Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Noble Warrior Lunar Knight ❯ ✮ Ami Mizuno, The Prodigy Girl ✮ ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Ranma finds himself in a strange place with a Greek-style structure but at the same time technology was abundant, there were a large number of screens, all of them had a color palette from blue to white. At the end of the hallway there is a large door. When you reach it, you open it. Behind her is a girl with short blue hair who knows she is the Princess of Mercury, Amy Atenius, Sailor Mercury .

" Γεにهلا ً Μεγα下{Hello your majesty, what is the reason for your visit?} すς; تك ?" Amy asked curiously in Lunario Moderno.

" Δε式جة {There is no need for formality Amy} Έιイي " Ranma said somewhat indignantly

" Λοうسي {Well Serena, but the question remains the same} せ" Amy said

" Θαにأن {I would like to know more about Terra}テτη " را " Serena said

"Δεの كن {It was not necessary to come to Mercury for that Princess} 姫ισرة " Said A person leaning on the door frame but before his identity could be revealed The Dream Ends

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Tsukino Residence, Sunday, 8:30 AM

*Knock* *Knock* Nodoka knocked on the door of Ranma and Luna's room. "Guys, wake up. Especially your Ranma, Ami is on her way to start your tutoring." After saying that, Nodoka would wait for Ranma in the dining room.

"Ehhhh?" Ranma said, getting up from the floor he had fallen to while he was sleeping. He couldn't remember what he had dreamed about but he had a small flash. "Amy? That?"

"Good morning Ranma, your mother said to get ready because Ami arrived for your tutoring."

"Oh, was it today? "Well, I guess I'll have to go get ready," said Ranma, taking a new change of clothes and going out to take a quick bath.

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Mizuno Residence, 12:30 PM, Saturday

*Knock* *Knock* Saeko knocked on her daughter's door. "Ami, I'm going to check how you are," Saeko said, entering her daughter's room. Who was absorbed in a book as always 'I'm worried that books replace the people in her life' thought Saeko "Ami" said Saeko next to her daughter to get her attention.

"I'm sorry, Mother, this story caught me. I love it" Ami was reading The Bicentennial Man by Isac Asimov

Ami has been reading Science Fiction for 2 years in her free time. At first she only read novels with exact science but she has been moving away towards a slightly more fantastic science fiction. Her two favorite science fiction subgenres are Space Opera and Postcyberpunk. This was a habit recommended by her mother when she told her that so much studying will end up exhausting her brain and that she needed to rest a little with a hobby, although Saeko would have preferred something that did not have so much to do with reading, she was happy that her daughter rested her brain, you should in When she left the studio next weekend, she was planning to take her daughter to see that American science fiction movie that she loved so much when she was Ami's age that is now being re-released in theaters. Star wars or as it was now called Star Wars Episode 4 A New Hope to celebrate the beginning of the Summer holidays I hoped that Ami would like it the way she liked it. Although he was wondering why they renamed it to Episode 4? "It's okay daughter, I like that you relax from so much studying. I came to see how you are" with the medical check completed Saeko I saw that her daughter was already completely recovered and ready to return to school and to be able to tutor Ranma "Daughter you are already recovered, but what is your final decision about tutoring?" to Ranma? I remember that a week ago you had your doubts and that you wanted to reflect, a week passed, what do you say? My advice is the same, this is an experience that will help you a lot in the future in more ways than one" 'I hope that helps Ranma he can become his friend or who knows maybe, A Boyfriend' Saeko laughed at that last thought As much as she would like her daughter to find love, she knows that if she can't make friends, let alone a boyfriend, she will have to wait for her little girl to find love.

"Yes mother, after much reflection I have decided to help Ranma, something inside me tells me that I should do it" Ami said with determination.

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Tsukino Residence, Sunday, 8:45 AM

Ranma, already bathed and changed, leaves the bathroom and when he goes down to the dining room he finds all his study material ready on the table. "I'm ready, Mom, where is Ami?"

Before Nodoka could respond *ding* *dong* the doorbell rang "that must be her" Nodoka said going to open the door and unlike a week ago this time her prediction was correct "Hello Ami, are you ready?"

"That's right Mrs. Saotome" upon entering he approaches the table where Ranma is and begins to ask him about how far he remembers and changing depending on which subjects

"No" "I barely read that one" " I don't remember that one?" "Ehhh?" These were some of Ranma's responses.

Seeing that she only had primary school books left, Ami said "This may be a little more difficult than I imagined."

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Dark Kingdom, Jadeite Section

"Thetis, EM Project Progress Report" The Dark General known as Jadeite is watching the progress of his EM Project master plan.

"The project is currently at 30% if everything continues as it is currently going it will be finished as you estimate in 2 weeks, also the three…" whatever Thetis was going to say was interrupted by [Discord Ringtone]

It was an incoming call from the central computer, after saying goodbye to Thetis, Jadeite answered the call "Jadeite, Queen Beryl requires your presence in the throne room immediately" said a Youma with light blonde hair gathered in a Bun with Various Headdresses, Long dress with overly long sleeves with food patterns and an apron with fish patterns

"Understood Lin-Lin-Hime, Short transmission" Jadeite responded with a formal tone 'What does that bitch want? My movements shouldn't have raised any suspicion' thought Jadeite while Teleporting

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Dark Kingdom, Throne Room

"My Queen called," Jadeite said, appearing at the scene and bowing.

"Jadeite, although your efficiency in obtaining energy from humans is undeniable, it bothers me that that vermin called Lunar Knight is still alive. "I order you to end his life" Beryl ordered, somewhat annoyed.

"Don't worry about that my queen, I have discovered Lunar Knight's weakness, it turns out that all his magic is reduced to physical spells, and I have a perfect Youma to exploit that weakness" Jadeite said with confidence and some fear in her voice already. that angry Beryl is capable of indiscriminately killing whoever is in front of her and he still did not have enough power to overcome her.

"I hope so, Jadeite, I hope so," Beryl said in an intimidating manner. "Now go."

"As my Queen says," said Jadeite Teleporting.

"Lin-Lin-Hime, put me in touch with Zoisite, I want to talk about his Colonel," Beryl ordered Lin-Lin-Hime.

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Dark Kingdom, Jadeite Section

"How was the meeting with Beryl Lord Jadeite?" Thetis said with some fear in her voice when she saw her lord return.

"He ordered me to end Lunar Knight's life, although I had planned to wait a little longer to use this Youma, it seems that I will have to do it ahead of time, Thetis calls Garoben" Jadeite ordered, Thetis obeyed almost automatically.

Shortly after, through the door of the control room would enter a youma with red skin, dark and spiky hair, a light purple mark on her forehead, spikes that extend from her shoulders and back, with yellow eyes and very diminished black irises, She is wearing a dark jumpsuit that is missing the top part, showing her arms and a good portion of cleavage. "This is Lord Jadeite?" The youma asked with a hoarse feminine voice.

"Precisely Garoben, I need you to go collect energy, and get Lunar Knight's attention, and once he gets to you, end his life, understand?" Jadeite said.

"Yes my Lord," Garoben obeyed.

"Then go," Jadeite ordered, dismissing Garoben.

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Tsukino Residence, Sunday, 6:45 PM

"Tell me Ranma, how many hits does it normally take to knock out an opponent?" Ami asked.

"Usually five," Ranma replied.

"Well, if it takes five hits for an opponent, how many hits do you need to defeat 7 opponents?" Ami asked again

"Thirty-five," Ranma answered again.

"Finally," Ami said with a sigh, then Nodoka arrived from the kitchen.

"Ami called your mother, saying that the Crystal Seminar called saying that they needed to talk to you about something, and that it was urgent."

"Understood, Mrs. Saotome, I'm on my way, it was a pleasure. " meet you Ranma we have advanced a lot I hope that tomorrow we can start with more advanced material" Ami said as she left with some haste

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Crystal Seminar, Director's Office, 7:00PM

A woman with brown hair in a short bob, fair skin, brown eyes wearing black thin glasses, a pale yellow jacket, a white dress shirt, a long skirt matching the jacket, and matching heels. With the shirt she is on her personal computer, she was Director Carmellia and she is talking to her Boss "Lord Jadeite, the plan is already in progress, Ami is already on the way, but I have the question, why her?"

"You see Garoben, Ami Mizuno, as you already know, is the smartest girl in all of Tokyo but in Japan, although not very popular in many niches, she is not known for being good at defending herself, this makes her well-known and defenseless enough for Lunar Knight to "because of his code of honor, making him feel obliged to save her, and to fall more easily into our trap," Jadeite explained. After finishing explaining, the doorbell rang in the office, meaning that her hostage had arrived.

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Tsukino Residence, 8:00PM

Ranma and Luna were talking about Ranma's new tutor, Luna was thinking of commenting on how she seems to have a connection with the magic of Mercury when with a cry of panic Nodoka called them to the Living Room. When they arrived they saw the television in which there was a Humanoid being with clear feminine attributes with red skin with yellow eyes and very diminished black irises, wearing a dark jumpsuit with the upper part missing showing her arms and a good portion of cleavage with Ami held in one arm and the other in the shape of an ax dangerously close from Ami's neck

"I repeat Mizuno Ami is my hostage and unless you want me to separate his head from his shoulders on live broadcast, the authorities should not interfere. This confrontation is between Lunar Knight and I. Speaking of him, you have until 8:30PM to show up at the Crystal Seminar. Oh well, my previous threat will also be fulfilled." The Youma said before the television will be filled with Static when the normal News report appeared " We have hidden the Signal if you are wondering what just happened. The only thing we can say is that this is a hostage situation, we don't know who the hostages are..." The rest of the report was not heard by Ranma or Luna because they were already in their room.

"Damn it, I'm going "I'm going to go save her," Ranma cursed.

"Ranma, it's clearly a trap."

"I know, I'm not an idiot, but it's… it's not MY duty to defend those who can't defend themselves from Evil. Moon Prism Power, Suit Up!" Ranma said as he transformed into Lunar Knight.

"Very well, but take this," said Luna, throwing him what appears to be a pen, only that at the top it had a sphere with a ring around it. On the sphere, a heart is drawn in blue with two lines protruding from the center of the top of it. this while at the bottom there is what appears to be a more "Give it to them and let them say Mercury Power, Make Up"

Lunar Knight simply nodded as he took the pen 'So Ami is Mercury huh?' he thought as he jumped out the window

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Crystal Seminar 8:15 PM

Lunar Knight has just arrived at the building, he already hears the police cars approaching, it has to be fast. He extends his Ki senses looking for Ami, once he found her he looked for the closest window to her, right window number 3, Top floor, once that was done he jumped there without much effort breaking the window in the process, Lunar Knight now is in a hallway in front of the end of this is the director's office where Ami and her kidnapper are, approaching quickly without wasting time he reaches the end of the hallway and simply knocks down the door releasing a cloud of dust

"So we finally meet Lunar Knight, allow me to introduce myself to my Name…" The Youma could not continue as a Punch hit her in the torso sending her Flying against the wall like a rag doll

"Are you okay Ami?" Lunar Knight asked while untying the aforementioned woman from the chair where she was tied. Seeing her uneasy, remembering that he was wanted as a criminal, he decided to take off his mask, revealing his true identity to her.

"Ranma is that you?" Ami asked, hyperventilating.

"Don't worry, Ami, it's me, it's me," said Lunar Knight, finishing Untying, he quickly puts his mask back on when he hears movement on the wall where he threw the Youma, without thinking twice he picks up Ami and places her on his shoulder and They quickly leave the room but are followed closely by the Youma

"It is strictly prohibited to leave before the end of class time," La Youma said at the door.

Sensing the Youma Lunar Knight, he leaves Ami next to him and took his hat "Lunar Hat, ACTION!" and threw it like a rotating saw blade towards the Youma…

But the Youma instead of breaking in half the point where the hat hit her and where she was still began to stretch back, more and more, Lunar Knight's sense of danger made him crouch down next to throw Ami to the ground when he second then the place where their necks were was replaced by the Lunar hat returned with even more strength and speed than before by the elastic body of the Youma "Maybe you took me by surprise the first time Little Rat, but this time it won't work, I'm Garoben "The Elastic Youma, none of your attacks will hurt me ahahahahaha" said Garoben while his arms and legs were formed into thick elastic threads, those on his legs were reformed into 8 and stuck into the floor, while those on his arms were reformed into axes his size grew and his trunk turned, leaving his head down and the beginning of his legs up, his head turned unnaturally to be up "YoU LiKe ThE nEw LoOk" Garoben said with clear sarcasm in his distorted voice

Lunar Knight and Ami could only watch with looks of terror and surprise of course before Lunar Knight took Ami and ran before one of the youma's axes split them in half.

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Crystal Seminar, 5th floor, Side Hall

Lunar Knight with Ami on Shoulder runs out of the joint hallway and runs, after a small explosion of dust and debris, Garoben emerges, following closely while transforming his right arm into a chained ball of spikes. "Die," she said as she 'I have to find a place to hide, give him the pen, so that he can transform' Lunar Knight thought as he ran and looked for an alternate path to try to lose Garoben or at least get some advantage. , when he sees that his hallway ends in a large window and a hallway next to it, when he feels that the mallet is coming again to crush him, he dodges by jumping, taking advantage of the jump to enter the hallway, Garoben, due to his speed, does not manage to turn time and falls through the window or so Lunar Knight almost thinks when the Thick Red and Black Threads stick into the top and bottom of the window being followed shortly after by the rest of Garoben's body now changing its shape to have 4 legs 2 Red , 2 Black while he has 4 Axes 2 Red, Black. Lunar Knight accelerates his pace while dodging Ax blows from multiple directions. Upon reaching the end of the corridor with windows, he ran to get out of this Garoben, entering the interior shortly after, through the ventilation Lunar Knight was able to sense and stop, before the sword he had just struck. cutting the place where he would have been, he impaled him, turning and running towards the joint staircase, descending quickly while Garoben reformed from the sword and followed them without wasting time taking Humanoid form but his arms were longer than humanly possible.

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Crystal Seminary, Basement

Lunar Knight falls down the stairwell into the basement he knows he doesn't have much time and has to improvise since he didn't expect there to be a basement so he chose a random room and entered

Garoben falls with his feet forming a needle sticking into the ground, this needle would reform in his legs "So now we play hide and seek eh very good..." Garoben said while transforming his right arm into a giant ax "I'm looking for" he finished and He began searching, cutting all the places where he thought they both could be hiding.

Lunar Knight and Ami were in a dark room "Ami, are you okay?" Lunar Knight asked as he gently placed the aforementioned on the ground.

"Please tell me it's a dream," Ami replied. "I fell asleep at Ranma's house, and this is all a bizarre dream like the ones I had all last week."

"As much as I would like to say it, unfortunately not," Lunar Knight responded as Garoben could be heard destroying a nearby room. Hearing the youma approaching Lunar Knight knows that he is running out of time so he takes out the pen and hands it to Ami "Ami take this and say…" but before Lunar Knight finished speaking he would hear the door explode behind him.

Since Garoben had just destroyed it. Lunar Knight quickly stood up and turned in time to catch the gigantic axe... from the edge with the palm of both hands, Garoben seeing this decided to transform his left arm into a huge sword but in the slowest way to be able to see the Terror in Lunar Knight's eyes when he sees him between the ax, the sword and the wall.

"Mercury Power, Make Up!" Ami shouted, putting the Pen on her head, starting a [Transformation Sequence] which would temporarily sever the youma, allowing Lunar Knight to leave the range of the ax which would impact the floor.

Sailor Mercury now in the place where Ami was recently was full of adrenaline but she didn't know what to do " Quickly Shout Shabon Spray " said a voice from the earring-shaped communicator in her ear

"Shabon…" Mercury began, adopting the necessary pose to invoke the respective attack "Spray!" A thick cold fog comes out from between his hands and easily covers the entire basement.

In the middle of this thick fog Garoben is blind but when she tries to move she notices something, it is harder for her to move her joints, then she realized she was freezing, quickly the rest of her body froze then Sailor Mercury came out of the fog and simply hit her. he kicked, destroying the youma in question ("Hasta la vista Baby" -T800)

After the fog disappears, Lunar Knight sees Sailor Mercury and a pile of dust under her, surprised. She was about to ask what happened, but when she saw Mercury about to fall to the ground, he caught her. At first, she was worried, but when she checked her ki, she saw that He simply fainted, then he heard a voice calling him. Looking down, he would see the Arete-shaped communicator, he would take it and put it to his ear. "Hello Lunar Knight, another man in the force is good. "Listen to me carefully, I detected a life energy absorption device not far from your current position, deactivate it and come back here so I can tell you how to deactivate Mercury's transformation Externally."

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Mizuno Residence, 8:50 PM

Saeko was on the verge of a panic attack, the police had told her to calm down and let them take care of it but that didn't calm her down at all after all the threat of that thing told her that maybe that wasn't the case, she was at a distance. About to make his situation worse, he heard someone knock on the door.

She quickly went to open the door and saw her daughter in the hands of the most famous terrorist of the last week. When she was about to panic even more, he spoke, "Mrs. Mizuno, here is your daughter, I'm sorry she was involved in this. Calm down, she's unconscious, just take her to bed and do it, you know," Lunar Knight said with clear sorrow and sadness in his voice.

"Could you…help me" said Saeko, managing to breathe normally again, letting Lunar Knight enter her home and guiding him to Ami's room once she was in her bed and she checked her, she came out together with him from her daughter's room. , but now being able to see Lunar Knight's hands they have a huge cut and a position that clearly told him what happened "It's going to be fine in a few hours. You know, looking at you now, I realize you are not a terrorist as the authorities say, you are a young man who is seen involved in something bigger than himself, someone who cares about others above himself. I greatly appreciate what you have done for me. family today Thank you very much."Saeko said calmly "Do you want me to sell your hands? It must have been difficult to stop an ax with your hands, sir?"

"Lunar Knight, only Lunar Knight. "Not good, thank you," Lunar Knight said with a smile as he walked out the door, disappearing into the darkness.

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Dark Kingdom, Throne Room

"Jadeite, why isn't Lunar Knight dead?!" Beryl demands a response from her General, very angry.

"Garoben was created to kill Lunar Knight. "I didn't expect Sailor Mercury to appear." Jadeite responded with some fear but clear frustration. "The only one that could exploit Garoben's only weakness, the cold," he clarified shortly after.

"So, it's still a strategic failure of yours, Jadeite, you didn't think that more Senshi could wake up, I could kill you right now!" Beryl began, making Jadeite tremble, "But your energy supply is essential, so I won't kill you. Still"

"Thank you very much, for your forgiveness my queen" Jadeite said with respect 'Idiot' he thought as he left.

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Dark Kingdom, Jadeite Command Center

"So Ami Mizuno is Sailor Mercury, this information should not leave here, do you understand Thetis?" Jadeite ordered Thetis "If any of the other Generals or Beryl find out about this, we will lose our strategic advantage."

"What will Lord Jadeite do with that information?" Thetis asked curiously. "Shall we attack the Mizuno home with a large squad and kill her?"

"Nothing for now," Jadeite responded when he saw Thetis' confusion. He proceeded to explain himself. We know the identities of neither Lunar Knight nor Sailor Moon, much less the person who awakened the three of them. attacking the Mizuno residence now is dangerous, not only can the Mercury computer detect an attack, but it seems to be Lunar Knight's senses as well, attacking now would be a waste of Troops, Energy, and above all probably our lives if Beryl finds out. ." I explained but seeing the plans forming on Thetis's face he ended with a "So no attacks until I give the order, UNDERSTAND?" He ordered with a strong and threatening tone and pointed his Sukautā at the youma, causing her to start screaming in pain."

AAAAAAAAAAAA ARRRGGGHHH, Lord Jadeite forgive me, I swear I will never even think about disobeying you again, but please stop this torture! "Rogo Thetis among Immense Pain

"That was all I wanted to hear," Jadeite said, turning off the torture process with her Technokinetic powers. "Don't let it happen again," he finished threateningly.

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Saotome Residence, Ranma's Room

Lunar Knight enters through the window already exhausted physically and mentally, it was a hard day for more than a moment he thought he was going to fail everyone, Garoben's ability was definitely terrifying, to think what would have happened if Ami wasn't Mercury, it's just terrifying Looking at his hands he saw that the cut had recovered enough for his normal healing factor to take over and he detransformed.

"Ranma, are you listening to me?" Luna asked worriedly.

"Hey?" Ranma came out of his thoughts when he realized that Luna had spoken to him and had ignored her until now. "I was thinking about what happened, nothing more."

"What happened? Is Ami okay? Are you OK?" were Luna's worried questions.

"Ami is fine, I'll tell you the rest tomorrow, I still need to process it" Ranma said as he took his clothes to change after bathing where he went after not feeling anyone in the bathroom.

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Luna's Subconscious, Half an Hour Later

After falling asleep Luna entered her subconscious to have her daily chat with the guardian of time "Hello Setsuna"

"Hello Luna, how was Ranma's day today?"

"He didn't tell me, but if we find Sailor Mercury, being kidnapped by the enemy, that's where I know the story, I know that she is fine and that it seems that the battle affected Ranma" Luna informed Setsuna

"That's good and bad news, talk to him tomorrow, we need to know everything that happened today. "The enemy may know more than we initially thought," Setsuna responded to Luna's report.

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Crystal Seminar, shortly after Lunar Knight's escape

The police had arrived at the area, they had cordoned off the area, they had searched the entire building but found no clue of the hostage situation, fearing the worst they watched the Security recording

"DAMN IT!" Said Chief Toshio when he saw the recording. "That damn Masked Man is getting into police affairs like Sailor V did." "

But Chief, technically it was him who had to come here, and he saved the girl," said a Police Officer.

"Shut up, Official Gumshoe, this was a Tokyo police officer matter, none of his business."

"But you…" he didn't finish the topic as he was silenced by Toshi.

"Don't question my authority, ever again," Toshio silenced him. "Eliminate all evidence that He saved the girl, and find a way to frame him for what happened." and say that we saved Ami"

"Y…Yes, Yes Sir" Officer Gumshoe said, obeying, doubting the sanity of his superior.

To be continued