Prince Of Tennis Fan Fiction ❯ Haunted Heart ❯ Sakuna ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
“Where do you live?” Ryoma asked. He didn't even know why he was even asking. It was getting way dark and he should really get home.
Well, maybe except the fact that he doesn't know the way home, and he can't leave a girl out in the cold like this.
If Momo-Sempai found out, he would never live it down.
“I live…..there,” The girl pointed to the darker part of the woods. Grand, now he has to go in there, can't this get anymore worst?
“Can you come with me?” He just had to ask. “What's your name?” Ryoma asked. Hey, if he was taking a girl home, might as well get to know her name.
“…Sa-sakuna,” She replied, almost as if she's not sure if that was even her name. “Well, Sakuna, where your parents?” Ryoma ask.
Along silence awaited him. “Uh…Sakuna?” he asked again, this time a little more impatiently. “They're…gone…” She said, this time looking farther into the distance. “Gone? As in gone gone or out gone?”
Ryoma never really understand girls, and he was sure as hell he wasn't gonna understand this one. “Gone…gone…” she replied, this time she looked straight up at him. “You…” she said, looking at Ryoma dead in the eye.
“Me? Oh, me, I…uh, well for starters my name's Ryoma…I...” Ryoma was cut off when she began again. “Ryo…ma…I like that name…it reminds me of someone….” Yeah, he was never gonna understand girls.
They walked in silence for a long time when they finally reach a clearance, Ryoma looked up in surprise. “This….this is your house?”
It was by far bigger than a house. It was a huge mansion. A taunted, spooky mansion. Ryoma shivered at the sight of it. “Thanks, I'm really glad a met you, Ryoma,” Sakuna said to Ryoma. Ryoma pulled down his cap, "Mada mada dane,"
She gave him a sincere smile. “Is there anything I can do for you?”
Ryoma was snapped out of his thoughts when she asked him that. “Well, uh…I need to find a way home…” Ryoma said, hoping he wasn't off in some kind of other country, he had lived in Japan mostly all his life but he had never notice this place. Well, except for now anyways.
Sakuna chuckled, “Of course,” then she pointed to a passage way, “Just continues down that road and you'll come across Yukishiro St.” she said.
Ryoma could've sworn that path was never there. It leads to a lighter view, less dark, less scary, less haunted. When Ryoma was about to turn around to thanks Sakuna, she was gone. Ryoma looked down at where she was and there was a note. I'll see you tomorrow, I suppose. -Sakuna
Ryoma mentally smiled before stuffing he note in his pocket. Now about explaining to his parents why he was out so late….
“Tadaima!” Ryoma shouted when he got home. “Oi, shonenai, (sp?) what were you doing out so late? On a date?” Ryoma's dad asked. Nanjiroh Echizen, was the world top player, shocked the world with his talents… “Did you two have fun?” and a major perv.
THWACK! Nanjiroh was lying on the floor with a huge bump over his head. “Baka,” Ryoma said, after hitting him with a cooking pan.
“Okaa-san! What's for dinner?” Ryoma asked, really hoping it would be something Japanese. “Pasta,” Rinko replied. Ryoma moan, “Not again!”
Ryoma went up to his room and lay on his bed. Thinking about what happen to day.
I'll see you tomorrow, I suppose
End of Flashback
Ryoma smiled, oh yeah, you bet she will. “Ryoma dinner's ready!” Ryoma groaned, now he just had to deal with pasta…
“Oi, Echizen! You gonna skip practice again today?” Horio asked. Kachiro and Katsuo both groan. They have to suffer another round of “Are yous” and “Nnghs.”
“I can't wait to see the new freshmen; I want to show them my two years experience of tennis!” Horio was off bragging again. (Ryoma and co. are in 8th grade right now)
It was a regular autumn day, chilly, orange, and Horio bragging. “So, where are you going?” Horio asked again. This time Ryoma answered him.
“There,” And he pointed to the woods with the passageway. “AHAHAHAHAHAH” Horio laughed. “Good one, Ryoma, but I think you're smarter than that! I'm not that dumb!”
Ryoma gave them an `I'm totally confused' look. (AH! KAWAII!) “What are you talking about? There's a house, well not practically a house, but a girl lived in there,” Ryoma said pointed to the woods.
Horio, Kachiro, and Katsuo all just stare at Ryoma in amazement. “Y-you mean…you've b-been in there before…?” Kachiro asked.
Ryoma just stare blankly back. “Uh…ya…? Why? Don't tell me you believe some ghost live in there.”
Kachiro, Horio, and Katsuo all looked at one and then back at Ryoma. “Ha-haven't you heard that a girl died there?” Katsuo asked.
“Yeah, Momo-sempai told me about it, but nothing happen, I went through there yesterday,” Ryoma explained. “Well, now I think of it, I remember I met a girl in there.”
“A-a girl? What'd she look like?” Horio asked. Ryoma tried hard to remember her features. “Well, she had reddish brown hair and her eyes were red…it was the same color as her hair…”
Horio and the others looked at each other uneasily. Then Katsuo asked what kind of clothes she was wearing. “Well, she was wearing a thin piece of white yukata. It had some blood stains and dirt on it. Why are you guys asking all this? Is there something wrong with that?” Ryoma asked, his voice getting a little bit louder but he really didn't care.
“Ryoma,” Kachiro began. “The girl that died there, that's exactly what she'd look like!”
If you don't believe
No one else will
So what do you think…again! Haha, I hope you like this one, and give me some advice about how I should become better, but please not to harsh! It'll sound like you don't like it. And if you don't like it, you can tell it to me straight. Thanks again! I'll probably update tomorrow again or the day after that! Ja!
Woven Bamboo Pattern (One and Only)
Mada Mada Dane