Prince Of Tennis Fan Fiction ❯ Who Says College is Easy? ❯ Part 06: Tezuka's Congratulatory Samba ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

TITLE: Who Says College is Easy?


GENRE: Shounen-ai (Humour/ Continuation/ Angst / Romance)

DISCLAIMERS: The series I'm referring to does not belong to me… ^_^ only this weird story does.

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Part 06: Tezuka's Congratulatory Samba

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"Tezuka-bouchou, will you please stop fidgeting?"

The illustrious former captain of Seigaku turned and gave his friend the meanest glare he could muster under the... circumstances. He was going to kill him the moment he called him that nickname once again. "How could I?" He asked sourly, trying to keep his face straight... along with his temper.

Fuji Syusuke smiled almost indulgently, a hand reaching out to tap the vexation marks on Tezuka's forehead. "Look, you're going to have worry lines if you keep that up." He said, eyes finally snapping open, revealing their azure depths. It was one thing to see those infamous irises, but to actually see them twinkling with much amusement at a time like this...

Tezuka hung his head, taking deep breaths in an effort to calm himself down - all to no avail. If he was not seated on the plush couch of the student council head office, he knew his trembling knees would give way. He wasn't so sure that he should be standing there. Heck, he wasn't so sure about anything at all at the moment. The only thing he was probably sure of would be the fact that he would be burdened with such staggering responsibility he had not yet the stomach to take on his shoulders the moment he stepped inside the head room.

He felt like he was going to die...

And if it was what that feels like, he didn't want to die anytime soon.

"Syusuke..." He started, feeling a mite embarrassed as his voice caught in his throat because of nervousness.

"What is it, bouchou?" Fuji asked so sweetly that Tezuka swore he would get cavities just listening to it all day long. He shuddered, just thinking how it would be like being Fuji Yuuta, and hearing such sound every single waking day. It wasn't at all unpleasant. It was just so... sweet.

And he used that nickname again. Tezuka let out a bated breath, his glare softening. "Talk to me."

Fuji, obviously perplexed, cocked his head to one side and gave him an inquisitive look, his blue eyes seemingly clouded with confusion. "What is there to talk about? We've exchanged life updates just an hour ago..."

Tezuka shook his head frantically. "I'm... feeling a weird like this... just say something so I can focus on your words rather than think of... work." He gave an imploring gaze, his eyes struggling to make Fuji see what was wrong in him. After all, he was one of the people who knew him best.

"Okay... what do you want to talk about?"

"About..." He racked his brains for any topic available and finally settled in one - the Golden Pair. "About Souichirou and Eiji."

Fuji's countenance became sad somehow. It's that bad. Tezuka thought as he gazed down at him. "Souichirou called more than a week ago. He was looking for Eiji. I was meaning to ask you about it for such along time now, but he told me not to... that he would not include you in their fights anymore... tell me, Syusuke... what's wrong with those two? At least, tell me what you know... I won't tell."

"I suppose Oishi-haha told you his side of the story, right?" Fuji asked, closing his eyes as he pressed his fingers against his temple.

Tezuka couldn't help but snicker at what Fuji had branded Oishi... mother. "Yes... he told me about the whole university transfer thing."

Fuji nodded thoughtfully. "Good. Well, apparently, he hadn't told Eiji about it, and Eiji wouldn't have known about it if he did not stumble upon Oishi-haha's papers in a rare moment of cleanliness attack back in their rented apartment near Hyoutei Daigaku."

"So... Eiji felt betrayed and went away in an unannounced trip to Siberia?" He finished hesitantly, unable to believe such irrationality.

"Not exactly Siberia, Tezuka-bouchou... not even close. He's in my pad, finishing off my groceries in two minutes - flat."


Fuji threw up his hands exasperatedly. "Exactly! I'm going to be cleaned out soon... and I just had my weekly groceries delivered yesterday afternoon!"

"Ouch." Tezuka repeated, cringing as he imagined Kikumaru raiding Fuji's fridge.

"Why do you keep saying ouch?" His friend asked, a brow lifted in complete bafflement.

Tezuka let out a small smile. "I keep imagining Eiji eating your stash of icky grass-tasting treats... normally, that would have hurt... in the stomach at least."

Fuji growled, eyes open, and overtly frowning now. "Nya. Ha. Humour me." He crossed his arms across his chest in complete displeasure. "They're not that bad - and I like them, so there." He stuck out a tongue for good measure.

"If you say so..." Tezuka shook his head, chuckling lightly. "I guess I'm feeling a bit relieved... at least we know where he is and don't have to search everywhere for him. I have to tell Ichirou, or else he would panic even more. Do you think Eiji would mind?"

The glare was dropped off, and Fuji's eyes softened as if dragging something out of memory. "He would, I know he would... but it's best for Oishi-haha to know... they have to resolve their problems right away - or they would really regret it... I know I would."

"You're worried about them too, huh?"

Fuji gave him a look of mock confusion. "Whatever are you saying?"

Tezuka frowned. "Worried about them being, you know, kind of a married couple in the aftermath of a divorce."


"You know, broken ties and misty eyes?"

"No, I'm not worried about that at all!"

"Then why did you say you would regret them not solving their problem?"

"I'm going to be buried under lots of house bills if this keeps up... I'll go bankrupt - and hungry! Nyan!" Fuji snickered, eyes filled with glittering amusement.

Tezuka shook his head, joining him in his mirth. Soon, they were laughing so hard that tears were escaping from their shut lids, prompting other students to stare at them like they were completely out of it.

For Tezuka, it made the tension inside his body recede, as if another type of tide had just taken over his system. He felt so relaxed... as if he could take on anything with such ease and good nature.

Well, at least until...

"Fuji. You can let him in now."

And their laughter halted, breath stuck in both their throats as they straightened up, deciding to collect the remnants of their ideal professionalism before succumbing to the call of reality...

More like the call of the head officer from inside the closed door.

"So, this is it." Tezuka whispered almost inaudibly.

"Don't do that, nyan... you sound as if you're going to face the firing squad."

"Fuji." He started, a thread of amusement making its way into his heart. "You're starting to sound like Eiji."

"I am?" Fuji asked with a slight chuckle, as he turned to face him fully, a sincere smile forming, for once, on his lips. "Nevermind that." He waved the observation away, his eyes filling instantly with pride. "I wish you luck, Kunimitsu. I'm proud of you."

"Thank you." And for that, just that, Tezuka felt better. I can do this. He thought, nodding as bravely as he could at his long time friend before fixing a solid stare at the opened door and taking a step forward.

There was no turning back.

* * *

"So... you're the one succeeding me huh?"

Tezuka's patience was finally at its limit.

Who wouldn't lose their patience when their seniors looked at them with so much doubt and condescension that they wanted to just claw their elders' eyes out?

Well, of course he wouldn't do such thing... he was civilised after all... okay, most of the time. He had a large streak of sadism inside, that he could admit... but didn't everybody share that too? He would never know, but his own would soon be shown to the world if the retiring Business College President of TouDai asked him the same thing one more time.

"Yes." He said through gritted teeth, trying to maintain his calm and cold composure - much like the way he did back in high school... and realising that he was fighting a losing battle and his irk was showing through his clenching fists. "Yes, I am."

"You don't look like much." Came the hasty judgment. "You look smart, but you don't look... like a president."

Do YOU look like one? Tezuka wanted to answer him back. He clenched his fist again, and then unclenched them. This was not good. His anger would soon erupt... and he would have to take responsibility for his actions... if he carried through with them - which he was so sure he would.

He couldn't quite understand why this guy was yakking about him not looking like a president. He didn't look like a president himself - with his cocky personality and poor judgment... not to mention the God-awful shoes.

"How is a president supposed to look like, Minami-san?" He asked almost impudently. He had to say something... before he hit someone. Especially one with a damned pointy nose... and did he already comment on the awful shoes?

Minami Sujirou glowered at him, circling him like a vulture appraising its next meal... and it made Tezuka feel - like fresh meat. It was a feeling he did not particularly like.

Once the retiring officer stopped and peered at him as if he wanted to bore holes into his eyes, he glowered back, much like he did in high school... at least, before he went away to Germany.

"A president should look like... me."

It took all of Tezuka's self-control not to laugh hysterically. A president should look like... HIM?

Kami-sama... if every president looks like him... would students still have an inch of respect for their authorities? How egotistical could this guy get? He's even worse than Atobe! At least Atobe have things to boast about... He blushed at the thought. Well, it's true... Atobe's... kind of adorable in his own jerk-like way... and he may be loud, but... well... he's not...

"Why are you all red? Are you trying not to laugh at me or something?" Minami asked, crossing his arms across his chest. "If you want to say anything, spit it out. If you're thinking about something, just say it out loud. That's an order."

Tezuka's irk returned full force. No one had made him so much near homicidal before... until the jerk happened. "Minami-san. You cannot order me around like some hired help. I don't work for you - nor would I work for you in this university."

"Why you -"

"And I'm not sorry for speaking this way towards you, Minami-san. You are a first class Übeltäter. And though I want to just sock you in the face right now, I wouldn't dare to. Not because I'm afraid of you, but because you are not worthy of my effort."

"WHAT? Why I -"

"And furthermore... isn't it a bad thing to just judge others without knowing them first? Isn't that ruling number one? The "Innocent until proven guilty" thing?" Tezuka's eyes turned molten... scorching enough to make Minami flinch and look guiltily away. "Doesn't that make you an inefficient and ineffective president? So why in God's name did you just say presidents should look like you?"

"I -"

With flourish, he turned away, intent on leaving the room before he threw things randomly in a tantrum. He was acting like Atobe in one of his bad days, he knew... but he couldn't help it... Minami was just so irritating! He had just grabbed the doorknob when a weak voice stopped him. He looked back in confusion. What did he just say?

"Tezuka-san... I'm sorry."

It was probably the look of defeat on the guy's face that sucked out his anger. "Forgiven." He said quietly before he turned the knob and opened the door. However, he stopped before he even went through the doorway. "Oh, and I meant to tell you..."

"What is it?"

"You need another pair of shoes."

Minami raised a quizzical brow. "Why? I just got these yesterday!"

Tezuka snickered before finally stepping out.

"They're ladies' rubber shoes. My mother has one just like it."

* * *

Atobe snickered when he heard Tezuka's veiled insult.

Maybe he was rubbing off on Mr. Perfect.

But of course that was not really the case, since Atobe Keigo will always be THE Mr. Perfect.

"He's a natural, isn't he?" He asked Fuji who was right beside him, hiding just behind the gigantic leafy potted plant in the corner beside the opened door. He could see Tezuka's firm countenance as he strode out purposefully, a regal air about him, not even looking back once. It was one of the things he admired about him.

"Aa." Fuji agreed, peering from behind the green leaves. "He is. He changed a bit though. He wasn't that forceful before. Hmm, I wonder why?"

"He wasn't?" Atobe stared at him as if he grew another head. "I thought he made all of you run countless laps whenever you pissed him off?"

Fuji grinned. "Of course he did... he just wasn't too vocal about it. He conspired against us with Haru."

"Oooh, the famed Inui Juice." Atobe rubbed his hands in glee - as if he had recently acquired a perfect type of tennis information. "The juice I have yet to drink."

"It tastes pretty nice - except for one concoction that made me absolutely sick. The sour one... coloured blue... what was the name of that stuff?" Fuji's brows crinkled as he racked his brains for answers. Then, he seemed to light up. With a flourish, he raised his index finger high up into the air and grinned wide enough for Atobe to think about calling a doctor just in case the skin on Fuji's face cracked - literally. "AH! It's the Aozu! See, I can still remember! I told you before - I'm not getting forgetful!"

"Yeah, you're not scatty." Atobe snickered, playfully swatting Fuji's raised hand. "You're becoming even more eerie."

"If you say so."

"I know so." Atobe shook his head, standing up finally since Tezuka was gone.

"Does he know you're the reason why he's suddenly thrown into the crazy world of campus politics?" Fuji asked, pulling himself up by grabbing Atobe's shirt.

"Uh... no?"

His friend narrowed his eyes and stared at him incredulously. "You didn't?" Fuji placed a hand on Atobe's forehead and stared hard at him before recoiling, taking a couple of steps back until he was completely plastered against the mayonnaise-coloured walls. "Okay, who are you and what did you do with my best friend?"

Atobe scowled. "That isn't funny." He started. "I haven't told him yet... I don't want to see his reaction."

"I thought you wanted him to forgive you that's why you conspired with a lot people to do this?"

"I did."

"Then why -"

"You wouldn't understand."

"Try me."

Atobe smiled. "You sound like Tezuka when you're all serious, do you know that?" He shook his head and stared at his shoes. He had never found them so fascinating before than he did now. Oh, the beautiful blue lines.

"You're changing the subject." Fuji retorted, crossing his arms across his chest. "Spill."

"He might hate me more."

"Why would he? He was the one who wanted to be president in the first place!"

"He doesn't like me."

"That's absurd. Tezuka doesn't NOT like anybody... well, maybe the asshole that's the retiring president... but that's an exception." Fuji said. "He likes you fine - at least as much as I do. We both find you... interesting."

Atobe raised hopeful eyes at him. "How did you know that?'

"Oh, we talked." Fuji smiled, moving closer to him. "I'm a close friend after all."


"Really." Fuji assured him. "But you haven't answered my question yet."

"I have been answering it you nut." Atobe growled, fidgeting as he did. "He will really hate me if I tell him."

Fuji cocked a brow. "Give me one good reason why."

"We have a college tradition, remember?"

"Ooh. Right..."

* * *

"I'm not doing this."

Tezuka glared daggers at who was to be his... whatever he was. He was shivering. Not because of the waft of chilly air the air conditioner was blowing straight at him, but because of the force of his raging anger, directed solely at the one who had signed his papers for candidacy.

"Stand still or I'll get this wrong." Shishido said through teeth clamped on a long pin.

"I'm not doing this." Tezuka repeated, clenching his teeth, as he felt something silky slithering against the sensitive skin of legs now devoid of hair.

"I said, stand still!" Shishido groused, looking up and glaring at him, and then suddenly reddening before turning away and going back to his work. "Sorry." He murmured.

"How can I stand still when I know I'm going to be submitted to this type of torture?" Steel-grey eyes narrowed behind shining glasses. "How would you feel if you're the one forced to do this?"

"I'll be thankful."

"WHAT?" The newly elected president was livid with rage.

Shishido grinned as he finally stood up and stepped back, admiring his handiwork. "I'll be thankful." He repeated taking the pin off from where it was nestled between his teeth.

"Yeah, you should, Tezuka-bouchou." Fuji smiled in amusement. "You should be thankful."

"Why?" Tezuka demanded, placing both hands on his hips.

"Because you look good in anything." Atobe finished, smirking as he leant against the wooden door of the mirrored changing room, his eyes scanning his form, making Tezuka fidget even more. "But I'm still better than you by a million light years."

Tezuka glared murderously at him. "That didn't make me even an inch better."

"Oh, my bad."

"Some friend you are." He muttered, his cheeks crimson, turning away from the somewhat scorching gaze. "Still, I'm not doing this."

Suddenly, the door slammed open, squishing Atobe flat against the wall with its sheer force. A panting Ohtori came barrelling in, armed with a load of technicoloured strips of cloth. "Sorry I'm late!" He declared. For an apologetic guy, he sure did not look apologetic at all. He was grinning from ear to ear and he looked as if he had just gone on a tumble down Mount Fuji.


A frown touched the young man's forehead. "Aren't you going to say anything?" He asked in confusion, his eyes widening in alarm when three index fingers pointed right at him... or rather, behind him. Slowly, he turned, expecting the worst... and actually finding out that it happened.


It was the unmistakeable voice of Atobe, groaning out in pain.

Ohtori's confusion turned to horror.


The room erupted into chaos as everyone scrambled to get Atobe out of his squished position, sandwiched between the door and the wall. Soon, he was extricated, and was finally breathing normally.

Atobe was nonetheless, dazed. And it was Tezuka who had to support him towards the sheet-covered sofa. It was quite dusty, but he weathered it, feeling his heart thump almost wildly when the other man sat beside him and started feeling his limbs for any damage. He had dreamt of such bodily interaction... his romantic side was carrying on that time...


Atobe just didn't remember such contact to be so painful.

"Atobe... does it hurt here?" Tezuka asked, focusing on the one area that seemed to be wedged too much.

He nodded quietly, trying to reorganise his thoughts, for honestly, no matter how much the pain he was currently in, Ohtori's actions proved far too good for his emotions. He wanted to thank his kouhai for it... but people were watching. He would definitely lose face - especially with Tezuka in such close range, so he opted for an alternative move... a more natural one.

"Ohtori-kun, next time, knock first."

Atobe glared daggers at his kneeling junior, who, at the moment, was bowing down so low his head actually touched the marble floors.

"And you shouldn't be leaning against the door." Tezuka countered in defence of Ohtori. "That was dangerous."

Atobe was about to say something scathing when Shishido threw up his hands, staring with complete exasperation at Tezuka. "Kami-sama!" He started in annoyance. "Look at you! Now I have to do it again!" With frustrated slap against his forehead, the proverbial drama queen made a complete one-eighty degree turn and marched out of the room, muttering about stupid Spanish-inspired clothes and equally stupid college traditions... as well as the fact that he himself was made to do the work when he was not even a business student.

"Ah, Shishido-san! I'm coming with you!" Ohtori called out, scrambling to his feet, bowing once more before tagging along behind his sempai to offer as much help as he could.

"And I'll go make sure Haru doesn't mess with the drinks." Fuji said sunnily, waving lightly before stepping out and closing the door.

Atobe had never felt so nervous his whole life.

His eyes searched Tezuka's focused features; the ends of his nerves feeling every small touch his limbs received from knowledgeable hands... his skin screaming for more contact, impatient, wanting to just let go and melt hotly against the other.

But he couldn't think of such things.

It was not the wisest to do under such conditions.

But then again, he wasn't known to do what the wisest was most of the time... but he was not succumbing to the urge this time. Oh no, he really wasn't. So what was he to do? He tried engaging Tezuka in a conversation about the world and the weather, and the ants... about anything... as long as it was not what he was currently feeling.

"I heard Seigaku won again in the Nationals." He said good-naturedly, still eyeing him.

Tezuka nodded absently, massaging the tense muscles on Atobe's right arm.

So much for conversation. He thought crossly, but he decided to continue - even if it was just one-sided... anything to make his body stop its acknowledgement of the heat that was starting to pool into his groin from such closeness. "You think they would have another shot at the competition when your so-called pillar graduates?"

Tezuka raised his eyes, steel grey orbs meeting his. "Seigaku is strong, Atobe." He said simply before blinking and then standing up, turning away from him awkwardly to go get his backpack.

Atobe missed the sudden lack of warmth so intensely that he had almost gotten off the couch and grab his project partner... his friend. At least for now. Came the soft, longing voice inside his head. There was a zipping noise and a rummaging one before a small sound of satisfaction came out of Tezuka's parted lips as he finally got hold of his leather-bound notebook and silvery pen.

Then, silence - save for the scratching of the ballpoint against substance twenty-four paper.

Atobe decided to try again, anxious for some kind of noise before he started thinking painfully perverted thoughts again.

He had to say something... anything.

"So... the gaki is the captain now huh?"

Tezuka stared at him incredulously from across the room.

It was only then that Atobe learned that his great self could be so stupid at times.

But he was not going to admit that to anyone anytime soon.

* * *

"So... the gaki is the current captain of Seigaku huh?"

Tezuka sighed, closing his notebook. It's either he had become stupider during the years I had been in Germany, or he's trying to annoy me. He fixed a defeated gaze at his project partner. "Atobe. How many times do I have to tell you that the gaki as you call him, has a name?"

Atobe, he knew was just feigning a surprised expression. "Really? Oookay... refresh my memory."

Tezuka shook his head tiredly.

Kami-sama... why do I have to be saddled with this guy for the rest of my sophomore year?

"It's - " He was about to answer Atobe's question for the third time when Shishido opened the door with such violence that Tezuka swore the mirrors cracked. He sighed inwardly in relief.


"I'm going to do that thing one more time, Tezuka. If you wreck it, you're going to go out there naked." Shishido declared, pulling him off his seat and immediately getting back to work, with Ohtori picking up the multi-coloured strips of cloth he head dropped before and sitting Indian style beside his muttering sempai.

Or not.

A few minutes passed when Inui came in. Seeing him, the bespectacled man whistled, and closed the door, before casually leaning against it. Luckily, the famed notebook was absent, but Tezuka knew he would remember everything down pat.

"Why are you here, and where's Syusuke?" Atobe asked him glaring a bit, Tezuka saw.

Inui grinned; as if he knew something some people did not know. "Out harassing Mizuki."

Tezuka saw Ohtori's eyes widen before narrowing to such narrow slits that only a sheet of paper could pass through. The younger man's jaw hardened and he immediately stood up after murmuring something to Shishido that surprisingly, he couldn't quite understand, before hurrying out, almost pushing Inui aside in his haste. The only words coherent enough were 'I'll have to...' '...Mizuki-san...' and 'be back.' Whatever it was he had to attend to, it surely was not going to end up pretty.

Inui snickered, shaking his head as he closed the door that was left gaping open, and leant back on it again. "Wow, Tezuka... you should wear those kinds of things more often... they suit you."

Tezuka glared at him, former irk returning. "I don't want to do this Haru." He grumbled, fidgeting much until Shishido slapped his ankles in annoyance. "I'm cold."

"Yeah, I know. It's almost winter, and you're wearing that."

"You don't have to look so happy about it."

Inui laughed, his shoulders shaking with the force of his hilarity. "I'm sorry." He wheezed. "It's just... I never knew you have such nice legs, Kunimitsu... a short Samba skirt suits you!" he laughed even harder, slapping a hand on the lap of his jeans.

Tezuka wanted to kill him, and was about to (Shishido's threatening pin or not) when the door suddenly slammed open, heralding the arrival of an unusually pale Hiyoshi panting so vigorously that Tezuka thought his tongue would roll out of his mouth.

"Ohayo! Have you seen Sadaharu-nii?" He asked a small sheepish smile on his face, his eyes widening in amusement upon seeing Tezuka being attended by Shishido, and wearing a...


A very short skirt.

However, Tezuka did not have the energy to get mad anymore. All his energy was spent in uproarious laughter. He knew he looked like a complete loon trying to control his snorting, but it was well worth it.

The Karma Boomerang strikes again.

After all, it wasn't everyday that you see Inui Sadaharu wedged between a heavy cherry wood door and a drab wall... with his hand twitching involuntarily in painful protest.


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A/N: Here is the long-overdue chapter of this fic! I have always thought of Tezuka wearing a skirt... ever since I saw the PoT doujinshi by Namoto Saharu entitled "Dreams". You've got to see it! It's hilarious! It's a scanlated one in Lililicious, a Yuri site I stumbled upon while searching for PoT doujinshis. Here is the link to the site and just search for it if you're interested! : it's in the project section. ^o^

I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter! Reviews people!

NOTE: Übeltäter roughly means offender.