Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Mukashi ❯ Chapter 3

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Wai~! I love tormenting Red! Well, admittedly, I make Lance angst more…
Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to me under international copyright laws and taking it is plagiarism. Thank you. *Phantomness bows*
Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokemon talks
Chapter 3
Dinner was nice, and Red was on his very best behavior. After all, it wouldn't do well to make a fool out of himself since his Father was watching!
Lance marveled at Red's composure, wondering what was lurking behind crimson eyes. They were quite unique.
If only…
If only things were different, perhaps I could fall in love with you. But even so, I have to marry Lorelei two years from now…
If you'll be satisfied with half a love…
I can give you that.
How odd. I've never fallen in love at first sight before, and he could be hiding secrets. And yet, I feel as though I can trust him with my life.
Why do I feel this way?
He is human, isn't he? I don't like humans. I'm a half-blood, and so are all my dear cousins and friends…
But… he's different.
He must have a touch of fay or pokémon within him, at the very least… for his eyes burn with fire…
I wonder…
Will he burn if I kiss him?
Red eeped as Lance leaned across the table with a strange look in his eyes. He was sure he had seen it before somewhere, but where?
However, Lance simply asked him if he would like to order dessert now.
Red blinked, only then realizing that their plates were completely scraped clean. “All right…”
The food had been wonderful.
Lance ordered crème brulee, and Red chocolate fudge cake dripping with cherry syrup and topped with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. He dug in happily; blissfully ignorant of the smoky looks his Father was shooting him.
Lance licked his lips as he studied Red's profile. It would be quite… entertaining. Just a little of course, not to hurt him too much…
Red finished his dessert with a smile, and afterwards, they went walking along the beach, to work off the calories.
Moonlight glittered over dark water, and Red suppressed the urge to sigh. It was so romantic…
But his Father would probably think he was girly if he said it out loud.
Lance noticed Red shivering slightly, and unfastened the gold cords on his dark cloak. “You're cold, aren't you? Here.”
Red would have protested, but he really was cold…
He wrapped himself in Lance's cloak with a smile.
The cloak smelled faintly of mint and sea spray - an odd, but not unpleasant combination. And now that it was gone, Red could stare. Sleek lines of muscle covered with thin black silk lay open to his eye.
Lance crossed his arms and studied the moon while he waited for Red to finish his visual inspection. He might not be classically handsome in the muscular sense, but he was none too bad on the eyes either.
Red bit his lip as he realized where his thoughts were heading. True, he was sixteen and had to deal with hormones, but this was different!
What kind of sick person was he?
He was getting horny looking at his Father!
But Lance hadn't married, and he hadn't been conceived yet… that thought sent a fresh jolt of blood straight to his groin, and he hastily wrapped himself tighter in the cloak, as not to draw attention to himself.
I am such a sick, sick pervert…
Lance shifted his stance slightly, as he continued to watch the moon. He began to trace out constellations, wondering when Red was going to finish.
Not that he minded being stared at…
Feeling Red's eyes rove over his body was a it of a turn on, but he had enough control not to wrestle the other trainer to the ground and kiss him senseless - at least not yet. He did see Red blush and hastily look away as his sight flashed between his legs.
Well, it would be nice to claim that little innocent for him self…
“Well, now I know where I got my good looks from.” Red muttered under his breath. Lance's long hair, which the wind was mussing out of its spikes, fell to mid-back, while glints of gold and silver could be seen amidst a sea of crimson.
He liked it.
He wanted to run his fingers through that long hair. It would probably be soft…
No! This was wrong!
But…. But…
Lance's voice shook him from his pondering, and he blushed. “Y-Yes?”
“It is getting pretty late. We should probably return home.”
Maybe he could stay for a little bit longer… but how would he explain?
“I suppose you're going to hang around until Professor Oak comes back?” Lance asked, as they flew back, Lance on Dragonair and Red on Charizard.
“Do you mind?”
“Not at all.”
“But I'm giving you so much extra work…”
“I'll charge you five hundred pokeyen a night, if that will assuage your guilt.”
Red calculated the amount. It was actually quite low, compared to a hotel or motel. “All right!”
He handed over two thousand pokeyen to cover his rent for the next few days, and Lance nodded.
Things would work out…
Red went to bed and slept well that night.
End Chapter
Completed 7/16/06
Red is not so innocent and naïve at heart, ne? ^^ Either that, or he has hormones like everyone else. And Red's admittedly gay in this fic, I guess. *Waggles eyebrows*
Genetic inheritance and all that…