Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Against all odds ❯ A twisted kind of love ( Chapter 13 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
By: Shadow Megatron 
Brian has quite a prediciment.
Enrolling the two sith teens
in school and trying to get work.
A sect of Demon Hunters on his
ass isn't helping matters much.
Things get hairy as Loki pops
in somewhat to ease a situation.
And Brian thought Nerima was bad
for his health? Now he has an
outer and inner intruiged somewhat.
And here he thought only chaos
happened in Ranma's life.
Anime/Manga: Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction /
Fan Fiction |
Genre(s): Romance /
Martial Arts /
Drama /
Angst /
Supernatural |
Type: Other |
Uploaded On: 06.29.2006 |
Pages: 17 |
Words: 11.6K |
Visits: 723 |
Status: Completed
Chapter 13 A twisted kind of love
Raven had just recieved the report from her apprintice.
A slight scowl graced her features as she contemplated why
her heart constricted the way it did when she reevaluated her
action when Brian and Daos split. Could it be her human half felt
some pity or concern for the redhead.
"Remember My apprintice, he is mine. Shego may of trained him
because she no doubt sensed Daos. But the sitiuation is the same.
I have dispached Darth Venom she shall be with you shortly.
I have utmost faith in you my apprintice. You have finished your
internment with me and stand alone as a Lord of the sith? However
Consider Darth Venom your apprintice . She is a spy for your master
the one you bound yourself too. She is his assasin you his bodyguard. "
Here Raven's expression was grave.
"You know how he is. he cannot bring himself to kill indiscriminatelly
torture by bizzare design maybe but he is no killer. I don't trust these
Senshi hence the backup. Besides Brian is not capable of defending
himself like Daos is capable of. His greatest weakness is his heart."
Raven broke the connection as she stroked Akane's cheek
"I hate HIM!"
She stated suicentlly her eyes flaring with unbridled hatered.
Akane snuggled within her mistress's embrace.
"Brian-San hates him too, he told me so earlier before he left
He....he hugged me. Brian hugged me and told me that he would
take care of Tatewaki and the foolish fathers. Why would he do
that for someone he hates?"
Raven looked at Akane and sighed.
"Because he thinks that he doesn't DESERVE to be loved."
Akane furrowed her brow uncertainlly as she looked to her mistress.
"That's rediculous! I know he's no pervert that rapes girls or anything
like that just for sick kicks. So why does he think he doesnt deserve to
be loved."
Raven looked at Akane and shook her head.
"Because of me? He thinks if he was born in our world he could of
turned the tide and given me a stronger bond in order to seal away
my father. Unfortunatelly that is far from the truth. Only a god can
seal away another god. If it was just a human then it would be useless.
His heart and his conseince are weakness's to be exploited by demon
or hell god standards."
Raven narrowed her eyes
"Although Daos is an attentive husband and provider for us. I
cannot help but feel guilty for dragging that human into this mess.
His heart and his conseince is going to give him nothing but
greif....Tragic really."
----------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
Rei narrowed her gaze as she looked at Brian's slumbering form
She recalled her genisis. Not only was Lilith an 'angel' but she was
the mother of all vampires. She was dominant more so in this vessel
that was a shallow bastardisation of a madman's dreams.
Rei's lips thinned and she inwardly winced as she felt Fangs?
Her crimson eyes widened in slight apprihention.
*Child relax, I was awoken thanks to that lillum. You want him
as yours. I sense this and his love his concern intruiges me.
He considers you special to him and since I am part of you his
emotion toward me is unsettling. He mated with us . Hence
he belongs with us. The outsiders don't deseve his touch.
The outsider Uranus and Jupiter should become minions, thalls
to us. The others left to rot on the filth of their existance.
The chinese one a breeder for us along with the outsider thralls.*
Rei's lips were in a semblance of a smile as she trailed her hands
along Brian's slumbering form. The awakened hybrid nipped along
his jugular and plunged her fangs within the vein.
Rei succumbed to the legendary bloodthirst of the second angel
as she drank in the heated warmth of her mate's bloodline a
bittersweet tang of pain anguish and love colored the offering.
She knew she could never turn her precious one. She didn't
want to. Vampires could never give such unwavering love not
her kind at least. She only wanted to bloodbond with the man
that completed her. She sealed the wound upon his jugular
and promptly slit her wrist and forced the man to take of her
blood to replenish his loss. Blood both given and taken freely
was stong and powerful a bond of such was nigh unbreakable.
The lilith within Rei allowed itself to regress saited by the
unknowing offer of husband that Brian had offered. She
knew the vessel she inhabited was incappable of birthing a
child but siring one alongside her huband had an appeal that
couldn't be denied.
Rei sensed Perfume and inclined her head as she used her angelic
power to heal her wound. Her crimson gaze held the chinese girl.
"You know your purpose to him?"
She stated in a cold tone toward the fellow sith.
Perfume inclined her head toward the crimson eyed girl.
"That I do, and I shall enjoy it. Those that harm my master deserve
any misfortune that comes their way. I take it that you welcome him
into your bed as well? His aura surrounds you like a blanket."
Perfume stated in a submissive tone to her new tutor her 'master'
Rei stroked the pretty tracker's cheek and a slight smile graced
her lips as she brought her new initiate into the fold.
"Our master is no Sith. You will learn the teachings of the Sith
from me! To me your alliegence is? But my master comes first."
Perfume inclined her head.
"Yes my mistress, I look forward to your tutalege and
servicing our master. Does he really love me.... Emporor Raven."
Rei inclined her head toward the slumbering man as she smiled.
"Indeed. He loved you and I, He is to be protected. I have touched
the senshi of Thunder and the one of the sky.... They shall serve us
adaquitely. The others cannot be trusted! You know that HE won't
stop at nothing to get our master."
Perfume nodded suicentlly.
"Xian-Pu is compramised as is Khu-Lon. Khu-Lon by greed of the
promise of power. Xian-Pu for her lust of a man that rightfully
rejected her. Slade is making preparations but he is far from
complete. He is trying to gather his defences as he knows that
Brian is the one that will end his bid on immortality."
Here Perfume smirked coldly.
"One born of an plane not here under the care of a tiger and
under the giver of life. He is the one to put an end to the one
eyed false god. And his fell master's minions."
She stated casually as she eased into the bed alongside the
slumbering man and reached under the covers and stroked his
cock and arched a brow to her mistress.
"So is Aireen a good fuck or what?"
Rei looked at Perfume blandly and arcxhed a brow in contemplation.
"Raven must of upped your tollerance to pain if your so blunt.
Yes he is, I take it her seed matured in you and Akane.
Trigon's seed died within me due to my genetics. Raven
knows this and yet she claims me her daughter. Ironic?
I warn you now My loyalty nowdays is to Brian. Hurt him
and I will make you wish Raven never made you her childe.
Your Raven's creature more than Mine or Brian's ."
Perfume's eyes narrowed.
"I love him, I am his whore."
Rei arched a brow and contemplated this.
"I loved him first and I am the mother of all vampires.
What part of Clone of Lilith do you not chomprehend?
I willinglly became his whore! You were coerced into it."
Here Rei held Brian down with her strength.
"Suck him off if you must? He needs to feel pleasure as soon
he will be vaulting because of the blood within his system
that I placed there to replenish the bit I took. Show him what
a good little chinese bitch you are."
Rei stated with a serious tone as Perfume saw Brian's body
convulse she immidiatelly began to do what Rei ordered and
ducked under the covers and began slowlly sucking his length
into her mouth.
----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------
Brian woke up at the crack of dawn, well technically at
6am as the crack of dawn was 5:41 and he couldn't be arsed.
He opened his eyes and closed them again as he witnessed
Perfume AND Rei in the bed with him.
*Well I can kiss my balls goodbye*
He thought to himself as he felt Perfume technically dry humping
him frontal whilst Rei was dry humping his ass.
Both ladies woke due to Brian gently twisting. Rei and Perfume
slipped out of the bed and stretched. Rei looked to Brian.
"Sleep well Brian? I know I did. I kinda bit you last night. In order
to protect your mind, you have some of my blood coursing through
those veins of yours. A precautionary messure, your still human
well your my kind of lunchables My mate."
Brian recognised the vauge obscure 'Buffy' refrence and blinked.
"So you pulled a Spike on me? Cool I like Spike he kicks ass.
Better than peaches."
Brian stated toward Rei as she flushed slightly.
"Yeah well, Rae sent Perfume here. She's yours after all. Got her
free of all that stupid ideology of being Colonge's little pet bitch."
Perfume smiled as Both girls flirted with Brian.
"Is true Brian. I am all yours. All I ask is for you to accept me
into your new life."
She said quietlly
"You are the dominant partner but I am still myself."
Both girls went to the bathroom to wash up. Brian was still
blinking uncertainlly.
"Okay, This I think I can handle? But it's going to be akward.
So Rei's a Shemale Vamp, and Perfume wants in on some loving
I think that I can handle. Oh boy? I am in Juuban. Not good
well I suppose I had best make the best out of this situation
I stumbled into? At least I can watch my cartoons now I guess."
Brian walked into the Bathroom and his jaw nearly dropped as
he witnessed Both girls soaping eatch other up in the shower.
"Bath's free Brian Thank Kami it's a big one. Raven raved
about your singing."
Rei stated as Perfume soaped up her breasts. Rei leered at
Brian playfully as Brian swallowed and laughed nervouslly
as he filled the tub.
"So which of you two are going to be my rubber duckie?"
There was a tinkling pair of laughs.
"Oh we will take turns. But you talk in your sleep you know
I am afraid it's rather impossible for an orgy in the bath."
Perfume statyed noctulant as Brian looked rather cute when caught.
"Ack! I said that?"
Brian stuttered out as he pinched his nose after witnessing too
many anime he so did not want to nosebleed.
The trio finished their morning absolutions and were seated at
the breakfast table Rei was eating tofu whilst Perfume was having
her usual breakfast of friuts wheatbix and milk. Brian however was
eating wheeties and had a slight furrow upon his brow.
He covered it quickly as he finished his meal and sipped a cup of coffee
witch would put diabetics into a sugar attack. After all no normal person
has 3-4 teaspoons of sugar in their coffee without being bouncing off
the walls at some point. Especially when the person slurped down next to
a bakers dozen or more a day. Thirteen or more for the unenlightened.
Perfume noted the slight scowl.
"What troubles you Aireen?"
She queried seriouslly to the redhead as she shot a glance to her sister
wife/husband breifly.
Brian sighed and looked at the pair.
"I have a nagging in my gut that this is not going to be a pleasant patch.
I know that well I technically own this house and all. But I can't help
shake the feeling that this is wrong somehow. I know I love you girls
and that I have dirty thoughts about Jupiter Uranus and stuff. "
Here Brian ran his left hand through his hair.
"I can not help the feeling that someone is going to be seriouslly
hurt in the future. I hope to god it's not one of you girls or the ones
I have somewhat iffy infactuations over. I want you girls to experience
some love and gentleness in your lives. However I myself am at a
cross purpose in my life. After housing Daos for 15 plus years?
Things have changed within me. I don't know how or what has
changed. But I feel it deep within my bones. All I can hope for is that
I don't end up as some kind of freakish Youma monster. "
Brian sighed in irritation as he reveiwed his past actions
since coming to this reality.
"No offence Rei but I did watch Sailor Moon it was my second
fave cartoon/anime until the heart crystal event."
Here Brian looked out the window a conflicted expression on his
average non descript features.
"Makoto.. How could the senshi do that to her."
A single tear fell from his left eye as he uttered that sentence little
knowing that his confession and his care for the civillian aspect of
Sailor Jupiter was witnessed by the girl herself and her tormentor at
one time.
From the roof of the building opposite Brian's kitchen window
a pair of green eyes and a pair of bluish green were contemplative.
Makoto swallowed slightlly as she felt unused to seeing a guy cut
up on her lowering the binoculars she looked toward Haruka.
"Damn. I didn't think he was that cut up about it? Allthough I still
owe you a ass kicking for that sick humor of yours."
Haruka was not paying attention as her gaze looked haunted
"He loved us... I feel so dirty."
Makoto snorted in irritation at her fellow eavesdropper.
"Join the club? You heard what he said thanks to those hidden
mikes. He can't afford to get near us because he thinks he's some
kind of freak like Nephlyte's younma goons! Well I don't give a
damn if he is sprouting out tentacles like in Overfeind. It's not
what's on the outside I give a damn about but what's on the inside
that counts!"
Here Makoto narrowed her eyes to slits
" Nobody ever shed one tear when my heartcrystal was taken.
And here is someone not of our reality crying over what happened
to me in the past? It's a safe bet that I am not going to let him slip
away and think he is some evil sicko."
Makoto stated tersely as she gazed at Haruka determinedly.
"I don't like butting in on a person's privacy as you well know!
Planting those mikes was rather underhanded Haruka."
Here the senshi of the sky narrowed her eyes in slight anger.
"I know. But it has to be done! I don't like it either. But lets face facts
He is living with Two practitioners of the Sith. Hell I am suprised that
they are real hotties! Practitioners of the Dark Side are sooner or later
reduced to looking ugly or twised in their former beauty or selves
eventually. Brian is the one in a no win situation here! You heard the
Prophecy as did I last night. He NEEDS a sorce of support that isn't in
it for themselves in order to use him for their own benifit."
Haruka muttered in disgust. Her expression was mirrored by Makoto.
To the voyer par's suprise Brian had come out of his home and was
on his way to a building that Makoto resided in weekdays for hours
on end.
Makoto AND Haruka sweatdropped
"Wonder why he's at my school?"
Their curious nature was rewarded as they shadowed the redhead.
They found out via eavesdropping that Brian had enrolled both
females that residsed with him into Juuban Crossroads Highschool.
----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------
Brian bumped into Makoto and Haruka at the front gate of the school
arching a brow he excused himself.
"Sorry about bumping intyo you like this. If I were the paranoid type.
I would swear that you two were stalking me? Now what can I do for
you two."
Brian stated wary as he looked at the blond and brunette carefully.
"Please make it quick as I have to get to my home and inform
Rei and Perfume of their enrollment into school? I don't want to
be harassed by the truancy officers bercause two girls under my
roof are avioding school. And I myself am trying to brush up on
job oppurtunitiers here."
Brian stated in a casual tone towards the pair.
Makoto looked sheepish and tapped her left foot against the wall
"Yeah well um, did you like the meal I made you last night?"
Brian inclinewd his head.
"It was enjoyable. Sorry about the shirt incident though. Rather
embarassing reaction I had."
Makoto smiled faintlly.
"Yeah well? At least I know your a red blooded man that's for sure."
She stated slightlly encouraged by his reaction albeit sort of self
consient about her looks. At least she now knew he WAS interested.
Haruka arched a brow.
"Should I be jealous?"
She stated with a slight teasing smile as she gazed sidelong taking in
Brian's physique . Tall and average looking.
*He must be packing something substantial in his pants for a Sith
to be intrested in him so avidlly. I must find out whether or not he
is a danger to himself or others.*
Brian heard the teasing tone and looked straight into Haruka's eyes.
"Maybe? Depends. You do have your Micheriu so you really
shouldn't feel the need for jealousy. Unless of course Rei has
something that you two want? witch I find rather hard to believe."
Brian stated in a very blunt tone.
"If you will excuse me? I must be going. Just for refrence? I like
athletic girls and those thatarn't afraid of being themselves."
With a slight smile Brian walked off back to his home unaware that
his tell all albeit obscure was having a rather interesting effect upon
both girls.
----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
Brian had finished packing lunches for the pair.
Vegetarian for Rei and some normal fare for Perfume.
Handing them their boxed lunches and an apple for each
he smiled to them both and made shooing motions.
He told them earlier about enrolliong them.
Needless to say they didn't take too kindly to hanging
with idiotic teens of any sub culture.
"Think of it this way? You could be spying for me on the senshi
they are teenage girls and local so called hero's. You girls in their
school would be like a real irritant and you could very well slag off
at the scouts. I mean no one likes to have their shortcomings
thrown into their faces on a regular basis now do they?"
Brian stated factually to the pair whom now had sly little knowing
grins.Both looked at him attentivelly
"Whatever you say? Big daddy."
Brian rolled his eyes in good humor.
"Me. Big Daddy Cool like Kevin Nash? Idon't think so. I prefer
The Undertaker myself. Now why don't you go allready and
smooze with the locals. Who knows you may even find a few
you might want to play doctors and nurses with?"
Brian stated in a wry tone as he knew that Rei was bi-sexual given
her genetics and considering last night and the bathroom scenario
he knew Perfume was or had leanings toward the same sex. After
all you don't just come onto another girl like that if you felt nothing
for them.
Perfume nodded and looked at Brian.
"Aireen? What will you be doing whilst were in school."
Brian groaned slightlly at that vauge line of questioning.
"Looking for work. It would get iffy you two at school and
having no steady income? So I will be looking for a job so
I can support my beautiful little peaches."
With a freindly little pat on the ass he sent the pair off to school
They looked so goddamn cute in their school uniforms he had to
compose himself as not to do anything that would be considered
perverted. t was oh so tempting and neither one was making things
easier on him either. Both knew Brian had a 'thing' for schoolgirls?
His fetish for Ayanami Rei and the Sailor Scouts proved that.
He watched them walk to school and shook his head as they
sauntered off. He was mildly suprised as Makoto joined the
pair later.
----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
Brian was at the main job centre of Juuban he was far from happy
either. Noone wanted to hire him because he was not japanese or
asian. acism at it's worst. werll even in this reality some things
remained constant.
"Fucking wankers....."
Even after the Name Change it was still the same.
No longer was he known as Brian Chattillon.
He was known as the mysterious Mr Black
He knew he had a wizardling world counterpart.
Ironically enough it was the Boy whom lived Harry Potter.
Then again what an emo kid and a embittered adult had in
common was negligable at best. Both got the rough end of
the stick by being Fate's bitchs. Only this time Fate and Destiny
bit off more than they could chew. A psycho Muggle and an emo
wizard powerfull byond belief was nothing to sneee at or dismiss
as nothing. Fate & Destiny had fucked up BIG TIME!
One Mr Black was in another reality. The no account so called
emo kid wizard was making quite a name for himself. As in
Manipulate me and Die in horrible obscure death scenarios
or get your life royally fucked up.
The other Mr Black? He may not be an emo head case like Harry?
But he was quite a twisted son of a bitch when it came to psychological
torture. Brian's personal fave was Barney, Spice Girls, Tellytubbies and
Smurfs. Throw in the odd Mary Kate and Ashley movie marrathon and he
was one happy little sadistic fuck. The reason these partcular tortures?
Simple He was one very sick puppy, and Demons simmilar to Trigon
would rather gouge out their eyes and rip out their ears than witness
the attrocities. That and Brian had a quiet torture channel 24/7 for real
hard cases the religious channels. All about God the son the holy ghost.
The whole maggilla.
Yep Brian was a truely sick peice of work. Mind you he did have some
redeeming qualities. He liked chocolate and used to have a pet cat.
Brian narrowed his eyes and stalked out of the Job office and walked
along the footpath muttering under his breath about sending a noise
bomb to the minister of employment saying that his daughter was a
white man's whore.
So deep ion his thoughts he didn't realise he was now beside the
Highschooland it was early breeak. The inners were by the gate and
Rei's holy charm bell alerted the preistess to the presence of a person
whom bound themselves to a demon willinglly. Her eyes widened as it
had singled out Brian.
She was about to confront him when she saw a overzelous demon hunter
engaging him in combat. Her eyes bugged out sligvhtlly at the grace
Brian exuded asd he evaded the blows.
"Are you quite done you racist asshole. Challenging me like this without
proper etiquite in front of innocent civillians."
Brian stated scathinglly to his assulter. He was far from impressed when
he was squirted with holy water.
"Hey dipshit! Do I look like a vampire or Demon to you numbnuts"
Brian stated scathinglly as the leader of the demon hunter team raced
up and chastised his subordinate. The leader looked at the flame haired
man appologetic.
"I appologise for her rashness. I can only assume that you are
Brian Chattillon the man whom dared defy Trigon to wed his daughter
and spoil his machinions."
Brian narrowed his eyes coldly.
"That I am! I am not impressed by your country. It is full of racist
bullshit. She is damn lucky my wife wasn't here to witness that
assult she attempted on me? You better take that brat to task mister.
The only Karma you will reap with her at this point is all bad. Not all
demons or dark creatures are as closed minded as she is. Now if you
will excuse me I have to clean this shit off myself and meditate in order
to offet the damage your group hasd allready begun on my life! Unlike
that spoilt child I happen to be neutral and I happen to love my wife."
Brian entered the school and looked straight at Rei Hino.
"You are a Shinto preistess, I can sense it. I humbly ask you to offset
the damage one of your kind saw fit to inflict upon my innocent
personage. Doing so shall benifit your temple to be exempt from
reprisal attacks that will most assuredly be heading to Juuban.
Because of a rookies arrogance."
Brian stated casually towards the civillian aspect of Sailor Mars.
Rei was about to do so when Rei and Perfume ran to him and was
flanking either side of their Master.
"Our Mistress has seen the attack that your charge has inflicted
upon her husband. She is coming this moment and she is far from
The duo stated toward the grouip that had a member attack their master.
"All hail the Princess of Azarath! The rightfull ruler of Hell! Daughter
of Trigon the Terrible! Princess Raven Roth."
A dark portal appeared and from within it's depths the Former heroine
stepped out and glared balefully at her Mate's abuser a sneer upon her
beautiful face as her four eyes stared at the abuser with primal hate.
"From this day forth? Juuban is no longer exempt from my protection
As a matter of honour and principal it shall be the first place within
Japanese soil that shall be made an example of! Unless your religious
leaders and churches construct within Juuban a church for me that
glorifies myself. I shall turn a blind eye to any evil that happens here
and a deaf ear to pleadings for aid. So shall my first husband Daos.
YOU dare to stike the saviour of a god and expect no retribution?
Then you are sorely mistaken!"
Here Raven scowled harshy at them all.
"You have 24 hours to find a suitible building within Juuban to
give to me. Failure to comply will be dealt woith in accordance with
the pact that governs the behaviour in accordance of Human/Demon
relations! That is all..."
Here Raven faced Brian and inclined her head.
"Prepare him for clensing my children? I wish to comfort my mate
in his time of need. And I cannot do so with the stench of a
hypocrytical deity upon him."
The two sithlords led Brian aweay leaving Raven to glare at the senshi.
"You hypocrytes allowed my husband to be targeted... I will not forget
or forgive this attrocity! Is it not your duty to protect the innocent?
Fine job you are doing so far. "
Rei approached the demoness
"It happened so fast..."
Raven's expression became twisted with hatered and scorn.
"That's no excuse! You were forwarned and knew he was an
innocent and yet you stood by and allowed a travesty of justice
to occur! And you call yourself a Japanese Priestess."
Raven spat out as she was still within her demon aspect
Her retainers returned holding Brian.
"Mistress! That bitch has POISONED Him. The antidote is not
readily avalible here. Only the Senshi of Water would know the
location of the antidote. Failing that the Senshi of Wood and
Raven went livid and scoewled at the retreatimng demon hunters
"My huisband dies...And I swear upon my blood Earth itself shall
suffer my wrath!"
It was fortunate that attention was distracted as Makoto slipped
from the crowd and transformed into her Senshi aspect and made
her way to Brian's side. She knelt and shifted his head unto her lap
and stroked his hair her emerald eyes widened as she felt the poison
within the man.
"Allfather Yudrisill Protector of the earth? Lend an ear to my plea your
most humble senshi. Give peace from pain and freedom from terror one
whom is blameless from the grip of the malady that torments his body
and give peace to his soul."
Sailor Jupiter besseched the Tree of Life the God of nature itself.
A shifting of energy was seen as a beam of green light surrounded
both Senshi and Victim as a wooden facemask was evident.
"Your pleas will reach deaf ears child? Brian is and allways has been a
creature of impulse and mischief. I Loki son of Odin do grant succour to
one whom dedicated and sacrificed so much to bring my son home."
Hrere the mask scowled.
" Know this morals He is under the protection of Loki God of mischief
and Daos god of perverts. from this day forth. Be forwarned upon your
actions against this man. Unjust actions shall net you nothing but
Here the mask looked at Sailor Jupiter
"Well at least I see WHY my son's saviour likes humanity?
Heloo NURSE!"
With that inuendo the god left and Brian opened his eyes. His eyes
widened as he saw he was in the lap of Sailor Jupiter and Raven in
her Wrathful aspect was narrowing her eyes as a dark smirk was seen.
"So Jupiter how long are you going to play with my mate's hair?"
Here Raven grabbed Brian with her power and brought him and
hugged him possessivelly. She shot a glare at the girls.
"You want a peice of my man you superficial bitches? Well we
shall see about that! Only those brave enough to endure my trials
is allowed to touch MY man. Daos is my husband and in the same
tangent so is Brian since Brian sheltered my husband for 15 years"
Here Raven's smirk was manevolent.
"Only those that I deem worthy gets a chance of feeling
Brian's Soul-Shine, So Nyeh!"
With that Raven poked out her tongue and her eyes flared in
malicousness as she sent Brian back home with a blessing on
his person and a curse upon the girl whom harmed him.
Raven glared acidly at them all as she reigned in her temper.
"The bitch that harmed my man has a curse upon her now! Any
attempt at gambling or raising funds for betterment of herself or
her cause? Shall be met with Great Misfortune unless it is for the
betterment of EVIL! As for the blessing on Brian however? I will
let you humans figure it out by yourselves."
With a chilling manevolent laugh Raven opened the portal and
walked through the portal closed behind her as she called out
a passing shot at the senshi.
"Brian is a hero... You want his help? Then be prepared to meet
my price for his aid. I assure you the price will not be easily met
by hypocrytes like you."
Sailor Jupiter slinked off and detransformed a pensive expression
upon her face.
"Damnit I wass so close. Although I couldn't help him. I had hoped
to make his last moments more comfortable. Now he is healed and
all this craziness is abound. I got a bad feeling in my guty that things
are going to get worse before they get better."
Makoto muttered to herself as she rejoined her freinds.
Things are getting rediculouslly bad and superficial for everyones
favorite psycho? Hmm what's say we mosey on to Nerima and see
how the NWC is taking things? I wonder how Genma managed to
get the gumption to face Brian anyway especially after the initial threat?