question. True, he had wanted to help. But now he felt that he had lost himself in the process.
Was the trade-off worth it?
Sighing, he sank down into the downy fluff and leaned against Lance tiredly. < Lance… I never regret meeting you. I never will. >
Lance trailed kisses down his face and shoulders, butterfly kisses.
< I know, koibito. I know. >
The Dragon Master and his love had been worn to the point of insanity, nerves frayed and emotions raw, only the call to keep going and their love for each other kept them alive, as they created and demolished.
Ash stopped, putting his hands on Lance's shoulders, and easing off the heavy velvet cloak his lover was wearing.
< Rest, please… you'll die. >
Lance barked out harsh laughter. < I can't die, remember? >
Ash frowned at the stinging acid behind those words. He had not considered that fact seriously.
But if what Lance said were true, what would happen to them?
Lance was startled when Ash suddenly flung his arms around him and clung to him like a drowning sailor.
< I won't let them break us apart! We're already doing this for their sake! >
< The legendaries, you mean? >
Ash nodded, turning tear-filled eyes on his partner. < Don't leave me… >
< Ash, I have already promised you that I will not leave of my own free will. And it is in Lugia's best interest to keep me alive. >
< What about the others? > Ash whispered.
Lance stroked his soft hair as he considered. < I am not sure. >
< Just hoping isn't enough… I want you to promise me again. >
Lance chuckled. < All right. >
He twined their fingers together as he faced Ash. < I swear as Dragon Master, that I will not willingly leave you. Happy now? >
Biting his lip to prevent a fresh overflow of tears, Ash nodded.
It wasn't fair.
Life had never been fair, but now, every day, as he and Lance helped the pokemon re-establish their lives, he felt the pain keenly.
He was always worried that Lance would vanish one day, and he would be left alone. It was a chilling clarion call of death he could not ignore.
He rubbed the gem on the necklace, remember when Lance had lived there. It was still a very beautiful necklace, but it just wasn't the same.
Lance was currently healing a group of Magikarp. No pokemon were left out when they rebuilt.
Finished, Lance backed away as the fish swam into the clean stream, glad to be home.
Hard to believe that days ago, eutrophication had completely choked off the oxygen supply to that habitat, making it inhabitable.
Algae that had once lived there had been killed by natural means of extreme heat, which also sterilized the water.
Then, the smaller insects and pond-dwellers had been called back, and within two weeks, it was ready for the pokemon to live.
Still, all of it was necessary work. Miss on step and the full food web fell. One missing link cut the whole chain to pieces.
Ash was learning more than he needed to know about pokemon lives. He was sure that if pokemon centers still existed, he would be an excellent nurse.
A little Weedle smiled at him as Ash finished clearing the meadow of toxins, making the plants safe to eat. “All done.”
Well done. Suicune congratulated him.
“Thank you, Suicune.” Ash said.
I admire both of you, and yet… Suicune paused. Are you angry with us for this state of affairs?
Ash jumped a little. * How did he know… *
“No, no!” Ash said quickly. “I just don't want to lose him.”
Suicune nodded. Your mate. I can sympathize. There is a way…
“There is?” Ash asked.
As you know, he cannot die… if you like, I can grant you the same power.
Honto Ni?
Yes. Do not worry. We are all watching over you. When your work is done, we shall seal you in the sacred realm of pokemon, and you shall live forever with each other there.
Feeling reassured, Ash went back to work on the meadow as he planted some seeds and pruned some weeds.
< Love you. > Lance whispered into his mind.
< I love you too, my darkness. >
End Chapter
Started 2/27/04, completed 3/14/04