Princess Mononoke Fan Fiction ❯ Kiss Diaries ❯ The Full Monty ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

The Full Monty
The next morning, San and Ashitaka woke up at different times, but didn't spoke a word to each other, since the last night where their attempt has failed. San was worried that she's too closed to get too personal too, and that she and Ashitaka will always be loved, but never touched. Ashitaka's more paranoid about how he may had come on too strong upon San, and that he had scared her to open up.
They reached down to the house where Sasuke and Motoko had always slept every night in for breakfast. Kaya decided to visit as well (Motoko's sister, ok, how about, to avoid confusion, lets call her K-chan from now on, shall we…eh?) anyway, it was a bright sunny day out once again as the sun shone out his rays of golden light and heat of a dozen flows of lava. The trees surged in harmony with the cool breeze rushing in from the fusing clouds.
“Ashitaka, are you ok? You haven't talked since. Neither had you San.” Kaya, oh I'm sorry…K-chan, asked with a small tinge of worry.
“No…we're both fine. Thank you for your concern.” Ashitaka replied in melancholy, San looked at him slightly, but then immediately turned away when he looked back. Motoko and Sasuke looked at them both with blunt faces, but then thought that it was best to stay out of it, and carried on with their meals.
Later on in the day, San and Sasuke began to take a small walk in the forest, as it was Sasuke's idea to try to get things sorted between her and Ashitaka, and to find out some juicy gossip which he can joke around with Ashitaka, just to get him pissed off by.
“What happened last night San?” She then looked at Sasuke with a sense of disgust.
“I'm not gonna tell YOU what happened last night!”
“What's wrong with me? I'll keep your details a secret.” - *scoffs* yeah right Sasuke! - San then looked at the blue sky as she brushed away a bit of her fringe away from her face.
“We sat near the river whilst I washed Ashitaka up a little - by YOUR doing - and then, he brushed away some of my hair to see my face, he kissed me really passionately. And then he sucked on my neck, and I think he left some marks on me.” She stopped for a moment to rub her neckline a little. Sasuke bent his head low as a sign of curiosity, gently turned San's chin up, and saw the sucking marks on her neck and collar bone.
“Oh my! Looks like he's been giving you love bites!”
“Oh shut up Sasuke!” She slapped the hand away from her chin and looked away to continue with her story. “Anyway, he then laid me back on the moss, and next he…felt my breast. I got a little cautious then, as then as he carried on kissing me…he…put his down…” San then tried to point down with exaggeration instead of actually saying it, but Sasuke as dumb as an ass sometimes didn't get the signal. “…between my…legs.” She finally sighed out.
“Oh…” Sasuke gasped a touch.
“At that point, I got all tense; I told him I couldn't go through with it yet.” San then clutched onto her arms and hunched her shoulders.
“It's okay to be scared San.”
“I'm not scared!” San snarled back.
“If you weren't scared, why didn't you go through with it then?” San stopped by that valid question, and resumed her observation at the sky; refusing to answer, but the Sasuke grinned as he watched her.
“Never mind, you can reply later.”
“So…did you and San turn on last night?” Motoko cheekily questioned Ashitaka will they both sat down on the bench just outside of the house, looking at the sky -what is it with people and the sky? Can they see heaven up there or what??- Back to the story, Ashitaka looked at Motoko in a weird sense of fashion.
“Nothing happened last night!”
“If it is so, then why you and San are aren't talking then?” Ashitaka gasped a little for a brief moment, and then looked down upon himself.
“I went too far and San couldn't take it.”
“What did you do?”
“…I…touched her…” Ashitaka did the same actions as San did when she tried to symbolize the vagina out rather than saying it. But like an ass, Motoko didn't get it either. “…between her legs.” He sighed out.
“Ohhh…” Motoko finally got the point. “And she couldn't take that?”
“No, and I don't blame her; she's new to sex, and I went to far…”
“Ashitaka, you don't have to rush into things so quickly, and to be frank with you, me and Sasuke haven't even done it yet.”
“Oh.” Ashitaka gave off a little shock and look back down at himself.
“I'm just saying that, good things come to those who wait. I mean, if you rush things up, it won't have such a momentum as you thought it would be, and then you realize that you wanted to cherish your `first time' that supposed to be a fantastic time, and it was all just one big flop. I know you want that…so just…wait, ok?” Motoko then gave him one huge smile, as Ashitaka lightly replied back. They then heard footsteps reaching their way; San was walking pass them and back into the house; she felt too embarrassed to look at Ashitaka so she hurried back inside. Ashitaka couldn't help but give out yet another depressing sigh.
“I-I'm gonna take another bath.”
“Oh! Be careful which room to take your clothes off. Some of my underwear is still in there.”
“Don't worry, I won't touch them.”
“Eh! You men always have a weird fetish with women's clothing, so don't get too aroused with them.
In the room Ashitaka chose to undress himself until he was naked, he found Motoko's underwear hanging dripping wet from a balcony above him. He already tidied and folded his clothes up in one neat pile away from hers, and sighed in a small mortifying manner before opening the slide to the hot springs outside. But what he didn't realize was that when he did open the slide…San was on the other side.
Two screams came out from the house; Motoko was sitting opposite another door whilst she was just polishing one of her guns with a glossy cloth. She was sitting perfectly cheerful, until that bloody naked Ashitaka panicked as he opened the slide in front of Motoko…with his legs spread.
“Motoko! I made a big mistake!” She looked up at an instant; her eyes were bulged and she sat in a stiff position with her shoulders hunched.
“Uhhh…what have you done?” Motoko tried to take her eyes off his penis and firmly stared at his face as she blushed only a little.
Before Ashitaka finished his sentence, a huge spank came across his cheek; leaving a giant handprint as red as sweet cherry. His eyes broadened from the sudden rush as San looked automatically pissed off by his…physical profanity. She then walked away; she couldn't even bare to open her eyes at Ashitaka, so she walked off quickly, leaving Ashitaka to stare back at her blankly.
“She saw me…” Motoko grinned only by the slightest; still in her hunched position though.
“Remember she's new to this…so seeing another man in bare skin will still scare her. And by the way…you might want to cover the front.” Ashitaka looked a little confused. Cover what? So he then slowly looked down, and saw that his dick was still bare. He immediately went rosy red in his cheeks; he then quickly put his hands over his cock, kept his legs together, and squirmed back into the house as he closed the slide, leaving Motoko to sigh happily to herself.
“It's strange…I should be seeing more of Sasuke in the nude rather than Ashitaka, in anyway though to be honest…I think he would be great in bed.” She chuckled to herself.
Ashitaka still hadn't been able to talk to San…as she was permanently scarred from seeing the nude side of him. But over at Motoko's and Sasuke's, the night was drawing near, and Motoko didn't have her tights on…