Prince Of Tennis Fan Fiction ❯ A Friendly Infatuation ❯ The Test ( Chapter 8 )
“Kikumaru-senpai.” He sighed. Eiji felt heat race through him at the sign of authority. He didn’t tell Momo to just call him Eiji, he actually liked feeling a little dominant. Momo moved his hips against the soft and warm mouth that moved up and down his cock. Eiji ran his nails up Momo’s thighs and cupped his balls gently. He felt Momo thrusting against his mouth and he began to hum gently, getting more moans, that made his own erection feel like it was going to break the zipper on his pants. It was almost painful, so he stood up and stripped his own clothes off, and they were added to the pile without ceremony. He went to go back down on Momo, but the black haired man stopped him, and he pulled Eiji to the bed. Momo lay the smaller man down and climbed into the bed with him, pulling the blankets up around them. Eiji quickly moved and climbed on top of Momo, the senpai putting one of Momo’s knees on either side of his body. He leaned over the man and began to lick his neck again. Momo felt Eiji’s cock rubbing against his own, and the thought of what would come next drove him wild. He reached over and got into his night stand, getting out a bottle of lube. Eiji stopped kissing and looked at him.
“It seems odd that the bottle is over half empty.” He said looking into the purple eyes.
Momo’s cheeks got redder than they already were, and he laughed. “Umm, well umm...” He stammered. Eiji giggled, reached down and began to again stroke Momo’s manhood. The man moaned loudly and Eiji stopped again.
“Who was it Momo?” Eiji asked coyly, running his thumb lightly across the head of Momo’s dripping cock, and brought up some pre-cum. He licked it from his fingers while he waited for the other man to answer.
“Kaidoh.” Momo said, he wanted to look away, but watching Eiji suck his fingers was entrancing. “We fooled around a bit a couple times. Nothing big.”
Eiji giggled, moving his hand down to resume stroking. “When you say nothing big, you must be talking about Kaidoh.” He added a small purr to his voice and kissed the man again.
Tezuka waited for the nurse to come in. He was so bored, and had requested some paper and a writing utensil from the irritated woman. She had huffed and gone off to find it. Tezuka thought that if he couldn’t be with the team, that he could at least captain the team through Oishi, who was due to be there at any time. Knowing Oishi like he did, he was betting on the vice-captain being the first one that visited him. The nurse walked back in with a pad of paper and a pencil.
“Anything else you need?” She asked, not exactly cheerfully.
“No, I think I am alright for awhile.” He answered, just wanting her out of the room. He looked down at the blank paper and brought the pencil to it, trying to think of something to tell his team. He heard footsteps in the door, and looked up smiling. Oishi never let him down. Who he saw there made the smile fall off his face. Fuji Syusuke walked into the room, carrying a small pot with a smaller cactus in it. He smiled sweetly and came to the side of Tezuka’s bed. Placing the plant down on the table, he sat down in the visitor’s chair.
“Hello Tezuka.” He said, his voice like soft butter. Tezuka could hardly believe that this man could possibly be here after he had been the one to cause so much pain in Tezuka’s life the last few days.
“Why are you here Fuji?” He asked, sounding more bold than he felt. He had always known that Fuji wasn’t really someone to mess with, but this seemed to solidify it. The fact that Fuji didn’t seem to have the smallest amount of guilt for what he had done.
“Oh come now Tezuka.” Fuji said, his voice sweet but with an edge to it. “ My captain is in the hospital, of course I am going to be here.”
“You are the one who put me here!” Tezuka said quietly, his eyes wide. “I really don’t want to see you.”
“That was your own silly fault.” Fuji said with an airy laugh. “I wasn’t aiming for you.”
“I don’t see how that matters!” Tezuka said indignantly, his voice rising a little.
“Well, say what you want, Tezuka love.” Fuji said, moving to sit next to Tezuka on the bed. Tezuka glared at him. “Eiji is not coming back to you, I think you should move on now.” At this he leaned forward and pushed his lips against Tezuka’s. Tezuka could feel the need in the kiss, and even though he had need of his own, he did not want, or need it from this man. He pulled away from the kiss and saw that Fuji was looking at him a little angrily.
“Why are you so hung up on him anyway?” He asked. “He is weak. He was crushed by me in a number of minutes.”
Tezuka’s head was spinning. He couldn’t believe that the man in front of him was being so bold. Just the fact that he was here was making Tezuka even more angry.
“I want you to leave.” Tezuka said, his voice monotone. Fuji looked at him again, the sweet smile returning to his face.
“Whatever you say Captain.” Fuji said. He looked at the man laying in bed, and another ripple of anger seemed to rush through his body. He reached a hand out, and the fingers traced across Tezuka’s hairline, and brushed the hair from his forehead. “If you change your mind, you know my number.” Fuji then turned and walked to the door. Turning back around again, he said “You really should get over him, he is on a date with Momo right now.” With that he walked from the room.
Tezuka sat there stunned for a minute, not knowing what to think. So now he knew that it had been something that Fuji had said that made Eiji leave him. Also, what did Fuji mean when he said Eiji was on a date with Momo? Momo wasn’t gay! Even if he was, he wouldn’t be the type to fall for Eiji. Fuji must have just been trying to get on his nerves, which had worked. He closed his eyes and sighed. He was annoyed now. How was he supposed to concentrate on the team when things like this kept happening to him? Someone cleared their throat, and he jumped, opening his eyes he saw his vice-captain looking at him worriedly. Tezuka had no choice but to smile at the look the “Mother of Seigaku” was giving him. Oishi came and sat by his bed and they began to talk.
The sun glowed in Momo’s room. The lazy beams falling on the rocking figures in the bed. Eiji was slamming into Momo’s ass again and again. It was his first time, and he was relishing the feeling of the tight muscles around his dick. He felt the man under him panting and begging for more, and he knew that he had been hitting Momo’s spot the last few times. He was stroking Momo’s erection at the same speed as he was thrusting into the man. There was sweat on Eiji’s body. He had come already, but his body would not let him stop. There was semen all over Momo’s stomach, as he had come already as well. After the first orgasm, Momo had began to get up, trying to roll Eiji off of him. Eiji had began thrusting again, and when he had hit Momo’s prostate Momo had given up trying to stop him. Eiji was getting close to orgasm again, and could feel his uke was also close. He stroked faster, using the seed from the previous climax to make the pumping easier. Momo bucked his hips up, making Eiji go deeper inside him.
“Kikumaru-senpai!” He screamed, gripping the edges of the bed. Eiji watched the come shoot from the dick he was working, and he pounded faster, hitting the spot again and again, sending another rush through the man under him. Eiji came himself now, calling out loudly and collapsing onto Momo’s body. He wanted to go again, but his body wouldn’t let him. He lay on the younger man, panting. Momo reached his arms up and wrapped them around Eiji.
“Are you alright?” He asked, his voice full of concern. “It was like you were over compensating for something.”
“I’m sorry Momo.” Eiji said, moving up and kissing the man sweetly. “I’m not, I swear. It was just that good.” He looked coyly at the other man, a smile on his lips.
Momo was quiet for a few minutes as their breathing became regular again.
“Let’s go and see Tezuka tonight.” He said finally. Eiji, who had been dozing, opened his eyes with a start.
“I don’t know...” He started.
“We need to go.” Momo said gently but with a kinda of resoluteness. “Why don’t you want to?”
“I....” He took a breath. “I just...don’t like hospitals.” He said finally, glad for the lie. Momo’s eyes became soft. He kissed the tip of Eiji’s nose.
“Just hold onto me, and I will keep you safe.”
Eiji found this very sweet. He thought their roles in this relationship were very odd. Momo had actually wanted to be uke to Eiji, but at the same time, he was definitely the more dominant and protective one. It seemed the tables were turned only in bed. Eiji thought he could get used to it. But that was before Momo had brought up Tezuka. Eiji began to tremble slightly, and Momo held him tightly.
“We don’t have to go if you don’t want to go.” He said at last.
“No, you are right.” Eiji said, sitting up. “We really should go.”
Eiji got up and walked into the bathroom, still naked. He was glad that Momo’s family were gone tonight. Momo followed, and they had a good time washing each other’s bodies. They went back into Momo’s room and got dressed. Then they walked out of the house and started toward the station. Once on the train, they sat together, Eiji with his leg over Momo’s leg, Eiji’s left hand resting on his knee, held there by Momo’s right hand. Momo gave Eiji little kisses every now and then. When they got to their stop, they exited and began the two block walk to the hospital. Eiji holding on to Momo’s arm as he had to Tezuka’s just a few days before. That thought brought pain to his heart and he pushed it away. He was terrified to see Tezuka again, but he would have to do it sooner or later. They got to the hospital and talked to the attending nurse. She pointed them in the right direction and they found his room easily. Eiji froze before they walked in, and Momo gently led him into the room.
Tezuka sat in his hospital bed. Oishi had just left, a book full of notes under his arm. The vice-captain had been there a total of three hours. Tezuka had given him detailed instructions on what to do when, and who would have to run laps for what. He began to feel more comfortable with the thought of Oishi running things while he was gone. Ten minutes ago Oishi had stood up stretching, bowed slightly and taken his leave. Tezuka was already bored. He heard talking in the hallway and looked curiously toward the door. He saw the black spikes that indicated Momo, and it seemed that the man was talking to someone. When he finally saw who, his heart dropped. Eiji was being led into his room. Momo had his hand, their fingers interlaced, Tezuka noticed sadly. Fuji had been right. These two had somehow hooked up today. Tezuka felt the tears stinging his eyes as he watched the redhead approach his bed. The blue eyes wide and sad. Tezuka took a deep breath and smiled gently.
“Hello Momoshiro.” He said cordially. “Hello Eiji.” He said next, the name almost getting stuck in his throat.
“Hello Tezuka.” Momo said, smiling at the captain. Eiji looked like he wanted to say the same thing, he opened his mouth and shut it twice. Tezuka looked at him, no expression on his face. He felt like his whole body was in pain just from seeing Eiji struggle this much. He smiled at the redhead, a genuine smile. He watched as Eiji’s eyes filled with tears as well. The man ran to Tezuka’s bed and threw himself down, laying his head on Tezuka’s lap.
“I’m sorry Tezuka!” He said, crying into the blanket. “ I didn’t want to leave you but Fuji said things, and everything he said was true. I can’t deny that I am bad for you.”
He broke down completely then, just crying into Tezuka’s lap. Tezuka sat there, his eyes on the shaking body of the man he loved more than anything. He reached out and began to gently run his hands through the red hair, which made Eiji calm down a little.
Momo watched all this, with dawning comprehension. He didn’t know what to, or to say, if anything. “I am gonna wait outside.” He said quietly. Eiji stood up and turned back to him. He wrapped his arms around Momo’s back and snuggled against him.
“I’m not going to hurt you.” He whispered to the taller man who held him. Momo sighed and walked out of the room. Eiji turned back to Tezuka who sat staring at him.
“That was quick.” He said roughly. Eiji felt like the words were stabbing into his heart. He pretended not to hear them.
“Are you here because of what Fuji did?” He asked.
“Of course!” Tezuka said. He knew that he was being mean on purpose, but he wanted Eiji to be in the kind of pain he was in. He watched as Eiji’s eyes filled with tears again.
“Why are you being so hurtful?” He asked, staring into Tezuka’s brown eyes.
“Me being hurtful?” Tezuka said angrily, “I’m in the hospital after protecting you, you leave me and show up in my hospital room the next day with another guy? You call me hurtful? I think you need to think about what you just said.” Tezuka turned his face away, not wanting Eiji to see the tears forming. He heard EIji take a step toward the bed.
“Tezuka I didn’t want to...” He started, then he was silent. Tezuka didn’t turn back to him and a few minutes later he heard Eiji leave the room.