Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ West Side Story ❯ The End ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Last chapter! YAY!
WARNINGS: Character death, deviation from the movie, darkfic
Would this chapter be Lance x Silver if you squint? Eh, squint all you like in this fic. I'm sure you can try to infer a lot of pairings…
Chapter 9
So yes… while the Jets were out searching for Koga, Brock, being desperately in love, desperately tricked, and a fool, rushed out into the streets taunting…
Eventually, he had to be heard…
He gasped as he saw her come running towards him. Yellow rushed towards him, Brock rushed towards her…
A gunshot sounded.
Brock fell, but it was more from the pain then from… anything else. He'd lost the top half of his right ear, but luckily, Koga's hands were shaking so badly that his aim was off. Yellow pulled him into a kiss.
Koga dropped his gun in shock.
Yellow looked up at Koga and shook her head sadly. The ninja stared at her in disbelief.
“But why? He killed your brother.”
“It wasn't him! It was Lance!”
Koga blinked. “It was Lance?”
“I was there! I saw it!” Brock said, desperate to save his neck. Just then, other Jets and Sharks, alerted by the gunshot, came rushing in.
Koga picked up his discarded gun, pointed at the leader, and fired.
Bloody red eyes widened in surprise and pain as he dropped down to one knee. The others clustered around him.
“Lance! Are you all right?”
Lance gritted his teeth against the pain. “Yes.” He hissed, pressing his hands against the wound.
Blue light began to trickle from his fingers…
Bugsy exhaled in relief. Lucky Lance had those healing powers…
Koga shuddered. “Murderer!”
“What?” Lance stood up, wings flaring out behind him with gasps of surprise. “I'm a murderer? Who killed Red?”
“You-!” Yellow grabbed the gun from Koga and fired again.
Gold gave a gasp of surprise and leapt towards her. Brock grabbed his arms.
“Why the hell are you protecting her, Brock? She just shot him!” Gold yelled.
Silver moved in next to his leader. “Lance… Are you…?”
“I can't take much more of this…” Lance murmured through gritted teeth. No matter how good his power was it had limits.
He couldn't revive the dead.
He couldn't heal… certain wounds.
He wasn't sure if this was one of them, but it sure felt like it…
“It was your idiocy that killed Red!” Lance shouted at Brock, completely losing any pretense of friendship in them. “It's your fault, traitor! If you'd let Giovanni and me fight everything out, everything would have been fine! But no! You had to kill Red! And then you killed Giovanni!”
I killed Red?” Brock scoffed.
Lance began to smile.
Brock's bluster faded. “No! It couldn't be-!”
“I would have stopped you if I weren't busy saving Bruno from certain death.” Lance hissed.
Bruno was healed now, but….
If he'd known, he would have saved his leader instead…
Well, too late now…
“Now I remember!” Silver snapped his fingers. “Red went for Giovanni after the pokemon got out, Brock, you stabbed him in the back to stop him, and then well… after a few moments, you attacked Giovanni for goodness knows what reason…”
Silver didn't lie. And he had the best night vision out of the whole gang.
No one would dispute.
And everyone knew Red was dead…
Brock began to shiver as the Jets fixed glares on him. Yellow gulped and clutched the gun tighter.
She'd fire it to protect her boyfriend if need be! There had to be a few bullets left in there!
“Well, it's your fault for starting the war in the first place!” Yellow spat, surprised at her boldness.
Lance didn't answer. He brought his hands away from his chest, and they came away bloody… the blue faded…
“No!” Gold shouted. “You can't die too!”
Lance glared at Yellow. “So. I killed your brother, and in revenge, you kill me? Why don't you ask your lover what really happened?”
Brock started to turn paler…
Lance closed his eyes, gritting his teeth. “It's no use… it's…!”
Bruno rushed over. “Lance! Hang in there! We'll call a doctor or something!”
“Do you think you're the only one who lost someone you loved, Yellow?” Lance spat. “Do you think you're the only one who suffers in this world? Well, you're wrong!” He coughed, but didn't stop. “I swear… that… for this, in the future, should we ever meet again, we shall never cross paths as friends!”
His eyes glazed over, and the red began to bleed from them… or were his eyes bleeding? He wasn't sure…
It didn't matter….
“Lance! You can't die!” Silver gasped. Without a leader, what would they do? And Lance hadn't even had time to pick a second yet!
Silver would have said more, but there was a faint tingling feeling. He brought his hands up to his face in surprise.
You chose me?
I don't know why but I swear… I won't let this go unpunished!
Brock and Yellow were quickly surrounded.
“You will never be happy…” Silver hissed, as he pulled a switchblade out of his pocket. Bruno acted faster and kicked the gun out of Yellow's hand. It went flying, went off, and exploded…
No more use out of that now…
Archie and Maxie stared. So did Koga.
“Go!” Silver yelled, pointing at Brock and Yellow. “Leave! If you want to get away so badly, just go! We don't want you here anymore!”
The two ran. They didn't look back once.
A scream.
And the moon that set that night was blood red…
Completed 8/14/05
Phantomness: I am a genius…! I'm done! The stupid fic is over!
Red: *hugs Lance tightly*
Lance: *Sigh* you are an evil authoress…