Prince Of Tennis Fan Fiction ❯ Haunted Heart ❯ Haunted Path ( Chapter 1 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Haunted Heart (Yes, this is a song name,)
“Ryoma! Hurry up, you're gonna be late for school if you don't hurry up!” A voice shouted downstairs.
“Un…,” Ryoma looked up at his clock. `That's weird,' He thought. `Tennis practice starts a 7:00, its 6:56 right now…”
“GAH!” Ryoma's voice shook the house. “Ryoma, you forgot your lunch…Ryoma?” By the time Nanako have said that, Ryoma was already half way to school.
“Oi, ochibi, why are you so late? Eh? Lucky you, buchou's not here!” Eiji said. “If he was, you would have to run laps!” “Un…..”
“What wrong? Cat got your tongue?” Momo asked. (You know…Eiji's a cat...and he said those words…get it? I'm not gonna even bother now…)
But Ryoma was only listening half-heartily. He was staring at a dark path leading away form the school.
“Momo-senpai, where does that lead to?” Ryoma asked, pointing to it. It seems untouched and looks like if it hasn't been walk on in ages.
“Oh, that? Don't you know? Well probably not, since most freshmen don't. Well, it said that 500 years ago, it use to be a park that a man named Ryoga (no, not Ryoma's bro, o.k. I borrow his name…what?) built for his lover but one day, Ryoga got killed there and the spirit of the girl never really settled. They said that every single person that went through the passageway never return, why do you wanna know?” Momo explained.“You're not thinking of going in there are you? Oi, we still have to go to the nationals!”
“Momo, let him go, I'll be right behind you…” the voice belong to non other then the tennis prodigy, Syusuke Fuji. “I'll bring my camera,” He added with a mischievous grin.
“Uh…that's o.k…” Ryoma sweatdropped.
For the rest of the day, Ryoma's day, his thoughts were concentrated on the path.
`Damn,' he thought after several hours and he still couldn't get the image of the path out of his mind. Today after school, he was gonna have some exploring to do.
“Oi, Echizen, you going to practice today?” A brown hair boy asked him. In his bright green stripped, he was easily identified as Horio, always bragging about his `two-year experience' of tennis.
“Nngh...” Was all Horio got.
“Oi, are you going?”
“Well are you?”
“Are you?”
“NO!” Ryoma shouted at his face. “Jeez, alrighty then, don't have a cow!” Horio exclaimed, trying hard not to get the boy angry again cause, whoo, he has a temper alright.
“Where are you going?” Horio asked, once again getting on the tennis maniac's nerve. A given glare was all it need for Horio to shut up.
“Ryoma are you going…on…a…date..?” Horio manage to squeak out with a faint blush on his face. Ryoma just stared at him. It was either that boy has problems or the boy has problems. Ya, the boy have problems.
“Horio, I'm here for you,” Ryoma gave Horio a pat on the back before continuing on his exploration, leaving a very confused Horio standing there, scratching his head.
It was getting pretty dark for a boy his age to be wandering around in the woods, but Ryoma swore he felt something moved once or twice or-Whoooooo… there it was again.
Never, in Ryoma's life have he's admitted he was scared, and it was on special occasions, but if that is what it takes for him to get out of there, then so be it cause it was taking an awful lot of time for a short-cut. `Crap,' he thought. `I should've stayed with Horio…' Then he thought over what he said. `The wood wins, hands down.'
“Momo-sempai told me to go straight…why did I even listen to him?” He thought. Now he wasn't even sure he was in Japan. ( is it senpai or is it sempai?)
Whooo…there it was again…crap…he missed Karupin…he missed his warm bed…he missed Japanese cooking…come to think of it; there was a lot more things he missed.
Ryoma was still rambling on and on in his thoughts when he noticed he came across another noise.
This time it was softer…quieter…sadder? Then he realized it was a girl crying. In the woods? At this time of day? He'll never get parents these days.
Ryoma began to fallow the noise and came across a girl, crying on a rock. The girl had strangely reddish brown hair, with red orbs for eyes. “W-what are you doing here?” the girl asked, shivering form the coldness around them but never did she tear her eyes away from Ryoma.
“I…need to find a way home…” Once again Ryoma was lost in his thoughts, the girl was wearing a thin piece of yukata in this chilly weather…where was her parents? Do they people these days still allow that?
“I…” The girl was staring at him like he was some kind of freak! “Uh...I better get going then…” Ryoma said as he tries to inch away from her.
When Ryoma was about to turn around and run, he heard her plead. “Wait! Please! Don't leave me here! I'm-I'm scare...I…” The girl looked away. “Never mind, you should go, don't wanna cost any troubles.”
Ryoma took one last look at her. “Jeez, why me?” Then he took of his jacket and covered her with it. (THIS IS NOT THE END!)
First chap done!
Do you like it? Its gonna be like 5 chaps long! Haha, gimme a revieew kay and tell me what u think!
Woven Bamboo Pattern (One and Only)
Mada Mada Dane