Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Noble Warrior Lunar Knight ❯ ✮ Lunar Knight in Trouble?! Enter Tuxedo Kamen ✮ ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Tokyo streets

Lunar Knight is in front of the Youma known as Escorpionoc (not to be confused with Scorponok from transformers) which has the head and torso of a human man, and Pincers, body, legs and tail of a scorpion but at the end of this instead of a stinger it has a Scimitar , his skin looks blood red, his exoskeleton was coagulated blood red, he had white hair and was combed like a turban and most notable of all, he is twice the size of Lunar Knight "Hahaha, This is your end Lunar Knight, I, Escorpionoc, will end your life Hahaha" That said, he tried to step on Lunar Knight with his paws. Lunar Knight tried to hit his paws with great force but the exoskeleton was much harder than it looked.

"Ugh, so besides being ugly you are tough, how well you resist this" with that said Lunar Knight jumped and tried to hit the 'human' part of the youma but his blow would be stopped by the youma's quick reflexes throwing him to the ground hard, He would be able to move in time before a tail cut could decapitate him. 'This is not going well, not at all' Lunar Knight thought as he dodged the Youma's pincers.

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Lunar Knight wondered how everything ended so badly, everything had started well, he arrived on time to the place which was a Gym, he arrived when the people were just beginning to be drained, he clearly saw that the Gym Coach, a clearly very muscular man, with muscular and shorts was the Youma and this one challenged him, that was when everything went straight to hell, first it was that stupid speech

"Gyms are for people to train and lose weight, not for your evil Misdeeds for such a crime, I Lunar Knight Warrior of Love and Justice, I will Punish You, In the Name of the moon" Lunar Knight involuntarily pronounced

"Very well Lunar Knight. Face me if you dare, your attacks will do nothing to my Iron muscles," said the Youma with a certain arrogance in his voice.

Then when he launched the attack it turned out that his opponent's arrogant statement was not for nothing, because when the blow landed he felt almost as if his hand was breaking, he probably would have done so if it weren't for his gloves, the next thing he did youma was to take him by his still outstretched arm and throw him out of the gym, exactly against a wall, he knew that his suit protected him from much of the damage, but the icing on this shit cake was when the youma came out behind him and took his natural form which turned out to be a scorpio man (the man part looked very similar to his human costume only without clothes) about 3.5 m tall

"Oh shit," Lunar Knight said.

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"Hahaha, give up stupid human and your death will be quick hahaha" said the Youma Imposingly when suddenly a Rose will stick into the asphalt between his legs "Uhh?" It exploded, damaging its exo skeleton, leaving a weak point "Argh."

'Oh no, not him again' thought Lunar Knight when he saw the rose and recognized it as the same one the masked man used from 2 days ago.

Following the trajectory was that mysterious masked man from 2 days ago standing on the edge of the roof of a building " If you believe in love... wait a minute, you are not Sailor Moon. Who are you?" And why do I feel its power emerging from you?" he asked the masked man but before Lunar Knight could answer this he jumped to his own conclusion " Wait I don't require your vile lies now I understand you have somehow managed to steal part of her power and you are controlling it with a Spell, then it will be me …" 'What was my name ugh I can't remember my name? It doesn't matter, invent something quickly' " Tuxedo Kamen, whoever frees Sweet Sailor Moon from Your vile Sorcerer Hands, I will punish you, in the name of Sailor Moon, " said the now known as Tuxedo Kamen. After that, he would launch a barrage of pink explosives against Lunar Knight. shout of " Rose Bomb Alluvion! "

Lunar, who is still in disbelief at the amount of stupid things said in a single speech, had to start dodging the roses that exploded shortly after impact "Hey, what the hell is wrong with you? "We are on the same side."

I would never be in an alliance with a vile sorcerer who bewitches young women to take advantage of them, " said Tuxedo Kamen as he continued his Barrage with Lunar Knight, almost forgetting about the enormous Youma that was now attacking him. " Don't think I forgot about you, Creature. Demonic for you there is also Rose Bomb Alluvion! " to send another Flurry of rose this time directed at the enormous youma, some being deflected or dodged, another would hit the target, breaking even more part of his Exoskeleton

Lunar Knight would see this taking advantage of the youma's opening and its multiple weak points in the legs "Lunar Hat" and decided to use it "ACTION!" Throwing his hat to the huge youma's now exposed paws

"Ahhh!" Escorpionoc would scream when the hat cleverly cut off his legs, leaving him completely exposed to the Rose Bomb Alluvion, being completely covered in Roses "Oh Shit..." Escorpionoc said exactly Exploding with a flash once this dimmed Lunar Knight had disappeared leaving Tuxedo Kamen alone, deciding leave

Lunar Knight was hiding not far away and when he stopped feeling Tuxedo's Ki he decided to go out "So that's what Luna meant by magically surpassing me if only one of those roses had hit me..." he said looking at a couple of wounds made by the shrapnel from the explosions "I wouldn't like to think what had happened"

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Shortly after, Tsukino Residence

Lunar Knight had entered through the window of his room, meeting Luna, but before she asked what happened, he said, "I'm going to take a bath after I leave, I'll explain it to you." Luckily, or rather, his knowledge that no one was at home, Lunar Knight was able to move without anyone asking anything. Once he abandoned his transformation Ranma entered the bathroom, undressed and took a bath to calm down.

Once, having returned to his room, Ranma explained to Luna what had happened a little over an hour ago. "Do you know something about this guy Tux, he seems to know magic?"

Also intrigued by the appearance of the new masked man, Luna responded, "Unfortunately not, although this obsession with Sailor Moon of yours is worrying, it recommends caution. As for what happened with the Youma, I don't know if your Sailor Moon form could help defeat him. Maybe if another similar one appears, we will need the help of another Sailor Senshi, perhaps Mercury to find his weakness, let's just hope to find it before the next youma. ."

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Meanwhile, at the scene of the fight

A series of officers and police vehicles are on the scene, analyzing the scene

"These are the clear traces of a battle, according to what we heard from witnesses here there was a fight between 2 masked men and a demon, one of the masked men wore a comedy mask and threw Explosive Roses, while another with a domino mask dodged and had a hat. wide wing that could throw like a saw, the demon there are not many specifications but it is known that when he died he turned into dust. Does Chief Toshio think this is related to Sailor V and her mysterious disappearance?

Chief Toshio Wakagi, head of the Minato division of the Metropolitan Police Board brand in Tokyo (MPBT), for him this was not new, about half a year ago a masked vigilante named Sailor V destroyed the Youma but also began to catch criminals making the police look bad. Just thinking about her made his anger and rage begin to emerge, luckily for him and his mental health it had disappeared after the death of Las youma Pandora Sisters. The remote possibility of her returning along with his masked companion Kaito Ace was beginning to irritate him 'Don't worry Toshio, you're on work hours with your subordinates watching' he thought to himself "Put an arrest warrant on both masked men, we can't risk anything." "The same thing that happened with V and Ace, especially if they seem at enmity and with great destructive power," Toshio ordered with false calm.

"Sir, yes, Lord," the officers responded, "but what can we do with the arrest warrant?"

"They are part of a terrorist group, we only need to show the damage left in their fights" Toshio said with confidence "Haha This time you will not escape from me SAILOR V!"

What the chief and the rest of the department did not know was that one of his officers was not human, this officer left the scene to inform his boss, his real boss.

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Jadeite Base of Operations, Dark Kingdom

"Hahahaha, so humans are so stupid that they believe that their only salvation against us is criminals, hahaha perfect we can use that to our advantage, well done Feka" Jadeite said between laughs already planning "Thetis informs the cannon troops that From now on, when you use your powers, do as much damage to the property as possible," Jadeite ordered Thetis.

"Yes, Lord Jadeite," Thetis responded, going to comply with the order given.

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A few hours later, Tsukino Residence

Ranma and his mother had just finished training, Ranma was retreating to his room when his mother called him along with Luna and Shingo to watch a news report.

"Today the MPBT has called an alert due to a group of Terrorists terrorizing the Minato district, all citizens are asked for extreme caution, especially if they see the following subjects prowling the area" conceptual arts of Lunar Knight are shown on the screen and Tuxedo Kamen " these are conceptual arts created from the descriptions of the witnesses, these 2 are suspected of being part of this group, the MPBT is already working to capture them and bring them to justice. In other news, the martial arts incidents in Nerima are going on… " before finishing the last report Nodoka paused it

"Children, you too Luna, I want you to be very careful when you are on the streets, especially you Ranma, I want you to do whatever you do, do not confront any of them, it can be very dangerous," Nodoka ordered with authority.

"Yes, Mom," both children responded.

"Yes, Nodoka-mom," Luna responded.

Ranma and Luna are in their shared room. "This is bad, very bad," Ranma said worriedly.

"Calm down, don't worry, the police are looking for Lunar Knight, not Sailor Moon, until this whole matter is clarified, it is better that you use your Sailor Moon form more than that of Lunar Knight" devise Luna

"Damn it, ah if there's no other option, fine then I'll do it" Ranma replied.

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(This is becoming eternal, "Vamos a Acelelar esta Madre" -Pascu (Dia de Muertos by Destripiando la Historia)

2 days later

Usagi has found her perfect person, a clumsy girl, somewhat distracted, and a total coward but with a good heart. Adorer of ice cream and sweets in general, capable of eating industrial quantities of food in seconds without gaining an ounce, a girl who liked to dress in fashion, and with tastes that will not stand out from the rest of the girls, she is perfect, no one can even think in relating her to Ranma beyond things that are common shared between twin brothers.

"Tell me Usa-chan, in the time you have been in Juuban, what was your favorite place?" asked a girl with orange-red hair, this girl's name is Naru Osaka, daughter of Osa's owner. When Usagi knew this, she decided to approach her to make sure that no youma was after her.

"Hmmm, the Ice Cream Shops without a doubt," Usagi responded energetically and happily. "The old man never let me eat ice cream while we were on the road," she continued, somewhat offended and sad.

"I still can't believe that your father took you away from your mother to take you on a training trip, and not train you."

"The old man didn't believe that girls should know how to defend ourselves, but for me, martial arts were never my thing, but for him my brother is like walking, he can train the most ancient, lost and hidden martial art, and manage to master it in one week"

"That's another thing I don't believe, your brother can't be that good at martial arts, but enough of that, do you think about eating ice cream? I heard about a new ice cream parlor, what was it called? to yes Iceite"

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Iceite, Shortly After

Upon entering, Usagi would see that the cashier was releasing Anti-Ki, but she would be so focused on that that she accidentally bumped into someone when she saw who she was with. She would see that Tomboy from the gym, who was eating ice cream. When she bumped into her, a ball would fall on her clothes. "I'm sorry, be careful next time, meatloaf," said the tomboy to Usagi, who didn't take it very well, but before answering, she realized that dirty clothes were the perfect excuse, so she told Naru that she was going to the bathroom to clean herself. Upon entering I would luckily find it completely empty, after a [Transformation Sequence] Sailor Moon was ready to fight the youma

When he came out he would find that the floor was frozen, and that all the people had passed out and had a layer of frost on them, excluding Naru, who had the very angry cashier in front of her, "maybe you haven't eaten the ice cream, but I'll drain you myself anyway." "Enough of this stupid disguise." The youma had just revealed his true appearance. His hair is standing on end and appears to be made of pale yellow ice. He has pale blue skin, red snake eyes, and a sharp, malicious smile, and a thin complexion. She wore a leotard with ice stalactites on the neck all matching her hair, huge ice-threatening gloves on both hands, the right one dark brown, and the left pink, a pair of ice-threatening skates on both feet to match. with the gloves but before he could do anything to Naru something would catch his attention.

"woooah" it was that Sailor Moon slipped on the ice and fell on her butt "ouch that hurt" she said caressing her butt to relieve the pain

"Hahaha, Sailor Moon I guess," Ice Screamer said laughing, "allow me to introduce myself, my name is Ice Screamer, you may have guessed that my power is ice, I guess you're coming to punish me in the name of the moon for using ice cream in my evil plans." I continued with feigned Elegance

"That was my line," Sailor Moon said indignantly. 'Why did I say that?'

"mjmjmj, anyway prepare to die because there is no better skater than me, Hahaha" Ice Screamer said maniacally before launching into an attack against Moon

Sailor Moon awkwardly dodges the onslaught but manages it "Wait, skater, does that mean you're a man? If you are that means... PERVERT" Sailor Moon said the last part with a feminine anger that she did not know until now, launching herself to attack but slipping and falling in the process

Ice Screamer just laughed quietly and attacked again only this time something was different Moon would notice and her danger senses the ice stalagmites would come out right where she was and where she would have fallen if she slipped "So the Little Girl has reflexes, Nothing bad but if they save you from this" The Youma put his hands parallel in front and shouting "Absolute Zero" he would join them together creating a series of icicles in the air that would fly towards Moon

Moon would dodge almost all of them, but the last one would hit him in the back of the sailor's neck, which accidentally waved, trapping Moon by the sailor's neck to the wall thanks to the fact that the icicle froze his neck to the wall. 'Oh shit, come on.' Come out, come out,' Moon cursed, trying to open her sailor collar. 'I don't want to see that masked Idiot,' but before she could free herself, Ice Screamer was already charging towards her, but before she arrived...

A huge rose-themed mallet would crash into Ice Screamer's right temple, which would fly away shouting " BAKANA! (Impossible)" hitting a wall leaving an Ice Screamer-shaped hole in it

Moon blinked with big eyes 'well, at least that's new' Moon started to move her head up 'and there he is…he?' When he finished moving his head, he saw, instead of finding the masked man, he found a girl with a cloak that made it difficult to see much of her body except for a small part that showed an outfit very similar to her own, but it was difficult to see it by closing the cloak. a white 5-pointed star and on his face he wore a mask of minimalist tragedy, and long black hair, this jump from the window where he was with a blow from the hammer freed Moon but before he could introduce himself

"THIS IS NOT OVER YET!" Ice Screamer shouted, jumping out of the hole with his form in the wall, "Total Freeze!" It would begin to spin in the place releasing a huge amount of icy steam and in a matter of a second the entire place was completely frozen "Hahaha, idiotic blonde not even your masked friend will save you, I have the advantage on the ground" when he finished speaking this He jumped to the roof and grabbed the roof with his sharp claws shouting "ICE BREIKA" this bag and nailed one of his claws harder causing stalactites to begin to appear in almost all directions in random patterns and begin to fall on Moon and The unknown Masked Woman is having problems dodging them but some of them are barely successful, especially the last one that was a couple of millimeters away from impaling Moon, which means that she almost didn't dodge a direct attack from Ice Screamer who fell from the ceiling.

'Damn, that was close' Moon thought "Hey ugly, I'm already tired of you, Double Moon Kick!" Launching into a flying kick with both legs

Before reaching Ice he would get out of the way "Noroi, noroi! (Slow, Slow!)" Dice said with a superb tone then he felt that human that escaped him, without wasting time he caught her and kept her in one arm. and he pointed his other hand at her, making the shape of a gun. "Not one more step, or the redhead will turn into a strawberry popsicle," the Youma threatened, but when he saw his enemies he saw something. "Wait, where is the o…" his speech. He was interrupted by a blow to the head *a loud crack is heard* which made him let go of Naru. After walking away, the masked woman punched Ice in the back, sending him flying to the other side of the ice cream parlor shouting " BAKANA!" As he crashes against the wall, he quickly gets up. "This…isn't…over…yet."

Moon saw his chance to finish him off once and for all now that he was tired and weak and shouting "MOON TIARA ACTION!" He threw His tiara at the Youma

Ice saw the tiara but the blow to his head spoiled his reflexes, not being able to move in time, causing the magical brisby to cut him in the middle. "Destroyed!" were his last words before turning into dust which echoed for a moment then all the ice in the place

Moon, seeing that the mask saved her from Naru, decided to thank him for the help "Thank you for the help, Tomboy" but suffered from her poor social skills by insulting her.

This nickname seemed to make the masked girl very angry. "Listen to me, Sailor Moon, my name is Masked Fuku, and even if I help you this time because I would need your help against that youma, if you want to keep my Lunar Knight, next time it may not be so good people" said Masked Fuku somewhat serious and somewhat angry "ESPECIALLY IF YOU CALL ME TOMBOMY!" She shouted before starting to try to hit Moon with her Mace, leaving her pinned to the floor. "That was a warning, better stay away from Him unless you want another one and that one won't be so light, Adeu Hohohoho" she ended up jumping and fleeing the scene.

"Hfmfdjrucjdjdmhd" Moon said in something that would translate as 'I am surrounded by insane people' shortly after she would come out of the well with her form she would hide and become Usagi again then she and Naru left the building and talked about what happened and where each one of them was.

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Iceite, Half hour after the attack

The Police Officers are watching the scene together with the chief until one calls the latter to show him something he saw on the security camera

"It can't be," said Chief Toshio, "that hair, that clothes, it's her, I don't know how she did it but it's her, The Damn Sailor V again! Officer, put an arrest warrant on this Sailor Moon, this time she won't escape us" he finished Ordering

"Sir, yes, Sir." The Officer obeyed with some fear.

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Jadeite Command Center, Dark Kingdom

Jadeite is watching a replay of the last confrontation between one of his Youmas and Sailor Moon. Along with studying the movements and energies released in combat "Interesting it seems that the magical energy of this masked girl and Tuxedo Idiot is the same but her planetary magic seems to fit with no previous record. Could she be one of those known as Senshis Extrasolars that was talked about in ancient times? Or could it be Sailor Terra? No, that's not impossible, she sacrificed herself so that the silver witch's magic wouldn't affect the earth a long time ago. Well, whoever they are, they are a threat to the Dark Kingdom and I will not let anyone destroy my perfect kingdom," he said when he saw the magic of both named individuals.

To be continue