Princess Mononoke Fan Fiction ❯ Kiss Diaries ❯ Fighting Temptations (Literally) ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Fighting Temptations (Literally!)
Motoko returned to her room, with a small window, a white blanket swept on floor for her bed, and her few other accessories and weapons lying around. She was still pissed off, trying to sort out her guns. Until she heard the slide door open, she stopped for a moment but then carried on to what she was doing. Then came walking in was Sasuke.
“Looks like San and Ashitaka are gone.”
“You know if you're thinking-
Motoko then saw that Sasuke is bare chested and quite wet probably had been in the hot springs again.
“Ah…if you think you're gonna tempt me with that bare…tanned…slick chest…especially with water…” Motoko drifted off a little but then shook her head. “…You got to be kidding me!” Sasuke then walked up to her and trapped his arms around her body as she was pressed against a wall.
“Why do you have to be so annoying?” Motoko asked Sasuke with irate.
“Why do you have to be so stern?” Sasuke replied back with another question looking at her daringly.
“I'm stern for a reason.”
“And that reason is?” Motoko looked away, but her chin was gently pulled back by Sasuke's fingers, and then he roughly slammed his lips down onto her, letting his wet tongue slide around inside and lick Motoko's tongue as well.
But she then pushed him away harshly and jumped away from the wall.
“I know this game Sasuke! And I'm not gonna fall for it!”
“What game? It's sex.”
“I think that word has got into your head too much.”
“Why are you trying to fight temptations?”
“Because it will show you that I'm a strong, independent woman who doesn't rely on sex to have a stable relationship with a man.”
“You're saying our relationship isn't stable?”
“If I was with a normal human, yes; it would be stable, but with a hybrid immortal like you, it's gonna take extra work.”
“Then why do I have to end up with a girl like you?”
“What makes me so attractive then?”
“Your breasts.”
“Why must you?”
“Would you rather have me being rogue to you then?”
“Maybe yes.”
Sasuke then stomped subtly towards Motoko again.
He then roughly picked Motoko up through her legs and harshly pushed her against the sheets. His hands clutched onto her wrists and his pelvic bone pinned her waist down.
“Sasuke!” Motoko panicked a little.
“You told me to be rogue on you; this is my rogue.” Motoko began to sweat a little from the tension she was getting off from Sasuke.
“And if I don't get what I want, I WILL rape you.” Motoko's eyes broadened from those very words, but she was unable to move. Sasuke leaned his head closer to her tight breasts, but then he flicked back and ended up laughing.
“What?!” Motoko spat out, Sasuke then leaned his head back and smile strangely at her.
“I'm not going to rape you.”
“I wouldn't do that to you; I'm not the kind of guy who does that. I just wanted to scare you a little.” Motoko grew angry and fiercely shoved him off her and rose back up.
“It was a little.” Sasuke chuckled back.
“And look, you got me all wet now!”
“Was that from the sweat off you or from my wet chest?” Motoko blushed rosily and then grasped Sasuke by the ear as he winced a little.
“You son of a bitch! Get out now!” She threw Sasuke out from her room and slammed the slide door shut.
“Motoko…” Sasuke rose up, only to see the face of the door; he sighed happily to himself and looked at the door once more. “…Goodnight.” And then he walked away into another room.
Next morning, Ashitaka walked back into the house with the morning sunshine beaming through the doors as he strolled in. He looked down and saw Sasuke sleeping on his stomach; he sighed a little and walked up to him. He only came at a few steps until Sasuke dozily woke up to see the fresh Ashitaka for another day to come.
“Did Motoko kick you out?”
“No.” Sasuke scoffed back. “Actually I let myself out.” Motoko then came in with a strop and brushed her legs pass Sasuke.
“Good morning Motoko.” Ashitaka politely greeted her.
“Good morning to you too, Ashitaka.” She replied, flicking her shimmering copper-blonde hair out from her face, with her blue outfit on. She then put on her sandals and stomped a little to fit them in.
“I'm gonna get breakfast.” Ashitaka and Sasuke looked at the stuck up girl with her back straight.
“Thank god.” Sasuke sighed out, but as Motoko opened the main slide, she turned to Ashitaka.
“If Sasuke does anything weird to you, just stab him.”
“Ermm…okay.” Ashitaka replied unconfidently when then the slide became shut. Ashitaka's face grew stern as he then sharply turned his head to Sasuke when he put back on his black sleeveless turtleneck.
Motoko was still walking through the rain of sakura petals falling through the silent breeze.
“Hi San.” Motoko pleasantly addressed to her as she walked pass.
“Oh…hi back.” San nodded when she then stopped and looked all around her.
“Is it me? Or are humans becoming interesting to me?”
“You stayed with her last night, didn't you?”
“Yes we did but nothing happened.” Ashitaka replied back with irate.
“Did she offer?”
“Did you offer?”
“Do you WANT to do it?”
“Not now.” Sasuke stepped back a little and looked at him weirdly, but then Ashitaka walked away from him and went outside into a green nourished garden near the hot springs. Sasuke sneakily followed him outside.
“Something is holding you back; I know it is.”
“Nothing is holding me back Sasuke so just leave me alone for a little while.”
“No, I won't go until I know what it is that's bothering you.”
“There's no point Sasuke, now stop it.” Ashitaka's voice began to rise.
“Ashitaka, please just tell me, something is wrong.”
“Nothing is wrong.”
“Don't give me that crap! Just tell me why you are afraid to have sex!”
“Because I'm a virgin!”