Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Noble Warrior Lunar Knight ❯ ✮Family Reunion ✮ ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

ccepting his father's challenge.

The young man and the man fought for what seemed like hours, then the young man managed to deliver a blow that knocked the man down and left him on the ground in a state in which he seemed to have lost consciousness.

"And stay there! Now let's go back to China and cu..." the young man started to say but didn't finish because it turned out that when he turned around his "unconscious" father got up and faster than the human eye could see. You can see this one would take a stop sign and hit him with it, knocking him out.

"You let your guard down boy, now to fulfill that marriage" Said the man named Genma while carrying his son named Ranma on his shoulder "It's good that we didn't get wet, I wouldn't want your first impression with them to have been like a weak girl." "

• ───━───━━━━─ ● ───━─━━━━─── •

Tendo Residence, Noon

*Riiing* The doorbell rang at the Tendo house "I'm coming!" Kasumi said with her usual happy tone when she opened the door she found a fat, bald man carrying a young black-haired man. "Hello Mr. Saotome, our father has told us a lot about you, please come in."

"Thank you,..." Genma said incompletely due to not knowing how to know the girl's name "Kasumi" Kasumi would say to complete as they entered "sit there Mr. Saotome, you can leave your son next to you now I'm going back to my father" Kasumi said showing two chairs to Genma

'What a sweet girl would be a perfect wife for the boy' Genma thought as he sat after sitting, he felt strange, he tried to move but nothing happened 'NANI?!'

"Hello Genma," said a voice from behind him, a voice he thought he would only hear again in his nightmares 'Not her, what is she doing here? How did she get here? How did she know I was here?'

30 minutes later

Ranma woke up confused the last thing he was walking away from his father's unconscious body and the next a strong blow to the back of his head then everything was black that was easy to reconstruct his father had feigned unconsciousness so that he would lower his guard and hit him with a blunt object rendering him unconscious he felt stupid for not thinking about it at the time, but that wasn't the confusing thing, the confusing thing was that it was a woman and he was lying on a couch with a blanket over him 'Where am I? Did the old man sell me to someone for food again?' These were the questions that ran through his head as he stood up, another one came up: 'Why does hair have to be so long like this?' As he got out of his makeshift bed he could hear the not far away " WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY BABY?! GENMA " 'Oh not another fiancée' Ranma thought when someone else spoke, this one was behind him.

"Welcome back to the world of the living Ranma, have some hot water," Kasumi said with her usual gentle and cheerful tone, handing him a teapot.

"Thank you... Wait, how do you know my name and about the curse?" Ranma asked quickly scared.

"The first thanks to your mother, the second thanks to your father" Kasumi said although she did not seem completely sincere which Ranma quickly realized for a reason.

"Ha, I know I look like it, but I'm not that stupid. I know that my mother died when I was 5 years old. My father was the one who told me. I'm not going to use this water. You..." What he was going to say was cut off thanks to the shout of "! " HE SAID THAT?!" From a woman who had just entered the room causing Ranma to turn around and see her then a long-ago empty feeling suddenly disappeared, causing Ranma to nearly shed tears. "Mo…Mom?" He said, barely able to control his emotions, approaching slowly and cautiously as if approaching faster would make the woman disappear.

"That's right, my child" said Nodoka with a love that only a mother can express to her son, opening her arms so that shortly after, Ranma would jump to them, closing the gesture with a warm hug. Mother and Daughter said son or whatever.

"*sniff* Mom *sniff* Mom! You're alive" Ranma said with such joy that she was crying but she didn't care that she was with her mother and she was a girl, there was no problem if a girl cried for joy.

"That's my child," said Nodoka also with great joy, although still a little upset in her anger against Genma, "and I never plan to let you go again."

After a couple of minutes Ranma would end the hug and ask "How did it happen the first time Mom?" Seeing the confusion on his mother's face Ranma rephrased the question "how did Dad separate us?"

"You see Ranma, that happened when you were 4 years old, your father and I divorced because I discovered what he was really like and he also proposed that stupid plan of a 10-year training trip to become the ultimate martial artist and a man among men, without needing a lot I managed to get custody of you but then one night he managed to enter your room with his damn technique the Umi Sen Ken and kidnapped you since then I have been looking for both of you for 12 years during that time I met another man who helped me at that time so dark we eventually fell in love, got married and had a son, this man's name is Tsukino Kenji, your legal father, your brother's name is Tsukino Shingo and as soon as the paperwork is finished you will be Tsukino Ranma although now this female form of yours I think will need another name, it's going to be a problem to do all that" explained Nodoka.

"Oh right, I'm still a girl," said Ranma as he grabbed the teapot that he had left abandoned on a table and threw it on himself, becoming a man again. "You're in luck, Mom. The old man did something useful and created a fake ID for me for that one way. Making her my twin sister and decided to Register her with the Name Saotome Usagi" said Ranma

(Mini author's note: from now on Ranma's female form will be referred to as Usagi)

"Usagi because of the rabbit cut, I imagine," said Nodoka, "speaking of that. How is it that when you change sex, your hair changes to blonde and is styled in that cut?"

Ranma shrugged his shoulders and said "No idea, plus not only does comb, but won't mess it up until i man again."

And so Nodoka and her son caught up for what seemed like hours although how is Genma? Because we don't see it

In the dining room of the Tendo residence

Genma Saotome is going through a world of pain as some officers take them under arrest while Kasumi along with her mother watched this scene as she left Ranma and her mother to reunite. This same person shortly after would say "How is it possible that that trash of a person was a friend of Dad, Mom?"

"When your father was alive he always found a way to get involved in troublesome things by accident," her mother responded to her daughter.

"Poor Man," commented Kasumi, lamenting for her father.

Although unknown to all the members, they were being watched by a green-haired woman with red irises and tanned skin who was smiling because she could finally harm the man who hurt her princess so much even though she had to do something else first.

• ───━───━━━━─ ● ───━─━━━━─── •

The next day, Tsukino Residence, Azabu-Juuban

Ranma wakes up for the first time in his room in the afternoon, luckily for him it's Saturday and there are 2 weeks left until summer vacation so he still wouldn't be enrolled in any school, but when he goes down he sees his mother who is looking at him clearly. concern "Ranma, do you usually wake up so late?"

"What time is it?" He asked "it's 12:45 pm" His mother replied

"Then no, the old man used to wake me up so I could fight him before dawn," Ranma replied.

"So you were catching up on sleep then?"

"Catc what?" Ranma asked, puzzled by the unknown word.

"Son, a question, did you go to school?"

"Yes, one year. Why, Mom?"

"I was afraid of that so I hired you a Tutor to help you catch up on your studies. She is the best student in all of Tokyo and her mother is a very good friend of mine. Her name is Ami Mizuno and she lives a few houses away from here so you won't have many having trouble taking your tutoring, let's hope you can catch up before starting high school when the summer ends" Nodoka tells her son

"Mom, why do I have to go to school? That's not essential to art," Ranma said indignantly.

"Son, not everything in life is being the best martial artist, your studies are also important, you have to have great physical and mental strength" Nodoka responded firmly to her son when he suddenly *Ding dong* "it must be Ami, I'm going to open" but when I opened the door Ami was not there but a woman with long brown hair, light skin and red irises next to a girl with black hair, light skin and red irises

"Hello, my name is Saotome Trista and this is my daughter Saotome Luna, I am Genma's sister" said the woman.