Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Noble Warrior Lunar Knight ❯ ✮First in a Millennium ✮ ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Hello, my name is Saotome Trista and this is my daughter Saotome Luna, I am Genma's sister. I have not heard from my brother in 20 years and the first thing I know about him is a letter where he invited me to his son's wedding, when I found out that I have a nephew I decided to go to the address that the invitation said to meet him, the woman who helped me said that he lives here so I would like to meet the entire family of the bastard, unfortunately I have to call Brother" Trista said

Blinking to make sure what she sees is real Nodoka can only think about how many other things her ex-husband hid from her since according to him he was an orphan and had no brothers or sisters "Hello Trista, I'm assuming that not knowing about your existence is fault of my stupid ex-husband right? I'm Tsukino Nodoka you and your daughter can come in, we would also like to meet your side of the family" Nodoka said as she entered the house Nodoka introduces Ranma and the rest of her new family to Trista when they are starting to speak Nodoka receives a call after apologizing and leaving the room she answers "Moshi moshi, hello Saeko! What? Oh poor Ami, I hope she recovers soon, so estimate a week, fine, I'll let him know as soon as Possible, what happens is a relative of Genma's arrived, if it turns out that the bastard hid me from his family, it's very likely that it's because of that." And so without Nodoka realizing it, an hour had already passed, now Ranma was called to the room since Trista wanted to talk to her

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10 minutes ago

While Trista was finishing talking about her family history with Genma, she suddenly receives a call and goes to another room to answer "Moshi moshi, what, but that's half a year, I can't leave my daughter alone for so long?!" Trista said with a loud and indignant voice. She screamed so much that it was also heard in the room, causing that when she returned a few minutes later, everyone there already imagined what was going to happen, so Ranma went to look for her mother when she returned with her, who seemed to be having been talking on the way Trista started "I know we don't know each other very well so this makes it a lot harder to ask you this but my work just told me that they need me for a business trip that will last 6 months and they have no one else to help me." can do the job, and I don't have anyone to take care of Luna for that long, so as much as I would like to not have to leave this responsibility to you, could you take care of my Luna until I get back? Again, I'm sorry." Trista explained, clearly depressed and with a tone that was even guilty for having to spend so much time with her daughter.

Nodoka, knowing what it was like to feel like that, responded almost immediately "No problem, Trista, we will take care of Luna as if she were another of our children."

"Thank you very much" Trista said almost crying with happiness after wiping her tears she approaches her daughter and says "Please Luna be good to the Tsukino's, don't make them angry and" this last whispered part "remember not to reveal to Ranma what the princess is, until he accepts his feminine side as part of him completely" Setsuna said in Luna's ear.

"It's okay, Mom" Luna said, about to cry.

"Don't cry, my girl, as soon as I can, I'll come back as quickly as I can," Trista said to her daughter, turning to the Tsukino, she told them, "Excuse me, but I'm going to go look for Luna's things." With that, Trista left the house and went up to the house. his car and left

Ranma quickly approached Girl, about to cry because not only could he not stand to see a girl cry, but he also knows how painful it is to be forcibly taken away from your mother at such a young age. "Come on, Luna, don't cry. What do you think we go to the park together with Shingo and they both play there?"

Shingo began to protest "No chan..." but he didn't have the courage to finish it when his brother glared at him with a look that promised him a universe of pain if he finished it "why not" he ended up saying with a joy and fake smile.

"It's great that you're coming with us, Little Brother," Ranma said while Luna seemed a little happier. "Now, how about we get on our way?" Ranma said that upon seeing the agreement of both children, they left through the door in the direction of the nearest park.

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a few minutes later

Upon arriving at the park Ranma saw that on the street in front of the park there was a recently opened dojo so after leaving Luna and Shingo playing he decided to go see what this dojo was like, inside he saw that there were several trained martial artists all with a antiperspirant hair band then he approached the reception finding a girl with long black hair tied at the bottom with a yellow bow, she was wearing a yellow Gi and it was obvious that she already had experience because as the sleeves were rolled up you could see her muscles, then he couldn't help but think "What unpretty Tomboy built like a brick" when the girl turned around and then he could see her face with a furious expression and with a clear red combat aura and said "What did you call me!" Then Ranma realized that he had accidentally said it out loud expecting to be hit for some reason but instead the girl with a calmer voice said "For that insult I challenge you to a fight right here tomorrow after the school" with that she turned around and left then it was the sensei who spoke "wait miss I forgot the courtesy anti perspiration band" then he saw Ranma and for a few microseconds he looked at him like someone looking at the best food he has ever seen in his life, having starved to the point of almost starvation, then he said, "You young man, would you be interested in joining our dojo, I see great potential in you." Ranma quickly responded, "Nah, I just came to see that they were training, but seeing that I already know him, I'm getting excited." that faster than the eye could see he left the dojo with one thought in mind 'that sensei didn't feel human' with that staying with Luna and Shingo eh even playing at one point until a couple of hours later

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In the back room of the dojo

The sensei was activating a strange device after a few seconds the image of a blonde man with short hair in a gray uniform appears at the top "Status report Tōki" the man said

"Master Jadeite, the naive humans fell into the trap but it seems some of them are somehow immune to the hypnotic spell and unfortunately for us they seem to be the ones with the most vital energy" said Sensei or better said Youma known as Tōki to his Master.

"As I feared, it seems that we are going to need a more powerful spell but to spell it we need more energy, start phase 2 prematurely only today after that improve the hypnotic spell and after that you will return to phase 1, understood?" The man known as Jadeite said with a threatening but soft tone.

"Sir, yes, Sir" Tōki said, concentrating his magic to activate the Extraction spell on the bands.

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Tsukino Residence, at night

"We're home," Ranma said out loud to no one in particular, remembering the few manners his father taught him.

"What a good timing Ranma, we had just finished cooking, go wash your hands and let's go to dinner" said Nodoka finished setting the table after the 3 minors of the house washed their hands and sat at the table lunch began where Ranma was reminded of table manners he had learned the last night

After dinner all the members of the house dispersed so Nodoka met her son to tell him "Ranma I've been thinking about what you said this morning and I realized something" Nodoka began starting to hope Ranma thinking that he wouldn't go to school "you are going to need an incentive to go to school so I will tell you now first if you want to be Sensei you need a physical education teacher title second if you give your best in your studies I will teach you the martial art of my family, is that okay with you?" Nodoka finished saying, ending the hopes of her children but creating new ones.

"A question, what is that school?" Ranma asked with growing curiosity.

"Hino School of Sword Mastery" Nodoka said with great pride "that reminds me that we could go see my uncle he has a temple here in Juuban where he lives with his granddaughter if I'm not mistaken he's your age but it's better for that we wait until On vacation she will be very stressed and upset otherwise" Nodoka finished.

"Sword?" Ranma asked in disbelief, although now that he remembers it, when they left the Tendou residence, his mother was carrying an object in the shape of a sword and when they took his father away, it was full of cuts. "Was it a sword technique that you used against the old man?" Ranma asked.

"At first I used a paralyzing poison just to challenge him to a duel, after that I applied the antidote to be able to fight, your father became confident because he thought that women were weak and he also managed to steal a technique from me. Sen no ankoku ken

or as he calls it Yami sen ken or so he believed because the Sen no ankoku ken is much more versatile than the Yami so I was able to knock it out so easily" Nodoka said with martial pride for his techniques

Ranma was surprised since the strongest technique his father taught him was a crude copy of one of his mother's, so he said "to confirm, if I try my hardest in school, are you going to teach me techniques like that?" Seeing his mother's nod, he could only say "Then that's how it will be, I'll try my best."

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a few minutes later

Ranma entered his room because he wanted to rest there he found his cousin remembering that her mother said that because she was staying permanently for 6 months she couldn't use the guest room so she could sleep in her room. She wanted to and asked to sleep with him, everything was normal of course until her cousin started speaking with a much more adult voice than the one she had recently.

"Ranma Saotome please don't be scared by the change in my voice I'm not actually a girl I'm actually a Mau and advisor to Queen Serenity's court sorry for the deception but we needed to get close to you and my natural form looks like a Cat "domestic" Luna said

"A ca…ca…cat? So you know about my fear of those furry little demons? Wait, did we need to? Does that mean Trista was a part of this too?" Ranma asked.

"Yes, yes, exactly, she is the last survivor of the court, her name is Setsuna and we come to you because we need you to save the world because you are the best martial artist" said Luna

"Wait, I completely understand that you chose me but I'm not a warrior, I'm a martial artist, my duty is to protect the innocent, not the interests of other people who can harm the weak, so tell me exactly what I'm fighting against," Ranma said.

"You are fighting against the Dark Kingdom who want to conquer the world and feed on the lives of humans so if they achieve their goal humanity is lost so by fighting against them you would be a Noble Warrior" said Luna

"That seems more like something out of a Manga than reality. Do you think I'm going to believe it?" Ranma objected.

"Do you remember that Sensei from this afternoon, well, he was a Youma. I felt like he was absorbing energy from the young people trained in the Dojo," Luna reminded Ranma.

"So that's why i felt his ki was contrary to that of living beings?" Ranma asked, realizing how close he came to being drained.

"That's right Ranma you need to defeat him and to do so you have to use this" said Luna as she took out a Brooch with 4 small gems of red, green, blue, pink with a gem that combined light blue and pink in the center that had a crescent moon below. looking up" held over your chest and say "Moon Prism Power, and whatever comes to mind next" Luna said

"Very good but does it have to be feminine?" Ranma asked as he grabbed the brooch and put it in front of his chest. "Moon Prism Power, Suit Up!" Thus began his transformation sequence when out of nowhere a cape appears and wraps around his body starting from the bottom up starting with his feet replacing his Kung fu footwear with a pair of shoes with low heels also obtaining a pair of socks the Next, his pants were replaced with the same one but more light blue, then he got a shirt under his shirt that was white with gold details, with a red belt appearing on top with a gold connection with a crescent moon looking up, then his shirt was replaced. turned into a light blue jacket with a double tail, when passing through his hands he gets white gloves with red on the part where the hand enters which also had a gold ring around it, then the cape fits on the top of the jacket remaining in place thanks to the brooch obtained from Luna, a pair of gold shoulder pads with fringes on the cape, after this a white mask that extends over the forehead materializes, finally appearing a light blue wide-brimmed hat with edges of gold, a red ribbon with a gold crescent moon ping is placed in the cup, a pair of white feathers emerge from the ping. (From now on this will be summarized in [Transformation Sequence] to save me typing time) Completing the transformation with a Sentai style pose where Ranma once stood is now Lunar Knight looking at his outfit he says "Why do I look like something out of the century XIX?"

'How lucky that the lunar prism adapted to his male form otherwise it would have been more difficult to explain' Luna thought with great relief "Ranma from now on you will adopt the identity of Lunar Knight remember to use that name because if the Dark Kingdom or any Another enemy that appears knows your identity, everyone you love could suffer a lot," said Luna.

"Okay, anything else? Or can I go against that monster now?" Lunar Knight asked.

"Just remember that love and justice accompany you and you can always trust both" said Luna

"Very well, goodbye," said Lunar Knight, jumping out of the window, heading towards the Dojo.

Although unknown to both of them, someone else heard the entire exchange 'I'm proud of you son, now go and save the world' Nodoka thought.

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In the Dojo

"Ha ha ha yes, soon we will have enough energy to continue Lord Jadeite's plan, stupid humans, your energy is ours," Tōki said boasting, seeing all the humans now drained on the dojo floor when he heard someone enter the door, "ah, another one prey give me your energy now" he said trying to cast a drainage spell on the newcomer but the spell is destroyed by touching the man "NANI?! Impossible no one can deny a direct drainage spell who are you?" Tōki said surprised.

"I am the Noble Warrior who fights for Love and Justice, I am the one who defends those who cannot defend themselves from evil, I am LUNAR KNIGHT, martial arts are to defend those who cannot defend, not to use them against them, for misusing art, I will punish you, in the name of the moon."