Pretear Fan Fiction ❯ Love for pretears ❯ For the love of pretears ( Chapter 2 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
By: Cakebeat 
"Himino?" himino released herself from the kiss and imiditaly stood up. she wiped her lips and turned towards the knights her face completely red.
"H-hey you guys? how's it going?" she tried to play cool but the guys could obviously see right through her.
"Himino who is this girl?" Sasame helped the girl to her feet blushing when they met eachothers eyes. hers were similar to himino's but bigger and a violet color.
"How the hell should i know she just apeared out of knowwhere(just like you guys) and kissed me."
"Who are you little girl?" sasame let her go and she brushed herself off. "My name's Himase Yukuro and i'm a pretear."
"What?! you're a pretear?!" everyone yelled at the same time except sasame who seemed a little mesmorized.
"yes i am a pretear and i was sent here to meet with Himino."
"But why?"
"No reason i just wanted to meet another Pretear." when himino heard that she alomost fell over from stupidity. "What the hell you interupted my dreams for nothing?!"
"Yeah basically." thr girl giggled and leaned into sasame's chest snuggling into him.
"You smell good Mr.Sasame no wonder my sister Takako loved you."
"Wait Takako's your Sister?!"
"Wow this sure is a decieving fanfic."
"Oh shut up Kei and go with the flow."
"Anyways yes Takako is my older sister." she giggled again and dug herself more into sasame. "you guys are too funny."
"okkkkk so where were you in the OVA if your sister was the Princess of Disaster and you're a pretear."
"That's a funny story you see i happened to be on vacation at that time."
"VACATION?!!! what the HELL you're a pretear not a travel agent. Dammit that's not fare i had to deal with all the presseure when there was another pretear!"
"Oh stop ms. Himino you did good on your own didn't you?"
"I guess." himino calmed down and sat back on the ground. "Well since all of this is a bit much i'm going to take a nap and no more interupting my dreams ok?"
"Only if you let me stay here for now?"
"Do whatever you want." himino began to leave Hayate folowing behind her.
"So can someone show me to the chower i think i need to freshen up from my trip."
"Sure i'll show you where it is." Hajime walked with her into the house while the others stood outside completely confused of what was going on.
Anime/Manga: Pretear Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Romance / Fantasy / Hentai / Drama / Shoujo | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 03.04.2006 | Pages: 1 | Words: 12 | Visits: 220 | Status: Work In Progress

"Himino?" himino released herself from the kiss and imiditaly stood up. she wiped her lips and turned towards the knights her face completely red.
"H-hey you guys? how's it going?" she tried to play cool but the guys could obviously see right through her.
"Himino who is this girl?" Sasame helped the girl to her feet blushing when they met eachothers eyes. hers were similar to himino's but bigger and a violet color.
"How the hell should i know she just apeared out of knowwhere(just like you guys) and kissed me."
"Who are you little girl?" sasame let her go and she brushed herself off. "My name's Himase Yukuro and i'm a pretear."
"What?! you're a pretear?!" everyone yelled at the same time except sasame who seemed a little mesmorized.
"yes i am a pretear and i was sent here to meet with Himino."
"But why?"
"No reason i just wanted to meet another Pretear." when himino heard that she alomost fell over from stupidity. "What the hell you interupted my dreams for nothing?!"
"Yeah basically." thr girl giggled and leaned into sasame's chest snuggling into him.
"You smell good Mr.Sasame no wonder my sister Takako loved you."
"Wait Takako's your Sister?!"
"Wow this sure is a decieving fanfic."
"Oh shut up Kei and go with the flow."
"Anyways yes Takako is my older sister." she giggled again and dug herself more into sasame. "you guys are too funny."
"okkkkk so where were you in the OVA if your sister was the Princess of Disaster and you're a pretear."
"That's a funny story you see i happened to be on vacation at that time."
"VACATION?!!! what the HELL you're a pretear not a travel agent. Dammit that's not fare i had to deal with all the presseure when there was another pretear!"
"Oh stop ms. Himino you did good on your own didn't you?"
"I guess." himino calmed down and sat back on the ground. "Well since all of this is a bit much i'm going to take a nap and no more interupting my dreams ok?"
"Only if you let me stay here for now?"
"Do whatever you want." himino began to leave Hayate folowing behind her.
"So can someone show me to the chower i think i need to freshen up from my trip."
"Sure i'll show you where it is." Hajime walked with her into the house while the others stood outside completely confused of what was going on.
Anime/Manga: Pretear Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Romance / Fantasy / Hentai / Drama / Shoujo | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 03.04.2006 | Pages: 1 | Words: 12 | Visits: 220 | Status: Work In Progress