Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Noble Warrior Lunar Knight ❯ ✮ Explanations and Revelations ✮ ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Tsukino Residence

"First Ranma, why do you say your Female form is weaker?" Luna asked.

"Well, girls are weaker than boys," Usagi responded almost instantly.

"It's funny that you say that being a girl," Luna said, highlighting the last part.

"Arrrg," Usagi growled, taking her usual clothes and entering the bathroom, leaving this Ranma, "very good, now I keep asking, why?"

"You see, as I told you, you are the most recent Lunar Knight, but between the last one and you, Millennia passed, so the brooch passed through many people, some of those people replaced Lunar Knight, they were all women because the one from Queen Serenity III to VII They were terribly sexist and did not allow the brooch to fall into the hands of men the brooch collects power from all users but since the queen created Sailor Moon, Esta and Lunar Knight have different collections of power, so while Lunar Knight has a large amount of physical power, Sailor Moon has more Magical power" Luna explained

"So you're telling me that I don't have to wear that ultra Hentai suit again since I don't use magic."

"That's what you say now that they are weak enemies but believe me when I told you that enemies magically superior to you will come since the only way to defeat them is with magic. I know this from my own experience"

"Man, really?" Ranma asked reluctantly.

"Unfortunately yes. Now that I remember this morning you asked me how Junpei died, I think it will be the quickest way to understand that. It all started ago..." Luna began to say.

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A long time ago

A long time ago, humanity had conquered the entire solar system, founding the empire of humanity, this empire was ruled by the Serenity dynasty. Serenity I also known as Hecate Serenity was responsible for Organizing the Colonization of the system. She had been a scientist who together with her team created "Technomagic" which took advantage of the energy created by a planet. Well it's not very important how it worked. The important thing is that she and her team conquered the solar system and each one was left with a celestial body. As she was the head of the project, she was allowed to be the one who would make the decisions temporarily, but seeing that she was very good at what she did, They decided that she would make interspatial decisions always following the laws and guidelines of the Earth Council.

Formed by the 6 great kingdoms of the earth, Atlantis, Avalon, the central kingdoms being one in the Atlantic and the other in the Pacific. Camelot in what is currently Eurasia, Mahoroba in what is currently Africa and Oceania, Dorado in what is currently Central and South America and finally Arcadia in what is currently North America each reigned by a different dynasty.

She would live approximately 5 thousand years using them to organize and conquer the system. The last 100 years of her life would be dedicated to her daughter Artemis Serenity, in particular, she gave her a very special gift, a magical gem of great power known as the Silver Crystal Illusion, the which would allow her daughter to improve her connection with the moon, the princess would be trained in how to use it correctly, she would be a great warrior throughout her life and would know how to use the Crystal in combat, she would give her life as queen alongside the last Lunar Knight to imprisoning the demon known as Metallia in the Sun at the end of the Yuuzhan Vong War, being replaced by her younger sister Diana Serenity, who as such is not counted as a queen, Serenity, who is counted as her daughter Serenity III, whose name was Killa Serenity, she I would say that the brooch could only be worn by women

During the reign of Serenity III, relations with Earth were violently broken, after several generations of the dynasty in which the human empire was at odds with them until Serenity VII also known as Chia Serenity used a mind control spell. to control the kingdom like puppets while she went from party to party being so little responsible that she did not even raise her daughter, leaving that job to the degraded and abused Junpei who, due to his android nature, was not affected by the spell, therefore when Selene Serenity, also known as Serenity VIII, assumed power and was a much better queen than her mother after solving many of the problems caused by her predecessors, including returning Junpei to his true position as a general who decided to resume political relations with the land.

Things were going well or so we thought since Queen Beryl, the Queen of Avalon, for reasons unknown to us, decided to prepare a great attack against the rest of the solar system, one of our Political androids of almost the same age as Junpei known as Terrence obtained secret documents from the empire and would sell them to Beryl, betraying the Moon, with this information we assume that Beryl deceived the rest of the council to make them think that the solar system was under mental control of Serenity and if Prince Endymion married the current princess this control mental could be transferred to the earth, so they decided to attack the moon on the wedding day and try to kill both lovers. To do so, they joined the demon Metallia, but they did not know the true intentions of this being.

Junpei would be there on the day of the attack and would fight to the end along with the Senshis. He would die killing Terrence in a great battle. Thanks to Metallia, Terrence obtained great magic. He alone was one of millions of deaths that night, since in addition to the massacre already existing on the moon, the princess and her guardians would also die causing Metallia's seal to break, when the demon Metallia emerged it would consume the life of everything. The solar system except the Earth, being the only planet with natural life, was more difficult to consume, being surrounded by almost all extinct life. Selene would decide to make one last move to avoid total extinction, she would use all the power of the silver crystal to enclose to the army of the earth and the demon they allied with in the Dark Kingdom a lost Kingdom once known as Agartha in some unknown part of the universe that can only be entered and exited with portals. This would consume almost all of her life, but she knew that the confinement would be temporary so the last thing she did was entrust me, my partner Artemis and Setsuna to find the reborn Senshis when they would be needed and a strong leader for them.

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Current Events, Tsukino Residence

"And that is the History of the Kingdom of the Moon Summarized but being the important part of it"

"Wait a minute, you told me that the Dark Kingdom were demons that absorb energy, although I don't deny that they absorb it, now you're telling me that there was a group of humans trapped there."

Luna is about to tell something more when suddenly

"RANMA! Could you come down, I'd like to start training you"

"Training? In what Ranma?"

"Training at Hino Sword Mastery School, why?"

"Sword training? It's perfect since you'll eventually have to use the moon saber. So go train or I'll turn into a cat and eat you" Luna said the last part with some malice in her voice

A shiver ran through Ranma's body. "N...n...there is no need to be so drastic and...I was already willing to go," Ranma said with clear fear in his voice, and then leaving a cloud of dust in his shape.

Luna simply laughed softly at her protégé's attitude.

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Tsukino Dojo

Ranma just arrived at the dojo and his mother was already waiting for him.

"Ranma, you finally arrived, I was waiting for you, tell me how much do you know about swordsmanship?" Nodoka said and asked in a calm voice.

"Dad always told me that any kind of weapon was for the weak but he taught me how to disarm someone who is using a sword."

"I want you to try to disarm me." Taking a bokken and attacking his son with it, Ranma would try to catch the blade but before he could do so the blade blurred and redrawn itself in his side before he realized, taking him by surprise, "that's it." "One of the basic techniques, the 'Maboroshi no ken kiri' (Illusory Sword Court), serves as you may have seen to mislead the opponent," Nodoka explained to her son.

"Are you going to teach me how to do it?" Ranma asked with clear ecstasy in his voice, taking a bokken the wrong way.

"In due time, first I have to teach you how to take the sword and all the basics about Kendo" his mother replied.

(I don't know anything about Kendo or Fencing so I can't do the basic explanation, Sorry) after the explanation comes the practice, right now Ranma is practicing the basic postures of Kendo, while his mother explains to him what he is wrong about and corrects him. . Ranma quickly understands the basics and continues in a Kata

Seeing how well her son was doing, Nodoka then decides to talk to him while training to make him stop. "Son, I was thinking about something."

"In what? "Ma," Ranma asked, stopping his training.

"I was thinking that if you want to avoid people recognizing you, when you are in your female form, you could create a persona for yourself for when you are in that form" Nodoka replied.

"A person, but I'm not that anymore?" Ranma asked, not knowing the term.

"Not exactly, a person is the way you show yourself to the rest, to give you an example, when I suggested going to eat ice cream, you refused because Genma told you that a man didn't eat ice cream, but I told you at that moment you were not a man and yet you were somewhat in denial until you tried it. Think about what your father might have kept from you that might be fun or you might like but you don't want to do it because 'it's not masculine' you could try it and/or do it with a different person so you would technically be doing non-masculine things like a woman." Nodoka explained.

"But mom planned to find a cure for the curse."

"And what happens if there isn't one? What if you have to change your whole life? "You can't just deny that part of you, you have to accept it. I can imagine that it can't be easy, but maybe this way you can see that there is something good about being a woman, but it's just an idea, it's your decision to take it or not," Nodoka replied.

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2 Days Later, Streets of Tokyo

Usagi was walking through the streets seeing what to do. It had already been 2 days since she defeated the last Youma, 2 days had already passed since Luna revealed the history of the Solar Empire to her, 2 days had already passed since her mother recommended she create a person to his female form, it's been 2 days since he's been Modifying it to make it look good, although he was already wondering where the Youmas were, this was getting boring without being able to kick anyone's ass, so he felt it weak but present, that contrary aura to the life that he automatically identifies as one, looking for a place to hide to become Ranma again, and change his clothes and transform (there was no way to convince him to transform as a woman) it did not take long to be able to accomplish everything and with the Scream of "MOON PRISM POWER, SUIT UP" Lunar Knight was in Ranma's place instantly, Heading to the place where he sensed the Youma

To be continue