Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Whitewing ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon. Only the idea and OC's.
Author Notes:
-- This will be used for scene breaks and for when the story switches to another character, but it does not mean that a new section of the story has started.
= = = = = = This will identify where each paragraph breaks.
(Character thought)
Disclaimer: Don't own Pokemon, never have, never will. Only the idea and OCs behind the story are mine.
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Chapter 8
Aelita was sleeping quietly. She rested upon Alex sleeping contently after their activities last night smiling as she enjoyed her dreams. She had shifted just enough over the night so that her right foot had been uncovered.
Many of the torches that had been lit were still going, but a few had gone out. They were much calmer, their flames did not constantly move about, but seemed to have settled down. Most of the light in the room came from the blazer, which had calmed down greatly since last night, but it was still far from going out. Alex was careful only to fill it with a small section of large log and some of the fuel that they had found in the storeroom. It was only meant to burn for the one night, but it was still burning even as the sun was rising. The fuel proved to be far better then Alex had predicted. The sun was slowly rising over the side of the mountain and beginning to shine into the bathhouse. The dense tree cover on the eastern side of the bathhouse however blocked most of the light from the sun as it rose.
Alex had forgotten to set his alarm and both of them enjoyed this. Alex's watch beeped once quietly signaling that it was seven-o clock, but neither of them cared. Their little visitor however jumped back surprised by the noise. The little creature was careful not to make any noise. She didn't know who or what she had stumbled upon. Barely standing two feet tall, she was still young. Aelita's foot twitched and caught the attention of the little blue dog like creature. Her small ribbon like twin tails swayed back and forth. She moved slowly toward Aelita's foot, a gentle breeze blew into the room throw the many windows causing her fur to sway just a bit. In any case, this only seemed to draw their unknown guest's attention further.
“Julian?” A soft voice called out from down one of the halls.
The small creature reached one of her paws out and lightly tapped Aelita's foot. Aelita shook her foot just a bit thinking nothing of it. Their guest repeated her action and got a similar result.
“Julian, where did you go?” the same female voice as before called out.
The small creature tried something new this time seeing that whatever it was she was touching was not acting out. She moved in closer sniffing the foot before her for a few seconds pondering what it was. Deciding that maybe she could figure it out by taste, she gave the foot a long lick. Unlike her previous actions, this got Aelita's attention.
She shifted her position on top of Alex a bit and moved her feet. She stretched her toes for a second, her claws coming out of the fur for a second before she calmed and returned to her dreams.
A large Suicune rounded the corner into the room and looked into the room. Aurora saw her pup by the sleeping couple and not knowing who they were. She quickly made her way over to Julian.
Julian failed to notice her mother and gave Aelita's foot another lick. Aelita began to stir again moving her foot thinking that a fly or something had landed on her.
Aurora got behind her pup and startled Julian who had not heard her mother come up. Julian rushed under the sleeping bag waking Aelita.
“Alex, what you…” At first she thought that Alex was simply moving beneath her, but Alex wasn't moving beneath her. He was still sleeping peacefully. She could feel Alex's still body beneath her the only movement he made was the rising and falling of his chest, but if Alex wasn't responsible for the movement?
Aelita screamed not know who or what had climbed between her legs. This woke Alex and startled both Aurora and Julian. Aelita jumped out of bed covering what little her fur did not. Alex was left in total confusion as he quickly rolled out of bed. Aurora went to grab Julian. Julian dug her way further into the sleeping. During the massive bout of chaos that was going on, Johnson had charged in. Having heard the scream, Johnson feared that something was trying to kill Alex and Aelita.
He took one look into the room and couldn't make heads or tails of anything. Aelita was hiding on the opposite side of the tent as the sleeping bag. Alex had gotten himself caught up in some vines. When he had rolled off the bed, he fell into the pile of spare vines he had gathered. As for Julian, she was busy trying to dig her way deeper into the sleeping while her mother tried to dig her out.
“What the hell's going on here?” Johnson screamed. Everyone came to stop and looked at Johnson. Alex quickly looked over toward the sleeping bag to see Aurora and Julian making a mess of the vines that served as their bed.
“Aurora?” Alex asked.
Upon hearing her name, Aurora calmed down some realizing now who it was her daughter had come upon. Julian returned to trying to get away from the mouth that was trying to grab her foot finally managing to get free of the sleeping bag. Aurora pulled her head out and looked at Alex. Aelita had quickly moved to hide herself from Johnson.
“Can someone please tell me what is going on here?” Johnson asked.
“I wish I knew.” Alex responded pulling a vine off of his shoulder. “Aurora, this is Johnson. Might I ask what you doing here though?”
“I am sorry for my daughter's actions. I came up here to relax in springs, but Julian wondered off on me.” Aurora explained as she gently pinned her daughter down to prevent her from going anywhere. “She has caused enough for you. We'll be on our way.” Before Johnson could object, Aurora picked up her daughter by the back of her neck and quickly walked down the halls.
“Alex, was that?” Johnson asked watching as the two Suicune disappeared.
“Yes, that was a Suicune. She would prefer if we kept her existence a secret though.” Alex said as he started to stand up only to realize that he had no cloths on. “Could you give us a minute to get dressed?” Alex asked.
“Sure thing.” Johnson walked down one of the halls a short distance so that he couldn't see them, but could still hear them if they needed him. He had a puzzled look on his face as he tried to figure out how he had managed to walk in on the Suicune with Alex and Aelita.
Once dressed, Alex started on breakfast while explaining about Aurora and Julian. It wasn't the detailed explanation Johnson had hoped for, but it was enough to settle his curiosity for the time he was going to be spending with Alex and Aelita. As the group of three finished breakfast, Alex went out his ideas for the building making sure that Aelita had a chance to say her piece if she had another idea for something like the gardens.
By noon, Johnson had a pretty good idea what plans Alex and Aelita had for the old bathhouse. The three of them set to work. The first order of business was the main room. The group once again began to clear vines from the room revealing more the stone floor and various art works that lined it.
Alex, Aelita, and Johnson each went to work on a different section and the room was cleared by sundown. There was just enough light that Alex didn't have to bring a torch with him while he went to gather berries. Johnson went about lighting up various torches around the bathhouse. The three of them spent about a half-hour relaxing letting their sore muscles calm down after a hard day of work.
The next few days were spent in a similar manor. By Thursday, the bathhouse was looking halfway decent. Between Alex, Aelita, and Johnson, they made short work of a number of hallways, the main room, the entranceway and a few of the bathing rooms. All was going well, until that afternoon.
The three of them had been working on one of the larger storeroom located near the main room of the bathhouse. Johnson had decided that it would be the most logical place to install the kitchen and Alex seconded that idea. They had just finished clearing the storeroom of supplies, many of which would have to be thrown away as they were worn baskets, spare sheets, and other such things which had all suffered the test of time. The only real usable thing left in the storeroom was a box of old candles.
Alex looked up to check the ceiling when he saw something strange towards the top of the room. There seemed to be a slight indentation dropping down from the ceiling. Curious to see what was there, he climbed up the shelves slowly. Alex had just made it to the top of the room when Aelita walked in.
“What are you doing, Alex?” She asked. Alex was about to answer as he placed his hand on the indentation. Whatever it was, it caved upon Alex's slight touch.
A nest or something filled with various objects fell through the hole. A few feral Murkrow started squawking as their nest fell. Something hit the edge of the shelf Alex had been standing on and it shifted. Alex was unable to hold his footing and fell down hard. A loose shard of wood tore his arm as he fell while Aelita played the part of a cushion for Alex and the various falling objects. Alex had hit his head somewhat hard, but he was still conscious. Aelita had been forced to ground hard with Alex on her gut. A few of the objects from the nest had hit her with a bit of force, but they did nothing other then leave a few marks.
Alex was quick to move off Aelita and let her breath. Only after he had cleared her off did he even bother to look over his arm. While Aelita's injuries were minimal, Alex had a large chunk torn from his upper arm in the shape of V. It was more then enough reason to head to the Pokemon center and quickly at that.
Johnson heard the crash and made a hasty run for the storeroom dropping the box of candles he had. Johnson took one look at the room and had a general idea of what had happened.
“Come on, let's get that arm bandaged up.” Johnson stated. Most of Alex's arm was covered with his own blood. Johnson did his best to wrap up the arm, but the supplies in the group's first aid kit were far from what they needed. It was going to be a rough trip, but the group would have to made it down the mountain.
It was lucky for the group that the back down the mountain was an easy climb. Alex had some trouble, but then again, with just one arm; difficulty was to be expected. In the end, Johnson rigged up a sling and just lowered Alex down in it.
It was a short walk back to Alex's cliffside house where Johnson had one of his HUMMERs parked. Once in the vehicle, it was a quick ride over to the Pokemon Center. As Johnson parked, he got quite a lot of stares and glances from people in the surrounding area. Many of them were just surprised to see the famous explorer in their little town, but a few of them actually tried to get an autograph. All these attempts fell on deaf ears however. Alex got out with Aelita by his side and the three of them headed into the center.
Alex was checking his arm. He was starting to feel a bit dizzy, as the tear in his arm was large. The quick fix that Johnson had applied to his arm was just that, a quick fix. It helped to reduce the bleeding, but not enough, as the bandages he had applied about two hours ago were already completely blood red.
A Blissey at the front counter saw the bandaged arm and immediately rushed Alex, Aelita, and Johnson into the back.
“What happened?” The Blissey asked wasting no time getting a proper set of bandaged to help reduce the bleeding.
“Not entirely sure.” Alex said shaking his head some. “I was looking at something on the ceiling of this bathhouse I was working on in the mountains when the shelves I was standing on came crashing down. Somewhere on the way down, I lost a chunk of skin.”
“I've suffered minor injuries. Take care of Alex first.” Aelita stated as a Kadabra walked in. The Kadabra took one look at Alex and went to fetch some equipment to help stitch the wound up.
“You're lucky that skin wasn't torn off completely.” The Blissey stated.
As the Kadabra returned, he handed the gear she had gone to retrieve to the Blissey. Blissey quickly took it and hooked up a morphine drop to Alex's arm while she sorting through the package looking for an appropriate needle and stitching thread. The Kadabra moved over to check on Aelita's wounds.
“How bad were you hurt?” Kadabra asked.
“Alex landed on me when he fell and I hit my head a little hard. Other then a headache and some pain on my back, I'm fine.” Aelita explained.
“If it's alright with you, I'd like to use my abilities to look over your body.” The Kadabra asked. “It will be the quickest way to tell if you have additional injuries.”
“Go ahead.” Aelita took a seat on the bed behind her. The Kadabra raised his hand to her body and placed his other hand on the side of his head. His eyes began to glow as he looked over her body.
“You really shouldn't be working so hard.” The Kadabra stated. “I'd take it easy given your condition for the next few months.”
“Condition?” Aelita asked.
“What condition would force her to…take…” Johnson quickly got the idea looking at Alex and Aelita. “Let's hope your father takes to the news.”
“News? What are you talking about?” Aelita asked. Alex was too far under the effects of the morphine to really take notice of the situation. The Blissey had just started to stitch up his arm.
“It's not surprising you haven't began to the feel the effects yet. Like your feral brethren, your kind are well adopted to a anti-sociable life style and can females can often go for a few months without feeling any real effects from pregnancy. It's a bit risky, but being solitary creatures, they have to fend for themselves almost all the time including when they are preparing to give birth. I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't starting showing it for a month at least.” The Kadabra explained.
“Pregnant? Whose pregnant?” Alex asked looking over towards Aelita and Johnson.
“You mean… to …tell me that…that…” Aelita knew all too well this would mean and while she was in a way hoping for it, the sudden news was a shock for her.
“Yes, I sensed a second life form within you. I could give you a actual test to confirm my results, but I'm rarely ever wrong about these things.” The Kadabra stated.
The room fell quite for a few before Johnson finally spoke. “I would suggest that you give Aelita a test to confirm this theory. Afterwards, if this is a fact, then we should alert Mr. Kilter.”
“Very well.” The Kadabra left the room and returned a shortly after with a pregnancy test in his hands. “Here we are.” He stated as he handed the box to Aelita.
Minutes passed before Aelita had returned. The device that she carried did in fact indicate pregnancy. Alex was still under the effects of the morphine as the Blissey had just finished with his arm. “How far along is she?” Johnson asked.
“By what I felt, I'd say about a week if that.” The Kadabra explained. “It was very small, but I knew I felt something.”
The next few hours were mostly quiet as the shock of an unexpected child set in. Johnson had left to return to the bathhouse and gather up the supplies while the truth of the matter set in for Alex and Aelita. It had taken an hour, but Alex was slowly regaining himself.
Alex sat up slightly against the back of the couch. He just now realized the look of worry on Aelita's face as she thought about how her life was going to change. “Aelita, you look worried.” Alex stated as he shook off the last of the mind numbing effects from the morphine. His body was still a bit numb, but his mind was returning to normal at last.
“Alex, I'm… pregnant.” Aelita stated. Aelita was worried, but at the same time, she showed signs of happiness. Torn between various emotions, Aelita was at a loss of how feel and act at the moment. She was glad to start a family with her mate, but at the same time, she was still in school. She had no doubt that Alex would be able to support her and his child, but still. The change would be great.
“When did you find out?” Alex asked unsure how to take the news. He knew right away that this would amount to certain changes that would have to be made. Sure, he could more then provide for a family if he needed to, but caring for one and providing for one were two different things. Alex wasn't sure he was ready to be a father yet, but there was no turning back at this point.
“Today, at the Pokemon Center.” Aelita replied. Her eyes showed worry over all else.
“Then I guess we should start preparing for the changes that will have to be made.” Alex stated. He knew at this point that he would have to accept this burden. It had only been weeks since he had gotten together with Aelita and he wasn't even thinking about having kids at this point. Either way, he knew he loved Aelita and he would love his child. “I'll have to ask for the team's help finishing the bathhouse and then make sure to have it outfitted with a nursery.” He quietly stated to himself. “There's no way I can finish this place fast enough.”
“Alex, what are going do? I'm not sure that we can this yet.” Aelita questioned.
“We do our best. We continue with our daily lives as best we can. Sure there will be changes, but that's part of life.” Alex stated. “We are in this together and we'll see it through.”
“How can you act so calm about this?” Aelita asked.
“The way I see it, this is not very different from preparing for a site.” Alex started.
“I think giving birth is very from preparing for a site.” Aelita stated.
“Not when you think about it. Like with all sites, you have a general idea of what to expect and how to prepare. As with all Absol pregnancies, we have seven months to get ready for this child because one way or another, it's coming to this world. And just like with a site, you never know what to expect until you get there. I may seem calm now, but I've learned to keep my head over the years. Just wait until our child decides its time to meet us.” Alex stated. “All we can do right now is prepare ourselves.”
“I still don't see how you can be so calm.” Aelita stated.
“I suppose it's the life I've lived. I've practically lived alone since I was twelve; I explore dangerous ruins and temples on a monthly basis, I… Hell, I don't know who I really am.” Alex stated. He lowered his head suddenly realizing the complete seriousness of the life he had led.
“I'll tell you who you are. You are Alex Whitewing, my mate and father to my child. You are my lover and soon to be father.” Aelita stated.
“You always had a way with words.” Alex replied.
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Alex and Aelita continued to talk for a few hours, each one calming the other and helping each other understand that they could get through this one step at a time. Johnson had returned as the moon had risen that night to drop off the gear he managed to bring down from the bathhouse and then told the two of them he would be staying at a local hotel that evening.
The night had passed with little incident. Aelita and Alex spent most the night talking before they fell asleep in each other's arms yet again in the make shift bed.
It was going on nine o'clock when Johnson returned to Alex's house. He had returned to take them over to Aelita's fathers and alert him of the news. Alex and Aelita were still asleep as he used his key to unlock the door.
“I'm here.” Johnson stated as he opened the door after knocking a few times. “Hello?”
Johnson's calls slowly awoke Aelita as she began to stir from her pleasant dreams. “Huh?” Aelita looked around. As usual, she was lying on top of her mate who seemed quite happy to have her lie down on him. She looked at the clock which she had brought from her house since always used his phone.
“Alex, its time to get up.” Aelita gently shook her mate. He was slow, but he opened his eyes smiling.
A sudden knock on the bedroom door got their attention.
“Hello?” Johnson's voice called.
“Give us a minute. We just woke up.” Alex stated.
Alex and Aelita slowly got up and Alex let Aelita take the first shower while he went to go make breakfast.
“So, have the two of you decided on what you're telling Aelita's father yet?” Johnson asked as Alex started breakfast, a few eggs and some berries.

“Pretty much the truth of the matter, my mate is pregnant.” Alex replied as he put the eggs on the skillet he had. “We'll see how it goes from there.”
“I'm glad to see that you're going so willingly.” Johnson replied as he got some berries from the fridge.
“With you here, I don't have even if I wanted one.” Alex said. “Besides, the sooner he finds out from us, the better.”
“That is correct.” Johnson agreed.
The rest of the morning was pretty quite. As Aelita exited the shower dressed in a light blue T-shirt and a pair of jeans, Alex had breakfast ready and went to take his own shower.
Alex took a quick shower and then got dressed in a pair of long green pants and a red shirt. He ate his breakfast with the others and once they were set, Johnson drove them over to Aelita's house to deliver the news.
Johnson and the others arrived at Mr. Kilter's a little after ten. The three of them walked to the door and found it to be locked. It caught them off guard, as Aelita knew her father was off today. She used her own key to unlock the door and found that he wasn't home. The house was quite and partially cleaned, but it didn't quite look as though the floors had been swept yet. Aelita was the first to notice the vacuum cleaner was beside the table and had been taken apart. She quickly knew where her father was.
“I'll bet he went to get a replacement part for the vacuum cleaner.” Aelita said as she pointed to the device. The handle separate from the body and the hose was disconnected. A quick look at if from Johnson told the that the belt had been broken and the hose was damaged, most likely by whatever got jammed into it causing the belt to brake.
It was a torturous wait for Aelita and Alex as they waited for Samuel to get home.
Finally, the large red Ford truck pulled into the driveway. Samuel climbed out of the truck and his expression showed that he was surprised to that Yelstien family emblem on the vehicle. He shook it off quickly though knowing that Alex had ties with Johnson. He came up and found the front door open, not that it was a big surprise given the vehicle parked in the driveway.
“Greetings Samuel.” Johnson bowed his head as the grown Absol entered the house.
“And what would warrant a visit from you William?” Samuel asked as he closed the door behind himself with a small bag from the local repair shop in hand.
“Please, all my friends and family call me Johnson. AS for why I am here, I believe your daughter can explained that.” Johnson took a seat on the nearby couch as Aelita and Ales stood before Samuel.
“I hope nothings wrong.” Samuel stated.
“Daddy, I… I'm…” Aelita started, but fear of how her father would react kept her from talking.
“Well, you're what?” He asked.
“Aelita is trying to say that she's… pregnant.” Alex stated.
There was a dreaded pause in which no one said anything. Finally, Samuel broke the silence. “I though you said that I wasn't expecting any grandchildren.”
“According to the Kadabra who first noted the pregnancy, Aelita is only a few days along. This is quite new.” Johnson explained.
“Kadabra?” Samuel asked.
“There was a slight accident at the bathhouse in the mountains. The building is one the Alex discovered and asked my help to restore.” Johnson continued.
“Wait, what accident. What happened?” Samuel demanded.
“Aelita is fine, I'm the one who got hurt.” Alex stated as he rolled up his sleeve revealing the wound in question.
“That must of hurt.” Samuel quickly looked over the wound. “It could have been a lot worse.”
“That's what the doctor said as well.” Alex admitted.
“Alright then, back to the original topic. I want to know how you plan on caring for this child.” Samuel looked at both Alex and his daughter.
“I can promise you that their child will not have to worry. If they need anything, they can just for my help.” Johnson stated.
“I don't want them relaying on us to help care for this child. Not to say that I don't want to help, but I would prefer if they were able to provide for the child themselves.” Samuel stated.
“I have more then enough cash stored in a few banks. If things should turn out worse then expected, I have ways to provide. I still have a large sum of gold coins I've been collecting which would be more then enough to hold us until I can find an alternate method to earn money.” Alex informed Samuel.
“I'm glad to hear this.” Samuel stated. “I do care for you, but I won't always be here to help and I doubt Johnson will either. Our jobs take us all the world.”
“That is true.” Johnson agreed.
With the worst of the topic over, the day passed quietly as the group of four began discussing other topic which had come up. Such things like housing for the child, and possible names. The biggest question however could not be answered at this time. What race would their child be? A human like it's father or an Absol like it's mother.
The weekend passed quickly and before they knew it, messages had been sent to the parents stating that school was back on come Monday morning.
Like normal, Alex woke up first to the sounds of his phone going off Monday morning. He quietly got out of the bed, took a quick shower and started breakfast. Aelita once again to the smell of breakfast, this time sliced ham with toast and a glass of orange juice. With the dining finally completely outfit with power and lighting, the two of them decided to eat there. Afterwards, Aelita took her shower as Alex got the few things he would need for school.
The two of them left as the sun first began to shine and it was their normal walk to the high school. As they reached the high school, they once again met up with Luna.
“Greetings. This is becoming a regular sight.” The principal stated as she opened the door for them to enter. “Hold on.” Luna took a quick look at Aelita. “My mind must be elsewhere.” She shook her head.
“What's wrong?” Alex asked,
“I could have sworn I felt a fourth body here. Perhaps I've let my mind wonder too much this morning.” She replied.
“No, I wouldn't be surprised if you noticed it. You are one of the most powerful psychics around.” Aelita said.
“Wait, then you mean to tell me.” Luna quickly realized that her mind wasn't fooling her, Aelita was in fact pregnant. She had often let her mind wander around in the morning to see who all was at the school when she arrived. “I assume Alex is the father.”
“Yes, I am.” Alex stated.
“Very well, I'll be sure to keep a note of this on your file. For now, you should be fine, but later on if you need to take it easy in gym or survival classes, just let me and I'll inform the other teachers.” Luna informed Aelita. “Until then, I'll keep this to myself.”
“Thank you.” Aelita smiled happy that Luna was such a kind principal. Aelita knew that she wasn't the first female to be allowed to take it easy in a few classes because of pregnancy. While it was a little uncommon, given the Pokemon of the current day matured more quickly then humans; it was not frowned upon entirely.
= = = = = =
Alex and Aelita had decided the keep the new quite for a while until Aelita began to show signs of the pregnancy. This played to both their as it would let Alex avoid another mass of unwanted questions and would allow Aelita to continue on with her life as normal for a while.
For a while, life at school went on as normal with only Luna knowing the truth behind the matter, but she was true to her word and kept it a secret. Alex's monthly dungeon was put on hold for a while. Of course, the team made sure to send him documents on the sites they visited and send him the occasional gemstone fang or teardrop they found.
At last, after a month since they had found out, Aelita first began to show sings of her pregnancy. Her stomach had finally started to show and there would soon be no hiding the fact, although because of her race, she wouldn't be as large as other pregnant species.
Once again a normal morning routine, Alex and Aelita arrived at the school as the teacher were arriving. They would spend the rest of the time before school started in the library. While Alex did some reading Aelita would take the time to look through various books. Ever since her first dungeon run, she had taken an interest in history and with Alex's help, she had quickly become familiar with how to tell the various cultures of ancient times apart.
At last, the bell had rang signaling the students to begin heading to class. Science was up first for the day. Miss Decon once called out to see who was there. Alex and Aelita once again sat in the back of the class, luckily the class was devoid of any of Aelita's friends, so there was little worry about anyone really noticing about Aelita.
Today's lesson was a simple one, a collect of worksheets. Alex was of course the first one done and with his help, Aelita was the second one finished. Out of the twenty some students, only eight finished before the bell rang which meant that the others would have to finish what they missed for homework.
As normal, Alex and Aelita parted ways for second period. Alex had his English class while Aelita had her math class. Mr. Berkins, a Xatu was Aelita's teacher for this period. Aelita moved towards her seat on back of the class as Mr. Berkins had a piece of chalk in his hand writing out today's lesson on the board. While he was it, seven other pieces of chalk were under his psychic power also writing out various pieces of the lesson.
“Today's lesson class will be a review of what you have learned so far.” Mr. Berkins stated. He was a boring teacher, but he got his job done effectively. For those few students who didn't pay attention to his lessons, he would state the lesson directly into the student's mind to remind to pay attention.
This class had two of Aelita's friends in it. The first was Steve, the Zangoose from the filed trip and second an Ivysuar by the name of Maria. While Steve failed to take notice of Aelita's belly, Maria was quick to see it. Up to now, Aelita had worn some of her slightly larger shirts to avoid this, but by now, there was no hiding and she decided she wasn't going to anymore.
“Aelita, either you've put on some weight or you need to tell me who the father is.” Maria stated, as she looked back and forth the board and Aelita.
“My mate, who else.” Aelita responded.
“Alex huh. So, how far along are you?” Maria asked as five stacks of papers flew up off the teacher's desk and passed themselves out to the students. One of the things Mr. Berkins was always proud of was his ability to manipulate multiple objects with his mind at once.
“I've take the liberty of writing up a few notes on the board for those of you who may have forgotten a few of the formulas we use.” Mr. Berkins stated. “Just remember that they won't be here come time for the exams.”
“I'm just a month along.” Aelita stated as she began to look over the paper she was given.
“Hold on.” Steve had finally got wind of the current situation. “You meant to tell me that you're pregnant. I mean you've only been with Alex for what, a few months.”
“I've always loved him ever since we met. He's my very own angel.” Aelita said.
The class had passed quickly enough and Aelita did pretty well. Now that word was staring to spread, it wouldn't take long for it to reach all over the school.
Third period was history and like always, those who did notice Aelita's condition would have to wait until after class had ended to inquire about it. Mr. Getter wasn't about to be disrupted for no reason.
Class passed without question and as soon as the bell, the Charmeleon who had caused problems for Alex and Aelita back during the field trip to the Suicune Falls had approached them. “So, you're pregnant with his child.” He stated.
“Just leave us alone.” Alex stated remembering quite well the trouble he had helped cause back at the falls a few months ago.
“Fine. I'm just sorry to hear that you're the father.” The Charmeleon stated looking at Alex before turning to Aelita. “I thought it was just a passing fancy of yours, but it appears I wrong. You could have almost any male in this school and still, you choose him and even let him become the father to your first child. I'll never understand you.” He quickly walked wanting nothing more to do with the two of them.
Alex and Aelita also shared forth period together. It was their advanced survival class. When anthro Pokemon became quite common is society, survival classes became a mandatory class for all. The primary purpose of this class to prepare students to live on their own teaching them basic skills like how to sow up simple things and some basic cooking techniques. As the students grew older, they would more things, like how to use their own abilities in everyday life. In the advanced classes, students were taught how to survive in the wild. The big difference between this class and Independent living was the fact that survival classes focused more on the students natural abilities versus everyday skills. Because of this, no too classes were really the same as they were mostly divided by elemental types.
A Swampert by the name of Miss Rise was their teacher. “Alright class, let's pick up where we left off with a quick review of what we learned before the unexpected school break.” She announced to the class, which mostly consisted of dark types and psychic types. “I was going to give you a test last Tuesdays, but I'll wait to Wednesday to give you now. That should be more then enough time for you memorize anything you haven't because I know most of you didn't study over the break.” This got a few laughs.
Alex, like always took a seat in the back of the class. Aelita was with him and two her friends had decided to come join them. Both were Mightyena and twins at that. Susan and Lilly were both good girls, but never did go any of the dances. Sure they could have dates, but they could get a bit overactive at times.
“How could you.” Susan stated as she took a seat beside Aelita.
“Yea, you should have told us.” Lilly agreed taking the seat beside her sister and Alex.
“I should have told you what?” Aelita responded as the teacher began passing out books.
“You should have told us that you were pregnant.” Susan stated as she flipped open her book.
“No offense, but we were trying to hide that fact for a while.” Alex stated.
“Sorry, but you two couldn't keep a secret to save your lives.” Aelita said.
Both Susan and Lilly had a slight laugh at this. Except for a minor disruption caused my Susan who had fallen back out of her seat, the period passed without question. With Alex there, Aelita, Susan, and Lilly would all be prepared for the test on Wednesday.
As the day went on, more and more students began asking questions. If nor for the incident Alex had caused back before the dance, he would have been hounded again by people asking questions. Of course, some people would still ask him about it, but not that many while Aelita on the other hand was flooded by students all wanting answers as word spread of her pregnancy.
By the time school ended, there wasn't one person who didn't know about Aelita's pregnancy. Sometimes being popular had its drawbacks.
As school ended, Alex and Aelita headed toward the Pokemon center. By now, they should be able to have a clue as to what their child would be. Unfortunately, humans and Absol infants needed slightly different things.
It was a quick walk there and mostly quiet. A Blissey was expecting them as they walked in. “Ah yes, Miss Kilter, or should I say Mrs. Whitewing given that you and Alex are mates. This way please.”
“It's Whitewing now.” Aelita stated.
Shortly after finding out about her pregnancy, Aelita had had her last name changed to match that of her mate. For the past hundred years, the term married had been replaced by mate and weddings had become a thing of the past. Now a simple name change was all that was needed since anthro Pokemon had no care for weddings really. Pokemon never understood the whole thing anyway considering that it was not uncommon for a single Pokemon to have multiple mates over the course of their life. There were a few that mated for life, but that was their choice.
“Very well, if you come with me, we can take a look and tell you what to expect.” The Blissey stated. She lad them both to the back room where the same Kadabra as before was working with another couple. “You're coming along nicely, Ms. Jones. I would expect you to give live birth in about a week.” He stated to the Electivire before him.
“Kevin, Aelita is here to see you. That young Absol from about a month back.” Blissey stated as she turned to leave.
“Very well, just give me a minute here and I'll be with you.” Kevin stated before he finished with his current patient. “Now then, this way please.” Kevin led Alex and Aelita down the hall to the next room.
“So, how am I doing?” Aelita asked as she took a seat on the bed.
“Give me a minute and I'll tell you.” Like before, Kevin placed on hand on the side of his head, but placed the second lightly on Aelita's stomach. A few seconds passed as his eyes began to glow. “Well, its too early to state the gender.”
Both Aelita and looked at each other as Kevin stated the species of their child.
= = = = = =
As one month became two, Alex and Aelita had both got used to the idea and began making changes. Aelita was slowly having to take it easier on some things as she progressed along. Life became a bit harder as Alex would spend the weekends with the team on the mountain working to finish the bathhouse before his child was born. Aelita wanted to help, but Johnson had convinced her to take it easy.
By some misfortune, word that Alex and Aelita were mates made it to the papers and Aelita's pregnancy was the reason for Johnson's unscheduled vacation. While Andrew did his best at the PR person, he still wasn't able to stop all the reporters from contacting Alex and Aelita.
As time continued to advance, the calls from reported grew some, but they never made to his house in person. Unlike most celebrities of the day, Johnson had more power when it came to dealing with unwanted press. He was able to restrict them from showing up and was never one to wait should something happen. Every time an unwanted part of his private life or a portion of his teams private lives found it's way to a news station, the station in question suddenly found a number of restraining orders from various companies who had business contracts with the Yelstien family. Having a number of contacts in various organizations that wanted the continued support of the Yelstien family had its benefits.
The more time that passed, the more Aelita had grown. It had taken six months, but she now had a full belly, but still not as big as some other races. She was still able to work on a number of things and get around, but after all this time; it was starting to catch up with her. The bathhouse wasn't quite completed yet either. Setting up the wiring, lights, and kitchen was proving to be a problem. The team did however find a road to use transport everything up to the bathhouse.
Finally, after seven months of pregnancy, it was time.
Alex and Aelita were eating lunch. Since it was a Sunday, there wasn't much going on. Cheryl had chosen to stay with them as Alex didn't have a vehicle and there was no way he would be able to transport Aelita to the hospital by himself. Cheryl was in the shower while they ate. It was a quite day, the sun was out and sky was clear.
The cave side house was coming along, now having five additional rooms, each one fully outfitted with power and lights. Alex and Aelita were currently in the study looking through a few books while they ate. Mostly, they were just wasting time knowing that Aelita would be going into labor any day now.
Cheryl had just stepped out of the shower, dressed in a simple pair of shorts with a shirt. “Hey Alex, I'll be heading to the store in a few. Do you need anything?”
Alex unable to hear Cheryl completely got up to see what she wanted.
“You call?” He asked as he stepped into the living room.
“Yea, I'm heading to the store. You need me to pick anything up?” Cheryl asked again.
A sudden cry from the study got the attention of both Cheryl, but most importantly Alex.
They ran to find Aelita on the floor clutching her stomach. “It's time.” She stated. Acting quickly, Alex and Cheryl got Aelita to Cheryl's car and they were headed off the Pokemon Center. Alex had called the center as they were on their way there alerting them of what was going on. AS they pulled into the center, a pair of Chansey was waiting for them. Alex stayed with his mate as the Chansey took her down to maternity ward.
It was the longest three hours of Alex and Aelita's life. To help his wife, Alex once again expanded into spirit energy into his wife a bit to her with the pain. It hurt Alex to do it as he felt what pain he took from his wife, but he knew it would comfort her.
At last, it was over. With one final push, Aelita had given birth to her child. The Blissey who was the doctor now held a crying baby anthro Absol in her arms. “Congratulations, you have a healthy Absol daughter. Might I inquire the name of your child.”
Both Alex and Aelita looked at each as the Blissey handed their daughter to Aelita. Like Aelita's mother, their daughter had a slight silver tint to her fur. “Erika. Erika Whitewing.” Aelita said she took her daughter looking down at her. Their daughter fell silent in the arms of her mother, her eyes just barely open. They were still wide enough however to show her green eyes and small red dots which served as pupils. “She has your eyes.”
A sudden vibration in Alex's pocket caught his attention. He pulled out the cellphone having forgotten to turn it off.
“I think we need to call your father. He just left a message.” Alex stated.
“There's a phone over here if you need to make a call.” The Blissey stated.
Alex dialed the number while his mate comforted their child. Alex knew at this point, life for him would be vastly different. No more dungeon runs for a while, no more heading to school early. No doubt Cheryl would be stick around for a days to help out. She always did enjoy children.
“Hello.” Alex heard Samuel's voice on the other end of the line.
“Hey, Samuel. Sorry we couldn't make to dinner tonight, but something came up.” Alex said.
“Like what?” Samuel asked.
“Try the fact the we have a new addition the family. Aelita just gave birth a few minutes ago. We'll be over there tomorrow.” Alex stated hoping to end the call quickly to return to his mate's side.
“Alright, but I think I'll stop over tomorrow by your place.” Samuel said. With that he hung up and let Alex return to Aelita.
As Alex returned, he was given a paper to sign to show that he was the father. Afterward, the papers were set and everything checked out okay. Their daughter had fallen asleep in her mother's arms. She looked peaceful laying there, her small tail wrapped around her waist. It would take a few weeks for her horn to grown is, so the was a slight bald patch on her forward showing where the horn would grow.
“Once you're up to the task, you are free to leave.” The doctor stated as she left Alex and Aelita alone.
“I guess it's a good thing that we'll be able to start moving once school lets out in a next week.” Alex stated.
“At least it so close to the end of school. But still, how are we both going to go. We can't leave Erika alone at the house I don't want to cause any distractions in class.” Aelita asked as Cheryl was finally allowed in.
“I could always watch over her while you two go to school. You'll be done in a week anyway.” Cheryl stated as she came closer. “She looks a lot like you, Aelita.”
“She looks like my mother with that silver fur.” Aelita responded.
“Well, when you're ready, we can head back to your place.” Cheryl reached down and gently stroked the top of Erika's head feeling her soft fur.
“I can't wait to get home and rest. It's been an eventful day.” Aelita stated. “At last, I can finally hold my child.” She whispered to herself as she handed Erika to Alex to hold while she got dressed and ready to leave.
= = = = = =
Author's Note: Okay, two things. First off, I'm sorry for the ending if it seemed a bit off from what you expected for me to write, but I was just having feeling it myself. Secondly, here's a heads up. I'm not about write up the summer break, so I'm going to skip ahead a few years. Hopefully, the next chapter will be back up to standards.