Princess Mononoke Fan Fiction ❯ Kiss Diaries ❯ Untouched ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Just as Ashitaka said the `v' word, Motoko slid back in and stared at Ashitaka with a blunt face. Ashitaka suddenly turned bright red and frail, as he slowly turned his head to Motoko's back, where he could see her luscious carroty hair.
“I just…forgot my gun.” She tried to hold her sniggers inside. “Don't…let me bother you.” She giggled with a little snort and quickly walked into the other room, thumping the door quite tightly. Then Ashitaka harshly rotated his head to Sasuke.
“Now look what you made me shout out! That's why I didn't want to talk about it!” But Sasuke quickly turned away to bottle up his chuckles. “Sasuke!”
“I'm sorry Ashitaka…should I…not laugh at the fact that you're a virgin?!”
“No, you shouldn't!”
“Well I'm going to anyway.” He laughed out loudly leaving Ashitaka blushed brightly and angrily. “But…how? I mean, look at you!”
“What about me?”
“A gorgeous face like that, no woman would ever turn you down.”
“Well back in my village, sleeping around was not an option.”
“That strict huh?”
“Yes.” Ashitaka replied in simple terms, suddenly looking quite sad with sorrow. “It doesn't mean that I'm desperate, I want to be with the right one for me.”
“San is right for you.”
“I know that, but she doesn't know anything about this! What if I scare her?” Sasuke walked away a little and scratched his chin.
“Well…I can't really help you on that.”
“It's ok; I'm not frantic about it.”
“Where is San anyway?”
Then San walks in.
“Hi guys.” Suddenly Ashitaka jerked a little and turned to her.
“Hi San! Woken up now?”
“Yeah, only to see that you left without me!” she prodded her finger quite stiffly on Ashitaka's chest.
“Ow! Sorry San.” But then she cling her arms around his back and pulled him close.
“You're cute when you're sorry.”
“Am I now?” Sasuke chuckled a little by what San said, but then Ashitaka fiercely turned his angry face to him, and then he solidly stopped and walked away.
Sasuke still heard Motoko chuckling in the other room, he quickly opened the slide and she her sweating with laughter.
“You still can't believe it?”
“No! Ashitaka; a virgin?! He's too gorgeous!” Sasuke gave a small envious cough in secret.
“What? You're attractive too.”
“Oh now you say it.”
“Don't be jealous of Ashitaka; he's got San, and you got me.” She then walked up to him and felt his alluring lips with hers. Sasuke softly stroke the side of her waist with his hand and gently entwined his fingers with hers. Motoko then broke off the kiss and looked down at the pairing hands.
“Sasuke, you did scare me last night.”
“I'm sorry, Motoko, I was too enticing on you, but I think that the rogue inside me will always stay there. But I'll keep it away from you.” Motoko kissed him again tenderly and looked into his eyes.
“You're very brave, my love.”
In the afternoon, Ashitaka wasn't around the house, and San was a little pissed off for him going missing again, so then she finds Motoko again.
“Motoko, have you seen Ashitaka?”
“No, why?”
“He's gone missing again.”
“You're gonna help me find him.”
“No `ermms' you're coming with me, whether you want to or not.” San the grabbed hold of Motoko's wrist and dragged her out of the house. The rain of sakura was still flowing through the zephyr and the emerald green leaves were still rustling silently.
“Motoko, could it be that he's a bit busy?”
“Why would be busy at this time? The only time he would be busy is at night.”
“If he isn't a virgin.”
“What was that?”
“Nothing! Nothing.” Motoko quickly hushed that last sentence up and carried on being dragged by San, where then, they were getting nearer to the hot springs. Also over there, they saw Sasuke in the bushes.
“Sasuke, have you seen Ashitaka?”
“Yeah, he's busy at the moment.”
“Busy with what?!” San growled, as she then let go of Motoko and brushed pass Sasuke.
“You don't want to go near there right now, Trust me!”
“I'm not scared of anything!”
“You will be.” San then brushed pass the bushes, and nearly footsteps away from the water, she gasped by what she saw in the pool.
Ashitaka was completely stripped in the pool. His olive tanned skin was beautifully shimmered by the reflections from the water; his hair was dampened with dew as the droplets dripped from the tips, along with his bare chest coolly iced with small streams of water trickling down to his sexy abs. San became dazed and quite aroused by this promiscuous man whose getting quite hot in his bath. She just stayed still and watched the gorgeous man wash his body as the steam was released and encircled around his physical temple. She could even hear him moan a little from the temperature of the water, and let me tell you, she was really stimulated at that point.
“He's so…untouched.” San thought to herself as the boy flicked his air back gracefully.
But then Motoko brushed pass the bushes and saw Ashitaka naked.
“Oh my god!” Ashitaka sharply turned his head to the two girls staring at him. He immediately blushed again and covered his private due to the fact that water is transparent.
“I think I'm done now.” Ashitaka quietly spoke and ran behind a rock, to quickly dry himself with a towel before he will rapidly put on his clothes. Motoko was then punched in the arm with San looking at her fiercely.
“Why did you have to ruin that?! I was enjoying myself!”
“Oh I'm sorry! Maybe it's due to the fact that I have just seen my friend NAKED!”
“Well you didn't have to see!”
“I wanted to know what you were seeing!”
“I was seeing…nothing!”
“It didn't look like nothing.”
“I don't want to talk about it anymore!” San brushed pass Motoko again and went back into the house. Motoko then saw Ashitaka coming out from the bushes where he secretly rose out from the water to dress himself back up again.
“She's gone now Ashitaka.” She still saw the blush marks on Ashitaka's cheeks.
“Don't worry; your virginity is still untouched.” Ashitaka turned cherry red again and walked pass her, leaving Motoko to giggle again.
Silence again when it turned dusk whilst eating, Ashitaka hunched his shoulders close to him and kept his head quite low from San. San tried to repel her eyes away from him, but she couldn't resist what was beneath the clothes he wore. Motoko and Sasuke decided to sit quite close together to eat.
“This is nice.” Motoko broke the silence.
“What is?”
“Being quiet for once at dinner.” She replied to Sasuke, San then turned to Ashitaka and looked at his peacefully. But then she looked away when he spotted her. Ashitaka couldn't eat; he wouldn't eat, he still felt exposed to San, especially when he still felt sensitive about his virginity. San then rose up to her feet and went outside.
“Thank you for dinner.”
“That's alright.” Motoko then looked at Ashitaka's low face. “Ashitaka what's the matter?” she gently asked him.
“Nothing's the matter, thank you.”
“You hardly touched your food.”
“I'm not really hungry for rice tonight.” Motoko saw him swirl his rice around with his chopsticks in a slow, circular motion.
“Well, we still have lots of food left over. We have fish, soup, what are you hungry for?”
“San nude on a plate.” Sasuke whispered cheekily.
“Silence!” Ashitaka whispered back with anger.
“I can see you are.”
“I said silence Sasuke!” Ashitaka pointed a chopstick at him.
“But he is!” Sasuke turned to Motoko.
“Enough you two! San?” she called out.
“I'm not getting involved!” Motoko grew an annoyed face as she lowered her eye lids. Sasuke and Ashitaka both sat down coolly, trying to not make another fuss, but as Sasuke drank something out from his cup, he whispered to himself.
“Ashitaka would eat his rice…if only he gets to lick it off San…”
Then a sudden crash of fists came slamming down; Ashitaka's face was ferocious and vivid.
“THAT'S IT!” Ashitaka then leaped onto Sasuke and pinned him down by his pelvic bone and began to wrap his hands around Sasuke's throat.
“Ashitaka!” Motoko cried out, but he refused to listen. Sasuke then rolled over him and ran away from him, leaving Ashitaka to rise back up angrily.
“You're gonna be sorry Ashitaka!” Sasuke pivoted back round and tackled Ashitaka down with his vectors. Now Sasuke was the one holding him down.
“Sasuke get off of Ashitaka!” Motoko was just inaudible to hear. Sasuke just kept punching Ashitaka in the left cheek which made him spit out blood a little. But at the third time, Ashitaka managed to clutch onto Sasuke's hitting wrist, use some sort of immortal power he inherited from the phoenix, and pushed him straight back against the wall opposite him. He rose back up to laugh at Sasuke rubbing his head.
“Hey! No force!”
“You started it Sasuke!” Ashitaka then leaped onto Sasuke once more and slammed his backup and down a number of times.
“Ashitaka! Get off of Sasuke now!”
But then San walked back in, and saw the three looking blankly back at her. Ashitaka immediately got off of Sasuke and returned to his place quickly.
“What was going on?” San questioned him.
“Nothing; everything is fine San.” He replied back to her calmly.
“Ashitaka you're bleeding.” She spotted the blood trickling down from the side of his mouth. Ashitaka smeared the blood away from his lips but still the stain remained. “Come back with me.” Ashitaka lifted himself back slowly and touched San's hand.
“Don't get too physical Ashitaka, you'll never know when you're cherry will pop.” Sasuke whispered again.
“COME HERE!” Ashitaka jumped onto Sasuke again. He tried to choke him again, but then San jumped onto his back and tried to pull him away, and then Motoko grabbed onto Sasuke's waist to try to pull him away as well.
“You son of a bitch!”
“No let me go!”
“Someone's feeling my thigh!”
“No one is feeling your thigh Motoko!” Then suddenly, they all burst away from each other. San lost grip of Ashitaka's shoulders, and fell back, Ashitaka pivoted which ended up with and San falling face to face. They both landed with Ashitaka on top of San, and his pelvic bone was accidentally thrust against San between the legs, which made her give off a moan and hold onto Ashitaka's hips. The two pairs then stared at each other closely, as if they nearly forgot that they are both entangled in a very sexual pose.
“Oh…Ashitaka!” Sasuke mimicked them in a moaning voice when he saw the embarrassing situation. The two then jumped off each other and blushed even more.
Motoko slapped Sasuke on the arm. “Sasuke!”
“What?!” She growled to herself when she walked out of the room.
“I think I'll just go home now.” San rose to her feet and brushed her dress off from any dust. “Do you want to come?” She turned to Ashitaka. “You need to wash that blood off.”
“Right.” Ashitaka replied softly and rose back up and looked at San deeply again, before they then walked out of the house.
Sasuke, however, was still in the main room, alone.
“Shall I sleep on the floor again?”