Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ The Mew Amulet ❯ Chapter 4

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

*Waves* I bring you another chapter
These are hard to write though, they take hours
Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. It is not mine, though I wish it were. *sighs* No copyright infringement intended for fanwork.
Anyway, if you want to read my fics, please don't take them.
Notes: <>, **, and italics are already explained.
Warnings: Insanity, angst
Thank you, Link Masters and Briememory!
Chapter 4: Congeal
His favorite mew, Cassandra, floated next to him as he scanned the sky for danger, abnormally blue eyes glowing purple.
< All quiet on the Western Front? >
< No. >
She stiffened, as the amulet pulsed in preparation for battle. < What is it? >
< Helicopters. Team Rocket. You said they created Mewtwo from a Mew's DNA. Did they capture a live one? >
< Yes. >
< Hide, now!>
The cry sent out, the Mews hid and scattered and escaped.
Lance shielded himself with psychic energy and waited.
Yes, they were coming.
As he tightened the web of psychic energy humming around him, one helicopter crossed an invisible line. Instantly, it imploded.
A smirk crossed Lance's lips, as the process repeated itself, until they were all destroyed.
Take no prisoners, after all, it was war.
The helicopters gone, the Mews re-emerged and went on with life.
There was nothing out of the ordinary, after all.
It was… justice.
The power hurt so much as it crawled, but when wielded, ah, that was wonderful. The beautiful blades of death danced forever onwards.
He smiled.
So pretty…
The amulet was the one getting worried now. Had the cruelty wound up snapping his Chosen? Well… maybe it had been harsh, the physical punishment… and then the mental twisting… rape…
It certainly seemed that way…
Danger within, it flickered in his eyes like candle flames.
Yes, the amulet actually was frightened.
Its emotions were shaking, so prettily. Lance hid a smile inwardly and cleaned the blood off the silver blades, smiling vacantly. He licked the blood off his fingers, almost purring. * Sweet… *
Lance did not respond.
It was only when the amulet shocked him that he replied. < Yes… > He drawled lazily.
A faint brush of something dark and unidentifiable hovered in that tone.
The amulet shut up, already whirring away at the future.
Cassandra returned and watched him also.
It was never good for a Chosen to receive a defective amulet. Perhaps theirs was not, but it had been quite harsh…
You are not supposed to force a burden on someone who does not want it.
What if he had snapped truly? His behavior was starting to show dark streaks… then they would have to replace him.
She was afraid.
Claire yawned.
The horseas swam around her, in their new home. She still resented the forced move though.
Her amulet calmed its Chosen, quietly.
No sense in making some fantastic display of power, if only a little was needed. Some others did not get it though.
He felt a bit sorry for her brother. Mew was a fickle amulet.
Still, it was none of his business.
Chosen? Are you happy here?
< Of course I am happy. > Claire smiled. < I just wish our home were still there. >
Yes, it was unavoidable though.
It was very unwelcome. An older horsea commented. However, we can't fight back against the humans, can we?
< I'm not sure… >
Claire paused. * Maybe… but, I don't really feel sympathy for them if we do fight. However, we are just horsea, and nowhere near the power level needed. All the pokemon would need to unite… for humanity to fall. *
She closed her eyes, floating in the deep waters.
It was home.
The next day, the Seadras came to visit.
Strangely, their Chosen was missing. When Claire inquired, the chief, Bluestone, told her that Laurel had died in the course of duty, two days away.
Claire was in shock. She hadn't actually considered death to be a possibility, at least not seriously… didn't the amulet protect?
Yes, the amulet protects, but not against another.
It was mewtwo.
None of the other Chosen of the sea knew who held that strange amulet, made out of plain granite, and carved with the same pattern as the others. But Mewtwo was rumored to be alone.
One Mewtwo, one Chosen…
Not a large force at all, but they were careful. Claire counted the days until the Call came, knowing that it only appeared once every five years, and by then Mewtwo might have grown out of control.
She could not leave her tribe though. Not only did the amulet forbid it, she also had to protect them. It was her life!
A messenger from the Magikarp tried offered to carry a message to Lance and the Mews, if that would help. Claire nodded, and the next day, the ordinary fish went on an extraordinary task.
After all, no one suspected Magikarp.
Blue peered out from the hidden caves, satisfied that the men were gone.
Professional hunters, they had brought Parasect and Scyther to help. But she would protect her Eevees!
She picked up the little ones and soothed them, as the mothers and fathers were hiding elsewhere.
You could not play all your cards at once.
Mistress! They took Starfire!
“Starfire?” Blue looked worried. He had been ready to leave and join the Flareon tribe, close by. < How did they capture him? >
It was a black poke ball. Berry told her.
Blue winced. * That would be Team Rocket's new inventions… * some other tribes might be shut off from the world, but hers wasn't.
The pidgey and spearow often brought news. One was Team Rocket's new invention.
It was called the `Master Ball'. Capable of catching any pokemon, it would be a formidable weapon.
If she were still in business, she could use them, but now, her life was the Eevee.
The white stone glittered sharply. Chosen? We cannot go after him.
< Not us. >
Blue released Clefable, and the pixie quickly went off to search.
They always needed a plan first.
The rest of the Eevees slowly slunk out of their hiding places. That was when the torpedo-buried mines went off.
Blue sprang into motion, form shifting and blurring whitely. Almost immediately, many of the electronics failed.
A gaseous cloud of angry energy…
It was the hatred of the Eevee directed at humans.
Only when all of the disaster had been cleared, did the amulet's power bleed away and leave behind a relieved girl. No longer a child, she had been through the transformation before, and she knew it was necessary to protect the Eevees.
The tribe quickly gathered up all its members, and began the ceremony to purify the area.
It was repetitious, but at least they were still safe and alive, proving the magic worked. And so, life went on.
Red dozed, nesting with the Zapdos. Life had calmed down after the Collector had left. He would survive until the Call.
Luckily, the Call came the very day before their two-year service ended, and then they could choose to seal eternal or leave.
The cave slumbered on, peacefully.
Elsewhere, the Cubone and Marowak lived on.
End Chapter
Completed on 4/8/04 with much difficulty