Pretear Fan Fiction ❯ Love for pretears ❯ a pretear's heart ( Chapter 1 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
By: Cakebeat 
Himeno yawned sa she wiped the sleep from her eyes. the sun seemed to had been up for a long time and as she looked at her alarm clock she was right. it was almost 12:00 and that meant that she had missed school, breakfast and her mother and fathers lovey dovey acts. ever sine the battle had ended and the world had been saved she had been sleeping in later than she used to. also she would always have a strange dream, the same dream.
in the dream she was standing in her yard under and cherry tree and infront of her was another girl. her back was towards her so she couldn't see her face but she was calling her. calling her pretear Himino.
"hey you up himino?" she looked towards her balcony to see Go.
"Hey Go i'm up." she yawned again and walked over to him. "Hayate asked that i check on you since he didn't see you this morning going to school." himino giggled and leaned against the rail. "Yeah well i slept in again so i missed the first bell anyways." they both luaghed and carried on a conversation a little longer before go left for work again and Himino went to take a shower.
by the time she made it out to the garden it was already 1:00 o'clock. there was no point going to school now that it would be over in 2 hours. she liked to sit out in the garden lately and watch the trees loose their cherry blossom petals. everyone was gone from the house to work and school so she was alone when she didn't go herself.
"I wonder where Hayate is?" she hadn't seen him in 2 days, 2 long days it seemed. they had confessed their love for each other right after he had brought her back to life and already they had gone all the way.
he was gentle to her and kind although he didnt talk alot about their relationship. over all she was happy now, the leafe knights were with her and Takako had changed her ways.
the wind blew hard and himino had to hold her hair back to keep it from blowing in her face. the tress swayed fiercely and a small giggle startled her. she turned to the right to see a familiar figure in front of her. it was just like her dreams.
"Himino." the voice was soft and like a childs. she stood up and walked to the girl. the wind had picked up and she could barely move forward.
"Himino are you there?"
"Yeah i'm here but who are you." the girl turned towards her and himino blushed. 'she's so cute' himino thought. the wind did one last blow and and then stopped sudenly.
"Himino you are hi-mi-no." she didn't realy get the girl but whoever she was they had somehow met. before himino could ask who she was the girl jumped on her and their lips locked in a kiss, just as the leafe knights apeared.
Anime/Manga: Pretear Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Romance / Fantasy / Hentai / Drama / Shoujo | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 03.04.2006 | Pages: 1 | Words: 12 | Visits: 234 | Status: Work In Progress

Himeno yawned sa she wiped the sleep from her eyes. the sun seemed to had been up for a long time and as she looked at her alarm clock she was right. it was almost 12:00 and that meant that she had missed school, breakfast and her mother and fathers lovey dovey acts. ever sine the battle had ended and the world had been saved she had been sleeping in later than she used to. also she would always have a strange dream, the same dream.
in the dream she was standing in her yard under and cherry tree and infront of her was another girl. her back was towards her so she couldn't see her face but she was calling her. calling her pretear Himino.
"hey you up himino?" she looked towards her balcony to see Go.
"Hey Go i'm up." she yawned again and walked over to him. "Hayate asked that i check on you since he didn't see you this morning going to school." himino giggled and leaned against the rail. "Yeah well i slept in again so i missed the first bell anyways." they both luaghed and carried on a conversation a little longer before go left for work again and Himino went to take a shower.
by the time she made it out to the garden it was already 1:00 o'clock. there was no point going to school now that it would be over in 2 hours. she liked to sit out in the garden lately and watch the trees loose their cherry blossom petals. everyone was gone from the house to work and school so she was alone when she didn't go herself.
"I wonder where Hayate is?" she hadn't seen him in 2 days, 2 long days it seemed. they had confessed their love for each other right after he had brought her back to life and already they had gone all the way.
he was gentle to her and kind although he didnt talk alot about their relationship. over all she was happy now, the leafe knights were with her and Takako had changed her ways.
the wind blew hard and himino had to hold her hair back to keep it from blowing in her face. the tress swayed fiercely and a small giggle startled her. she turned to the right to see a familiar figure in front of her. it was just like her dreams.
"Himino." the voice was soft and like a childs. she stood up and walked to the girl. the wind had picked up and she could barely move forward.
"Himino are you there?"
"Yeah i'm here but who are you." the girl turned towards her and himino blushed. 'she's so cute' himino thought. the wind did one last blow and and then stopped sudenly.
"Himino you are hi-mi-no." she didn't realy get the girl but whoever she was they had somehow met. before himino could ask who she was the girl jumped on her and their lips locked in a kiss, just as the leafe knights apeared.
Anime/Manga: Pretear Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Romance / Fantasy / Hentai / Drama / Shoujo | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 03.04.2006 | Pages: 1 | Words: 12 | Visits: 234 | Status: Work In Progress