Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Mukashi ❯ Chapter 5

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I do not condone incest in real life of course, but in fanfic, all the rules go out the window…
Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to me under international copyright laws and taking it is plagiarism. Thank you. *Phantomness bows*
Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokemon talks
Chapter 5
Six months.
Red sighed as he melted into Lance's embrace. His time was one-fourth over, but he cared little.
His Father was still alive, and loved him.
What more could he want?
At the twelve-month mark, Red shook his head. It was a pity that half his time was gone, but it could not be helped, right?
At a year and a half, he honestly began to worry.
Could he bring himself to leave?
He worried.
Lance toasted Lorelei with red wine as they glanced at each other.
“I hate this farce.” Lorelei sighed. “I really do…”
“I'm sorry.”
“I'm not blaming you!”
“I already have someone I love, Lorelei. I do not wish to betray him, but it has to be done.”
“Nor do I wish to betray Clair, but we must uphold the family honor.”
“Honor is such a heavy burden, is it not?”
That night, they slept in each other's arms, though neither of them enjoyed it. Red sat upstairs, hugging his knees to his chest.
Lance had already explained the situation, but it still hurt!
But…. But if not for this, he would not be born, right? So he couldn't hate them for doing what had to be done…
Plus, Lorelei was nice. She also had wicked cool ice pokemon. Red wished she hadn't died when he was five. She had been one of the Elite Four…
Would Lance also have been one of the Elite had he lived?
He felt a warm glow in his body, and he gasped.
So this was what it was like, knowing when one was conceived…
He felt as though he were glowing.
Downstairs, Lance and Lorelei stared at each other as they came down from cloud nine, gasping.
Lorelei sighed in relief and placed a hand on her stomach. “Did you feel that?”
“Yes. I take it that it worked?”
“Thank Mew.”
They showered separately, made polite apologies, and then Lorelei flew home to find solace in Clair's arms.
Lance walked upstairs to find Red huddled on his bed. “I'm sorry.”
“Don't be.” Red said. “I'm sure… that this is for the best.”
Red flung himself into his Father's arms with a choked sob. He wanted comfort, and he wanted it now
Lance shrugged, and took Red into his arms for a brief moment. Red cried out in relief as his Father finally entered him, banishing the chill of abandonment.
He would not be left behind!
Father would not leave him…. Right?
Lance finally collapsed atop of Red, exhausted. He had literally fucked Red until he was raw and red, and still, the younger teen wailed beneath him, demanding more…
Insatiable child.
“Never leave me.” Red pleaded, as Lance bent his head to suckle at exposed flesh. “Please! Never leave me…”
“Why would I?” Lance asked.
Red did not answer, bucking his hips forwards and Lance smirked, taking another inch into his mouth. Red could not suffer more than a few minutes before he climaxed again, shrieking out his surrender.
Lance purred as he ran his hands down Red's sweaty body. “Better now?”
Why was he suddenly so clingy? Was it just his brief affair with Lorelei? But no, that could not be it.
Red liked Lorelei, and often, the three of them - four, including Clair - went camping and traveling around Kanto and Johto.
So it could not be Lorelei he hated.
Was Red angry with him?
That did not seem to fit the situation either…
Why was Red afraid he would leave?
He had no plans to do so… and he had made it clear that he and Lorelei were partners out of necessity. Plus, they were quite sure she had conceived an heir, so there would be no more cheating.
Red collapsed bonelessly against the sheets, tears in his eyes.
No, Father would not leave him… right? At least he would not leave willingly…
Lance watched Red sleep with a slightly preoccupied expression. Why did Red think he would go away?
Surely by now it was obvious they were in love and it was not some passing fancy?
Or did Red only want a quick lay?
That thought sent a chill of rage through his veins, and his eyes glinted steel.
If that were the case, he would end the farce himself.
Red woke up the next morning to find his Father still asleep. A sly smile curved his lips as he bent his head and began to give loving licks, watching his manhood rise.
Oh yes
Lance came to and found an eager little octopus attached to his nether regions, busy suckling away.
It seemed that Red would not be leaving any time soon…
He smiled.
End Chapter
Completed 7/16/06
Yeah, it kind of degenerated into PWP. Oh well!
Anyways, `Mukashi' means `Once upon a time' in Japanese! ^^
Lance has no reason to suspect Red. I mean Red started questioning him - personal questions to boot - almost as soon as they met, so he thought Red was hitting on him.
Yeah, I know I tend to time jump a lot. Deal with it!