Princess Mononoke Fan Fiction ❯ Kiss Diaries ❯ New Day's As a Frickin' Human ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

New Days As a Frickin' Human
“Humans are jackasses!” San decided to yell out with irritancy as the three other well-known warriors; Ashitaka, San and Motoko stared at her with blank face.
“Damn right they are.” Sasuke called out.
“Sasuke!” Motoko growled angrily at him.
“No offence to you of course.”
“Well what about Ashitaka? Is he a jackass?” Sasuke hesitantly looked slowly at Ashitaka; at his pure face and cute eyes, giving off some sort of adorable appearance towards him. But then he slickly looked away.
“No comment.”
“So I'm a jackass then!” Ashitaka snarled at Sasuke as the stripes quivered a little.
“I didn't say that!”
“But you were thinking of it!”
“So what if I did?”
“Then I must confess with profanity…you are a cu-
“Ashitaka!” Motoko intervened.
“No let him finish!” Sasuke then rose up towards Ashitaka. “Go on; say it! I am a cu-
“Why won't you let us say it Motoko?!”
“Because it is rude!”
“Does it really matter Motoko?! He called me- no wait, he THINKS that I'm a jackass!”
“Oh! Why do I even bother?!” Motoko breathed out heavily, as San bluntly looked at the three arguing warriors.
“I think I started all of this…oops.” San then began to chuckle a little, and then laugh, and then chortling, it brought Ashitaka, Sasuke, and Motoko to her attention.
“What San?!” Sasuke yelled out.
“Being human is fun!”
“WHAT?! You just said humans are jackasses!” Sasuke leaned over her as she tried to cover her mouth. “San, don't back out now! You're with me on this!”
“Oh no you don't!” Ashitaka then nudged Sasuke a little and leaned over San as well.
“San, humans are good…in a way, but…”
“They're jackasses!”
“Sasuke, stop butting in!”
“Oh, is that your profanity?”
“I can always say cun-
“NO MORE PROFANITY!” Motoko screeched out. San was still laughing at this sitcom she was watching.
“Please people! I want to have a nice meal together so shut the fuck up, sit down and eat your fucking food!!”
Ashitaka, Sasuke and San looked a little pale when Motoko shouted out her profanity, and slowly went back to their place, and continued to eat, with Ashitaka's red bowl and chopsticks, Sasuke and Motoko's grey bowls and chopsticks, and San just eating dry meat bare handed.
There was a bit of silence during their feed. Ashitaka and Sasuke refused to look at each other and resuming eating at opposite ends. San…san just ate.
“Finally, some peace.” Motoko sighed out.
“Are humans always this fussy?” San asked herself.
“Sasuke, shut up! And San, don't say anything else about humans.” Silence again.
“I'm bored! Can't we talk about something that won't end up in a fight?”
“Fine then San, what DO you want to talk about now?” Motoko quite annoying asked her.
“What comes after love?”
“What do you mean?” Ashitaka looked at San for a moment but then carried on eating.
“Is that it? Just love towards one man and all you guys do is kiss?”
“We don't just kiss!”
“That's what you always do with Sasuke though!” Sasuke tried to ignore that comment and lowered his eyebrows as he ate.
“Well after that, maybe with you and Ashitaka, and me with Sasuke, we'll have…
Sasuke spluttered out some soup as his eyes widened, along with Ashitaka's eyes broadening as he choked on some rice. They both slammed their bowls down at the same time and hyperventilated loudly for air.
“Motoko! Don't ever scare us like that again!” Sasuke growled at her.
“And besides, I don't think we're ready to be talking about it!” Ashitaka choked out.
“What's sex?” The two boys then looked San with blank faces.
“God this girl is clueless!” Sasuke spat out.
“Sex…is when you…make love with the person you love.” Motoko explained to her.
“So…I would make love with Ashitaka?” Ashitaka blushed a little when San looked at him.
“Yes! But you do it only if you WANT to, not that you HAVE to.”
“Oh…” San looked at herself for a moment.
“Ashitaka, can I have sex with you now?”
Ashitaka jerked away from his seat and nearly jumped onto the walls.
“San, you also have t consider about if the other love WANTS to have…you know!”
“And do you?”
“Not…now…” Ashitaka's voice went high a little.
“Oh…my…god!” Sasuke lowly spoke to Ashitaka.
“I can't believe you're gonna miss out on something that is hot!”
“Well excuse me Sasuke, but not everyone has a charisma in experience with sex!”
“True, but I can say one fact; I'm not gonna die a virgin.”
“And how do you know that Sasuke? It could be that we will stay together and NOT HAVE sex; at all.” Motoko made a valid point.
“I have ways.” Sasuke smirked a little as he lowered his head, leaned back in a jock kind of way and crossed his arms.
“Oh Sasuke you dark horse (!)” Ashitaka cynically spoke at him.
“Then why won't YOU do it?”
Ashitaka refused to reply.
Sasuke stared at him a little, but then slowly rose from when he was sat and picked up his bowl and chopsticks.
“Well…I'm off to bed since it is late now.” He then stared at Motoko with an arousing smile. “See you later Motoko.” And then he walked out of the room. Ashitaka and San slowly looked at Motoko as they see her growling to herself and clenching her fists.
“HE'S GOTTA BE KIDDING ME?!” Motoko slammed her fisted down, with Ashitaka and San looking at her with bare faces.
“I don't understand Motoko.” San plainly said to her.
“He thinks that he can be the dominant man in this relationship! And now he's trying to get it on with! He only wants power overall this! God, as if being immortal wasn't enough. I hate him! No! I will not fall into temptations! No, he has to fall before I DO!”
Motoko then stormed out of the room leaving the last two together.
“It's complicated with Sasuke, you understand right?” Ashitaka assured San.
“Yeah, I do, but Ashitaka…I still don't get sex.” Ashitaka then quickly went over to San and gave her a quite deep kiss. San stumbled for a moment until Ashitaka pulled his head back.
“Not now San, we can wait.” San smiled at Ashitaka and kissed his cheek.
“Can we go back to my home?”
“Sure.” Ashitaka brushed her hair out from her face and kissed her once more.
Meanwhile, back to `Miss Independent', and her oral pact for not giving into temptations…