Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Gold Digger Fan Fiction ❯ Why Always Me? ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Why Always Me? Chapter 1 Written by Matdeception


Disclaimer: Ranma ½ was created, and is owned by Rumiko Takahashia. No
infringement intended. Gold Digger was created, and is owned by Fred
Perry. No Infringement intended. In no way does the author of this story
profit from its production, except to increase his rather pathetic
writing ability.


Chained entirely, the bound form of Saotome Ranma fell to the floor with
a loud thump. Residual motes of energy from the paralysis spell
dissipating slowly in the dark atmosphere. Ranma was the unfortunate
victim of a rather intense and painful paralysis spell, Bugie noted,
from the currently mentally unstable Dr. Theodore Diggers. It wasn't
really Theo's or Ranma's fault either, the compulsion spells he and
Gneiss had stealthily placed on Diggers saw to making sure he wasn't his
normally calm and calculated self. This situation was turning out to be
more comical than all involved originally intended. Heh.

"Why Bugie? Why are you doing this to me? Can't you just send me to the
mines, torture me or something? Anything but what your doing.. please."
Pleaded the once proud, yet still powerful Aura mage from his seat at
the table, completely unaware his previous actions were calculated and
programmed through mystic means for him to take.

"Oh quit your bitching Theo. You know damn well we can't really hold him
in custody, and the moment Sheila finds out her brother Gar went ahead
and pressed those charges of assault against her wish's he'll be out of
jail faster than holy hell." Bugie stated, chuckling inwardly the entire
time. Its true, when Sheila finds out Gar pressed those charges against
her wishes, he would be let go, and that was something they weren't
willing to do.

"Look Theo, we've been trying to capture and convict this boy for years.
Even you can see the potential he has! Besides, " Bugie grinned
maliciously, "I think you'll rather enjoy the control you will gain over
him, once we get the 'Reform equipment on him of course." There, Bugie
thought, if that doesn't win the geased Theo over to the cause, nothing
will. Gazing on Theo's features, Bugie watched with excitement as they
turned from pissed to righteous mischief. Bugie couldn't help but cackle
inwardly at it all. 'That's right Theo, fall deeper into our trap.
You'll never know what hit you, until its to late of course.'

Normally Theo would question what in the nine hells they were really up
to at this point; normally he would have realized something wasn't right
with the situation, especially with how he was acting. To bad he didn't
know he was currently under an enchantment, an enchantment designed to
befuddle his mind, raise certain aspects of his rage, and lower his
self-control. Normally he would have spoken out against this plan by
this point. Of course that was normally, and not the here and now.

"Right. You're dismissed Theo, go and enjoy your wife's victory and
continued mantle of honor as the Armsmaster of Jade, just make sure to
come by tomorrow before you leave back to Earth to pick the boy up. By
then we should have the necessary enchantments finished." Theo nodded as
ordered; standing from his seat he began shuffling towards the exit,
taking on last moment to glare at the downed form of a certain pigtailed
martial artist.

"Theo. Do not tell your wife, or anyone else about what has happened
here just yet. We want to avoid any possible interference until the
'link' has been established." Bugie called out before Theo could leave
the room. Theo's response was to raise a questioning gaze at the man.
"Link? What the hell are you talking about? Theo ventured to question.

Giving off a simple smile, Bugie noted to himself Ranma was now aware of
his surroundings and should be listening in from what he could see.
Picking up the golden collar, he waved it for all to see while speaking
"All of the 'Reform' equipment enchantments and programming will be
directed into this simple collar. Once placed upon the subject, its
spells will go into effect. Due to the nature of the equipment, the
first spell needed will spark a compulsion to utter the word 'Master'.
That will trip the spells to combine the subject and 'Master' in
thoughts, as well as link the effects of the other bindings to the
'Masters' mind. This will allow more control over the subject, since you
will be able to read his thoughts, and he yours. Provided he sees you
first, of course." He added that last part, seemingly unconcerned.

Theo glared at Bugie, who cheerfully smiled and ignored him as he
continued in his explanation. "Don't worry though, you can shield your
thoughts from the subject if it's so desired. That's an intended effect
of combing the other 'shackles' to the masters' mind. With but a thought
you should be able to inflict whatever pre-determined justice we will
impart to the artifacts." Bugie seemed to chuckle at some hidden joke,
before snapping back to attention and continuing. "Enough, leave us
Theo, we will see you tomorrow."

When Theo left, Bugie called out for Garfeild, "Gar! Get in here and
drag the prisoner back to his cell!" and like clockwork, or a completly
obedient idiot savant, Gar appeared and roughly dragged Ranma out of the
room, "And remember Gar, don't tell Sheila anything. We both know she
won't like your interference on her part in this matter. Do we
understand each other?" at Gar's nod Bugie waved him off, laughing madly
inwardly at the whole situation.

Once Gar had exited the room, the council exploded into action. One
rather useless peon on the council, usually completely beneath Bugee's
attention, sauntered up and asked "Master Bugie? Is all this really
needed to ensure that boy's master stays away from here?"

Bugie nodded, "Indeed Serinos. What's the problem with alittle misuse of
political power, some magical artifacts we've been seeking to test, and
a few lies here and there when it will assure for the next ten years
complete freedom from the horrible 'Panty Theif'. Besides, Happosai and
myself planned all this for months, there's no backing out of it now."

"Um, its Sirinios, Master Bugie" the blithering fool responded. Bugie
shrugged, he honestly didn't care if his name was Roger Rabbit.

"Just make sure the artifacts are charged and the dictates on their
programming complete." He turned his attention to two other mages, "You
two, go and prepare the boy's body, as well as that little 'surprise'.
And remember, tell no one. We don't want to ever witness this.. 'Mardi
Gras' Happosai warned us about, should we fail in this attempt." Mardi
Gras, what a stupid name for a attack they were all sure could destroy
their little sub space hole in the wall. Ignorance is bliss Bugie

And with that Bugie left the inner sanctum, retiring to his quarters. He
wasn't surprised in the least when he found Karia waiting for him. This
to, was to plan. As Bugie relayed information to the Darkelf Warmage, he
couldn't help but wonder how pissed Theo would be come tomorrow. Ah
well, such is life.


"BWHAHAHAH" yelled the diminutive master of the Anything Goes School of
Martial arts as his subordinate, one Darkelf Warmage by the name of
Karia reported how his master 'plan' was proceeding. It had been
Happosai's pet project for some time now. To get revenge on his student
for bringing him to this hellhole in the first place, he was still sore
about that, and to get revenge on one Julia Brigand-Diggers - The
shameless hussy who refused to allow him to grab a feel off her ample
bosom three years ago. It took him nearly four months to heal from the
beating he received after that last encounter, and another week to piss
anything more than blood. Yep, Happosai was rather pissed at the
Armsmaster, and soon his trap would be sprung.

"Excellent, alls going to plan." He stated, while noticing the rather
sexy Darkelf looked at him pleadingly. He sighed, and said "Something on
your mind Karia?"

The mage nodded, and answered, "I was wondering.. is this absolutely
needed? Do we really need to bind Ranma to the Diggers just so he can
learn to love me? Just so he can come to grips with his feelings so he
can marry me?" Ah shit! Happosai swore inwardly. He had told that crock
of bullshit to the dark elf just to gather her support. It was quite
apparent that she was completely and with out a doubt in love with his
'son'. Ah well, best keep up appearances.

"Yes Karia. His father had instilled complete distrust in the female
gender, and despite the time I've spent trying to break him of his
lecherous ways, he's still not ready to commit to anyone yet. Even you,
despite his obvious feelings of true love for you." It cracked Happosai
up that she believed that crock of shit he fed her. What would she do
when she found out he is the way he is because of his own influence, and
not Genma's. Prolly kill him, but that's the chance one takes when
dealing with her kind.

"Trust me Karia, when he return's he'll be a changed man, and will
undoubtly rush into your waiting arms the moment he's finished with his

Turning to walk away, pointedly ignoring the love sick Darkelf as she
practically beamed in her disillusioned mind about all the loving and
tender moments to come when 'her' Ranma returned. Truly sickening,
Happosai thought as he keeled over and began puking his guts, such a
display always made his stomach churn.


Ranma was not happy. Nope, not one bit. He had overheard everything
Bugie said about his 'righteous punishment'. Everything about how his
'assault' on an edge guard member was being fabricated to keep him in
jail. Nope, he wasn't happy at all, and the thought of 'linking', as
they put it, to a fool like Theodore Diggers made his blood churn. He
wouldn't mind so much if it was some sexy female with nymphomaniac
tendencies, but to be mentally bound to a 'guy' was NOT going to happen
anytime soon. He currently was back in his cell, having been unchained
after these two weirdo's did some weird magic crap to him. His only
guard that insufferable bastard Gar.

"So.. Gar.. what are you getting out of all this?" Ranma asked, his
voice so full of scorn and hate no one, not even an idiot savant like
Gar, could miss. "Look man, I'm sorry you walked in on me doing your
girl friend like that, but she asked for it!"

Gar visibly began shaking in barely contained rage at THAT remark, so he
snarled "Sheila's my /sister/ you piece of dung!" Dung? Ranma repeated
in his mind, and mentally thought "Why can't they say 'Shit' like normal

"Eer, well. You know what they say.. Incest is best, put your sister to
the test.." Ranma trailed off, chuckling as a vein popped out into plain
view on his 'guards' forehead.

Turning around on his cot, allowing his gaze to focus on a far off wall,
and ignoring the seething were-jaguar, Ranma focused inwardly to try and
come up with a plan to escape this hellhole. Whatever spell's they cast
on these cell's to keep those of magic ability from casting also cut off
his ability to gather in Chi, and whatever those goon's had cast while
he was chained up had drained nearly all of his Ki as a side effect to
whatever it was they had planned. He knew he couldn't fight his way out,
with out a full store of Ki and the ability to draw in Chi he was pretty
much a normal human, granted a rather tough and awesome ass kicker, but
still a human who can't compare to the sheer mystical powers granted to
the assorted were creatures.

'I can't fight my way out. I know Happosai won't come to help, I get the
distinct impression this is all his fault, and with Gar as my guard I
can't seduce him into letting me go. Not that I would even THINK about
seducing any guy." Ranma sighed, it appeared as thought they had planned
this scheme well in advance for his arrival.

Since he wasn't tired, and didn't feel like staying awake any more, he
commented, "You know your sister is nice and tight down there. I managed
to snake a finger up.." Ranma was then blasted by a rather angry
were-jaguar, off his bed and into the far wall, causing him to slump
blissfully into unconsciousness.


The next day.

Theodore Diggers had risen early, to prepare for his, and his wife's
return trip back to earth. The whole incident concerning Saotome Ranma
pushed from his mind immediately after leaving the inner conclave's
sanctum the night before, so he could relax and enjoy his wife's victory
to his fullest. It was a fun night, even though he passed out drunk
rather early in the evening. No one ever said mage's had alcohol
tolerances worth a damn.

After he finished packing his, and his wife's bags, he set them to the
side and went about awakening the lovely red headed half giant known as
Julia Brigand-Diggers. His eyes trailed and glued themselves to her
rather shapely posterior 'How could that wretch even think Julia's ass
was fat." He sighed, rather thankful he had such a sexy creature as his
life mate as he gently shook her to consciousness.

His wife let off a tired yawn as her eyes fluttered open, then groaned
as her hang over crashed down. She felt like utter rot, so she only
managed, "Oohhh my head."

Theo chuckled, sitting down next to his wive's head as he spoke. "You
should have known better than to challenge Gnolga to a drinking contest.
Dwarfs have much higher resistance to that sort of thing." He received a
playful pinch to his leg as she rebuked, "Don't you start on me
'husband', you might end up sleeping on the couch tonight."

Theo feigned shocked horror at the sentence, "B-b-but Julia! What ever
will I do?"

"You'll manage. I'm sure." His wife giggled softly.

Theo sighed, he really needed to get this business with Ranma taken care
of immediately, "I have some last minute business to finish up hun, and
the bags are packed and ready to go. Once I get back we should be able
to return home."

Julia nodded into her pillow, "Don't take to long. I miss the kids
already." And so she lifted herself up slightly, and kissed her husband
on the cheek. "Go, hurry up."

With that Theo stood from the bed, adjusting the small wrinkles in his
black body suit before stepping out the door, with a final comment, "See
you soon, love." He stopped halfway out the door, and asked, "Have you
seen Genn and Séance?" she shook her head in the negative, Theo just
shrugged, "Okay. Séance should be able to get home on his home when he's
ready." Then he was gone.

With Theo gone Julia leapt from her bed, appearing completely aware and
in no sense suffering from a massive hang over as she had earlier
stated. Quickly she dressed, grabbed a personal summons she had received
the night before from the Edge Guard, and was out the door. It was odd,
Julia agreed, that they would ask for her presence like this. She
couldn't think of anything that needed her direct attention, but still -
it was her duty as Armsmaster to answer the call for help. She just
hoped Bugie had a good reason for this.


Ranma sighed as the second to final 'chain' was attached to his wrists.
He was kinda curious though, he assumed the mages would do this at there
place, and not here at his cell. Still, with the sharp 'click' of his
bonds he knew he was doomed.

Theo had shown up a few minutes ago, his perma scowl showing for all to
see as he sat away from the cell, reviewing the purpose of the
enchantments from some leather bound book. Gar looked like shit,
obviously he stayed awake the entire night instead of switching guards.
Prolly so he wouldn't escape into the night after tricking the
uninformed guards. Bugie freaked him out though; he seemed to have a
permanent cheery smile plastered to his face as he watched the

"You know this is the same thing those Shadows did to you guys all those
years ago." Ranma stated nonchalantly, feeling rather smug that his
words gave them all pause in their actions. Even Bugie's smile
evaporated, and Theo's scowl turned into shocked wonder of some one who
just realized their gay. Still, despite this, the bastards continued in
their preparations. When all was said and done, and all that had to be
executed was placing the collar around Ranma's neck, Bugie stepped
forward into the cell, handing Ranma the collar. He stepped out, and
Theo stepped in as they locked the cell door behind him, sealing both
people into the room.

"So yah old coot, how you going to get this collar on me?"

"I won't have to, your going to put it on yourself." He answered calmly.
Ranma couldn't help but smirk at that as he replied, "Not bloody likely.
Slavery isn't my thing."

Theo knew this was going to be the 'hard' part, but as far as he knew
everything was going to plan. He snapped his fingers, which caused all
the magical shielding to collapse instantly. Then spoke "Saotome Ranma,
place the collar around your neck. Now."

Magic, Ranma knew, sprung up all around him. His right hand, which was
holding the collar, sprung to life on its own accord, shortly followed
by his left. Within moments the collar snapped into place around his
neck, put there by his own hands. Well, he thought of one little flaw in
their plans, and as the collar snapped around his neck he slammed his
eye's shut.

Theo glared as Ranma closed his eyes, "Oh hoho! Smart little bastard
aren't you? Well, we planned for that to."

Had Ranma kept his eyes opened, he would have seen the evil smirk pop
onto Bugie's face. He would have seen all the mages step back and away
from the Cell as Theo uttered the next word, the word that Theo believed
would force him to open his eyes. How wrong he was.


And like a torrent of flame Ranma felt all his Ki flare to life inside
him, appearing as if it had always been there, but had gone into hiding.
'This is my chance! The magic zone's down! Move it Ranma! Your not
becoming bound to this retard if you can help it!' And with a explosion
of power Ranma flooded his body with Ki, the energy of life and all
creation. Using it to increase his sense of hearing, touch, smell, and
taste to give him a sorta 'sight beyond sight' type of ability. He knew
he couldn't open his eyes, else he become some one's personal toy, so
this would have to suffice.

In movements none could follow, Ranma flared his aura and tore through
the room, crashing through the now unmagically sealed bars, he made sure
to run Theo over and stomp on his balls, and into the main Antechamber.
Rushing from the room he couldn't help but laugh as the others shouted
the alarm, and the sound of Theo Diggers screaming and cursing his
existence for crushing his 'Family Jewel's in the process of making his


Bugie barely held in his laughter at the sight of Theo clutching his
crotch. Everything so far had gone to plan, his fellow mages had
purposely laid the trap for Theo to stumble upon. The command 'Open'
would normally have forced the subject's eyes to open, however the
council of Mages had changed that to give Ranma an immediate flood of
power. Now, if the final piece in this game of chess followed his plans,
everything would be perfect. Still.. what the boy said about Slavery
irked him. Could he be right?


Julia had been nearing her destination, which happened to be the same
place Ranma was in the process of escaping from, when the alarm went
off. Immediately jumping into action, Julia raced for the building.
Little did she know, she was being led as the final piece in a massive
game of chess designed by none other than Master Bugie, Gniess, and a
perverted lecher she refused to remember.


Looking on from Karia's scrying crystal, Happosai was on the edge of his
seat. Everything was going perfect thus far, granted the whole attack on
Theo's private parts was icing on the cake, but the true focus of this
endeavor was falling into his well-placed trap.

"Yes, may you rot in hell for everything you did to me Julia Diggers! My
revenge is almost complete!"

"Umm, I thought you were doing this to help Ranma…" spoke a rather
miffed female voice. Happosai sighed, guess the cats out of the bag,
besides - There's nothing she can do about it at this point in the game.
"No, not really. This whole thing will prolly screw your chances with my
grandson up forever."

Karia seethed, already powering up all assortments of nasty surprises to
inflict upon the grand master, however, before she blew the weasel sky
high she needed to know the end effect of this fiasco, "What do you mean
my chances are.. gone? Whats going to happen?"

Happosai pointed at the crystal, "If my plans continue as they are,
Ranma will


Crashing into the lobby of this Police station, Ranma idly noted
multiple Chi Signatures exploding in power from behind him. 'Heh, looks
like their pissed.' He shrugged, focusing on what he believed to be the
door and his freedom from this slavery. His escape was at hand, nothing
would stop him.

'BWAHAHAHAHA. Try and put a leash on me will yah! I sure should them!
I'm not just some bitch they can leash!' Ranma squealed in excitement.

Nearing the thin wooden door, Ranma became concerned when his senses
told him it had just swung open. He was running at his top speed,
whoever just opened to door had a very intimidating Chi signature, and
now was in his direct path of escape. Going nearly forty miles per hour
and with only ten feet between him and this other person, Ranma realized
there was thinking he could do to avoid a head on collision.

"Oh shit!" Ranma screeched as he tried with all his might to stop his
forward momentum. He failed to say the least and slammed into the
person, taking both him and a certain Armsmaster of Jade to the ground
in a heap. Trying to fight the reflexive impulse to open his eyes, and
failing, Ranma opened his eyes and gazed at the beauty now pinned
suggestively beneath him. One thought kept echoing through his head as
the magic in the collar took effect. 'I'm fucked.'



Hooting and hollering in triumph, Happosai continued ".. will become
bound to Julia Bitch-Diggers! Completely enslaving him to her iron will,
and her to his depraved mind! Ahahaha, the perfect revenge! Two birds
with one stone and all that!"

Karia wanted to cry at that! All this time she had been helping the old
letch to ensnare her love, all this time she was being led around by the
nose so that which she most wanted could be bound to some other woman.
Of course of all women it had to be the Armsmaster, the one person she
really couldn't outright kill, especially since she's as much a victim
of this scheme as her Ranma was.

'Well, since I can't kill her.. I'll settle for the old man.' Karia
swore within her mind as she prepared to unleash hell on a certain
diminutive grandmaster of the anything goes school of martial arts.



Julia's mind was buzzing uncontrollable as tried to take stock of the
situation. She had just opened the door to the Edge Guards headquarters
when this young man slammed into her, bringing both of them down in a
rather suggestive heap. This 'heap' was actually with him in-between her
legs, his hands slammed on either side of her head, and causing rather
intense reactions as he struggled to get off of her. Looking up at the
young man as his eyes flared open, she noted immediate panic, and
uncompromising horror at what just occurred. 'I'm not that ugly am I?"
she asked herself.

"Master." The young man spoke.

'Huh?' was all that went through Julia's mind as a rather plain looking
choker around the young man's neck burst into a nimbus of overwhelming
and frightening power. Magic, she knew, snaked its way into her body. It
felt warm, comforting in its own way, and after a moment of
uncomfortably, quiet nice. Nice, that is, until she began receiving
images not of her own mind. Uncontrollable they were, flying like a
tornado through her mind as whatever magic just infested her continued
its grisly work. Julia couldn't see the outside world anymore, having
retracted into her own mind to try and control whatever was happening to
her. Had she known her body would react on instinct, she wouldn't have
done that.


Bugie and the assortment of council members rushed out the building,
with Theo in tow. To their horror, and Bugie's secret delight, the sight
of Julia Brigand-Diggers and Saotome Ranma coupled in a rather
passionate kiss, with Julia's athletic legs wrapped around the boy's
waist, sent most into fainting fits, but also sent Theo into full blown
skull of hell mode.

"WHAT THE HELL!" screamed the insanely mad Aura Mage now hell bent on
destruction. Bugee sighed, idly wondering how long that gease would
last, and quickly drawing in magical energy from the ethereal stream and
sending both bond and bonded into a dreamless slumber, while at the same
time restraining Theo's intended actions of revenge against the now
unconscious Saotome Ranma. He couldn't help but think something
seriously wrong had gone wrong with his plan, though, as the plan never
indicated THIS would happen. That being Julia and Ranma damn near
fornicating in the middle of the street.


Consciousness restored itself rather slowly for the pigtailed martial
artist as he found himself on his cot, apparently returned to his
earlier cell. He could still feel the 'chains' that they put on him, but
became mildly surprised as he realized they weren't actually 'on' him
anymore, but more 'in' him. Opening his eyes slowly, Ranma ignored this
strange sensation of shame and betrayalment rushing through him at that
point, glancing curiously to Bugie, who sat in a chair within his cell,
looking himself rather pissed off, and ashamed.

He noticed Ranma's eyes staring back at him, and sighed. His plans
didn't go well at all, nope, not at all. The original plan was to bind
Ranma and Julia so they could get along and train together, so that her
iron will could rub off on the young man, hopefully turning him into
some semblance of a respectable member to the human race. He knew Julia
wouldn't agree to it, so he and Happosai took steps to make it happen.
Still, it seems Happosai had betrayed him, and snuck one past in the
form of a 'hidden' magical directorate. Bugie didn't understand it
fully, but he knew he couldn't break the bond that Julia and Ranma now
shared, at least not yet. He was alittle irked that the bond itself
allowed Ranma to shield his thoughts and feelings from Julia, but not
the other way around. Bugie could only curse Happosai for this; it was
all his fault after all.

"Welcome back Ranma."

"Uh.. yeah. So.. Whom did I end up as my master?" Ranma asked curiously,
noting oddly that feeling of shame only grew, and the image of a
familiar man cursing at him flashed through his mind.

"Julia Brigand-Diggers Ranma. The Armsmaster of Jade." Bugie reported
with some trepidation. Ranma just laughed.

"Kinda poetic justice I suppose. This whole mess started with her ass,
and it looks like it will end with it to." He sighed softly, continuing,
"So tell me, what is it I have to accomplish before I'm released from
this slavery?"

Bugie winced; it really was a form of slavery. "We.. don't know.
Something happened to the original programming we placed on the spells.
We don't even understand how you resisted the compulsion to open your
eyes." He half lied, he had to cover his own ass didn't he? "Things are
rocky at the moment. A side effect of the bonding between you and
Julia.." he blushed, "caused an extreme.. intimate reaction. We did
manage to knock both of you out before anything more than kissing could
come from it."

Ranma blinked, he didn't remember any of that. "Okay… does Theodork
know?" course he already knew the answer. If what he was feeling through
the bond was any indication, he was laying into his new 'Master' like a
pack of wolves. Completely cursing her out for something she had no
control over. Oddly though, Ranma felt anger at that. He didn't know why
either, nor did he particularly care.

"RANMA!" yelled the familiar form of Sheila as she stalked into the cell
with the old mage and young man. She seemed extremely happy for some
reason, and showed this by jumping into Ranma's lap, immediately hugging
him for all she was worth. Ranma smiled lecherously at the sight of this
bundle of female flesh. "Hey sexy, how you doing?"

Bugie had grown silent with Sheila's arrival, and opted to observe the

She giggled, purring excitedly, "I'm great! How are you?"

Ranma was about to answer when he felt, experienced through the bond,
the sharp pain of one being slapped. Images of Theodork running through
his mind faster than he could grasp. To Ranma, it appeared his rage had
reached a new height, if the feeling of complete surprise and horror
Julia was projecting through the bond was any indicator. Theo had
slapped her. Theo had slapped his own wife in a fit of utter jealously.
Now THAT Ranma would not stand, his resolve became even firmer as she
ran from her husband's harsh words of 'Whore' and 'Tramp'. Ranma knew
what he was feeling, and planning, had to be from this fucked up link
that had formed. Still, even he never hit a woman, well.. not with
intention of hurting em. 'My life blows ass.'

"Bugie." Ranma stated with deadly calm.

"Yes Ranma?" Bugie was abit surprised at the rather sudden shift of
atmosphere the boy displayed, he looked down right pissed off.
"Something wrong?"

"Yes. Yes it is. Am I free to go?" at Bugie's nod Ranma continued, this
time to Sheila. "Sheila, I want to thank you for all you've done for

"Is something wrong?" she asked, to which Ranma retorted in action. In
the blink of an eye he stood up abruptly, pushing and knocking Sheila to
the floor in one quick movement.

"I dunno, unless you call being charged for assaulting a member of the
Edge Guard, you, and then getting punished for something that wasn't my
fault wrong, then yes." Ranma then turned and exited the cell, pointedly
ignoring the hurt and confused look on Sheila as he did so. He did say
one more thing over his shoulder as he went, "Theodork just crossed the
line Bugie. Find him before I do, or the council will be short one Aura
Mage by the end of the day." And then Ranma was gone.

Bugee sighed as he stepped up to his feet, "Sheila. Gar pressed the
charges of assault you asked to be dropped, and as such he was punished
for it. His punishment.. isn't pleasant." Then Buge left the cell and
area as well, in search of Theodore Diggers, hopefully he could find the
rightfully angry mage before Ranma did. He didn't know what was going
on, but far be it from him to discount Ranma's claim. He'd already done
enough damage, it seemed. Bugie thought about it a moment, and decided
to 'stumble' across the gease placed on Diggers. Least with that out of
the way things could start to mend between him and his wife.


Julia ran. Ran for all she was worth from the harsh words and treatment
her husband had shown here. She was tough, of that you could be certain,
but never in a million years did she think Theodore would jump to
conclusions as he did. She only got a basic gist of what happened with
the boy, but nothing she caught could explain why the council sought to
perform such an action against him.

She was also mad, extremely so at how shallow her husband was being. It
was an accident! No one could have guessed the effects of Ranma bonding
to some one he wasn't originally intended to! No one even understood the
suddenly different set of protocols the enchantments now operated under.
Worse, she couldn't blame Ranma for any of this either. If she was in
his shoes she would have tried to run to, would have kept running until
they killed her. Slavery wasn't accepted, but that's exactly what they
were doing, even if they called it 'Punishment to Reform'.

Then there was the part of her that felt unending shame for what
happened between her and Ranma. She could remember every sweet detail of
his lips against hers, every feather light touch of his fingers as they
strolled over her. Worse, she could remember the warmth of his body
against hers, and even more horribly she realized - She liked it. A lot.
That's why she felt shame. True she hadn't been in control of herself,
and neither had Ranma, but the simple fact that in a moment of weakness
she nearly betrayed her husband of many many years hurt her. Hurt her
even more when she remembered him staying celebant through out the years
of her exile.

All this flowed into a torrent of memories and feelings, with the most
damaging memory flowing to the surface. The fresh memory of him striking
her, of him hurting her, of his harsh words. That's why she ran from
Seer's hamlet, out into the fields beyond to get away. She needed to
think, recover from the emotional wreak she was becoming.

Stopping aways from Seer's hamlet, Julia curled up on top of that same
conviently placed boulder, and began to sob out her hurt, her pain. She
never cried in front of others, but she had been sorely tempted to when
Theodore over reacted. What was she going to do now? Her husband
obviously hated her, obviously thought she was nothing more than trash.
What would the rest of the family think? Would they hate her? Scorn her
for something she couldn't control? Will her daughters ever want to see
her again? So many questions, and no answer within her sights.

This only caused her uncontrolled sobs to flow out ever harder,
painfully wracking her lithe frame as she hugged her knees, planting her
head in-between her knees. It came as quiet a surprise then, when the
boy - Ranma - appeared silently, answering the questions she had just
asked minutes ago. "You're going to live. Your family won't hate you for
something neither of us had control over, and something that didn't even
get as far as Theo is imagining it would."

Julia shot a withering glare at the boy, mentally wondering how he could
know what she was thinking. She asked, her voice full of accusation and
hate. "How would you know! This is all your fault!" she didn't really
mean it, but she was still hurt from her husbands actions.

Ranma chuckled, which only raised her ire, "My fault eh? I didn't slap
you, I didn't call you all those names, and I certainly didn't go out of
my way to try and become a slave." He scoffed, continuing, "Oh wait, I
get it now. Its my fault I was born, its my fault I grew up the way I
did, its obviously my fault the council lied and tried to force me to
become your husbands slave. Yep, all my fault I'm forced to watch and
feel every little hurt and pain you go through." He shot her a withering
glare, one that forced her to wince as he punctuated every word with
contempt, contempt of her and everything she stood for.

She could only imagine what he must be going through, to be forced into
this situation when in the very end only he would suffer. It had
confused everyone at first when they discovered she couldn't shield her
thoughts and feelings from him, but the hell of having two different
sets of thoughts within him at all times couldn't be removed as it
stood, and no one knew how to break the bond between them.

"I'm sorry." Julia stated softly, she wasn't some naive little girl, but
a married woman, mother, and warrior. She wouldn't let another mistake
ruin her life like she did in the past.

"Heh, its okay. I'm not mad really, if anyone I'm kinda glad its you
this happened to."


"I know you won't abuse it, won't force me to do the things I'm almost
sure your husband would have. I don't take well to being forced into
anything. Besides, despite my comment that started this mess, I have to
agree Theodork was in the right. You really do have a great ass."
Perhaps not the greatest thing to say, but it broke the rather gloomy
atmosphere by causing Julia to bark out in laughter.

"You telling me this whole situation started because of a comment you
made about my butt?" she asked, incredulously.

Ranma chuckled and nodded, "Yep. Theo went ballistic and nearly tried to
kill me. Wanna see?"

"See?" she asked, slightly confused. Ranma explained, "The link works
both ways yah know, I can send you the images and feelings I remember
through it, course it might be difficult to understand, considering it
would be from my perspective, and emotionally charged as such."

"Ah.. " then she nodded, "Go ahead."

And with that Ranma let what he remembered flow through the link,
everything from the moment he made the comment about her ass to the
point up till now. Julia reacted as about expected.

She fainted.


Theodore Pisqual Diggers was mad, mad and full of shame. He knew she
didn't have control, he even knew Ranma had no choice. He just hadn't
expected the link to form and cause that type of immediate reaction.
Still, he couldn't control his anger at the situation.

He struck her, he actually struck his wife. It didn't help matters that
he continued to harry her with names he knew deep down she didn't
deserve. He knew he could have possibly hurt her, and their relationship
permanatly by his actions. Such things aren't really uncommon in the
Earth realm, once the abuse started, even if it was an accident, things
would never be quite as good between the two respective lovers.

"I'm such a idiot."

"I gathered as much when Ranma stormed out of his cell." Bugie stated as
appeared in the room. Theo continued to stare out the window, though,
neither replying nor acknowledging his existence.

"Theo, I can only guess how hard this must be for you, not to mention
Julia and Ranma, but.. you can't blame them for what happened. It was an
accident, granted a freak one, but still beyond any of our control."


"I'd stay out of sight for the mean time, Ranma told me you crossed the
line, and if he found you there would be one less Aura Mage on the
council in the morning. I hold no illusions that you can't defend
yourself, but whatever set him off must have been bad."


"Tomorrow I want you to send your wife and Ranma to your home. Were
completely certain there will be no relapse of uncontrollable affection
like today, and this should get them out of the way while we try to find
out why this happened, and hopefully how to fix it."


"Theo? Talk to me old friend. Let me at least know if there's anything I
can do, or if there's anything I can help with."

"I hit her Bugie. I slapped her when she tried to tell me she didn't
mean for what happened to happen. I hit her, chased her off with some
harsh words." Theo sighed, continuing after taking a moment to compose
himself. "I just lost control.. and I don't know why. I understand what
happened, I know it wasn't her fault, but the sight of her and Ranma… of
Ranma touching her like that.. and how she responded to his advances
just.. it hurt me more than anything. And now their linked like this..
I'm scared I might lose her to him."

Bugie simply stared at Theo. Well no fucking wonder Ranma stormed out of
there ready to kill the dumb ass. Theo continued, "And now.. now that
I've hurt her, spurned her when she needed me most to understand..
there's anger between us now. Small anger and hate that won't disappear,
no matter what we do."

This time, when Bugee spoke it was full of regret, regret and shame.
"Theo. Apologize to her. Let her know how you feel. For god sakes don't
ruin the last few decades of your life with her. And don't worry about
Ranma. I know him, his type, and what drives him. He's an over confident
jerk, but a strong one. Strong and deep down he cares for every person
he meets, no matter what happened in they're past, he's quick to forgive
and understand. He won't attempt to steal Julia from you, that's not his
way." He wisely refrained from adding that He doesn't steal any woman
from any man, but the women usually leave their men for Ranma.

Theo nodded, looking at least slightly more convinced. "Thanks Bugie.
However.. I can't see her right now. Until we can find a way to dissolve
the link between them, I don't think I can cope with the utter jealously
I feel for Ranma at being so close with her. Do you think you can send
her home tomorrow? I'll write a letter for her. Please?"

At Bugie's nod Theo turned from the window, conjuring up parchment and
paper he set about writing his letter.

While he was writing the letter, Bugie took the time to subtly remove
the enchantment surrounding Diggers. It was a nifty little spell,
designed to turn whoever it was cast on into a creature of extremes.
Generally following their instincts rather than conscious thought.

When Bugie was finished, Theo just stopped righting his letter and
became introspective. Moments later, he crumbled the piece of paper up,
invoked some power from the ethereal stream, and burned it to ash.

"Forget it Bugie. I'm not going to run away from this." Theo nodded
then, affirming his actions, "I'll wait for Julia to come back, and talk
to her." He sighed, "I can only hope she will forgive me. I don't know
what I'm going to do about Ranma." A look of deep curiosity and
introspection crossed Theo's features before he continued, "It wasn't
Ranma's fault either. I can't believe we tried to enrapture him like

Sighing softly, Bugie nodded, "I don't see how we could have fallen into
such actions, I'm appalled we would even think of it. Still, the action
has been done, and in the end Ranma is the one suffering, he is the one
enslaved in a way."

"Ranma probably wants to kill us you know. I can't really blame him

"True, which is why I hope your wife can change him. If we do manage to
dissolve the link, Ranma may decide to get revenge in the end. I know I
would if some one just came out of no where and placed me in chains for
no real reason other than believing it would help them become a better
person. A weak reason if I ever heard one."

"When it's dissolved, I'll let him.. let him claim my life if he demands
it.. it's the least I can do for what we've done." Theo stated with
finality. Bugie just sighed, his friend taking this way to far out of
proportion. Or at least he hoped so.


Julia nearly burst out laughing when she had awoke. It was a rather
comical situation, and she blushed when she thought of his incident with
Sheila compared to their own, and how he kept pissing people off because
he was bored. She had to admit, Ranma had a rather strange way of
viewing things, it made her feel so much better though when he felt
anger towards what Theo did. It made her feel that it wasn't her fault,
and that's what she really needed from Theo. Understanding. It kinda
scared her that understanding came from Ranma, but she still accepted it
in the end.

Ranma for his part looked indignant at the whole situation. "I don't see
what's so funny!" Of course he did, he's an arrogant ass with a cynical
view of the world, but still he didn't like it when he could 'feel' the
way some one was holding in their laughter at him. Still, if it made her
feel better he could live with it. Live with it and get back to his

"Ranma." Julia growled with alittle menace in her voice.

"Eer.. yes master?" Ranma replied nervously, having forgotten to shield
his thoughts.

"Your going to be living with my family for awhile.. and I don't want
you doing anything to cause upheaval while your there."

"You wound me Master! I would never do.."

At her glare Ranma shut the hell up and simply nodded.

"Good. And Brittany's off limits no matter what happens. She's engaged
to be married, and I don't want you trying to tear that apart."

"Okay okay. I promise I won't try to corrupt your girls or instigate any
kind of relationship with any of them on my own. Can we go now master?
I'm getting kinda hungry."

Julia winced slightly when she came to the realization he wasn't calling
her by her first name as most people did, but was using the term
'Master' to show, even in his own small way, complete contempt at what
had happened to him, and as a ever present reminder that until the link
is resolved he is the one enslaved to her. Slavery.. the concept itself
disgusting to her. To now actually be faced with it, worse being the
slaver, left a rather bad taste in her mouth.

"Okay. Lets go." She said dejectedly, her thoughts returning to what was
awaiting her when she returned to the town. She drew strength from
knowing Ranma, even though forced to her will, and still willingly was
there to offer his support in this. Today just, as Ranma would loving
put it, sucked ass.


Sheila was pissed. Pissed and completely annoyed at the sight of her
brother, beaten black and blue from her earlier frenzy. She had finally
met some one other than Tirga who showed any interest at all in her, and
was willing to cast off what society thought was proper at the drop of a
hat, and with out a second thought. Then, as if to spite her, her
brother went and got him punished for something that even she admitted
openly wasn't his fault. When she learned from her brother what this
'punishment' was she had furiously attacked and beaten him to the
ground. No wonder Ranma was pissed at her! Because she didn't take a
more direct approach to dropping the charges he was punished.

Sheila kicked the downed form of her brother one more time before
spatting, "Brother dear. I don't care how you fix this, but you better
fix it, or I'll make the rest of your life a living hell! Honestly how
STUPID can you be?"

Receiving no reply except a grown of pain, Sheila pouted and left her
brother were she was as she went to track Ranma down. She had to at
least explain that this wasn't her fault, and see if she could help him
with his new relationship with the Armsmaster.

"SHEILA MY LOVE!" screamed Tirga as he swooped out of nowhere and
embraced her in a bone-crushing hug. Yep, Sheila swore under her breath,
"My life sucks ass."


Ranma and Julia took their time getting back to Seer's Hamlet, both lost
in their own thoughts as they ventured on. Ranma himself was completely
flabbergasted as to why he went out of his way to help his 'Master'. He
should feel scorn, even hate for being forced into this, and in a small
way he did. Still, when she needed help he willingly flew towards her.
He knew Sheila had no idea what was going on, but he hurt her just
enough so she wouldn't follow him. 'I'll make it up to her before we

Julia herself had fallen back into her depression as she replayed every
instance Ranma had just shown her. Seeing things from a man's point of
view was beyond screwed up, hell her general consensus on the male
gender went down a few pegs after viewing Ranma's slightly screwed
memories. Do all men look at women that way? Or just Ranma? She didn't
know, and never wanted to have to see something like that again.


"Yes, Master?"

"Never do that again."

"What, Master?"

"Never show me your memories again."

"Eer, okay. I take it you don't want to see my plans for Sheila when we
get back, huh?"

Julia snorted, "Men are such pigs." She slowed down in her walking,
something in those memories Ranma had shared with her sparked her
interest. "You a martial artist?"

"Yes Master, the best." Ranma smirked arrogantly, obviously he
completely believed his statement.

"Well.. since were stuck together like this, I plan on increasing your
knowledge. Just a quick question though, whose your master in the arts?"
Julia ignored the nagging feeling in the back of her mind. That feeling
asking her why she would so easily accept him as her student. She never
really had an official student; oh she had trained a few people, but
never took one on officially. Tossing this tid bit of information into
the back of her mind, she tuned Ranma back in.

"Pops, Grandfather, sensei. Happosai." Ranma completely ignored the
angry visage instantly appearing on Julia's face. Happosai. That
letcher! No wonder Ranma's view of the world was so screwed up!

Ranma just sighed as a tiny bit of her anger flared through the bond. He
really needed to figure a way to ignore her presence in his mind, god
only knows what he's going to go through when she starts menstruating.
"I take it you've meet pops."

"That troll's your father?" Julia screeched. Yep, obviously she's met
him before.

"Not really. My real father is actually named Genma. Eight years ago
Genma banished me and grandfather to this world. I was ten at the time,
and latched on to Happosai. He seemed the only normal thing around here,
and since we still haven't figured a way to get back home, I stayed with
him. Never know, he might figure a way home some time."

"Where's your home?"

"Earth. Don't remember what continent, I think Japan though." Ranma
shrugged, he couldn't care less. He figured she didn't even know what he
was talking about.

"Um.. Ranma. You know there's plenty of mages on Jade that know how to
open a portal to the Earth realm. That's were my home is, well in
America, but its still on Earth."

Ranma, for his part, remained about as calm as expected considering the
new information he was given. "Wait wait. You mean all we had to do was
find a mage, get him to open a portal to earth, and then presto? Were
home?!" he screamed, suddenly feeling like the biggest idiot to ever
walk the realm. How could he and Happosai miss it? It was so simplistic!
But noooooo, we had to be dumb shits and go about it as though we were
stuck here.


"Yes Ranma?"

"If you'll excuse me, I have some.. 'thinking' to do. As I'm sure you
do. I'll be back at my cell by tomorrow morning." Ranma seethed, oh the
moment he got away from Julia something was going to go 'BOOM'.

Julia sighed, suddenly feeling all the strength she had summoned for her
return trip to Seer's hamlet, and to Theo, dry up and die with Ranma's
request. Still, he looked as angry as any frenzied were-creature at the
moment, so she felt it safe for both his mental sanity, and her
husband's life, that Ranma wasn't around for what was to come. "I'll see
you tomorrow."


Arriving back late, Julia went straight to her room, ignoring her
gnawing hunger in the process. She had spent the majority of the day
either unconscious, on a emotional roller coaster, or lost deep in
thought concerning her recent experiences.

Opening the door to her room at the Inn, Julia takes note its empty,
save for her and Theo's luggage. This caused her to feel relief and
depression at the same time. Relief he wasn't there to yell at her, to
hurt her with more ill chosen words like he did earlier. Depression
because he wasn't there to talk to her, not there to help mend the
wounds he had struck her with earlier that day.

Strolling over to the bed, Julia slithered like a snake on top of it,
clutching a feather pillow tightly and burying her face in it. She was
alone now, and with no one there to see it, she let her tears flow anew.
Julia figured Ranma would know she was crying, at least from what the
memories he gained from her pointed at. She didn't care either. She just
wanted to be alone with her pain for the time being.

Time passed, tears flowed and the tapered off when exhaustion, both
physical and mental, caught up with the Armsmaster, taking her
unresisting to the land of dreams.



The beaten form of Tirga fell to the ground, the petite form of Sheila
growling menacingly above. Sheila didn't have to force her anger into
her words; Tirga's shameless groping gave her all the motivation she

"You ever touch me again.. I'll tear off your head and shit down your
neck! You hear me?!"

Receiving no intelligent response, save, "You didn't have to hit my
nuts!" Sheila turned away in disgust and walked out of the Antechamber,
leaving both Gar and Tirga to wallow in their pain.


Sheila grumbled to herself as she exited Seer's Hamlet. She was getting
really tired; her search for Ranma had yielded less than desirable
results. It's been two hours since she left the numbskulls, and went off
to search and apologize to Ranma for everything that happened.

Her search through Seer's Hamlet went bust. A few people had seen him
earlier in the day, but didn't take notice of where he had headed off
to. Sheila was about to give up when she stumbled upon Nali, a Healing
Mage who ran the Healer's clinic in Seer's Hamlet. She had told her
about a young man, seeming to match Ranma's description, on the
outskirts of town to the north. Since it was the best lead she had all
night, Sheila intended to check on it.

She was in luck, after a short thirty-minute walk from Seer's Hamlet she
found him. What she saw gave her pause though. He was glowing
menacingly, a crystal clear aura of burning flames engulfing his body,
his very being.

His face looked to be set in stone. No blinking, no twitching, and she
couldn't detect if he was even breathing.

With a flick of his hands, the world around her erupted


Gar was in pain. Very much so, and he had a feeling he would be in for
more pain once Julia found out he was the reason Ranma was being
punished. Hopefully Theo wouldn't hurt him, but that's just a tad too
much to ask really. Gar reflected, if his own flesh and blood can kick
the shit out of him mercilessly, what can a completely unrelated
powerful Aura Mage do? Gar shuddered at the thought.

Pushing himself up from the floor, Gar staggered to his feet as his
wounds slowly healed. Normally were-creatures have super regeneration
against anything non-magical, and silver. Since Sheila, a magical were
beast, hurt him his regeneration would be infinitely slowed. They hurt
more too.

Shuffling his feet to the door, Gar had every intention of setting off
in search of either his sister, or… Ranma, and apologize. Spying Tirga
sprawled across the floor, looking to have had a close encounter of the

"Hey.. Sheila get you too?"

Chuckling feebly, Tirga managed a painful nod. "Yeah.. this sucks.."

Kneeling down over Tirga, Gar leaned against the wall as he stared at
his companion, "Don't wanna know what you did to piss her off. I think
we should go find her though… and apologize" left out was Gar's fear of
being alone with Sheila should she find his apology… lacking.

Tirga nodded slowly, pushing himself off the floor, "Yeah.. where did
she go anyway?"

"I don't know. I think she went to look for Ranma.." Gar blinked when
Tirga began growling, his attempt to stand up increasing in speed.

"Gotta hurry Gar. Ranma's like me, only ten times worse with.." Tirga
sighed, it was taking everything he had to admit this, ".. more skill
concerning women."

It took Gar all over thirty seconds to catch on to Tirga's meaning, and
with that knowledge came action as both he and Tirga raced out of the
building in their search for either Ranma or Sheila, Tirga hoping
against hope Ranma doesn't cut in on his territory before he got his
chance to taste the delectable Sheila, while Gar was praying his sister
wouldn't fall to Ranma's skills, and hoping that maybe, just maybe their
relationship wasn't like that. He didn't have much hope.

If only he knew how right he was


Theodore Diggers walked slowly to his doom. What else could it be? He
struck out against his wife in a fit for something neither he, Ranma,
nor she had control over. He berated himself for lack of control at such
a pivotal moment. Once he had cooled off, he knew immediately he had
made a grave mistake. The question of why he lost control never came up
in his mind, only the horrible knowledge that he did.

Departing Bugie's temporary home, Theo took little time in returning to
the inn he and his wife were staying at. On the way home he was lost in
thought, thinking about how he could ask, no.. beg for forgiveness for
his irrational actions. Would she forgive him? Would she hate him? What
would the children think when they heard he lost it and struck their
mother? So many questions, and only one way to answer them.

Theo found himself in front of his room with out even realizing it. He
stood there, staring at the door for long moments, mustering as much
courage and conviction he could. Taking a long, deep shuddering breath,
Theo opened the door and stepped in.

Finding Julia on their bed, Theo quietly walked up to her side, in an
attempt not to awaken her. Truth of the matter was Julia had sensed his
presence the moment he opened the door. Being the Armsmaster of Jade is
more than being able to punch and kick, but to be, in a since, a part of
Jade through the ethereal stream. Its pain, Julia would feel, its love,
Julia would feel, its torment was Julia's as well.

Sighing softly, Theo moved a chair up to the bedside and sat down, the
very image of despair as he stared at the back of Julia's head. Theo's
mind was in turmoil over the recent events, he felt like crying, like
begging for forgiveness.

Theo softly muttered, "I'm sorry Julia… I don't know what got into me..
I'm so sorry." And then he buried his face in his hands, trying and
failing to hold back his tears of despair over his actions.

Julia could feel the regret, and the frustration Theo held over himself
for hitting her. It truly hurt him to know he could even do such a
thing, which appeased Julia's conscious slightly. It was good to know
Theo knew himself to be in the wrong, that and of itself gave Julia the
inner courage she needed.

"I love you Theodore Pisqual Diggers… I want you to always know that.."

Theo stopped his crying and inwardly cursed, his wife had heard him. Not
that he really minded, it just wasn't something he was not expecting. "I
love you… Julia.. I'm sorry…"

"Theo… why? Why did you go along with the council's plan?" It hurt Julia
to know her own husband had been involved in enslaving some one.'

Theo sighed deeply, but answered truthfully, "I don't know. I honestly
don't know what came over me, I don't know how I could have justified
the ends of this fiasco. I.. I'm sorry."

Turning on the bed, Julia placed her feet on the ground in front of
Theo's chair, her soul piercing green-eyes staring right into her
husband's light blue. For a moment Julia could see the inner turmoil
over these events, and knew her husband felt nothing but Shame.

Theo himself could see the hurt in Julia eyes, hurt that he could ever
bring himself to strike out at her. He couldn't blame her, it was his
fault after all.

"Apology accepted… once you manage to free Ranma from me." Julia said
softly. Hopefully this would give Theo even more drive to break the bond
between Ranma and herself. She was thankful she couldn't feel Ranma's
thoughts, and wondered how he would be feeling with her thoughts and
emotions crashing into him? Well, at least it wasn't bad right now.
Since she was just thinking about comforting Theo some what, his eyes
told her he needed her help emotionally now more than ever.

"I'll be getting to work on it right away. What are you and Ranma going
to do?" Theo asked.

Julia frowned, her mind awhirl with preparations for tomorrow. "I'll do
as Bugie said, and take him home with us.."

Seeing Theo about to object, Julia continued, "Don't worry Theo, he
swore to me he won't try to start anything with the girls." Julia smiled
as she saw some of the tension in Theo's body drain out at that

"Thanks, dear. Where is Ranma now?" he allowed himself to smile, knowing
with out knowing Ranma would keep to his word.

"He.. was rather upset at you…" Theo winced " he managed to track me and
calm me down long enough to talk abit. He's from the earth realm you

Theo raised an eyebrow at that, "Oh?"

Julia nodded in answer, "Seems he, and that old nasty lecher Happosai
were stranded here eight years ago. They never thought to find a Mage to
send them home. Ranma believes he was from the country of Japan. I'll
prolly keep him at the house for a little bit, to test the range of the
bond and help him resituate to earth, then let him go off and search for
his family. Hopefully by then you'll be able to break the bond…"

"I don't know how long it will take. We don't even know what the spells
are programmed to anymore. The bonds on Ranma, which contained the
enchantments, have physically melded themselves to his skin. In fact, it
is skin for all intents and purposes. Because of that, we can't scry the
spells for the specifics. Were forced to take the original programming
and find the loops within the construct to find the true programming. We
have no clue how long it will take." Theo said glumly, sighing again to

Placing her hands on her knees during Theo's explanation, Julia nodded
slowly, digesting the information Theo had just given to her, "I see…
we'll just have to touch and go on the subject as more information pops
up." She let herself smile, "I'm tired hon. I think I'm going to go back
to sleep."

So saying, Julia flopped back onto bed. When Theo opened his mouth to
ask a question, Julia spoke first "Not bloody likely mister. You get the

Sighing to himself, Theo decided to give in. Besides, a few weeks away
from his wife is only proper punishment. He only wished Ranma would be
as forgiving when it came time to free him from this slavery.


Ranma was less than happy concerning Julia's recent revelation.


Ranma, of course, was angry. Angry and depressed. His emotional focus
kept switching between the two, as he cursed Happosai's existence and
his own stupidity. Pretty much any mage could have sent him home? Earth
Realm is almost common knowledge? Sonuvabitch!

Ranma made sure his surroundings knew of his displeasure in the form of
various Ki blasts, explosions, and just good old beating the shit out of
everything in sight. Oddly therapeutic.

"R-r-anma?!" a soft, meek voice sounded. Ranma noted a slight tense of
fear within the voice, and taking into consideration his appearance and
the destruction he just waylaid, he could understand it perfectly.

Turning slowly, Ranma gave off a slight smile at the sight of a
shivering Sheila, her eyes wide with apprehension and fear. Fear of what
exactly, Ranma wondered. His abilities? Or what he might say,
considering she believes he blames her for his imprisonment.

"Sheila…" Ranma spoke slowly, in a measured pace as to give nothing of
his current emotional state away. It just wouldn't do for her to believe
he didn't really blame her. Where was the fun in that? ".. something

Sheila couldn't believe what she had seen. Such destructive power was
generally limited to the higher order of Mages, not some normal every
day human with no Mage abilities one could see clearly. If he could do
that to the surroundings in his rage, what could he do to her? Sheila
was tense to say the least, but she firmed her resolve, and shoved the
recent destruction into the back of her mind. She had more important
things to do, such as gain Ranma's forgiveness.

"R-ranma… how are you feeling?" Sheila asked, feeling like an idiot. If
what she just saw was any indication, he was pissed off. Rightfully so,
because of her he was forced into a situation beyond his control. Not
for the first time she cursed herself for her brothers actions. If only
she had taken the direct route and got him out none of this would have

Walking slow measured steps, Ranma ate up the distance between himself
and Sheila, his hands folded behind his back, left wrist cupped in right
palm, his eyes piercing in its intensity. Ranma grinned inwardly,
watching Sheila try to meet his gaze and then averting it, looking like
a little puppy one just kicked. Meek, and seemingly shamed. This would
not do, of course.

Stopping in front of her, mere inches from each other, Ranma answered
her earlier question, "Better. Is there something I can assist a member
of the Edge Guard with?"

Sheila winced at his choice of words. To her it sounded as if he didn't
even recognize her, like he refused to recognize her as anything more
than 'The law'. Sheila sighed, keeping her unfocused gaze settled on the
ground, and steeled herself to say, "No..no.. Ranma. I came by to say
I'm sorry for everything. I didn't know Gar would do this.. I'm sorry."
She managed to force her gaze from the floor to meet Ranma's, tiny
shimmers of held back tears reflecting softly in the moonlight.

There are few things that could crack Ranma's emotional exterior,
especially when he wants to appear as a cold person. A still slightly
ingrained reaction to women's tears, and their ability to term him to
jelly forced its way to the front.

Reaching out, Ranma placed his hands gently on Sheila's shoulder while
cracking a small smile, "Its okay Sheila.. I forgive you.. "

Sheila sniffed pathetically, "Re-really?" a slight slimmer of hope crept
into her voice at Ranma's words and reactions to her apology. Sheila had
no clue it was her tears that caused Ranma's reaction, not that it
mattered anyway.

Pulling Sheila tightly against his chest, Ranma pondered the situation,
including the strange way he was reacting as he worked to quiet down the
emotional girl. Normally he wouldn't do this for some one, since he
rarely had any such experiences himself. Growing up with Genma as his
peer, then Happosai generally doesn't give a person many touchy feely
moments. So why on earth was he holding her this way? Why on earth was
Sheila so emotional over a little rejection?

"Sheila, shhh. It's okay Sheila…" Ranma cooed as he shared his body
warmth. "… Sheila.. what's wrong?"

"D-D-on't hate me! Please!" Sheila cried desperately as she squeezed her
arms tightly around Ranma's waist. She was tired of being alone, tired
of being thought as nothing more than a child. So tired of feeling
unwanted, uncared for..

"Hate you?" Ranma blinked as he repeated her request. Did she really
think he hated her?

"Sheila, I don't hate you at all." He responded, deciding that maybe his
little stunt earlier to buy time wasn't exactly the most well thought
out of his plans.

Wiping away her tears on Ranma's shirt, Sheila continued to softly sob.
Incoherent sentences fleeing between her sobs. Words, such as
"Alone…hate…please..tired." stabbed at Ranma in a way he didn't think
they would. In fact, before today he honestly never thought about it.
What could this mean? Did this have something to do with the bond… Holy
shit! Is this Julia's influence on me? Am I losing myself to this?!?!

Inwardly Ranma was growing frantic. He didn't want to become something
he wasn't. He was Saotome Ranma! Heir to the Saotome Anything Goes
School of Martial Arts Lechery and Depravity! No! No! He won't let some
stupid thing as a conscious beat him! His name is Saotome Ranma, and by
god as his witness he won't let himself fall into this trap! He'll show
em! Show em all!

In a smooth, practiced motion Ranma slide his hand slowly down Sheila's
back, his mind focused on his goal. He'll prove he can't be controlled,
forced to do something he doesn't want to do. Damn that bitch Julia! I
thought she wouldn't try to force herself on me like this! Shows how far
she can be trusted!

Sheila felt his hand wandering down her back, his touches almost
tickling, at the same time exciting her. She raised her head to gaze
into his eyes, searching desperately for a mutual feeling. Acceptance,
that's what she wanted. To be accepted by some one, to be held in a
cocoon of warmth, to feel her worries and insecurities fade away. When
Ranma's hand left her back and firmly, yet in a way playfully, clasped
onto her firm round buttock Sheila let off an involuntary moan.
Entranced by the feeling of his hands rubbing and kneading her flesh,
and by his eyes piercing her own. Warmth, compassion, that's all she
could see, all she wanted to see.

Slowly, ever so slowly, Sheila stood on her tippie toes, her lips
pursing in anxiety at what would follow. Ranma continued his
ministrations, his other hand flowing down and wrapping around her
waist. He pulled her up, pressing her tightly against his body as he
brought her high enough for their lips to meet. Meet they did. Sheila's
hot lips met Ranma's cool ones, and with out preamble their tongues met
and danced, rolling in tandem with each other as both Ranma and Sheila
closed their eyes, one giving way to her desires, the other forcing away
the foreign influence trying to rob him, control him, chain him like
some dog against his very being.

To Sheila, the kiss went on for an eternal moment. Warm feelings began
erupting in the base of her tummy, coalescing into radiant heat that
seemed to spread all over her body and being. Ranma was lost on a wave
of perpetual instinct. A part of his mind fighting whatever influence
was on him, another part preparing for what was to come next.

Ranma released his old on her buttock, his free hand coming up to her
waist and snaking its way under the hem of her shirt, pulling it up in
the beginning attempt to undress her. The kiss broke for only a few
moments, Sheila assisting Ranma in his endeavor to rid themselves of the
restrictive clothing. The night was young, the moon was full, and no one
within half an hour walking distance was there to rain on his or her
parade. Both intended to make full use of this moment, neither was
wanting to run the risk of some one stumbling upon them and ruining this
ethereal and surrealistic mood.

Clothes discarded, with a warm wind typical for this time of season
drifting through the grasslands and cascading its way across the two
nude people, Ranma and Sheila embraced each other, their lips
desperately meeting each other while Ranma lowered himself, with Sheila
on top of him, to the ground. His hands, now free of having to hold
Sheila close to him, began dancing across her fur, pricking her skin
every now and then in a playful pinch. This, despite the very minor
stinging pain, caused Sheila to moan in frustration at his teasing

Sheila wasn't idle herself, her hands creasing and massaging Ranma's
muscles as they connect lips again. That fire in her belly was spreading
almost out of control, now she could feel everything going on around
her! The slightest touch of his hands, the gentle warmth of his breath
against her lips, the subtle and soothing warmth of the wind across her
body practically scream out to her now. Her heat trickling down from her
stomach to her vagina, already she can feel the warmth causing her
muscles to clench and spasm of their own accord, a tiny trickle of her
juices dribbling out her virgin slit. Her tail wiped about to and fro,
giving Ranma all the proof he needed to know Sheila was almost fully in
the grip of orgasmic rapture. From appearances it looked like Sheila was
about to explode, and they hadn't even gotten to heavy petting yet!

Ranma seized the moment and pushed himself up, carefully leaning Sheila
down to the ground in-between his legs, her tail gently moved its way to
the side so as to not cause her undue pain, her legs wrapped firmly
around his torso, every few seconds tensing uncontrollably as the fire
within her continued to spread and sooth her inhibitions. Sheila's eyes
glazed over as Ranma brought his forefinger and thumb to his mouth,
wetting them teasingly and slowly, then ever so carefully lower itself
to her inner thighs, his eyes following their progress as they teasingly
scratched her petals. His other hand fell on top of her tummy, just
above the crevice to her nether regions. There, Ranma pinched her skin
twice more, before his hand began flowing down to join it's other.

Sheila let off an involuntary moan as his fingers breeched her virginal
canal, her juices spilling out in tandem to his slow motions inside of
her. When Ranma pinched the soft and tight muscles inside of her, Sheila
let off a scream of pain and of pleasure as she bucked her hips in
climax, at the same time Ranma began rubbing and stimulating her g-spot.

Watching Sheila's aura, Ranma allowed himself to smile at his handy
work. Everything was prepared, and from the looks of things he believed
this might be the one to take his annoying virginity. To Ranma's
knowledge, the pressure points he had worked so hard to press all over
her body should increase her sense of touch almost a hundred fold, the
inner points he pressed were a one-time thing though. Being a virgin,
especially with the increased sense of touch, breaking through her
virginal wall would have been enough to send her into either a coma or
into shock. The points he pressed within her will dull the pain, should
she have any, while the other point should remove that pesky hymen
temporarily from her nervous system. The two pressure points just above
her lons fetal should work to decrease the chance of pregnancy to pretty
much nil, and increase her burning desire and stamina by at least three

By Ranma's count, Sheila had orgasm twice since he started his
ministrations, and they had yet to even truly begin. Ranma's angry
purple-headed cock was practically screaming for its release. Grabbing
hold of her hands, Ranma laid back down, in effect pulling the panting
and nearly frenzied with lust Sheila back on top of him. Normally he
would try to mount the woman, but he figured since this was her first
time he would give her the benefit of the doubt.

Lifting her up slowly, Ranma guided Sheila's hand to his cock, which
jerked in excitement at her warm and gentle touch. Sheila seemed to gain
partial control of her mental faculties at that point and guided unaided
the purple monster to her slick and wet entrance. Positioned just right,
Sheila took a moment to gaze back into Ranma's eyes and forced herself
to ignore the overwhelming sensations being provided by Ranma's hands on
her petite breasts. She had to know for sure, she just couldn't give
away her virginity to anyone after all.

Ranma greeted her gaze, his eyes glazed over in lust. Sheila didn't just
see this though, in her eyes she saw Ranma's compassion, his caring, his
willingness to do this and much more for her. Best of all, she saw
Ranma's acceptance of her, and even though they just met she was sure he
and she had a connection to each other, love maybe, but a connection

Assured he truly cared for her, Sheila began lowering herself upon his
raging cock, stifling a gasp as she was slowly being penetrated. At
first it wasn't comfortable, in fact in down right felt like crap to
her. Slowly though, as she lowered herself she felt his warmth beginning
to sooth her inner self, spreading and joining with her own burning
desire. Despite how good it felt at the moment, Sheila knew it wasn't
going to last. So she prepared herself for when Ranma tore through her
virginal sheath to deflower her in full.

Ranma ceased his ministrations of her breasts, exulting in the
constricting muscles already beginning to engulf the totality of his
manhood. It was bliss, it was perfect, simply words wouldn't even begin
to describe the feeling of finally being able to indulge himself as much
as he had indulged others. Sooner than expected, Ranma felt his head
meet a slight resistance. Gazing up to Sheila, Ranma noticed she was
focused on her task, and didn't seem to even notice they had already
reached the absolute point of no return.

He continued to watch her as she descended further, noting her reaction
as nothing when he tore through her Hymen, Ranma allowed himself to grin
and chuckle abit. Sheila snapped her head to meet Ranma's gaze and
looked slightly hurt for some reason. Deciding he didn't want to lose
this moment, Ranma spoke out "I've suppressed the pain She-chan, You've
already broke your Hymen."

Sheila blinked once, then twice, her gaze alternating between Ranma and
his halfway submerged cock. Could he be right? Taking his answer on
faith, Sheila thrusted herself down, and her world erupted into an
unending orgasm. Her scream could literally be heard mile away, its
intensity and tone throwing out any remaining doubt within Ranma's mind.
She was in bliss, as far as Ranma could tell. Her aura certainly showed
this, with the way it was rapidly swirling and flashing.

Grabbing hold of her waist, Ranma began lifting Sheila up slightly, her
tight little twat already squeezing the life out of him in her Rapture.
He was made of better stuff though, so didn't allow the feeling to throw
him over the edge. Pulling her up and down, Ranma began to establish a
rhythm with his hips and arms, further pushing the now mewing and
whimpering Sheila over the edge of her orgasm. However, this became
tiring to him, so much work for so little profit, especially when he's
pretty much doing all the work while his partner screams!

Rolling over, Ranma pinned her arms to the side of her head as Sheila
instinctively wrapped her legs around Ranma's waist, her eyes blinking
blankly up to Ranma, showing him she was to lost on perpetual delight to
even realize the change in position. Starting slow, Ranma bucked his
hips back and forth, slowly working his way up to a fast, yet steady
rhythm. Squishing and sloshing sounds penetrated the air as he continued
to thrust deeper and deeper within the squealing Sheila still lost on
cloud nine.

Their lips met, emblazoned through passion, lust, and unrelenting
pleasure. The two moved in tandem, their motions, rhythm, and breaths
all in sync with one another. Ranma was slipping over the edge, his
mind, body, indeed his very soul felt lost on a perpetual wave of
unending pleasure. The way Sheila's tight and restricting glove engulfed
his very being, squeezing and contorting around his manhood with out
pause as she rode the wave of her unending orgasm was just to much to
hold off against.

A break, a tear, a scream of frustration finally fleeing, Ranma yelped
out and then bit down hard on Sheila's lower lip, drawing blood as he
felt himself twitching and squirming within his lover, his seed flowing
deep within her womb as he let out a sigh of accomplishment, his body
coming down on top of Sheila, spent.

Rolling off, and out, of Sheila, Ranma wrapped his arms around her as
she descended from her high, his voice soft and full of caring
whispering words of encouragement and love into her ears. His slowly
cooling body warmth, his words, his motions, and his unconditional
compassion providing more joy than Sheila herself had ever felt in her

She was Happy.

Ranma smirked when Sheila fell asleep in his arms, mentally crying out
in victory! 'SCORE! The first member of my harem! Buahahahahaha!'

The small cut on Sheila's lower lip healed instantly, a softly and
hardly recognizable shimmer appeared in the form of Kanji, its meaning
unknown, then it vanished as though it was never there to begin with.
Ranma dosed off shortly there after, never having seen that sigil appear
on Sheila's lip.

To be continued….

Extra Author Notes:

Little note on this 'bond'. Its something like what the Aes Sedai do to
their warders, but different in many regards. There is no 'instant'
power up as in the Wheel of time series. Nope, not one bit. Julia could
conceivably control Ranma's every action once she figures out the mental
commands to 'trip' the other 'chains' punishment centers. As for the
protocols the bond has, that's for me to know and you to slowly find
out. Happosai, while usually completely ignorant of magic, had spent a
lot of time working on this, and he told no one what the absolute end
result would be.

In the next chapter: Ranma gets to meet the rest of the Digger family.
Begins training with Julia, as well as a hundred little things. Wonder
how Brittany, Gina, Brianna, Strype, Genn, Séance, and the rest of the
gang will react with they hear what happened? Heh, You'll find out soon
enough. I think the next chapter will be the biggest yet, for this story

Give me some feed back, whether on the forums or to my email at
narkanarka@hotmail.com. Thanks for reading.