Prince Of Tennis Fan Fiction ❯ Summer Scent ❯ Chapter 2

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Summer Scent
Chapter II
Sakuya was seated on the chair beside Takagi, his lawyer and the one who would take care of everything while Sakuya was in Japan, and in front of Seigaku's principal, Aoyama-san; he was an old man with friendly face. From where sat he could see outside the window, watching the students practiced tennis on tennis court.
He was finally in Japan. His father was quite freaked out after he heard his plan and used every possible excuse to persuade him. But in the end, he gave up. It was easy though. James Carlton could ever say no to his son and it was Sakuya trump card. As long as he played the right card he would get whatever he wanted.
"So...what do you think Aoyama-san?” Takagi asked, disturbing Sakuya from his thinking.
Aoyama lifted his face from the papers. "Actually we don't accept a new student this late in the year but..." he smiled. "I think we can make an exception for this time. I am impressed by your grades, and it's a shame to reject a clever student like you.”
Sakuya wanted to snort upon hearing the comment although he resisted the urge. It was true that now was the second term in the year and it was not usual for a student to move in this kind of time but it was also true that his father had donate a big amount of money. Typical of his father, Sakuya thought sarcastically, everything could be solved with money. And yet he couldn't escape the fact that he also had the same opinion. He was in Seigaku now thanked to his father's wealth.
"The administration papers are fine too, so it's settled then..." he said to Takagi then turned his attention to Sakuya who wore an innocent face. “Welcome to Seigaku. I hope you will enjoy your time here."
Which he doubted he would because if he wasn't here, Sakuya wouldn't step his feet in here.
"So...When will the class begin?" Takagi asked on Sakuya behalf.
And now here he was, standing in the front of Seigaku's main gate. Many students walked passed him, as it was almost eight o'clock, looked at him strangely. That could be understood, since you just found a foreigner standing in front of your school. Ignoring them, he walking in, towards the teacher's office first as he was told yesterday.
He knocked the door and walked in. Which one was his homeroom teacher anyway? His question was answered as a middle aged woman waved his hand to him, motioning him to come.
“You're Sakuya Carlton, right?” She asked.
Sakuya nodded, eyeing the woman. She seemed quite friendly for a teacher.
“I'm Yukari-sensei, your homeroom teacher and I also teach English here.” She explained. “But I guess you don't need to worry about that.” She smiled and continued. “By the way I heard you were born and grow up in New York so I hope you can adapt with the life here.”
Feeling like he was supposed to give any comments, Sakuya opened his mouth and was about to say something when the bell rang.
“Well...let's me show you the way to your class.” She stood and walked out, Sakuya following him. They entered the first class in the corridor, next to the stairs.
Yukari-sensei walked in first with Sakuya tailing him. Sakuya could see that the entire class was looking at him with mild interest.
“This is the new student, Sakuya Carlton. He just moved from New York.” Yukari-sensei said.
“Nice to meet you all,” Sakuya said.
Yukari-sensei searched for the empty seat and finally found one. “There, you sit there Sakuya-kun.” She pointed. “Next to the window, in the sixth row, behind Osakada.”
He walked towards the place and the girl, Osakada, smiled at him. He sat in the chair and the lesson began. He didn't pay attention to the teacher though. It was English lesson for crying out loud, so he gazed out the window, his mind flying to another thing or, but in this case...another person.
And finally it was break time soon after Yukari-sensei walked out, the girl in front of him turned and began to introduce herself.
“Hi! I'm Osakada Tomoko.” She said, staring at Sakuya. The boy was cute, she thought, but of course Ryoma-sama was the cutest. Said boy had blond hair and huge green eyes, which dominated his triangular face. Also his skin was so pale that it was almost white. He definitely looked like foreigner and considered from his weird name, it was true. She was about to ask when someone called her.
Both Sakuya and Osakada turned and saw a girl and three boys next to her.
“Hey Sakuno, come here!” she called. “You too.” She mentioned to the boys. They looked hesitate but came too. “They are my friends. This is Ryuzaki Sakuno and those three boys are Horio, Katsuo and Kachiro.” She introduced them.
They exchanged greetings.
“Ehm nice to meet you Kal-uhm...” Ryuzaki seemed to have problem to pronounce Carlton. Sakuya knew that Japanese tongue was difficult to pronounce some certain English words.
“Sakuya, please call me Sakuya.” He said.
“Are you truly a gaijin?” Horio asked, couldn't hide his curiosity.
“I am mixed,” Sakuya answered. “My father is American but my mother is Japanese.”
“But why you moved in such a time?” Osakada asked.
Sakuya smiled but he chose not to answer it. “Not a big deal, anyway how about if you give me a tour around here?”
So they took Sakuya around the school and finally they arrived at tennis court. It was empty.
“Where are the people?” Sakuya asked.
“It's break time. The members are busy with the preparation to support the game tomorrow and the regulars don't go to school today. They have just come back from training camp and take a break today.”
“Oh really?”
“Yes, we're all members of tennis club too.” Horio answered proudly. “Hey, you're a new student. Have you known which club you're going to? How about tennis?”
He smiled. “I don't know but will think about it.” Sakuya had decided not to mention about him playing tennis.
“The tennis club here is number one! Don't you know that Seigaku is famous of its tennis?” Horio kept speaking. Truly, that boy didn't know when to stop. Normally Sakuya would be so pissed off with this kind of attitude but for now he decided to tolerate it, after all he needed to know more about the situation.
“...I have two years experience in tennis,” Horio said smugly.
“But the only one first year student who is regular is Ryoma-kun,” Kachiro said.
“Yes!” Osakada exclaimed suddenly. “Ryoma-sama is the best!”
“Ryoma-sama!” a blankly puzzled look spread over Sakuya's face.
“Err...” Ryuzaki smiled nervously. “She means is Echizen Ryoma, my classmate.”
“Yes!” Osakada cut off, her voice was dreamy. “He is the only one regular who still the first year student, the prodigy. Did you know he beat all of his opponent and...” And she kept rambling in the background while Ryuzaki and the other sweat dropped.
Sakuya didn't hear anymore what she said as his mind processed the information, regular who still the first year student...the prodigy... Perfect...this all was too perfect for his plan, Sakuya thought inwardly, smirking evilly.
“Sakuya-kun?” the voice broke his train of thought.
“Ah yes?” he turned to look at Katsuo.
“'s kept silent...” Katsuo was confused to see the boy in front of him had a smirk plastered on his face. Why was he smirking? The others didn't see it, being absorbed in their conversation.
“Ah sorry I didn't mean rude, it's talk too fast,” He smiled apologetically; it was an excuse which half wrong and half true. Lived in New York for too long had made his Japanese wasn't too good. “And the person you're talking about, Echizen, are you his friends?”
“Of course!” Horio said while Kachiro and Katsuo nodded - Osakada still in dreamland. But Sakuya noticed Ryuzaki was blushing heavily and staring at the ground, so this girl had a crush on him, eh?
Their conversation was cut because the break time was over and they returned to their class. When the school was over, he found Ryuzaki standing next to the door as he walked out of the class.
“Ah Sakuya-kun, Tomo-chan,” Ryuzaki said, she was waiting for Osakada.
Sakuya smiled politely and was about to walk away when Osakada called him.
“Tomorrow we will go to tennis court to watch the match so I'm wondering maybe you would like to come with us?” Tomoko had grown fond of Sakuya in few hours much like in Ryoma's case. It was normal anyway, she liked cute boys and Sakuya seemed a lot friendlier than Ryoma-sama (that was an understatement though), so she asked him but much to her disappointment Sakuya shook his head and said, “I'm sorry but I already have a plan.”
“But-“ she tried to argue when Ryuzaki elbowed her in the ribs.
“Oh no, it's okay.” Ryuzaki assured him. “Bye Sakuya-kun.” She dragged Osakada along with her.
Sakuya watched them walked away. So he befriended with them? Surely what had gotten into his head? That Osakada was clearly a maniac fangirl. The Ryoma-sama part was quite a development, but Ryuzaki was nice enough even though was shy, Horio the snob, annoying with his big mouth, and last, Kachiro and Katsuo were a silent type but they indeed had more intelligent than that Horio.
The match tomorrow... would he come? Of course... but he never watched a tennis match with another person, well exception for him. It disturbed his concentration greatly so he rejected their invitation. And beside that, if they were really his friends, he would meet him and Sakuya didn't want that to happen. Not this soon - actually he was happy to find out that Ryoma didn't come to school today so he didn't need to meet with him that fast. He wanted to see how far he had progressed first...
Saturday morning, Sakuya arrived at the tennis court early but it was already full of people anyway. Sakuya glanced at his surroundings, half people wearing Seigaku's uniform and the other wearing another school's uniform. He could guess it was Rikkai's students; he was on the tennis court to watch the semi-finals match between Seigaku against Rikkai anyway.
And now, the match he already waiting for, Echizen Ryoma against Sanada. Sakuya had to admit that the match was an interesting one. He could see Horio and the others looked very worried when Ryoma fell behind and seemed that he was going to lose. Sakuya didn't feel worry at all, he knew Ryoma, and he knew he was going to be a winner. His prediction didn't go wrong.
He got up from his seat and walked away before any of his classmates' could recognize him.
Fascinating... the match was indeed quite fascinating...He actually didn't expect for Japanese students to play tennis in this level. But still...
“This is not your place Ryoma...your place is with me...”
“Oi Echizen!” Momoshiro called upon seeing the freshman looked in daze. “Echizen!”
“Huh? What is it Momo senpai!”
“What are you thinking?” Momo asked, curious.
“Nothing, nothing at all,” Echizen said nonchalantly.
“Really?" he didn't believe him but then shrugged, deciding to drop the matter. "Then hurry, the ceremony is about to begun.”
As he walked Ryoma still turned for the last time. One by one the spectators started to leave the tribune consisted of Rikkai's students, Seigaku's students, journalists and common spectators. It was weird but for a moment. At the match he thought he saw one familiar figure, someone very precious to him...
He sighed...Maybe he already lost it, that person was in New York after all...