Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Whitewing ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon. Only the idea and OC's.
Author Notes:
-- This will be used for scene breaks and for when the story switches to another character, but it does not mean that a new section of the story has started.
xXx This will identify where each paragraph breaks.
(Character thought)
Disclaimer: Don't own Pokemon, never have, never will. Only the idea and OCs behind the story are mine.
Chapter 6
After the five days spent at the Spellsworn temple grounds, the crew was glad to have Saturday to themselves. The day was spent relaxing. Other then a few phone calls, the crew spent the day in peace. Alex and Aelita spent most of the day at one of the pools leaving the others to do whatever. Nothing really happened until that night.
The group had gathered in the dining room. Cheryl passed out some fancy wineglasses while Johnson held a fresh new bottle of Kartonu Silver Sun in his hands. It was a very light brand of wine; the alcoholic content was so low, that it could hardly be called an alcoholic drink. People never bought it for its alcohol though, but rather the sweet taste it had with a mix of berry flavors that seemed to be enjoyed by almost everyone. A few private high schools even offered the drink at a few very rare occasions. Pokemon strangely seemed to be able to keep their heads much longer then a human when drinking and seeing how rare a pure human was at the time, the drinking age had been lowered to seventeen.
“Tonight, we celebrate a job well done.” He poured the first of the seven cups. “Minimal injuries.” He filled the second and third cups to match the first. “A Spellsworn Cross.” The fourth and fifth cups were filled like the ones before them. “However, what we celebrate most of all is not from the temple.” Johnson paused for a second looking at Aelita and Alex. “What we celebrate most of all is fact that Alex has found a mate.” He filled the last two cups.
Alex smiled as Cheryl, Bryan, Justin, Andrew, and Johnson all took a cup and raised them to Alex and Aelita. “May long life and happiness follow the both of you.” Johnson and Cheryl handed the last two cups to Alex and Aelita. Aelita was very surprised by the speech, but Alex seemed to be expecting it.
“I had a feeling you would pull a stunt like this.” Alex took his glass as Aelita took hers.
“I wasn't expecting anything like this.” Aelita admitted. The group all took a small sip of the drink except Aelita. She seemed unsure about it at first, but after a second she tried it. Johnson and the crew's surprise wasn't over yet as they had also pulled out a small cake for the crew. The remainder of the night was spent celebrating a job well done along with the fact that Alex had found a mate.
Alex and Aelita spent Sunday morning getting ready to return back to the mountain and the city of Nenwill. Alex and Aelita both packed up their fancy dress clothes for the dance Aelita had wanted Alex to go to. He knew that he would have to add a closet to the house when they got back to hold their dress clothes until the night of the dance. The last thing that Alex did was separate the treasure he had chosen as his own into two piles, one to be sold and one to be kept. Aelita did the say only keep a few gemstones and a silver necklace. Once both of them were ready, Justin helped them bring their things down to the garage where Aelita got a look at Justin's vehicle of choice, a fully equipped Mustang.
“I'll be staying in Nenwill for about two weeks.” Justin informed them as they finished loading up the jeep. “My brother will be meeting me there. If you need a ride to the dance I heard the two of you were going to, just give me a call.” Justin said as they got into the car.
It was a long five-hour ride back to Nenwill. Justin dropped the two of them off and left them for the hotel he had gotten himself after he had helped them unload.
Alex and Aelita carried their things to the bedroom. “Just set them down for a second.” Alex told Aelita. She obeyed wondering what Alex had in mind. He walked over to corner of the room and pressed his hands onto the wall. “We need a closet.”
Aelita quickly knew what Alex was planning. He gathered his spirit energy into his hands and began to push on the wall. Just like when Alex had formed the dining room, the wall began to bend and shift into the basic shape of a doorway. Once it was a few inches into the wall, Alex gave it one final push and the closet was finished.
A large stone bar extended from one side of the closet to the other just a few inches from the ceiling. Alex fell to his knees. Like always, the immediate loss of energy had gotten to him. However, since it was only a very small room, Alex was quickly able to get back up by himself. “And now we have our closet.” Alex's breathing was a bit hard.
The two of them packed their things and while there was still some light out, they headed to town for a few things. A quick look at Alex's fridge told Alex that he needed to refill it soon. Rather then dig around for something, Alex offered to take Aelita out for dinner that night. The two of them stopped at a local Diner. Alex had been there a few times, the service was good, the food was great, and the prices were fair. Alex had a burger with Aelita had a salad.
They two of them left the diner as the sun had began to set. The just barely made it back to Alex's place before the sun had set. They spent the night in peace and quite.
Alex was up early on Monday morning. Following his normal morning ritual, he took a quick a shower, got dressed then started breakfast as Aelita took a shower herself. Aelita came out of the shower to find a pair of eggs and small sum of berries waiting for her.
After breakfast, the two of them prepared to leave for school. The two of them walked in the calm morning air to the school.
They entered the building and Alex made his way to purchase two tickets to the up-coming dance while Aelita went to stop by her locker.
A few of the students who had shown up early had just finished getting the stand set up for students to buy tickets for the dance. “Alex, you're not here to buy tickets are you?” the first girl asked. She was a Lucario just slightly shorter then Alex.
“For once, I am.” Alex responded pulling out his wallet.
“So, who is the lucky girl to get to go out with the famous Whitewing.” A second girl asked, this one a Flaaffy walked up.
“Famous? Whitewing? Perhaps you could fill me in on this whole famous thing.” The Lucario handed Alex a copy of the morning paper. There on the front page were three images. The first of the whole exploration crew from the ceremony the week before last, the second image was Johnson, and the final was of Alex. The headline read “The sixth member of the Yelstien Exploration Crew Alex Whitewing finally makes himself known.”
“You should have told us that you went exploring with William Yelstien.” The Flaaffy commented.
“And that is why I never went to any of the other ceremonies.” Alex had an unhappy look on his face.
“Other ceremonies?” The two girls looked at each other.
“Don't bother asking, you won't get an answer. All I want are just two tickets to the dance.” Alex sighed at his luck. The Lucario handed him the two tickets and after paying for them, he headed back up to meet Aelita reading the paper on the way. There was a detailed list of events surrounding the exploration including a list of what all Alex had suffered. He stopped reading halfway through the article.
Aelita had just finished gathering her books for the first few periods when Alex came up to greet her with a slightly annoyed look on his face.
“What's wrong?” She asked.
“I'm on the front page of the papers.” Alex replied handing her the paper he had been given.
“What?” Aelita was very surprised. She quickly read the article. “You did read this article, right?”
“Just part of it. No need to read the rest, I can already guess what it says.” Alex knew that this was going to cause him trouble. He liked his peace and quite. It was bad enough when just a small number of students had tracked him down to ask him questions about how he got Aelita to be his mate. He'd be lucky to be left alone after people read that he was connected with Johnson.
Alex and Aelita headed down to the library to wait for the day start. If anything, it was quite. Aelita and Alex headed for their first class, Biology, as the bell rang. As Alex walked down the halls, the majority of people did one of two things. They either greeted him saying that it must be great to work with Yelstien or they made comments about how there was no way he could work with Yelstien. Either way, Alex was not happy about the sudden increase in attention he was getting.
Class started like any other class, a quick check of who was there and who wasn't and the collection of papers that needed to be turned in. Miss Decon, the Heracross was their teacher. “Break up into to groups of two or three.” She instructed. Alex and Aelita already knew that they would team up for the assignment, but that didn't stop half the class from trying to join them in a group. It was a quick project involving the data collected from the trip to the Suicune falls two weeks ago. The groups had to take the data they collected and then identify where each group of dragons was from based on the data they collected. The class passed quickly.
Alex and Aelita went their different ways for second period. Alex had Honors English while Aelita had her math class to go to. Alex headed for the back of the room to seat by himself like normal, but that didn't happen. Many other students all wanted to seat by him because he made it into the papers.
Alex moved on to third period history and like he did with all of his classes, he headed for the back of the room. If not for the Aelita had already picked a seat in the back before Alex got there, she wouldn't have gotten a seat next to Alex. Luckily, the class was watching a movie on the history of Kartonu City. This meant Alex was able to avoid people asking him about anything as the whole class knew that anyone caught breaking a rule in Mr. Getter's class wouldn't be there for long. He was by far the strictest teacher in the whole school, but no one knew more about the history of the Welforth and Kanto regions then he did.
Fourth and fifth periods were no better then first or second. A large number of students all seemed to want to find out how Alex was connected with Johnson. For once, Alex did not manage to complete his homework in class during the last few minutes of each class. Most of the time, he could just look at the problems and do all the work in his head, but with the endless stream of questions that people sent his way, he couldn't completely concentrate on his work.
Lunch was even worse. Alex grabbed a small pouch of berries he had always packed for lunch and he made his way for the same tree he always sat under. Upon leaving the building, he saw three other students there as if waiting for him, so he went to sit on a lone bench by the school. Not even a few minutes after he sat down, a pair of cheerleaders sat down next to him. Before they could even say hi, he got up and jumped up into nearby tree with a slightly angry look on his face. He sat up in the tree in peace until lunch ended and he had to go back to class.
Sixth and seventh periods were no different from the rest of the day. Students crowded around his desk, everyone asked to be his partner for group projects, and then there was the unending stream of questions. Alex was really being tested that day. He got a break though when another teacher requested his help during eighth period. His last period for the day, gym was also a bit better. The two teachers for the class made sure to the students moving around the track that had been set up.
School ended and as Alex headed to the library, he had a small group of students there behind him. He decided then to head back to his place. “Let's just head back to my place.” Alex offered to which Aelita agreed.
It was fair walk back, but luckily, no one decided to follow him.
Once at Alex's house, the both of them sat down and talked for a while. Alex actually did some talking which really seemed to please Aelita. Alex remembered that he needed to refill the fridge again and he two of them headed out to the local supermarket. Alex picky to a degree about what food he picked up. It wasn't that he was a picky eater, it was just that he wasn't going to buy something just to have it go to waste. With Aelita there, he picked up an additional bag of food before walking back to his place. With the fridge restocked for another two or three weeks, there wasn't much else that needed done that night.
The next day was no better. Almost everyone who had not read about Alex yesterday now knew about his connection with Johnson. The day was spent pretty much the same as yesterday just trying to keep his cool. He even spent his lunch period on the school roof to avoid a number of students.
By the end of seventh period of the second day however, Alex had just about had enough. He had played it calmly from the start of the day and all of yesterday, but this endless stream of people asking questions, making comments, and refusing to leave his side was getting on his last nerve. He walked into his eighth period class, an advanced independent living class. Like the rest of classes he had been to, students surrounded his seat all the way in the back corner of the class. He just set his few notebooks down at an empty table near the door. No sooner had he set his notebooks down, the same pair of cheerleaders from lunch the day before sat down on by him smiling and waving at him.
“Okay class, we're going to pick up where we left off yesterday.” The teacher, Mrs. Debra Storm, a Raichu told the class. Alex already flipped his notebook to the page containing the notes needed for the lesson.
“I heard you bought some tickets to the dance.” The first one, a Blaziken by the name Lillian Jewels opened her notebook. “You could always take me.” She offered.
“Or me.” The second one, a Buizel by the name of Kristen Northsky added.
“I'm going with my mate, or did the two of you forget that fact.” Alex replied. The two of them continued to ask him questions quietly as the class went on. Finally, Alex had had enough.
“Look.” He stood straight up earning him the attention of the whole class. His fangs, which were normally hidden away, flipped down for all to see. His dark red pupils showed his anger and gave him the slight appearance of vampire. “That's it. You people have been hounding me all day asking for dates, trying to find out how I got to know William Yelstien, and throwing comments at me about my rotten luck in that damn ruins site. Just shut up and leave me alone. I never wanted to go that ceremony anyway and this is the reason why!” He shouted, his fist clenched down.
“Alex Whiteheart. I'm surprised. Of all the people to pull a stunt like that, you were the last person I would have thought of.” Mrs. Storm walked over to him. The rest of the class appeared to be in shock. Of all the people to cause a disruption of any kind, people just thought Alex wasn't even capable of such a thing. “You can discuss this with the principal.” She pointed to the door.
Alex closed his book, bowed his head and spoke a few words before leaving. “You have my apologizes Mrs. Storm. The rest of you who have been hounding me do not.” With these words, Alex calmly walked out of the room and down the halls.
He reached the office where the principal had just finished her own lunch.
“Alex, I assume you're here to drop something off for Mrs. Storm.” Luna said as she entered the office.
“Actually, I'm here to see you. I'm responsible for a rather big disruption in class.” Alex began.
“I just don't see you as the type of person to cause a disruption.” She questioned as she Alex to her office.
“You recall yesterdays headline?” Alex asked.
“No, I wasn't given a chance to read yesterday's paper yet or today's paper for that matter. I've been very busy both here and at home.” She replied. Alex grabbed a spare copy of the paper and handed it to her.
“You actually attended a ceremony?” She began to read the article.
“The site in question is the same one where I got hit by those three darts among other things. You'll probably get a full list in the article.” Alex informed her. “As for the ceremony, Johnson requested that I go or he wouldn't accept the award. It went my usual take on such things, but I went.”
“Might I ask how this causes a disruption in class.” She was now curious.
“I like my privacy and being left alone. All day, I've had to put it with people making comments, asking me questions, and just wanting to spend time with me whether I wanted the company or not. Personally, I'm surprised I lasted as long as I did.” Alex took a seat and leaned back some looking at the ceiling.
“I see.” Luna said as she took a seat herself. “I do hope that this will be a one time incident. We can't have you going around disrupting all of your classes.”
“This is going to effect my rights to go to the dance this Friday, would it?” Alex asked.
“You? Once again another first.” Luna smiled. “You're one of our almost perfect students. I can let this slide as long as it doesn't happen again anytime soon.”
The bell sounded indicating the end of eighth period. “Now get a move on. You don't want to miss your gym class.”
Alex went down the locker room and changed out of his usual clothing and into his gym clothes, a black T-shirt with a pair of cargo shorts.
He joined the rest of the gym class in the primary gymnasium of the school. It had to other small ones, but they were not used often. Aelita ran over to his side wearing her gym clothes consisting of a pink shirt with a pair of red shorts. “Alex, you didn't really disrupt a class, did you?” She asked. Word had already starting spreading through out school.
“I lost my tempter. You know how much I hate it when people are constantly trying to get into my life and I don't want them there.” Alex lowered his head some.
“It's alright. I understand.” Aelita looked up at him as the teachers starting calling off names.
As usual, Alex was one of the top four students who lead the way on the four laps around the gym. The only three that were able to keep the speed that was set were a pair of Pikachus and an Arcanine, all three of which were known for their speed. For that matter, Alex was in the top five of every obstacle he had come across. All those explorations had kept his body in the best possible shape he could be in terms of speed and agility.
Alex was glad to have the rest of the day to himself. Aelita had suggested a trip to Suicune Falls to help clear Alex's head. The park was more then happy to let him and Aelita in, after all, Alex had helped the park out a few times before. The remainder of the daylight hours were spent watching various feral Pokemon in the park.
The rest of the week went much smoother for Alex. Word about his out burst spread quickly. Many students still said hi or waved at him, but the number of questions and people who decided to hound him went down considerably. He seemed much calmer now that the majority of students were not bothering him as much.
Finally came the night of the dance. Alex and Aelita both got dressed in the same clothing they had worn to the ceremony that Imperial Crafters had thrown Johnson and the crew. Aelita decided against wearing any fancy heels this time and just went bare paw like many students would no doubt go.
Justin arrived and picked them around seven forty. It was a quick ride to the school during which, Alex helped put Aelita's diamond choker back on for the night. The students who had seen Justin pull up in his Mustang and drop off Alex and Aelita were surprised.
Alex walked up the gym doors and presented his tickets granting him access to the dance. Everyone was dressed in fancy dresses and well made tuxedos. It was a little fancy for Alex's tastes, but he had agreed to go knowing all to well that this was the case. The two walked in as the next song began. Alex looked around seeing how much he was going to have to deal with during the hour or two that he was here. Aelita managed to get Alex to the dance floor by the time the second song had started.
Surprisingly, Alex was more then able to dance. Alex looked on and seeing how happy he had made Aelita by coming was good enough for him. After three dances, the two of them headed over to one of the various tables where a few of Aelita's friends had gathered.
No sooner had she sat down, her friends noticed her choker.
“Aelita, where did you get that?” An Espeon by the name of Joanna asked.
“Yea, it's not everyday that you walk in with a diamond choker.” Samantha, a Mismagius commented.
“Alex bought me the dress and the choker for my birthday.” She explained.
“I finally understand why you wanted him as a mate.” Joanna looked at Alex.
“I wanted him as my mate before I even knew he worked with Johnson.” Aelita told them.
“Johnson?” They both asked.
“She means William Yelstien.” Alex informed them.
“Oh. Still, it must be nice to work with someone so famous. Lots of money, fame, and of course being able to travel around the world.” Samantha smiled dreaming about being able to travel wherever she wanted whenever she wanted to.
“I'd be happy with just the fame and the money.” Joanna said.
Aelita talked with her friends for a while Alex just sat there content to keep quite until Aelita wanted to dance again. Aelita took him out for another three songs before Alex's leg got the better of him and he had to call it quits for a while.
There was little to no trouble for most of the night. Alex stepped outside for a minute to get some fresh air and to get away from the crowd. He looked to the sky counting the stars that had started to show. A small sound caught his ears. He moved along the side of the building where he had heard the sound come from. He came upon a feral Mightyena who had gotten himself stuck in a garbage can. Alex was careful to free the canine. Once free, it ran into the woods. Alex happy with what he had done decided to go back before Aelita had gotten worried and came looking for him.
He started walking back toward the doors when he heard another sound. He sighed thinking that the Mightyena from before had gotten stuck again. He turned and walked over to the trashcans, but didn't see anything. He heard the noise again and headed down past the garbage cans to see a Machamp pinning the Lucario who had sold Alex the ticket at the beginning of the week.
“Come on, what's the point in turning me down?” He asked. He had his upper pair hands on her shoulders while one of his lower hands rubbed her face and the other one rubbed her stomach.
“I told you to leave me alone.” She tried to break free of his hold.
“There's no use denying it. I can tell how much you want it just by smelling the air around you.” He continued to hold her.
“I'd rather mate with a feral Golem then you.” She snapped back at him. Alex could smell something in the air. He looked on for a second wondering how a few Pokemon still went into heat despite the fact that they were no longer Feral before he walked up to where the two were arguing.
“Is there a problem here?” Alex asked.
“Back off. I don't care if you are famous, this is none of your business. Now just leave me and Danette alone.” The Machamp snapped at him.
“Do want help getting him off of you?” Alex asked Danette.
“Yes, I could use some help.” She responded once again trying to break free of his grip.
“Look boy. Even if you wanted to, how do you expect to beat me. You're nothing more then a human.” The Machamp taunted.
“That's evolved human. And let's just say I hold a grudge against those who try to rape others.” Alex informed the Machamp. Seeing a slight break in his hold, Danette delivered a powerful kick to the Machamps groin, but held his ground despite the pain.
“Why you little. I'll make you pay.” The Machamp shouted drawing back a fist to hit her. Alex fired off a single Spirit Surge into the Machamp's face knocking him over and freeing Danette.
“What is with you guys who participate in the tournaments. I swear over half of you enjoy forcing others to do what you want them to.” Alex took a defensive stance knowing that a direct assault was pointless. Danette just ran over to him. Alex's were slowly turning green.
Aelita walked outside to try and find Alex. He had told her that was going to get a bit of fresh air. She looked out the door and didn't see him. A slight bit of worry covered her face, but she he was going to be fine.
The Machamp charged forward, all four of fists drawn back. Alex ducked low and spun his leg out. A simple attack, but very effective. The Machamp fell forward right into the trashcans.
Aelita the crash and walked over to see what had happened. On the other side of the trashcans stood Alex with Danette beside him. In the pile of now knocked over trashcans was the Machamp.
“Alex, what happened?” Aelita asked as she walked to Alex and Danette.
“Keith tried to rape me because I'm in my first heat cycle.” Danette explained.
The Machamp managed to stand shaking off the effects from the fall. “I'm gonna show you why that damn Typhlosion was the only who ever managed to beat me.”
“Give me some room.” Alex said as he took a defensive stance again. He knew all the weak points on a feral Machamp and could easily take one down, but he was unsure whether those same points were shared with their anthro counterparts.
Keith charged again. Alex moved to the side and jumped up some. He delivered a swift kick the back of Keith's head sending him into the wall. Keith was quickly growing angry. A few students heard the bang against the wall and went to check it out.
Keith was back to the fight a few seconds later. Alex ducked under a Mega Punch landing on his back. Keith brought his foot up and went to bring it down on Alex, but Danette fired an Aura Sphere to knock him off balance. He landed hard on his back. “Come here.” Keith went to go get up and charge Danette but Alex fired a Spirit Surge into his back causing him to fall forward. He caught himself though and easily got back to his feet.
“I'm your opponent here.” Alex shouted as a group of students began to gather around them.
Keith charged again and Alex jumped to the side. The students started calling out names cheering on the two. Alex landed and his leg gave out causing him to fall down to one knee. He looked up just in time to take a Mega Punch to the face sending him back. Blood dripped from the side of his mouth as he leaned against the wall. Keith charged over ready to knock Alex out.
Alex knew his options were limited at this point. Eight ghostly green wings sprouted from his back tearing up the back of his Tuxedo. The angel like wings all extended out as far as they could. The came down creating a powerful whirlwind type attack sending Keith flying back into the trees as a few of the teachers arrived. No one could believe the sight before them as Alex's eight wings went to rest on his back. Other students began to whisper to each other about the wings as they slowly faded off. Luna Hope, the principal showed up just as Alex's began to fade away.
“What happened here?” She demanded.
“Alex just kicked Keith's ass.” One of the other students said.
“Keith tried to rape me because I've just started my first heat cycle.” Danette quietly explained to Luna not wanting everyone to overhear about the fact that she was in heat.
“I understand.” Luna whispered back.
Keith slowly got up and prepared to attack again. His suit was torn, his back was bruised, and his was almost knocked out. He wasn't about let Alex get away with nearly knocking him out in front of the whole school. Luna turned toward him, her eyes glowing a light shade of blue and he backed knowing that if she intervened, there would be nothing he could do. Not only was there a type disadvantage, but she had far more experience then he did.
“I want to see you in my office.” She informed him. “Alex and Danette. I'd like to talk with you as well. As for the rest of you, back to the dance.” She announced. Everyone except for Keith, Alex, Danette, and Aelita headed back to the dance. Alex unfortunately had a much more noticeable limp in his walk using his right leg as little as possible. They stopped by the nurse's office to pick up a crutch for Alex as well as wipe off most of the blood from his face before making their way to the office.
The group of five walked to Luna's office. Keith led the way with Luna standing between him and the others. Aelita was asked to wait outside while Luna had a talk with the others.
“Okay, now I have a general idea as to what happened. I am going to have to read minds or can we talk this over?” She asked. One little factor as to why she was such a good principal was the fact that she almost always got the truth in physical disagreements.
“I can tell you what happened after I showed up to see Keith holding Danette against the wall.” Alex started.
“What are you talking about. You started this fight by attacking me first.” Keith yelled.
“Please. You started it when you pinned against that wall.” Danette shouted back.
“Quite. I won't have you all yelling in my office.” Luna stood up. “Danette, you first. Everyone else quite.”
“I thought Keith was better then he turned out to be. I knew I was going into my first heat cycle and I thought that Keith wouldn't care. He proved me wrong.” Danette started. “At first, the dance was fun. Then I wanted to go out and grab some air. Just walk around a bit. Keith asked to go with me and I didn't see a problem with it. Once we rounded the corner past the gym, he made a pass at me and I turned him down, but he didn't stop. A few minutes later, he pinned me to the wall.”
“Liar. You…” Keith started but found himself unable to talk. Luna used her psychic abilities to silence him.
“I said quite.” Luna warned him.
“That's when Alex showed up. He asked if I needed some help and I told him yes. I felt Keith lighten up on his grip on me and I took m chance to get him off and kicked him. Alex then forced Keith off me before he could hit me. Keith then threw an attack at Alex and for a while, Keith couldn't touch Alex. Then it looked like Alex tripped and Keith threw him into the wall with a Mega Punch. I'm not sure how, but Alex grew those wings of his and used a whirlwind attack to throw Keith back before he could land another hit.” Danette finished.
“Now Keith, lets hear your story.” Luna released her grip on his voice.
“You liar. You made the first move and kept teasing me. Then when I finally asked it you wanted to mate with me, you go and say no. I never pinned you to the wall. Alex showed and threw an attack at me first.” Keith shouted.
“I can tell your lying. If you won't give me the truth, then you can be quite. Alex, tell me what happened from the time you showed up.” Luna instructed.
“For all intensive purposes, I let my emotions get the better of me. I have a strong hate for people who rape others and refuse to stand on the sidelines if I can do something about it. I walked up and asked what was going on. Keith told to leave. I asked Danette if she needed any help and she said yes.” Alex began. “Keith mocked for being a human. Danette kicked Keith just as she had said. I fired Spirit Surge and knocked him to the ground before he could strike back at her. His physical strength far outmatches my own, there wasn't much else I could do. I managed to knock Keith off of Danette and she ran to my side. Keith then came after me. I avoided or blocked his first few attacks. At one point, I jumped back landing on my back to avoid another attack and Keith was about to slam his foot on top of me. Danette fired an Aura Sphere to knock him off balance. I was then back to holding my own until my leg out and Keith landed a direct hit on me. I flew into the wall. At that point, my options were very limited and I took on my spirit form to defend myself.”
“I see. I take that those wings were you spirit form. I remember you telling me a bit about spirit forms early on in the year.” Luna asked.
“Yes, I did have my wings as my spirit form, although, I was kind of expecting a sword instead as I felt I needed something more offensive at the time.” Alex informed them.
“It was best that you didn't summon a sword as I would have to punish you for wielding a non-natural weapon on school grounds. Now that I now what has happened, I can make my judgment on the matter. Keith, you will be suspended until further notice. I'll be removing you from all tournaments this year and possibly next year. You will show up here on Monday with you parents to discuss this matter further.” Luna explained to Keith who said nothing. Luna was now looking at Danette. “Danette, you are welcome to return to the dance if you so wish without any consequences. Since the two attacks you have made were in self-defense, I'll not punish you for the events that have taken place tonight.”
“Thank you, but I think I'll just get a ride home.” Danette got up and walked off pulling out her phone.
Luna then turned to Alex. “Alex, as events with you are so rare, I'm simply going to have to ask you to leave the dance. Since I believe your part in this ordeal was defending Danette, I shall not suspend you. Be warned however, that next time an event like this happens, I will be forced to take further actions. I'll also be informing William of the incident.”
“I understand. You do have a job here, but I'd like a chance to let Johnson know of this myself. Can you wait to call him until tomorrow night. I'll have to wait for my ride to get here before I can leave though.” Alex knew that Luna would have to take stronger actions next time he was in a fight for any reason.
“Very well, I'll call him about what has happened tomorrow night. I can trust that he'll be expecting my call. I am sorry that your first time attending a school dance was not so pleasant.” Luna got up and followed Alex out of the office.
“Alex, what happened?” Aelita asked.
“I've been asked to leave the dance because of the fight. I'm sorry things turned out this way.” Alex informed her. “I can ask Justin to come pick you up later if you want to stay.”
“No, there's not much point is staying if you won't be here.” Aelita told him. She picked up a few tissues for box and gently wiped some of the blood from Alex's face. Alex took the tissues from Aelita and gently placed them where the blood had been dripping down the side of his mouth only to quickly draw his hand back. “What was that about?”
Alex lifted up the right side of his upper lip and Aelita could see a fracture in his fang. “Is my fang still there?” Alex asked.
“It's fractured.” Aelita informed him.
“That explains the blood.” Alex reached up and lightly grabbed the fang. “This is gonna hurt.” He whispered to himself. He gave the fang a quick jerk and the fang cracked through the rest of the way. A sudden pain filled his mouth where he had broken his fang off. Alex let out deep breath as the pain subsided muttering some inaudible comment under his breath.
“Alex?!” Aelita was surprised by his sudden action of pulling out the fang.
“It'll grow back in about two or three weeks. Its not the first time I've lost a fang.” Alex told her.
Alex called Justin who showed up a few minutes later. Alex filled Justin in on the way.
Alex and Aelita were dropped off and they changed back into their normal clothes. Alex just looked at the back of his Tuxedo, which was badly torn where his wings had forced their way out. He still couldn't understand why he had summoned his wings though rather then summon the Lunar Star. Rather then continue to worry about it though, he dismissed his thoughts on the matter.
He pulled out his phone to call Johnson and explained the event for a third time that night. While Johnson wasn't happy about it, he knew why Alex had chosen to take a more direct approach given what Alex had told him. Alex then limped his way to the kitchen where he had stashed away a pair of crutches for the days his leg was at its worst.
Alex and Aelita sat down on the couch for a while. “I'm sorry about the dance.” Alex apologized again. “If there is something I can do to make it up to you, just ask and I'll see what I can do about it.”
“It's fine. Danette's just lucky that you showed up when you did.” Aelita smiled. “If you hadn't shown up when you did, there's no telling what Keith might have done to her.”
“True.” Alex replied adjusting his leg which still hurt more then normal, but not enough to cause him anything more then mild discomfort.
“How's you leg? It looked like you might have twisted it in the fight.” Aelita looked as his leg. There were no bruises, but that didn't mean much.
“It hurts more then normal. Don't think I'll be able to walk on it normally for a day or so.” Alex informed her. He looked around pulling out his phone to see if there was anything big going on this weekend that may have to be changed. Looking at the calendar, he saw it was almost the end of the month. “Uh oh.”
“What's up?” Aelita asked concerned about why Alex was worried.
“Didn't your father say he'd be back at the end of the month?” Alex asked.
“That's right, he did.” Aelita remembered the phone call quite well.
“And we still haven't told him about us.” Alex dropped a bit thinking about how Mr. Kilter would take it.
“We should have said something sooner.” Aelita now felt the same worry that Alex had.
Mr. Samuel Kilter wasn't an overly protective dad; he was just attached to his daughter only wanting the best for her.
Aelita was one of the few reasons Samuel had kept up with his life after his wife, Erika had died of a disease. Erika died shortly after Aelita met Alex. In a strange way, Aelita sort of copied Alex's enclosed personality for a few weeks until she had recovered from the event. Her father hid it well from others, but he was deeply hurt by the loss of his love. He kept a closer eye on Aelita not wanting to lose the last of his family.
His mother and father had passed away shortly before Aelita was born and Erika's parents never really approved of the man she had married claiming that he cared too much about his job. Sure he was gone for weeks at a time, but he was always there when they needed most. He cherished his time with his family.
If not for the large pay he received for his job, he would have quit long ago and tried to find another job. However, with the money he was making, he was more then able to provide for his family and give them what they deserved. He even made sure to work out something with his boss to take only out of region jobs when no one else could do them just to spend more time with his family.
“Well, the way I see it, one of three things can happen. He will accept that fact that we have become and give us his blessing.” Alex counted off the possibilities on his fingers. “He could not accept our choice, try to talk you out of it, but in the end live with our decision.” Alex took a deep breath before naming the third possibility. “Or, lets pray to Arceus that he doesn't go with option three, load that rifle of his and hunt me down for taking your virginity even if was your choice to let me take it from you. Either way, I'll be by your side.”
“Not many people know my father. If they did, they wouldn't have been so eager to try and go out with me before we became mates.” Aelita admitted.
Alex's phone began to ring. “Hello?” Alex picked up the phone. An image of Samuel showed up. He was standing in an airport. “Mr. Kilter?” Alex was surprised.
“Did I interrupt anything?” The tall Absol asked.
“No, nothing at all. I just wasn't expecting you're call for another day at least.” Alex quickly replied.
“I assume my daughter is there with you.” Samuel asked.
“One sec.” Alex adjusted the phone. Aelita stood up behind the couch so that both of them were in the image.
“Hello.” Aelita was happy to see her father's face regardless of conversation she had just had with Alex about him. “Are you coming home anytime soon?”
“I'll be home tomorrow. I'm catching a late flight out of here and should be there in the morning.” Samuel told them. “I hope that week with Alex at the temple went well.”
“It went quite well. The only real injury was a slip on some ice. Before you ask about Ice in the Welforth Region, we used a blizzard to manually set off a trap.” Alex informed him.
“Nothing as bad as what I've read in the papers I hope.” Samuel held up a copy of last week's paper with Alex on the front page.
“That made it out there two. Come on.” Alex was not happy about that.
“Anything involving Yelstien is world news.” Samuel told them.
“Hey dad, look what Alex got me for my birthday.” Aelita lifted her chin to show her father her diamond choker.
“Is that real?” Samuel asked.
“I had a few extra thousand lying around when I got back to Kartonu City. A private collector bought one of gems I found on a previous site.” Alex told him. “Speaking of which. When I return to Kartonu City next time, Aelita may very well have a large sum of cash waiting for her.”
“What are you talking about?” Samuel was confused. How would his daughter possibly have a large sum of money waiting for her?
“Johnson let me have a share of the treasure we found.” Aelita cheered. “I never knew he was so nice.”
“I see. I guess you'll be wanting to head back to Kartonu City in a few weeks then.” Samuel nodded his head. “Well, if that's all, I'll see you once I get back tomorrow.” Alex whispered something to Aelita who, after a few second of thinking nodded her head. “Is there something else I should know about?”
“Mr. Kilter. There is something we need to tell you.” Alex gulped worried about how he might take the news.
“Promise us you won't lose your temper over it though.” Aelita leaned in closer to Alex.
“Okay, what is it? You haven't hurt my daughter have you?” Samuel was slightly worried now.
“No, but it does involve the two of us.” Alex moved his thumb over the power button just in case.
“I've chosen my mate, father.” Aelita hesitated a bit not knowing how her father would take the news.
“And just who did you choose?” Samuel took a very sudden serious tone.
“Alex.” She told him.
“Alex?” Samuel repeated making sure he had heard her clearly.
“Yes, me. Your daughter has asked me to be her mate and I accepted.” Alex slowly confirmed Aelita's story.
“When?” Samuel asked.
“About three weeks ago. The morning after Michael trying to take your daughter to be exact.” Alex told Samuel.
“And am I expecting any grandchildren?” He demanded.
“No.” Aelita responded. “Not yet at least.”
“Alex.” Samuel looked straight at Alex.
“Yes?” Alex could already fell the stress getting to him.
“I'll be cleaning my rifle when I get back. If you hurt my daughter in any way, I'll have your name etched into a bullet and hunt you down.” Samuel warned Alex. “We'll talk more on the subject when I get back. If the two of you aren't at my house by six tomorrow evening, there will be problems.”
“We'll be there.” Alex said.
“Now then, take care of my daughter.” Samuel hung up leaving Alex tensed up and Aelita sighing in relief that the worst of it was over.
“That went better then I thought.” She said.
“At least he won't kill me.” Alex let out a long breath of air.