Prince Of Tennis Fan Fiction ❯ Summer Scent ❯ Chapter 3

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Summer Scent
Chapter III
A constant ring of alarm clock had woken up Echizen Ryoma from his peaceful sleep. He yawned and grabbed the clock, intending to turn off the alarm. After all, he was not a morning person and it was only 6 o'clock in the morning. With a groan he flopped back into the bed and tried to sleep again, but his mind didn't want to cooperate this time. Ryoma finally opened his eyes, and as he stared at the ceiling his mind couldn't help but recalled his match against Sanada.
Tired, he was so tired after the match even though he won 7-5. First he was losing badly but managed to come back and win in the end. Ryoma had to admit that Sanada was one of the strongest players he ever met and that made his will to beat him grow more and more.
Ryoma didn't know how or why but he had this kind of tendency to not lose to anyone, but something inside him hated and loathed losing. He knew he could do that, he had ability, talent and with some training...
And yet he still couldn't defeat his father, Tezuka or Fuji...though with Fuji the case was a bit different. If only it didn't rain at that time the result of the game would be different.
Faced a strong opponent gave him a strong motivation; the stronger the opponent the greater his motivation was. He had to be better and wining the match helped him to prove that. Simple wasn't it? Because he was aiming higher...
“Ryoma-kun!” His cousin's yell shattered his train of thought. “Wake up! It is 6.30 now!”
WHAT! 6.30!
Ryoma sprang up from his bed immediately. He didn't realize he spent half hour thinking. When he walked inside the dining room, his meal was ready on the table; western food of course. His cousin didn't like or couldn't cook Japanese food. Ryoma could count using his fingers how often he had Japanese's one.
In his way to school he met Momoshiro and the boy kept rambling about yesterday's match, and about how he finally beat Sanada and about how Seigaku was going to National.
Momoshiro's rambling only stopped when they reached school which Ryoma was thanked for and headed the tennis court for morning practice. All of regulars and tennis club's member were already there; everyone seemed in high spirit because of their winning.
Yet, it didn't stopped Oishi to give them hard training. From far away Ryoma could hear Kimumaru's whining about how strict the vice captain was now. Regular selection matches was going to be held in a week's time and Tezuka would be back too. Oishi felt that he needed to show everyoe that he could handle the team even when their captain was not around. Ryoma thought Oishi was a bit exaggerated; everyone knew how much his care of the team.
Kikumaru had seen them. He waved his hand before ran towards them. “Ochibi! Momo-chan!” and next was his complaint about Oishi now was going to be the next Tezuka if he kept behaving like that. Honestly in Ryoma's opinion, that couldn't happen in a million year.
Suddenly he stopped dead on his track, upon seeing the unmistakable familiar figure. Even from far away he could still depict the blond boy.
Sakuya...” he breathed out.
“Huh?” Momoshiro stopped too. “Did you say something?” he asked but got no answer since Echizen had run away. “Oi Echizen!”
“What is wrong with ochibi today nya?” Kikumaru muttered.
“I don't know Kikumaru-senpai.” Momoshiro said in bewilderment. For some certain reasons Echizen had been acting weird after the match against Sanada, but there was nothing out of ordinary at that time. Then again, no one could ever understand Echizen's thinking.
Ryoma ran into the court, stopping right behind the blond. Sensing his presence the boy turned and smiled.
Well, well...hello Ryoma,” resting his hand against his hip, the blond greeted him casually, “Long time no see...
For a few rare moments, Ryoma was speechless.
Sakuya...what are you doing here?” he finally asked after he found his voice again.
Is that a way to greet your old friend? Really Ryoma? I'm touched,” Sakuya said sarcastically before smiled again. “You haven't changed at all.”
Sakuya didn't change a bit also even though Ryoma noticed he was taller than him now, not too much, maybe around two inches, but he didn't comment about that. His height was a sensitive business. “Sakuya, what are you doing here?”
“I join Seigaku's tennis club.” Sakuya said innocently. “Your friends suggested it.”
“Sakuya-kun you're here. I was looking for you,” Oishi interrupted, then he noticed Ryoma's presence. “'re here too.”
Oishi took a quick glance at the smiling Sakuya and the boy next to him. Echizen looked agitated more than ever.
“Ng...Do you know each other?”
“Sort of...” Sakuya answered. Echizen didn't say a word.
“So you play tennis too?”
“Whoa...who's this cute boy, nya?” Kikumaru exclaimed. He and Momoshiro joined them.
“I'm Sakuya Carlton, a new member here. Nice to meet you senpai-tachi.”
“Wow! We have a newcomer nya...Oh! I'm Kikumaru, third year.” He introduced himself.
“I'm Momoshiro, second year but just call me Momo-chan.” Momoshiro grinned.
“You knew each other nya?” Kikumaru asked, curious. He could make a connection between ochibi's weird antics and the blond boy.
“Hai Kikumaru-senpai.”
“At least you are more polite than someone.” Momoshiro muttered, voice low but Ryoma could still hear it. Seeing Echizen's face's darkened Momoshiro quickly said. “ play tennis too?”
All eyes turned to Sakuya, and Ryoma could see that they were waiting in anticipation but said boy was merely smiling and didn't give any further information. Ryoma knew their reason too, since Sakuya was his acquaintance it seemed they were hoping for another tennis genius. And damn, they were right. Anyone related to him was definitely no normal tennis player.
Great...just great. Ryoma resisted the urge to groan in frustration. What was Sakuya doing in here anyway? He just popped out all of sudden and now he registered to become a tennis club's member. What the blond boy had in his mind?
He definitely had to confront Sakuya later. Ryoma certainly didn't want to confront Sakuya in front of Seigaku's regular. He even didn't trust himself to speak right now because if there were someone who could make him say or do something out of his character that person had to be Sakuya. It was the effect the blond had on him. Sakuya knew him too well and vice versa.
Ryoma pulled his cap lower somehow he sensing that it was going to be a long day.