Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ The Mew Amulet ❯ Chapter 5
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I know I'm writing but I don't know what will appear… SOC
Notes/Disclaimer: Phantomness does not own pokemon! In case that wasn't already evident, I'm just telling you… pokemon belongs to Nintendo. No copyright infringement intended, this is my non-profit fanfic. Okay?
Thus we have <> for telepathy/Chosen speaking, ** for thoughts, italics for pokemon/amulet talking.
Timeline: 3 months before The Call/2 year contract expires
Warnings: Death, darkness, insanity, etcetera…
Link Masters - thanks
Briememory - I think they are, kind of. You can't make amulets. They've always been there, waiting. The mewtwo amulet was there before mewtwo, inactive until the pokemon appeared and a Chosen was found.
Chapter 5: Coagulate
He was bleeding, but it didn't hurt at all. The power shimmered and danced so prettily. It was turning his aura blood red.
So pretty…
And the wisps of black smoke clung to him like sticky syrup.
Both the amulet and the Mews were now quite disturbed.
They had forced him to accept the power, now it was time to pay for the mistake…
Now was the time the amulet wished it had eyes so it could close them…
It did not even want to see what it had created.
Red looked around in surprise. How had his pokemon gotten here?
Sparkler looked pleased with herself, ruffling her golden feathers, spiky. You like your surprise?
“Oh Sparkler! Thank you!”
And as Pikachu and the others swarmed around him, offering hugs and warm friendship, he was happy at last.
He wasn't alone, he hadn't been alone, but this just made it all much better.
Red would stay with them after all… he had his pokemon and his duty and the adventures he wanted, so what more was there to life?
Parents? None.
The Professor? That was Green's grandfather and thus his duty. It was no concern, really…
He fell into the warm cocoon of safety, as the others had done. That was all there was…
He was Chosen, and he could stay that way… for as long as need be.
They had two days peaceful, and then another person made the bid for a legendary bird.
Joe and his Victreebel looked around cautiously. They had heard there were Zapdos in the area, but… where were they?
“Can't see anything from the ground, so let's fly.” Joe said. “Go! Dodrio!” Now, I don't know how Dodrio can fly because they don't really have wings, and are more made for running like ostriches, but since they can learn fly, it flew.
And so up into the air they went.
Ash watched, not really interested. The caves were not visible… yet. However, if he entered the sacred realm… he would be in trouble.
The guards always gave a warning though.
Soon enough, Ash's pokemon were startled by the high-pitched squawks that originated. A zapdos, not brightly colored but dull, for better camouflage, was crying for the guard to organize.
Ash stopped them. < If it is a human trainer, I'll take care of it. >
Yes, Chosen!
We hear and obey. Another said obediently.
Ash smiled, and flew through the hidden passageways to the cave where Joe was searching.
Joe jumped when a sudden burst of light blinded him. Next, a boy dressed in some weird gold armor appeared.
“Who the hell are you?!”
“The Chosen of the Zapdos.” Red flicked a glare over Dodrio. < Leave, now, or else the birds will not hesitate to shed your blood as well. >
I only obey him.
< You should have stopped him before he entered the caves. >
I was unable to!
“Shut up! I bet you're just jealous since I found this cave and you want Zapdos!” Joe yelled.
Red's eyes narrowed. “Careful… I'm warning you to leave. If you don't, I am not responsible for whatever may incur.”
“Go! Dodrio!”
Dodrio stood still, refusing to attack.
“What the hell?”
“Your pokemon is smarter than you are. If you try to hurt me you bring the wrath of the thunderbird and the curse upon you for seven times.”
“Fine then!” Joe removed a net.
Red burst into laughter. “You're going to use a net against me?”
Joe threw it.
The net disintegrated five feet away from Red, in a shower of fiery sparks. “Stop now… it's almost too late.”
With an enraged howl, Joe attacked again. this time, he had a homemade smoke bomb. In the dark, he snuck deeper into the area.
Red waited until the smoke had cleared, and then vanished back into the maze of hidden pathways, following him.
It will be one step and his fate is sealed.
< I already warned him, it is his loss. >
The amulet pulsed knowingly in response. I know. You do well, my Chosen.
< Thank you. I am honored. >
True enough, Joe's steps were firmly wiped off the face of the caves moments later. It was only justice.
The newly arrived pokemon watched, but felt nothing. For the bond of the Chosen to his pokemon strengthened and grew as they joined each other again, in friendship.
It was raining, soft patters against the dry earth. But the earth wanted the water badly. And so, it went on. That was the way it was.
Green and Tyler both took care of their respective charges.
His new mentor was a good friend. He did however, warn Green of the dangers that might happen in the future. If the young Chosen could not stand the thought, eternal sealing was not a good idea.
However, Green stood firm. Even if he died in the course of duty, it would be no loss. He was not bitter.
He missed his grandfather only slightly.
But on the other side, Oak wondered where his grandson was with worry. He had sent him off himself, yes, with the persuasion of the wise Hypno amulet.
< I must remember to check on him at the Call. >
Yes, Chosen.
Hypno…they were one of the rare ones. It was a good thing they lived very near to Pallet, so their Chosen kept his studies up.
It was fair. Most moved to live with their own pokemon, though, obviously.
Rattata was another that could live just about anywhere. There were many rattata tribes, so the Chosen simply stayed with one.
That was the way it worked. It was a good set.
Green didn't know about him yet, though. Well, if his grandson chose eternity, he wouldn't be surprised. Family is sometimes predictable.
His daughter had died defending the Seel, young as she was, whaling had been popular in those days, as fur coats.
It was only true.
They had mowed her down with tanks. Even the magic of an amulet could not stand up to technology forever.
And his son-in-law had not lived past her much longer.
Well, it was no good musing on the past.
Oak smiled as he watched the Hypno go on with their lives. Not many of them either, but it was no matter. Living was the matter.
Claire held the Horseas close to her, afraid.
Mewtwo had tried to attack their tribe, but she and two other Chosen had managed to fight him off. Why?
Why was he killing other pokemon?
Was it the corrupted Chosen, or the other way around?
And why hadn't Lance gotten her message?
Drake… he was four years older, but sometimes, naïve to the point of insanity. He had not known either, even shocked at her wish for advice.
Well, maybe the pokemon's traits did reflect in the Chosen. What did she expect from the Psyduck holder?
But Drake also trained a dragonair…
Still… what could they do but wait?
Running was certainly not an option, the sea held only small pockets of life now. Deep-fishing trawlers wiped out most of the food supply. Shoreline eroded, pollution fluctuating and taking its own toll.
If too many fishing boats passed, the pokemon would have a lean year.
Psyduck and horsea could coexist, they ate different foods and swam in different levels of the ocean. No competition was necessary, otherwise she would have unflinchingly fought Drake tooth and nail. It was all right. For now…
The future looked quite bleak. Please let the Call come…
Blue let out a sigh of relief. It was safe.
The eevees were still afraid, though. She didn't blame them. how had Team Rocket found the place? Had another Chosen joined the organization and sold them out?
Her lips curled up in a wordless snarl.
It was unfair! She could only do so much. Even eevee were not that powerful, despite their potential.
The stronger ones usually went on to evolve…
Please, protect my tribe…
It was her one prayer, her one hope, and if the rumors about Mewtwo were true, soon Team Rocket would not be her only worry.
She shifted, an Eevee where she had once been, as she bounded off to check the borders.
Better safe than sorry, every time.
There were no trainers, but it was never wise to let down your guard. She had blockaded the valley entrance, but that wasn't any help against aerial fighters.
Fortunately, the Fearow often leant their aid.
She closed her eyes, hoping, again.
End Chapter
Completed 4/8/04 while doing Spanish HW. CURSE MY SPANISH TEACHER TO THE DEPTHS OF ANTARTICA!!!