Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Much Ado About A Crush ❯ Ch 3 ( Chapter 3 )

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I don't own pokemon and all that jazz

A/N: This is my very first fanfic EVER! Please be kind in your feedback...and I hope you enjoy it! That's what keeps me writing!


Ch 3

‘Ok! So, Gary thought he had an advantage from the very first moment he sent out his Umbreon. He totally thought he was gonna win, but I used Poliwrath because of its advantage over dark types. There was one tense moment when…’

Meanwhile, In The Shed:

There was a knock on the shed door. ‘Who is it?’ asked Duplica, praying that it wasn’t Ash. ‘It’s me,’ whispered the person outside. Duplica looked up from the giant card she was making. ‘Oh, yeah. That’s useful,’ she said to the door. The voice outside groaned. ‘It’s me…Gary!’ ‘Oh! You can come in. The door’s open.’
Gary entered with a small cardboard box in his hand. He set it down next to Richie, who was sitting on the floor, helping Tracey paint a huge banner that said: “Happy Birthday Ash!!”
‘Where’s Brock, he was just here…’
‘You know how he is,’ said Tracey, without looking up. ‘He’s fighting with Mimey about cleaning something.’
‘I still don’t understand how Mrs. Ketchum puts up with those two always cribbing over who gets to…I don’t know…mop the floor!’ cried Gary as he sat in the only chair in the shed. And, right on que, in popped Brock. ‘There, now the house is as clean as a whistle!’ he said cheerfully. ‘Until Ash decides to trash it again, of course…’ said Duplica, without missing a beat.
‘Hey, Richie, just out of curiosity. Why did you ask me to get pikachu-shaped confetti? I mean, I thought Ash-y boy cared about all his pokemon equally,’ questioned Gary as he gestured towards the small cardboard box on the floor.
‘Oh! He does, he does!! But, Ash’s birthday is also the anniversary of the day Ash first met Pikachu,’ explained Richie, setting his paintbrush on the ground.
‘Hey, wait a minute,’ said Tracey, stopping mid-stroke. ‘Isn’t it also the anniversary of the day…’
‘Ash and Misty first met!’ Brock said, completing Tracey’s sentence. ‘They’ve known each other for that long?’ asked Gary, incredulously. ‘And he still doesn’t know that Misty like him?’ Richie asked with a disbelieving look on his face.
‘Yeah, and they would make such a cute couple, too,’ gushed Duplica, her eyes sparkling with excitement. ‘We should do something to celebrate the day they met!’ cried Brock. ‘You know what we should do? We should set them up,’ said Tracey matter-of-factly as he returned to painting the banner.
‘What?’ cried Richie
‘What?’ cried Brock
‘WHAT?!’ screamed Gary.
‘I think that’s a brilliant idea!’ Duplica squeaked, getting off the floor. ‘And you all know it would be good for them. They’re, like, made for each other. Ash is over active and naïve. His head is in the clouds and he has great confidence in himself and his friend. Misty, on the other hand, is down to earth, smart, has a self-esteem issue and she is one of the few people who can actually put up with Ash, and they’re both great pokemon trainers, of course. They’re perfect for each other!’
‘Fine, we’ll set them up,’ agreed Brock. ‘They obviously care about each other and maybe they’ll both finally admit it.’
‘What?!’ screamed Gary. ‘You’re actually going with this? No way, Brock. When they find out we did this, they’ll both blow!! And they both have terrible tempers. And you know how Misty gets when she starts lecturing!’
‘Not “when” they find out…“if” they find out,’ suggested Richie. ‘“If”’?’ pondered Gary. ‘“If” is good.’
‘But, the question is…”How are we going to do it?”,’ asked Tracey as he cleaned his paintbrushes. ‘ We should make it like that movie,’ said Gary thoughtfully. ‘It’s called “Much Ado About Nothing” or something like that.’
‘No way!’ declared Richie. ‘They’d see right through it. And…for your information, “Much Ado About Nothing” was a play written by William Shakespeare long before it became a movie!’
Gary took the opportunity to glare at Richie.
‘Why don’t we write letters in their handwriting and slip it under their doors?’ suggested Brock excitedly. ‘ That is so clichéd!’ cried Duplica. ‘The letters will say: “I love you. Please meet me blah blah blah… love, Ash or Misty.” They’ll meet and be like:
“Hey, Misty. I read the letter you sent me.”
“ I didn’t write you a letter. You wrote me a letter.”
“Um…no I didn’t.”
“You didn’t? Oh…”
“Did you write me this letter or not?”
“Wait…I think I know what’s going on here…”
And…*BAM*, they’ll both be all over us, yelling and screaming and stomping and slamming doors.
‘It won’t work.’
‘You know, Duplica,’ pondered Tracey, with a bemused look on his face, ‘You do a pretty good imitation of both of them.’
‘Duh! Don’t you know who I am? I do “A pretty good imitation” of everybody!’
‘We could use that,’ continued Tracey. ‘I mean, if you were, say…talking to me over the phone, I don’t think I’d be able to tell the difference between Ash, and you imitating Ash.’ Duplica thought about this for a while for a while.
‘It’s brilliant! I’ll call Ash on the phone in his room and Misty on her cell! It’s perfect! Tracey, you’re a genius! Where do you come up with this stuff?’
‘What do you expect,’ Gary asked in a huff. ‘He watches all those stupid soaps while he’s supposed to be working in the lab.’
‘Yeah! And now you’ve got Sparky and Ditto hooked. They’re both loafing inside,’ said Brock sarcastically. ‘Not to worry. I made sure to wipe the dust off them!’
‘Stop heckling him Brock, and hand me my cell phone from my bag. I’ll call Misty,’ insisted Duplica.
‘Whoa! Hey, not so fast,’ cried Richie, snatching Duplica’s phone before Brock could give it to her. ‘There are a lot of things to take into consideration. Like the fact that Misty has Ash’s number stored on her cell. And yours, and all of ours. If we’re going to call her, we have to do it from Ash’s phone, or she’ll know we’re the ones calling!’
‘And plus,’ added Brock, slipping Duplica’s cell back into her bag, ‘You can’t call either of them now, anyway.’
‘Why not?’
‘They’re both inside Ash’s room together. It would be stupid to call now!’
‘Ok, we need a plan,’ Gary said, getting out of the chair and pacing around the shed. ‘Firstly, we need to get them apart so we can call them. Then, we need to keep them apart to finish both the calls. If we call one of them and not the other, the whole plan will kind of belly-flop.’
‘We need to get Misty out of the house and Ash out of his room, then we’ll sneak into his room and use his phone to call Misty’s cell. Then we need to get Ash back into his room and use one of our phones to call his line,’ said Richie.
‘I think I have an idea. Come with me,’ said Duplica, as she exited the shed and headed towards the house.

A/N: Not a brilliant plan, I know. But I’m just trying to keep the plot light and simple. Hope it’s good…be kind! XP
