Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ The Mew Amulet ❯ Chapter 6
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Another chapter! I put up two…
Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Nintendo. This is non-profit fanwork by me. Don't take it, k?
Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Nintendo. This is non-profit fanwork by me. Don't take it, k?
Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics for a pokemon to talk. This is two years after the beginning, so Lance is 17.
Amusing tidbit: I just realized that if Pidgeot flies at Mach 2, then its going, what, 1200 km/hour? Why can't you get from Houen to Johto/Kanto then? Or at least form Kanto to Johto? Either that or physics class is a lie.
Chapter 6: Convene
It had finally come, the day many had been anxiously awaiting.
The area buzzed with life.
Many of the Chosen and their pokemon had prepared food and other celebratory necessities, so it went well.
That was when the platform was put up and they began to speak of grievances. Then came the trial.
Sure enough, two fell that day.
Mewtwo… and Zubat.
They were sorry to see the girl go, she had been a good friend. Unfortunately, a cute exterior hid the fact that she was selling their secrets to Team Rocket, and killing off the pokemon.
It was justice.
So why did it hurt?
Lance sipped the dewy lemonade, pleased.
The mew amulet hummed on his chest.
It couldn't wait to leave! This human was _too_ dark! Yes, he had wanted a Chosen who wouldn't shed tears at necessary death, but it didn't want one who actually enjoyed the killing! Apparently his methods of obedience had been too harsh…
Please, oh please, please, please don't let him choose eternity! The amulet all but screamed.
Please, oh please, please, please don't let him choose eternity! The amulet all but screamed.
Lance could feel the broadcasting emotions, he had his own psychic power and when the Mew amulet had forcibly shoved its power into him, it had blended and simply augmented his once-pitiful abilities. The power had mixed without them knowing. Now it was his regardless of whether or not he wore the charm.
Mine. My power… all mine…
He placed his fingers against the cool stone in an almost happy move, causing involuntary shuddering from said rock. * LET HIM LEAVE! I WANT A NEW CHOSEN! I DON'T CARE IF I HAVE TO WAIT ANOTHER HUNDRED THOUSAND YEARS BUT THIS ONE IS INSANE! I DIDN'T MEAN TO BREAK HIM THIS BADLY! LEAVE! Please, please! *
It seemed to cry out in pain.
He smiled.
Claire looked around for her brother. Drake had gotten into a very heated argument with Clara, keeper of the Dratini amulet, and it didn't look like it would wind down anytime soon.
She wasn't watching where she was going, and accidentally knocked someone over. “Oh, I'm sorry.”
“No problem.” An old voice reassured her.
Claire did a double take. “Professor Oak? But-.” Her eyes stopped as they focused on the Hypno stone he wore. “All this time, you were?”
“Yes, the Hypno allowed me to live my life.”
“Yes, the Hypno allowed me to live my life.”
“Do not worry, your gym still waits. The press was told you were off training, and as long as nobody could defeat Morty, they would not challenge you.”
“Thank goodness!”
“Also, you got one of the nice ones. I'm sure horsea wouldn't mind if your dragon pokemon went with you.”
“Thanks, professor.”
Oak smiled. He had seen his grandson, and Green seemed ready to take the next step. It was well.
He could visit, either way, as another Chosen. Plus, there was no media or bad press here. No conflict that tore the world apart for society's amusement. It was serenity, and Green liked that. Who was Oak to deny his grandson his heart's desire?
Not him.
Green looked completely happy, with Cubones surrounding him. Oak didn't blame him. They were peace-lovers, excellent crafts-pokemon, and loyal. What more could you ask for without feeling greedy?
Why wouldn't he be happy?
If only all of the amulets were so nice.
Oak sighed, watching some of the others. A few were obvious. The girl who held Gengar looked terrified…
He didn't want to be depressed though, he still had plenty of years left and so much to look forward to.
Lance smiled as Claire walked up. She looked different, more mature, maybe. Well, they had both aged.
Perhaps him more than her…
“Hi, Claire.” Lance said, ignoring the amulet.
“Are you going to seal?”
Lance looked contemplative. “Most likely no.”
“Ah…” Claire lowered her voice, even though no one was paying attention to the two of them. “Forced? I heard…”
“Then don't seal, it will ruin your life.”
“I think this amulet has already ruined my life, but it's just my judgment.” Lance commented. “Someone else deserved it, most likely. The mews need compassion, not the wrath they think they do.”
Claire was slightly confused but nodded.
“Want some lemonade?”
Claire laughed and accepted a glass. “Arigato.”
She didn't see the darkness flickering over and the fires right beneath those shields of blue.
Red ignored the girls oohing and aahing over his armor. He wore it normally, so why was it such a big deal? It was light.
It was just another Chosen outfit, right?
Well… it was fancy, but he liked it.
Pikachu had run off to see the sights, while his Gyarados and Aerodactyl shared a giant smoothie.
Venusaur slept on, along with Eevee. The long `flight' had tired them out, and him to some extent, using Zapdos's power so they could fly too. But it was worth it. still, there had been the part when the discovered Poliwrath was afraid of heights and that wasn't at all nice.
There we go.
It was a nice day. He was ready to seal fully, and the amulet understood. It was only a matter of time.
Blue waved to Green by the refreshments stand. She was followed by nothing less than a train of frolicking Eevee.
Yes, she would stay also.
Blue couldn't imagine living without them, so caught up in her lives she was.
So most likely, the system worked. There were simply a few unfortunates every time. Necessary casualties of war and power and the like, right?
She fed Eevee a strawberry.
Green missed the dusky light of his earthen home. He hadn't seen sunlight much, and he didn't like it.
Sure, grass grew, but it still burned.
Being burned always hurt. With a look of annoyance, he dug into his pockets and retrieved a jar of herbal suntan cream. Perfect.
At least this way he wouldn't be a red blister when he went home.
No, it was not Pallet Town. He knew where his real home was now.
The Cubones danced a war dance, knowing it would please him. He smiled.
So cute…
No, cute wasn't the right word. They were everything and nothing and the sun and moon and earth in one, because now he was Chosen and that was the way it was.
So be it.
Lance's eyes stayed glazed until the severing was finished.
As the hated amulet dropped into the waiting hands of the Arbiter, he was shocked to see cold indifference in the face of the Chosen.
That… and the obvious madness that still danced in those innocent blue eyes.
In spite of his courage, the Arcanine holder still froze temporarily.
Apparently Mew had become dangerous, or perhaps they had been incompatible in the first place. Well, it was too late to tell now.
Lance left the gathering quietly, having no reason to stay now. Claire was safe, and he missed his dragons.
Besides, that stupid rock was finally gone!
His eyes glowed once, solidified. Not gold as he wanted, but red. The tones of freshly spilled blood, they would stay that way.
His eyes glowed once, solidified. Not gold as he wanted, but red. The tones of freshly spilled blood, they would stay that way.
Humming, he wove the necessary illusion around himself and stepped back into his former role as Elite Four leader. However, a pink tinge remained in his hair. It stayed that way.
It was time. His real destiny was calling, now that the blockade had been removed. Two years before Kanto met Johto, and with Johto came the neo pokemon of course…
Lance slipped Lugia's charm over his neck, feeling the cool metal nestle against his skin. Perfect.
And as the surprised voice of the legendary, the new legendary, intruded in his thoughts, he smiled.
Mew had only been a step, a lesson.
It was time to actually fly now.
Fly without those restraints, fly without pain, fly and deal death and win…
End Chapter!
Whee! I know it's a cliffhanger… *rolls eyes* anyways, do review.
Whee! I know it's a cliffhanger… *rolls eyes* anyways, do review.
There is often no sense of passing time. I think that's intentional. Stream of consciousness, ^-^
Completed 4/10/04, started 4/8/04