Prince Of Tennis Fan Fiction ❯ Who Says College is Easy? ❯ Part 05: Headaches, Heartches... and Those That Come In Between ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

TITLE: Who Says College is Easy?

PART: Five

GENRE: Shounen-ai (Humour/ Continuation/ Angst / Romance)

DISCLAIMERS: The series I'm referring to does not belong to me… ^_^ only this weird story does.

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PART 05: Headaches, Heartaches and Those That Come in Between

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"Do you know what to do?"

"Hai!" Came the instantaneous response of twenty freshmen gathered around him.

"Good. I want everything done in a span of an hour. Take everything off, understood?"


There was a loud snap of fingers and twenty pairs of scurrying feet dispersed into the surging crowd of students trying to make it to their respective classes. The mastermind of the apparent propaganda took a couple of steps back before calmly turning around and walking out into the open courtyard, grinning to himself for thinking of such a brilliant idea, going as far as to congratulate himself even for thinking it. But now it was over... he could finally rest.

"God I'm good."

* * *

His hand phone was vibrating inside his pocket, and Lord knows that if he did not do anything about it, he would suffer a terrible case of spasmodically jerking wood. As calmly as he could, he raised a hand to catch the attention of his professor who was currently in between discussing the merits of using more black or more brown in accentuating the eyes when painting a portrait, and pounding a moronic miscreant sitting in the front row of art class.

"Yes, Ohtori-san?"

Ohtori stood up to his full height and then gave a respectful bow, straightening up just enough to know he had caught his professor's interest. Or maybe it was his suffering eyes that gave him away. He sure hoped it wasn't the thing below his waist hidden by clasped hands. "May I be excused? I need to go to the lavatory, Tanaka-sensei..."

There was a chorus of giggles as the young women in his class voiced out their mirth over such request, no doubt thinking perverted thoughts the moment he said he was going to the comfort room. How did he know? Well, Boys do it all the time - when girls ask to be excused, so there was absolutely no reason why girls don't think such, right?

The phone stopped its minute jiggling, and for a short while, Ohtori debated on whether he should go on and ask for a pass, or just sit down again and tell the older woman that "it" passed. However, the vibrations started again, and he felt as if his knees turned into jelly once more. Next time, for sure, he was going to put his phone in the pocket of his backpack instead of his pants.

"You are excused, Ohtori-san. You have ten to fifteen minutes to finish your business. After that, come back here so you'll benefit from the class discussions. Understood?"

Relieved, Ohtori nodded, smiling shyly as he turned and went out through the classroom door.

Once the heavy metal door swung close, he darted off towards the nearest lavatory and locked himself inside the last cubicle before fishing the jangling phone in his pocket and answering it. The number is not in my phonebook... "Moshi moshi... Choutarou desu..."

"Oh, hey Ohtori-kun."

It was Mizuki. In surprise, he stood up straighter, as if the one calling was in the same area, just in front of him. He bowed twice as he returned his greeting, butting his head on the cubicle door in the process. "Oh, Mizuki-san! Ohayo! Oha... ite-te-te-te..."

Mizuki's voice was filled with concern so suddenly that Ohtori blushed; the effect on anyone who saw him right then would absolutely be devastating. He looked like a six year old - tops. "Are you alright, Ohtori-kun?"

"Oh, I'm fine, Mizuki-san!" He grinned stupidly, his other hand absently fingering his short hair in complete nervousness. "Why... why did you call?"

"Oh... right, uh... I wanted to ask if you're not doing anything tonight...? It's Friday, so I'm expecting that you aren't busy at all, but... well... I have two tickets for the premiere of Gackt's movie... and I know you also like him, so... would you... could you... umm..."

Ohtori's eyes softened. His fingers ceasing their movement and dropping down to his sides as warmth caromed through him in volleys. It was one of those times he wanted to just hug someone... so warm...

"Would you like to watch the movie with me?" Mizuki finished quite hurriedly, as if unsure all of a sudden. "It would start half an hour after the online elections later... I thought it over since I you told me your PC is busted... so you don't have to rush... if you're thinking about that..."

It was adorable in the younger boy's part... and somehow, he liked it. But it was the promise of spending a night out with one of his favourite people that made him cave. He gripped his phone tightly with his sweating hand in anticipation.

"Of course, Mizuki-san... I would love to watch the movie with you."

* * *

This is getting ridiculous.

Akutsu wanted to pound his head on the sizeable living room table. It had already been a week, still, he and The Drama Queen was currently engaging in what most people would surmise as a type of Cold War. Shishido was America... and He was Russia - or was it the other way around? I should have memorised World History when I had the chance back in senior high.

Sullenly, he sneaked a peek at his flatmate wrestling with a honey jar. He was sure they were out of honey the last time he checked - which was... well, last week, after their unforgettable fight. He had forgotten to do the shopping last week, and it seemed, he forgot his turn again yesterday afternoon. He watched with appraising eyes as the slight muscles on Shishido's arms flexed with the needed exertion, fingers gripping the lid of the jar so tightly that the normally pink tips were a shade of unhealthy white.

An irrational urge to get up and help accosted him. He wasn't used to such feeling of helpfulness, but it seemed he was becoming quite out of it these past few days. Maybe he was mellowing out... or not, considering he got into another fight with the leader of the university's most popular fraternity the other day. Maybe he was just feeling a little guilty - more like still. He shook his head and turned away from the long-suffering sight he had unfortunately seen. Normally, Shishido would huff and lecture Akutsu on his lack of sensitivity and just throw the jar at him to force him to open it instead of slaving away himself. Normally, Shishido would dramatically breathe out lines that would undoubtedly grate on his nerves until they settle into another one of their infamous household fights.

He couldn't say that he missed their old combative ways... but anything was better than this silence. The lack of coherent verbal tirades were settling deep into the pit of his stomach, making him feel as if... as if something was missing - as if he was missing much of himself... as if he actually lost something important. The last time he felt it was when he lost his father many years ago. A father that went away and never came back. It felt the same way... most of the time, he thought that Shishido was slipping away from him... and that try as he might, once his flatmate let go... he would never come back. It was mushy, he knew, but he was just admitting the truth to himself. And he hated it. He hated Shishido for being such a dick about something so trivial...

And he hated himself for not being rational enough.

He sighed, turning back to the magazine he was reading.

I wish...

* * *

The sound of classical Bach played and permeated throughout every nook and cranny of a spacious room, the pale blue hues of the professionally designed walls complementing the tune emanating from a mobile phone.

Sighing, Atobe finished his afternoon tea and got up to answer the incessant colourful tones. "Moshi moshi, Atobe desu."

"Ah, Atobe-sama, we had taken off all the posters in the student lounge in preparation for the online elections tonight at seven."

"Oh, is that so?" He brightened up a bit, smiling as he remembered what he had just ordered three days ago. He had a hard time filling in necessary information and had had to hire someone to forge several signatures for the certificates he submitted quite late. He made sure his partner did not get wind of anything regarding... it. "Arigatou gozaimasu then, Yamaguchi-kun. I love the way you work so precisely." He practically purred, plopping down and curling up on the Cleopatra chintz resting beside the table where his phone was previously left for battery charging.

He did not have to take a look to know that Yamaguchi Sasuke, the best PR-person in the university was close to fainting. After all, it was rare that his magnificent and magnanimous self talked to commoners like him... and he had known since they were both in Junior high, when his current subordinate was the president of the Hyoutei Drama Club, that he could practically ask him to throw himself off a cliff and he would do it - without questions. He had been worried before he had started the campaign that his charm on the other boy would have been reduced to nil after so many years. He was just glad it hadn't... or else, he'd be one poor little rich boy.

He glanced at the framed picture of himself sitting beside his mobile charger.

Make that poor little rich and beautiful boy. He noted, trying to focus on what Yamaguchi was saying.

"It was great doing business with you, Atobe-sama... if ever you need me..."

Atobe chuckled, a triumphant little number that bespoke of something quite suggestive. "I know, Sasuke-chan... I promise, I'll call you once I am ready to give you something... nice..." There was much innuendo in his voice... unfortunately for the younger boy, it was purely for show.

"O... okay... I'll be waiting then... Atobe-sama."

Gotcha. Atobe grinned wryly. This is just too entertaining. "Until then... bye."

With a click, he pushed the cancel button of his hand phone and placed it again on the table charger, careful not to push the gadget too far down like what he had done with his previous wrecked one.

I just hope this would not go unappreciated. He thought slyly, laughing lightly before getting up, stretching a bit, and heading straight to the bath, leaving along trail of clothes for the maid to collect later.

Right now, he needed a nice, warm, congratulatory bubble bath.

* * *

Tezuka had a weird feeling in the pit of his stomach.

He had just hoped it wasn't because of the Natto Inui made (more like threatened) him consume during lunchtime. With his stepbrother Hiyoshi out of commission due to the fact that he was still recovering from a severe case of indigestion and allergies, he, Tezuka Kunimitsu had been proclaimed as the next target.

It was one of those times he remembered why he detested Inui sometimes.


Sighing, he slowly got up from his comfortable position on the centre of his bed and shuffled towards where his house phone lay, jangling loudly enough for the world to hear. "Moshi moshi... Tezuka Kunimitsu desu." He muttered almost irritably, scratching away a slight itch on his cheek.

"Ah, Tezuka-chan... This is Atobe."

Tezuka's brows lifted a fraction of an inch, a bit irritated that he knew who was calling him when he should be doing something - at such early an evening... though what it was he was supposed to be doing, he could not remember. Strange. "Don't call me that." He answered back involuntarily, before taking a hold of himself and taking a deep breath before talking again. However, before even a single word was out of his mouth, Atobe beat him to it.

"Ah, Tezuka-chan... I was wondering if you could come here in and help me with this..."

"The project?" Tezuka asked, wondering why his partner wanted help from him - he was as proficient as he was at anything! "Atobe, you're bright enough to do your calculations... you don't need help from me."

There were a couple of moments of silence before Atobe responded. "Yes, of course I'm good at anything but... I really need your help in this... you know, just to make sure I'm doing this right. A simple mistake would affect both of us after all."

It was rational, Tezuka knew, but somehow he got the feeling that Atobe was not being truthful to him - as if he was hiding something important. What was it then?

Maybe he was just being suspicious of him far too much.

Sighing, he relented. "Okay, I'm coming over." He said with finality. "Do you want me to bring anything?"

"No, I have everything we need. "

"How about something to eat?"

"I have a full fridge."

Then, Tezuka remembered the ref cake he had made himself just a while ago, stocked deep inside his own fridge. He smiled. Maybe Atobe would like it. "I want you to taste something of mine."

There was nervous laughter at the other end of the line. "Taste something of yours? Hmm, that should be interesting... do you taste it all the time?" Atobe's husky voice turned Tezuka as red as a feverish tomato. A vein popped in his head, and silently he cursed himself for his stupid phrasing. Being away in Germany had affected his Japanese too much.

Or maybe it was the mental picture that had suddenly sprung into his brain that made him so flustered... an image that would put porn movies to shame. He shook his head wildly, pushing the vision away. "Aho ya. I did not mean it that way." He grated hoarsely into the receiver. "I was just saying that I did a recipe a while ago and I want you to taste it!"

"Oh." Atobe said brightly as if finally understanding what Tezuka had just said. "I see, you should try using better sentences next time."

Tezuka, still flushed, sighed. "Whatever. I'll just bring it."

"Okay, your choice... see you then...?"

"Okay, see you."

Tezuka put down the receiver and shuffled towards his closet, wondering what he should wear. There was a compelling need for him to look nice... though, as usual, he did not have the faintest idea why. Maybe Atobe was rubbing off on him... or maybe... he sighed, rifling through the shirts hanging in front of him. Nah... couldn't be.

There was that sudden feeling in stomach again... and that thought of forgetting something important...

What is it? Why can't I remember? He groused inwardly, taking off a moss green long-sleeved knitted sweater off its hanger. His eyes straying towards where he had hung a calendar near the white board beside his bed. The dates are clear... I did not write anything...

If it's important, I should've had written something... right?

* * *

Atobe was grinning from ear to ear as he set down the phone.

His plan was successful... he just hoped it would continue to be when everything was though tomorrow.

Now if I could just keep Tezuka away from the student council hallway until the start of the afternoon classes...

* * *

Mizuki was in front of the student council hallway. Mizuki was pacing. Mizuki was pacing in front of the student council hallway. Mizuki was in front of the student council hallway pacing. Mizuki was anxious. Mizuki was in the front of the student council hallway pacing anxiously. Mizuki was pacing in front of the anxious student council hallway...

Wait, that wasn't right. He shook his head, as if trying to clear it, his thoughts obviously wandering, enough for him to be stomped on by boogieing elephants without him noticing.

I feel like I'm going out on my first date.

Mizuki was waiting anxiously for Ohtori to finish casting his vote... as if he was quite unsure whether the younger boy would change his mind about going out with him. Another thing was that... Fuji was one of the assistants in the elections, and Ohtori was on the same room with him. He would chat with Ohtori and he would know they were going out tonight... and would probably do something for the plan to bust. After all, Fuji was a schemer... and a good one at that.

What if...?


Mizuki snapped out of his reverie and looked up, his mouth hanging open in surprise. He must've looked like a dying fish since Ohtori began to snicker, the happy sound turning even happier as it evolved into full-fledged laughter, with the younger boy's arms around his stomach, doubled over like his guts would spill on the marble floor. "You... you..."

Mizuki blushed, turning perfectly crimson that it rivalled the scarf he was wearing. "O... Oi..." He stammered, looking down at his brown suede boots, his fingers involuntarily twirling his curly black hair.

It took Ohtori a few moments before he finally had his mirth under control. "Oh, I'm sorry Mizuki-san... you just looked..."


Ohtori shook his head, tilting the older boy's chin, forcing him to look up into his eyes. "You looked like a deer caught in the headlights." He grinned softly, his eyes oozing with much tenderness Mizuki had never seen in anyone before... at least, when they were looking at him. If possible, it made him turn even redder than before.

"Oh... I must've looked real scared then..." He murmured, his lips quirking up in a semblance of an embarrassed smile.

Ohtori shook his head slowly before stooping down low, and pressing his lips against Mizuki's smooth forehead. "Iya, Mizuki-san." He said, stepping back and catching a hold of the smaller boy's seemingly fragile hands.

"You looked very adorable."

* * *

Atobe gazed at the boy staring determinedly at a Project Analysis problem in front of him, and he couldn't help but smile. The urge to ruffle the unruly locks was overwhelming, but he decided to go against it. If he did something of the sort, he knew he would look stupid - especially now that he did not know anything on what his project partner felt for him. He was quite sure Tezuka was irritated... with him turning up every which way this week. He had a hard time dragging the poor boy away from the student council hall where posters of candidates from their university were posted earlier. He was tired, but it was worth it though... even more worth it when he finally saw the results of his hard work. There was no doubt that Tezuka would win. After all, he was the second most popular (next to his great self of course...) guy around... and the first in being a good leader (even he had to bow down and be second in something... at least, it was not the Tennis Club...).

And most of all, it was Tezuka's dream to become a member of the student council... and not just a member...

The president.

He could remember the hushed conversation he had overheard (He was not eavesdropping) when he was in Tezuka's condo unit a couple of weeks ago for their project (before the crotch incident). He was about to slip into the kitchen to get himself a warm glass of milk when Oishi called from Hyoutei Daigaku. It was supposed to be something between friends, but somehow, instead of being guilty of overhearing such thing, he was actually thankful he did. He was even more thankful that Tezuka's house phone was in speaker mode...

"Ah, moshi moshi... Tezuka desu..."

"Mitsu, it's Souichirou."

" Ah, Oishi Souichirou?"

"Is there any Souichirou with a voice like mine? Oi, you're becoming senile!"

"Ha. Ha. Humour me."

"(Laughter) Just kidding! How are you doing? We haven't seen each other in ages!"

"I'm doing fine... how about you?"

"Same old, same old. Nothing new to talk about... or at least, nothing that would be interesting to anybody..."

"Honto ni."

"Hai, Honto ni honto. Anyway, I called to ask about your candidacy."

" Oh, about that. I'm still thinking about it... but..."

"I say go for it, Mitsu! You'll be the best Business College President in your university!"

"I would? Somehow I doubt that. From the complaints I've heard from the members of the tennis teams I've handled in the past - and yes, that included you too, I think I would not do well with it on my back."

"Oh c'mon, don't tell me you care about those types of complaints? It was natural - you were handling sports teams, and hard training was in order, but this is different! You know how to listen Mitsu, you care even if you don't show it that much - you lead by example! You'll make a great president!"


"Oi, Mitsu, still alive?"

"Wow... I don't remember you being so eloquent before, fukubouchou."

"(Laughter) Tough."

"Seriously though, I've always wanted to be a college president, but I'm too young. I can file for candidacy but there's just a slim chance of me getting in... Contrary to The Great Inui Sadaharu's belief..."

"I think What Haru told me over the phone the other night was true - after all, his data is ninety-nine percent accurate!"

"What happened to one percent?"

"He lost it in a bowling game and a billiard game back in junior high."

"Oh... right, Takeshi-kun told me about that the moment I came back from Germany."

"You were still a dork when you came back that first time though... a guy with no social life. (Laughter)"

"Ichirou. Don't say things like that. I had a social life and I havea social life."

"(Laughter) Hai hai gomen ne bouchou!"

"You should be sorry, but then it's fine. You have the privilege of harassing me since you're my best friend and all... and yes, I'm trying to get you in a guilt trip..."

"A guilt trip... I don't need more of that, especially now... you're so cruel sometimes, Tezuka-bouchou."

"Wait... why do you sound so..."


"No, I don't think oversexed is the word. The right one would be unhappy. Why do you sound unhappy?"

"Mitsu, you must be dreaming, maybe you're the one sad and just projecting. If you ask me, you are the one who sound unhappy!"

"No, I'm not projecting, Ichirou... I'm not un - wait... don't change the subject... As I said before, you don't sound fine. Why do you sound so unhappy? Is something wrong?"



"You wouldn't understand..."

"Try me."

"It's about me and - Eiji."

And he decided he shouldn't listen anymore, so he creeped silently into the kitchen and began his hunt of a bottle of pasteurised fresh milk.

But he never forgot about it... and was thinking on doing something to help him. And the opportunity came when Tezuka wouldn't completely forgive him.

Why was he doing such ridiculous thing?

Because somehow, even if Tezuka wouldn't forgive him... he liked the feeling of having done something that would change the other boy's life.

He liked him that much.

* * *

Akutsu couldn't sleep.

With a quiet sigh, he turned to his side, his eyes scanning the darkness for the hunched figure he knew would be situated on the other bed. He wanted to get up and apologise, but his body wouldn't move... perhaps it was pride controlling his movements now.

I'm sorry... Ryo.

His mind's voice resonated inside him... and he turned away, closing his eyes as a lump formed in his throat.

I'm sorry.

* * *


If Tezuka were a girl, he would've shrieked as a truckload of students threatened to suffocate him. Why now when I'm dead tired from all those analysis problems last night? He thought, panic smothering his yawn naturally. A girl suddenly launched herself at him, and his nose was suddenly buried in between two very healthy breasts, rendering his glasses crooked, finally succumbing to its need to disintegrate the moment another female student latched onto him throwing an arm around his waist while the other stroking his back, the girl's cheek rubbing his chin. His back was patted numerous times by hands he did not know to whom they were connected to... and wait... did someone just pinch his butt?

Tezuka couldn't breathe. He had no idea what was happening. He did not know why everyone was cheering him on as if he had just won the lottery. What caused all of... these? His head was feeling so light - and it was not because of bliss. Arms were beginning to choke him, and the meaty breasts were suffocating him, for he was not daring enough to inhale too much since the perfume was cloying. He had to get away somehow, and worry about the questions later - he had the feeling that he would feel happier if later was NEVER!

He had to get away - NOW!

Suddenly, a hand grabbed his wrist and started dragging him away from the overbearing crowd. Tezuka's "Thank you"s however, changed to openmouthed horror when he realised that he had dropped his gym bag and people were starting to pillage it. As he was dragged along the long corridor, he heard fangirl screams upon seeing someone holding up a pair of his... black briefs. A drop of sweat trickled down the side of his face, thinking of what would've happened if his briefs had been... him. He shivered.

Finally, after being dragged like a rag doll across college buildings, he and his saviour came upon the tennis room shower area; he was dumped unceremoniously on one of the closed toilet seats, breath haggard and body limp from pure exhaustion.

"Thank you." He started as soon a she caught his breath, brushing the hair out of his eyes to see the face of the one who helped him out, and promptly meeting... sparkling brown eyes.

Familiar sparkling brown eyes.

The face looked familiar too...

Then it clicked. The mischievousness gave everything away.

"Inui?" He asked tentatively.

The tall boy nodded smugly. "Yup, in the flesh." Inui chuckled, leaning against the cubicle wall. "Surprised?"

Tezuka nodded, allowing a heartfelt smile. "Way." Playfully, he punched Inui's arm. "Why lose the glasses?"

"Both Kaoru and Wakashi demanded it and bought me a pair of contact lenses." He grinned slyly. "They told me my glasses were already outmoded."

Tezuka stared at him in disbelief.

"I know, I know... it's really hard to believe. I mean, I could understand if it were only my stepbrother... but Kaoru too? I tell you, I was so creeped out that I told Kaoru that he needed to stop hanging out with Wakashi too much.

"What did he say?"

"He said he would stop hanging out with Wakashi when..." Inui's shoulders slumped dejectedly. "When I'm not addicted to sex anymore."

Tezuka snickered. "Kaidoh Kaoru, one point, Inui Sadaharu, none."

Inui laughed, crossing his arms across his chest. "Yeah, yeah... I know. However, that is not only the reason. I knew this would happen, and I knew from my calculations that you would need help, so here I am."


The taller boy nodded. "Yup, I came prepared. Glasses are not advisable when you're rescuing a friend from a politician-hungry mob. My probabilities, then and now... they never fail... or at least, I don't think they do."

Tezuka's brows arched in question. "Politician?"

"Hai. Politician. I told you the probability of you winning the elections were above seventy percent! You won the title of Student Council Business College President."

He blinked. "I... won?" He stared at Inui as if the latter had grown two heads. "How did I win?"

Inui started back at him with the same intensity... but quite the quizzical type. "How did you win? Duh, the students from the business college voted for you."

"No, no..." Tezuka shook his head in disbelief. "It's not that..."

"Then what are you looking so shocked about?"

"Inui... I didn't file anything!"

* * *


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A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter! More to come! Reviews, reviews!