Princess Mononoke Fan Fiction ❯ Kiss Diaries ❯ First Contact ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

First Contact
“Ashitaka, you shouldn't really let him get to you.” San dampened a small cloth with some fresh water from the lake, and then softly dapped it onto Ashitaka's lips. He pulled away a little from a small sting, but then San's touch was what pulled him back. She felt his cheek as she tenderly pressed the towel against his mouth, and wiped away the blood from his face. Ashitaka then smoothly clutched her wrist, and San just stared into his eyes.
“What is he doing?” She thought to herself. “Why do I feel…?”
Ashitaka brushed her olive hair away from her face, to see her striking eyes with her infamous red wolf markings.
“She is beautiful…” Ashitaka thought to himself. “Should I…now? Is now the right time?” He drew his hand even further up her wrist and felt the palm of her hand with his thumb; moving in a circular motion. He could see the moonlight reflecting down on San's clear skin, and the movement of the water mirrored on her clothes. Ashitaka felt heat coming off her breath, and he drew his head closer to hers, until he passionately kissed her lips. He held it there for a little while, until he softly released it; looking back into her eyes once more. The pain in his lips rapidly went away, and he could hear San's breathing get louder gradually. He then kissed her again, only a bit more rougher this time, and then he brought his other hand onto her waist, and pulled her in closer him. Ashitaka then brought his kisses down San's neck, caressingly sucking it slightly, and San just stared a blank eye at him.
“What is he doing? Is this what sex is? If it is…it's full of shit!” San thought to herself again, but then she was pushed back against the soft jade grass with Ashitaka's chest lying on her breasts. He was still sucking on her neck, which then left a small love bites on her; crimson red with love, and then looked back at her.
“Is this sex?” Ashitaka sighed when she asked him that.
“This is what leads up to it.”
“What do you mean?” San silently whispered to him. “What do you do?” Ashitaka looked away slowly for a little moment, and then looked a sorrowing expression towards her.
“Do you really want to know? Do you want to try for the first time?”
“I'm not afraid of anything.” San quite firmly stated, but yet the sweetness in her eyes still remained.
“Ok.” Ashitaka whispered in a cool, husky voice. He then leaned his lips back onto San's neck again, and then he gradually stroked her abdomen in a circular motion, until he then leisurely rose his hand up to fumble with her left breast. San winced when she felt his touch, but then she sighed out calmly as she looked at the moonlit night sky.
“I can't believe it…” San then looked at Ashitaka as he looked back up at her. “…I'm tense as well.” He laughed a little, and brushed the hair away from San's face, once again. “You know, you do look striking in the moonlight.” San began to sweat a little from the tension that was then brought onto her chest. Ashitaka brought his hand onto her breast and groped it a little tighter, which made San wince a little more.
“This might hurt.” Ashitaka then slowly felt her abdomen again, but only gradually, he then brought his hand down between the legs; this made San cry a little. But, out of tension, she harshly pushed Ashitaka and crouched herself up with her back facing him.
“I'm sorry Ashitaka! I just…can't take it now…I'm sorry…” Ashitaka sighed and looked down upon himself.
“I'm the one who should be sorry; I went too far…”
Both of them sighed as the night went on…