Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Against all odds ❯ Duck to swan. Slave to Master ( Chapter 12 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
By: Shadow Megatron 
Mousse comes into his own Alien encounter. One that has far
reaching and suprising consiquences.
Love's timeless appeal can effect even the most jaded of hearts. An appeal that even the notorious Blackfire is not immune. The Dark Phoenix meets
her mate in the Grey Swan.
Anime/Manga: Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction /
Fan Fiction |
Genre(s): Romance /
Martial Arts /
Drama /
Angst /
Supernatural |
Type: Other |
Uploaded On: 06.20.2006 |
Pages: 8 |
Words: 6.1K |
Visits: 727 |
Status: Work In Progress
Chapter 12 Duck to swan. Slave to Master
Mhu Tzu looked toward Juuban from where he was situated in Nerima
Standing outside his humble abode within the forested area of the ward.
He thanked his ancestors for giving him the forsight to save up what
meagre strippend the manipulitoive old cow Khu Lon 'allowed' him.
Strippend what a gyp. Mousse was the son of the most respected family
within Jokesenkyo. And the manipuilitive old cow KNEW IT. Thanks to
Blackfire's inavertant kidnapping and that decontamination feild?
Mousse was now free of all outward and inward manipulations and
compultions. ho says Science and Magic doesn't mix? True he wasn't
cured of his affliction of the Curse of Jusenkyo. Nor did he want to be
he considered the curse an apt punishment as of now that he was within
his right mind. And he couldn't fault anyone for his curse.
His gaze narrowed as his countinance hardened.
"Chattillon, I pray that your ancestors smile kindly upon you.
I sense within you a kindrid spirit although buried within the
darkness? A spirit born of compassion. Strange I never perceived
it before."
He muttered to himself analytically as he tilted his gaze to a nearby tree
"Are you coming out in the open now Blackfire? It's rather pathetic of
you hiding like that? Especially from someone like me that can discern
powerfull currents within the Ki/Chi sphere of things. I also can tell that
you are not human in origin as your power is otherworldly."
Blackfire scowled slightlly at being picked out so easily as she hovered
down from her spying position and glared at Mousse in a put out
expression and crossed her arms over her breast.
"How could you tell I am not human?"
Mousse rolled his eyes and looked at her
"Earth is incapable of interstellar travel, let alone galaxies at this
point in time. Besides that fact I sense you are the sibling of one of
America's teen heroines a Princess Koriand'r or Starfire as she is known."
Here Mousse sighed sadly
"The girl in question asked me many things relating to relations between
male and female. I told her many things and wished her the best of fortunes.
This obin miust be special to her, if not rather stupid in his obsession to one
Slade Wilson known by our tribe as Deathstroke. He is a corrupt indavidual
that deserves eternity in hell. He murdered my parents and I will Avenge my
parents. It is a matter of family honor and Slade has started a bloodfeud that
will not go well for him. He murdered a Battlemistress AND a Healer. My
parents. I will stopn at nothing until I see him dead by my own hands and
I will not tollerate interferance from outsiders."
The amazon stated in a sad embittered tone as he looked straight into the
criminal's eyes. a sad smile graced his lips
"You would of been accepted by my mother, you share the same warrior
spirit as her."
Blackfire took a step back in suprise and self protection of her heart
"Your a damn empath like Raven."
She spat out accusingly at the handsome amazon she was crushing on.
Mousse shook his head wistfully and sighed
"No that tallent eludes my calling I am no empath I dabble in spiritul
magic. or as those ignorant to it call it Soul Magic. Raven is steepled
in Evil or 'Dark' soul Magic as is her birthright, I am steepled in
Neutral or 'Grey' Soul Magic as is My birthright thanks to my father
whom was a Shaolin Monk whom was excomunicated because he fell
in love wirtg an Amazon Battlemistress. As of yet I have yet to find
someone that is of Good or 'Light' Soul Magic inheritedthough I sense
one in Juuban but do not know them as I have not met them but the
weilder must be young and 'hidden' and from what I sense male."
Blackfire felt goosebumps crawling up her forarms at this rather
calm and bland discussion of supernatrul abilities. t was quite frankly
creeping her out like nobody's buisnuss.
"Whatever, just drop the tell all. Your creeping me out here Moussie."
Blackfire stated in an unnerved tone as she was seldom relishing going
up against Raven or anyone simmilar to that half demon's powers.
Force eilders were easy to go against once you knew how to negate
their advantage but true supernatrully gifted humans and beings were
another matter entirely. Mousse dropped the subject tactfully as he
gentlly huged the Tamaranthian in sympathy and consolation.
"I don't have much, but please? Come share my home and brighten it
with your presence, if only for a little while. Laughter and good times
are a rare occurance and is sorely missed within it's walls."
Mousse stated in a slightly pleading tone as he was feeling the pang
of lonliness and depression again and it was reflected within his
chocolate colored eyes.
Blackfire was no slouc in alien cultures and she almost immidiatelly
caught the implications to what Mousse was REALLY asking.
A haunted smile graced her lips.
"Laughter and sadness Good times and bad. All I shall share with you
and your house, Mousse of Jokesenkyo I rincess Blackfire of Tamaranth
do take your heart if you likewise take mine. To have and to hold dear."
The Tamaranthian princess responded in kind naming herself acceptable
and willing to become Mousse's Bride. She knew just how powerfull this
former blind Amazon was and knew he did have a strong sense of honor
if not tainted because of Khu Lon's manipulations. And she knew damn
well finding a man as honourable or as loyal as Mousse was, was nearly
fucking impossible to say the least. hat Mousse did NOT know was just
how powerfull or dark Blackfire was and Blackfire was determined to never
release Mousse from his bond of marrige that he so willinglly gave to her.
As the new couple preceeded within the domicile a shooting star danced
through the night sky like a omen or preminition that those of a
superstisous bent would take as a sign that the heavens themselves
blessed this particular union and favoured it.
----------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------
Blacfire gazed lazily around the main room of her husband's home.
She was far from impressed. A sofa A Bookcase with what appeared
at first glance to be filled with chinese books on accupuncture
medicine mystic rites to clense the soul anmd here her eyebrow rose.
A sneaky attempt to hide a Playboy? Moving to the bookshelf she
liberated the magazine and arched a brow as she cleared her throat.
"Hot bad girls of the galaxy uncovered. This months centrefold
BLACKFIRE? Mousie you have some 'splainin to do!"
Blackfire stated in a slightlly pissed and aroused tone.
Mousse swallowed hard
" read it fort the articles and psychologyu sections. I didn't buy
it just because your the centrefold."
He stated in an honest tone albeit it wavered at the centrefold
part then he took from his subspace pocket a laygirl Masgazine
and cleared his throat.
"Nerima's hottest guys exposed. These months centerfolds
Mhu Tzu anma Saotome and Brian Chattillon. Find the dirt
on the hottest hunks this side of the equator."
Here Mousse handerd the Magazine back to her and calmly
arched a brow at the now stunned Tamaramnthian.
"I won't deny I read the article on you as well as this Vader
person. Quite frankly I think Brian is nuts consorting with
Vader but I will hold my peace as I sense that it isn't my place
to judge people. Mind you how he takes 11 inches is making
me rather curious. Must hurt like a bitch if you ask me unless
the article is the truth and She uses a Mind Trick to stop Brian
screaming out in pain or something."
Blackfire placed both magazines side by side within the
bookshelf then stalked slowly up to Mousse and placed
her arms around his neck. Blackfire had the height weight
and strength advantage over her hottie of a hubby. A
preditorial smirk graced her lips as she looked at her breasts
where the poor hottie was between.
"Vader can take care of her stud. Me? I'll take care of mine,
comfy my amazonian husband? hy don't you show me your
room sweetie? I'll give you a massage you will never forget."
Blackfire stated in a sentual tone of promise to her husband
She knew Tamaranthian Accapressure and other arts of healing.
Although a fighter and a wanted criminal doesn't mean she is
ignorant of techniqus that help save lives or that promote self
healing within the humanoid bodystructure. She smiled as she
heard a somewhat higher pitched blubber from her little cute
amazon husband and allowed herself to be led to his bedroom.
*Heh looks like I still got it. Take that Koriand'r you got a limp
noodle for a beau? Me I got a real firecracker for mine*
As soon as they hit Mousse's room her eyes widened to see
many bits of paraphenalia that was promoting of male domination
and even a book on how to break a girl from emasulating the male
gender. What sent her for a loop was the book of the Karma Sutra
and The Joys of sex. Even a Saiyan sexual book on how to pleasure
your mate. Her head whipped tpo face Mousse whom looked rather
chagrinned and embarassed.
"They are from paitents of mine in the past The last one on Sexual
practice on Saiyan physiology was from Princess Bra Vegeta Breifs."
Here Mousse looked into her eyes
"And no I didn't take advantage of my paitents, I maybe somewhat
blind but I am no predator of the innocent or the female or male form.
I am an acredited doctor in chinese medicine and alternate healing."
Blackfire blinked a few times and looked at Mousse consideringlly
"Your like seventeen right? how the hell could you get a doctorate?"
She stated curiouslly to Mousse.
Mousse bowed humble toward his wife
"This one continued his studies with the devil doctor amongst
other worthy instructors in the healing arts."
Blackfire's eyes bugged out
"You studied unter the infamous Dr Fu-Man Chu. And your not a
raving psychopath. Don't tell me that your mixed up with SHIELD
or the JLA. The Avengers?"
Blackfire stated warily. Mousse had a pained expressiomn breifly
then calmed himself.
"Yes I trained under the infamous ones merely to have knoledge and
wisdom on how to cure the humanoid form of toxins and other aspects.
However the SHIELD JLA and AVENGER orginisations refused to have
anything to do with a jusenkyo jursed chinese boy. Especially one trained
by various criminal masterminds. Predjudice runs deep Especially when a
person is trained by someones arch enemy. Hypocrasy runs both deep
and shallow amongst those assosiations as well. The only show up when
no-one else can help them and demand my services rather rudely. I only
patch them up because it will be working for the common good."
Blackfire took this confession in with distaste
"Well from now on no freebies for those hypocrytes. They want to get
healed then they will damn well treat you with respect and PAY for your
services. As for me my healer husband? You can iuse your brand of magic
on my body whenever you like. I find it rather kinky. I like Kinky."
With that stated Blackfire pressed her husband down upon his bed and
proceeded to massage the mucle beheath his chinese robe.
Mousse felt the slender yet strong fingers touch sensitive accapressure
points and nerve clusters upon his chest arms and legs releasing the
built up tension within his lithe form. He was suprised the beautiful alien
girl managed to even fire off the synopsis of the pressurepoints as he had
secretly trained his body to peak perfection that it could tollerate without him
losing his sanity or integrity as a human being. Letting out a low moan of
relief from stress the long raven haired amazon opened his eyes and gazed
upon the reclining alien beauty. He was mildly suprised to find that she had
divested not only himself but herself of clothing.
Blackfire's smoky gaze was filled with the erotic sight of a well developed
species of the male perswasion. Compact mucle and smooth skin as well
as the yeloish hue that was his contries origin. China like Japan had
unforgiving winters as sucxh the human's that settled within these regions
had adapted. And right now the sight of a handome erotic man before her
was driving her wild with anticipation.
Blackfire kissed her way from the masculine lips of her new huband along
his smooth chest and down to his taught six pack smooth stomach.
A secritive smile graced her questing lips as she was at the start of
the juncture of his thighs a patch of masculine pubic hair was evident
that Mhu Tzu was far from boyhood and well into manhood. It was further
explored as the evidence of his masculinity rose to meet the questing
impaitent lips of the alien girl. seven inches of warm thick living throbbing
mucle greeted her in rapture. She paid tribute to the gift Mousse's ancestors
saw fit to grant him with in a loving and cherishing way.
Mousse gripped the bedsheets as he fought to keep iorn control over
his body as Blackfire proved to him in absolute terms that she knew
every inch of his body's erogones zones and how to exploit them to her
benifit. Mousse sucked in a ragged breath as the uninhibited girl slowlly
drew his manhood within her mouth in an erotic slow display of feminine
seduction and appreciation.
"Aiya! By my anectors. You are driving me to the brink of self control."
The masculine cry stated caught between primal passion and control.
"Mn Hmmmm."
The feminine reply hummed along the shaft that the slowly head bobbing
alien girl was giving such detailed and passionite attention towards. Dark
purple passion enflamed eyes looked scorchinglly into empassioned and
conflicted chocolate brown. Blackfire released her husband from his velvet
prtioson then introduced him into another more snug one as she straddled
him and slowlly inserted him into her labia and inched down upon his tool
of marridge a hiss of pleasre and satisfaction escaped her lips as her eyes
glowed with her latent abilities a dark purple aura as she slowlly coupulated
with Mousse in a gentle reasuring way. She rode Mousse's hidden weapon
with a surety and femininity that Shampoo would never allow.
"Oh yeah baby, Give it too me. That loving smile that feeling I want!"
She stated in a pasionite husky tone as she rode him.
She turned the tables upon her startled male companion by hugging him
and twisting on the bed until HE was atop her. She stared into his eyes
with a inscrutible hungry way.
"Fuck me Mousse! Fuck me hard , make me yours my handsome swan."
She cajoled her husband in the true sense of the word hungrilly.
Mousse held onto her waist as he slowly seduced his new bride into the
pleasures and joys of marital bliss. He was gauging her body's responses
to different tactics and thrusts as to what got her hotter and gave her
pleasure. After all he wasn't a bastard that used a woman for sexual pleasure
this was his first time and only because of his martial arts training was it
possible that he hadnt fertalised her heavenly gate yet.
Blackfire whimpered moaned and pleaded with the man she submitted to
to do her hard and brand her with his dominance. However wjhat she got
in return was a gentle and considerate lovemaking that brought tears of
both rapture and shame to the eyes of the jaded woman. Mousse didn't
use her, He made LOVE to her with his hearty and his soul. Never in her
life had Blackfire been touched in such a manner. And it was breaking her
heart to feel such consideration and respect.
"Wo Ai Ni Mhu Tzu of Jokesenkyo...."
Mousse continued the pace albeit slower as tears fell upon his wife's
"Wo Ai Ni Blackfire. My beautiful Dark Phoenix of love."
Mousse stated tentitive as he could no longer hold back hisd release
and his whole body shuddered in the aftermath of him surrendering his
heart to the villianess that was beneath him accepting him into her life
Blackfire cameafter he succumed to the pleasures at the poignient name
he gifted her with. She caught his spent form into a loving embrace as
she and her husband succumbed to the arms of slumber as they basked
in the afrterglow of their maritual union.
From Villian to wife.
From slave to Master.
The dance of love shall shoothe disaster.
Hearts given freeely to the altar of love.
One of earth the other from the stars above.
Phoenix and Swan the birds of love.
Their union is blessed by the heavens and stars above.
Well now folks, who would of thought that Duck Boy had it in him?
Not me that's for sure I thought he would of made excuses and stuff.
ell it seems that Shampoo has not only lost out on the Ranma front?
But she has underappreciated Mousse too long and lost out on the
Mousse front as well. Sucks to be her I guess She lost out to an Alien.