Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Noble Warrior Lunar Knight ❯ ✮★☆ Chapter 11: Wanted: Dead. Sailor Mercury☆★✮ ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Noble Warrior Lunar Knight


✮★☆ Chapter 11: Wanted: Dead. Sailor Mercury☆★✮


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Mizuno Residence


Ami took advantage of the fact that she could talk to her mother, and decided to talk to her about what had happened since she became Sailor Mercury, since they had not been able to talk since that first day where they went to talk to Ranma and Luna.


So Mother and Daughter spoke at length about the duties, responsibilities and problems of a Senshi. Ami commented to her mother that she could use a rest. 


“Daughter, would you like to go to the movies with your mother? I think it will help you rest” Saeko suggested that her daughter go to the movies “The movie is science fiction, maybe you will be interested”


“Of course, mom, I would love to go to the movies… with you.” He accepted the proposal to go to the movies, yawning.


“Go lie down and take a nap, I'll wake you up later when we go to the movies” Saeko offered to her daughter when she saw her tired from what had happened that same day.


"It's okay... Mom," Ami said, yawning, going to her room to sleep for a while.


  ───━───━━━━─ ● ───━─━━━━───

Tsukino Residence


Usagi was on her way to meet her mother when she ran into Luna “Hey Luna, do you know where mom is?” Usagi asked the Disguised Mau.


“He just went to the market to buy groceries” Luna responded “What's wrong?” He asked curiously


“I need to talk to her about what happened today at the Hikawa Temple,” Usagi replied to Luna.


"She knows it?" Luna asked in disbelief at what her protégé just said.


“Since day 1, she heard us talking, I have been talking to her while we make breakfast and bentos since Ami became Mercury” Usagi replied


“"Oh," he said. Officer"It's going to take a while to get back, I was on my way to Hikawa Temple to talk to Rei and his grandfather, do you want to talk to me?" Luna asked worriedly.


“Alright let's go to our room” Usagi responded.


  ───━───━━━━─ ● ───━─━━━━───

MPBT, Minato Division


Officer Keika had just reported on the Hikawa Temple situation saying that it was simply a misunderstanding and had now requested a meeting with Chief Toshio so that he could talk to him about the Sailor Senshis. Right now he was waiting outside his office. Of course until his partner and friend Kāfei Gennin called him


"Hey, Keika-chan, why don't we talk while you wait?" Kāfei offered.


“Okay, I have half an hour until I can talk to the boss,” Keikan agreed.


“Then come in,” Kāfei said, letting him into his office. “Make yourself comfortable.”


“Thank you Gennin-San” Thanks Keika “The truth is I need to talk about this with someone before the boss because even for me it is difficult to believe” Keika said


“You can talk to me whatever you need,” Kāfei said reassuringly. “Coffee?” Offering your partner a cup


“Thank you, Gennin-San. Well, when I went to the Azabu Hikawa Temple, I was greeted by the priest, who invited me in. Everything seemed normal until this one transformed into a horrible monster” Keika began to tell while taking a sip from her cup.


“What happened next, Keika-chan?” Kafei asked.


“Are you believing me?” Keika asked, taking another sip of coffee.


“Of course I believe you, my friend. After all, you were telling me that someone replaced Priest Hino. Could you tell me more about him?” Kāfei asked interrogatively.


“Of course, it was…” Keika began to tell, taking a sip of coffee. “A tall man with a tuxedo, a cape that covers his entire body, a minimalist comedy mask, short hair, and a top hat.” She described the person. who attacked him


“Did something else happen Keika-Chan?” Kāfei asked curiously.


“Yes, then the priest's granddaughter arrived, who transformed…” Keika began to tell, taking a sip of coffee, “Into a woman in a fuku suit similar to the Sailor Senshis, also wrapped in a cape, with a mask of the minimalist tragedy, and he threw a paper at my head after that, I remember being unconscious” He continued telling about the event


“Do you remember what happened when you became conscious again?” Kāfei asked with intrigue.


“Of course…” Keika said taking another sip from her cup “I saw the Sailor Senshis and the two masked men talking, they didn't notice that I was awake and listening to them” The officer described


“And what were you talking about, Keika-Chan?” Kāfei asked his friend


“Were they talking?...” Keika wondered but when she took the last sip of her coffee everything became clear. “Of course they were talking about how while the masked men cause chaos, Ella or the Masked Man in white solve it and thus they would win over the masses.” , to control them all” The officer finished telling his partner


“That's Terrible Keika-Chan. What do you plan to do now?” Kāfei asked Keika, scared.


“Inform Chief Toshio about his evil plan” Keika announced bravely “Thank you for your help Gennin-San, you can always clarify my doubts, oh and also thank you for the coffee” Officer Keika said as he left the room.


“It was nothing, friend,” Kāfei said with a sinister and unnatural smile on his face.


  ───━───━━━━─ ● ───━─━━━━───

Azabu Hikawa Temple


Ranma and Luna returned to the Hikawa Temple, they were here to talk to Hanofu to improve the defense against the demons of the Azabu Hikawa Temple, and thus prevent what happened today from happening again.


“So that spell will stop the youma from coming back in here?” Hanofu asked.


"That's how it is Here-San, would you allow me?” Luna asked for permission to cast the spell.


“Of course, Luna-Chan.” Hanofu gave Luna permission to do the spell.


Luna approached the Torii and touched it with one hand and said “ΠΣ保ماية” The Torii illuminated with a silver light that even strong felt pleasant and warm, and was not harmful to the eyes. When the light decreases, a dome of translucent energy can be seen that surrounds the entire Temple, shortly after disappearing from view.


“Now no Demon whatsoever will be able to enter the temple. Now, if you'll excuse us Hino-san, we have to go to Ami's house to also put up protection against demons." Luna said as she began to leave with Ranma until they were stopped by a scream. 


“WAIT!” Rei shouted to call Ranma and Luna, when they both turned to see her she explained the reason "I consulted the Sacred Fire, and it gave me a terrible prediction about Mizuno-San, she just went out with her daughter to the USA to Japan Cinema." "Please Ranma, follow them, I fear for his life," Rei warned his cousin.


Ranma nodded and ran out of the temple. Luna stayed behind to ask Rei an important question. “Why don't you go with him, Rei?”


“Luna, I have to take care of Ryouga, and I'm still tired from today's fight. I'm afraid of becoming a burden. Besides, Ranma is the strongest member of the group. I don't think there will be a problem." Rei responded, Luna nodded because it was logical reasoning. 


  ───━───━━━━─ ● ───━─━━━━───

Shinema USA to Japan, At Night


[Star Wars A New Hope Ost-The Throne Room and End Title]


《Luke, Chewbacca and Han walk to the front of the huge room down a hallway between the rebel troops, all standing at attention and facing the hallway in a sign of respect. When the three of them reach the end where there are some small stairs, all the troops turn to the front. Leía sees the three of them one by one, ending with Luke, to whom he gives a smile. Then Leía gives them a Medal of Valor and Heroism to each one starting with He, who winks, then at Luke. Luke and Han bow slightly to Leia, Luke, Leai and Han turn to see R2-D2 making noises to smile at him. Luke, Han, and Chewie turn to the rebel troops who applaud and with a final approach to the main group the final credits of the film begin.》


The entire movie theater applauds vigorously at the end of the movie.


Ami and Saeko were in the back row of everything in the middle (The Best place in my humble opinion) Mother and Daughter were waiting for the rest of the spectators to leave


“What did you think of the movie Daughter?” Saeko asked her daughter. 


But before Ami could respond, the entire Cinema began to shake, a glass that still had soda showing ripples in its contents. Everyone was wondering what was happening


Suddenly a huge stone arm crossed the wall where the film was projected, throwing its rubble at the spectators in the rows closest to that wall, some of whom were immediately crushed to death, others had a limb trapped in the rubble, and finally some were trapped between the debris


“MONGO LIKE SMASH!!” The Youma known as Mongo shouted as the people fled in terror due to the attack of the great monster, which was breaking through the wall.


Ami and her mother followed the crowd until they turned towards the adjacent Women's bathroom, which was empty because everyone thought of running away before they needed their needs, even so just in case Ami went to a stall but when she approached them the door the last of these was kicked open


Revealing a feminine looking Youma with red hair, scales covering her face in the form of a mask, the rest of her body was also covered in scales except the upper chest, neck and hands, she had legs similar to those of a dinosaur, and a tail. She was dressed in a western-style outfit reminiscent of a bounty hunter. The biggest difference with that type of outfit is that instead of pants she wore a plain skirt. He had 2 Plasma Guns in each hand and was aiming at Ami.


“Ami Mizuno aka Sailor Mercury, I'm here for your head. Now die!” The Youma said with a raspy and cruel voice shot at Ami as quickly as she finished speaking.


But before the shots hit her, her mother threw herself on her to move her out of the way, receiving the shots, being seriously damaged by the shots, leaving burns at the points where they hit, Saeko screamed heartbreakingly from the pain that flooded her body, falling unconscious shortly after.


“What a stupid woman, intervening in a fatal attack to save you, only managed to delay the inevitable” Said the youma, approaching Ami to finish the job when she flew towards the end of the hallway through the wall.


“Attacking a theater full of innocents, and killing them, you are the worst kind of scum I have ever seen. To Avenge All the innocents that you killed without mercy, I will punish you, in the name of the Moon” Lunar Knight spoke to the Youma that he sent flying when he suddenly saw Ami and her mother.


"Quick Ranma, Mom is in a critical condition. I don't think she'll survive if we don't take her to a hospital now," Ami said with Fear, Panic and Worry.


“Okay, Ami, I'll take her,” said Lunar Knight, staying strong for her friend, carrying Saeko in her arms. “Show me the way to the nearest hospital.”


When the Youma returned, she realized that she was the only one in the bathroom, deciding to retreat back to the Dark Kingdom with her partner.


  ───━───━━━━─ ● ───━─━━━━───

Dark Kingdom Command Center Jadeite Thetis


Thetis was waiting for news from two youmas specially created to kill Sailor Mercury when the youmas appeared right there.


“Hanta, Mongo. Status Report” Thetis ordered firmly.


“Sailor Mercury managed to escape, but we killed many people, including Ami Mizuno's possible mother” Hanta Logistically Reported


“Mongo crushed humans, humans scream, Mongo kills” Mongo reported cheerfully.


“Their ruling bothers me, but they have dealt a strong blow to Ami Mizuno, next time he will be more vulnerable "Because of your mother's death, then we will kill her, now go back to the human world and find her once again." Thetis ordered Both Youmas.


“Understood Lady Thetis” Hanta obeyed.


“Mongo, understand, Lady Thetis” Mongo obeyed.


  ───━───━━━━─ ● ───━─━━━━───

Outside Tokyo Metropolitan Hiroo Hospital


Lunar Knight was hiding outside, in the rush of the situation he could not detransform before, if it had not been for Ami and that the Doctors know Saeko he could not even be in the vicinity of the Hospital due to his reputation, when he saw Ami leave and approach to his hiding place, he came out to talk to her


"How is she?" Lunar Knight asked. to Ami seeing her arrive


Ami did not respond, she just cried uncontrollably on the shoulder of the one she considered her best friend, making Lunar Knight think the worst, making his own guilt eat away at him inside, that was until she said, "She's alive, but it's not that simple..." Even through tears


  ───━───━━━━─ ● ───━─━━━━───

Tokyo Metropolitan Hiroo Hospital, Earlier


“Miss Mizuno” A Doctor called Ami to the room where her mother was


"We have managed to stabilize your mother," the doctor informed Ami when they entered Saeko's room, finding her with her torso bandaged due to her wounds. "It was a miracle that none of her vital organs were damaged, I should also thank the young man." who helped bring her if it had taken a little longer the story could have been different.” The Doctor gave the good News to Ami “Miss. Mizuno Her mother suffered 4th degree burns in several places on her torso, also surrounded by a 3rd degree burn, I don't know how but the nerves in many of the third degree burns continue to feel, her mother will feel a lot of pain just by being conscious, "We have decided to leave her in an induced coma until she recovers." The Doctor informed Ami of the bad news.


Ami remained silent the entire time the doctor spoke, assimilating everything that was said, “Excuse me, Doctor, could you please leave me with my mother for a moment?” Ami asked the doctor, he nodded and left the room. Ami approached her mother. “Sorry, mom, this is all my fault. That Youma was looking for me, not you. I should be in that state, not you, mom, I should be in that state.” "I'm sorry, I'm a terrible daughter," Ami said, reproaching herself while crying over her mother's unconscious body, then she felt it, her mother may not be conscious but she could feel comfort, she felt the comforting heat of her mother's love. 


Ami went to the door and told the Doctor that he could come in after all, he couldn't finish explaining his medical exam.


  ───━───━━━━─ ● ───━─━━━━───

Outside Tokyo Metropolitan Hiroo Hospital


"They said that she will have to be hospitalized until all her burns heal, then she can come home. My dad will come live with me to take care of me until then, I myself will tell him about everything." Ami finished telling what happened when she noticed something. “Ranma…?”


Lunar Knight was crying "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Ami it's my fault, if I had been there that long, neither you nor your mother would be going through this at all" Lunar Knight said through tears, dropping his transformation.


“Ranma, don't say that, you did the best you could” Ami said, trying to cheer up her friend.


"You don't understand me, Rei told me that something could happen to your mother, she told me to follow them at all times, instead of doing that, I stopped to try to finish off the giant, if I had followed them to the bathroom, none of this "It would have happened," Ranma explained to Ami through tears.


"Ranma, Ranma, if it weren't for your help many more innocent people would have died, you were doing the right thing, if you hadn't been there, my mother had died, thank you Ranma" Ami said hugging Ranma as a sign of appreciation and gratitude.


Ranma responded to the hug. Ami and Ranma cried together, they brought out everything they had inside, now they were calmer, and they could talk calmly about what had happened.


  ───━───━━━━─ ● ───━─━━━━───

Shinema USA to Japan


The injured were taken to the nearby hospitals, while the police officers questioned the witnesses while Kāfei brought coffees to everyone due to how late it was at night, and as it would help the witnesses calm down, almost no one remembered Mongo, I needed to contact Lord Jadeite if things continue like this, he will run out of coffee and will not be able to do damage control until he gets more, and his salary is not enough for so many bags of coffee


  ───━───━━━━─ ● ───━─━━━━───

Hikawa Temple, the next day


Ranma and Ami had agreed to meet Rei today after what happened the previous day, they are determined to train much harder and that includes the new Senshi, when they arrived they met Hanofu and asked him where Rei was, he told them that his granddaughter was in the small building on the grounds this being a recently opened dojo.


When Ranma and Ami arrived they heard Rei screaming so they got scared but when they arrived they saw her training with Ryouga, and she was not doing bad at all, in Ami's opinion, Ranma thought something slightly different.


"Not bad, Rei, but I would recommend not using that kick, it will leave you unbalanced and vulnerable to Ryouga's attacks," Ranma would comment out loud, making the attention of the two combatants focus on him.


RANMA SAOTOME PREPARE TO DIE!!Ryouga shouted at the top of his lungs, jumping to attack Ranma, Ranma was already in a defensive position when


“Ryo-Chan, do you remember what I told you yesterday?” Rei asked capiously making Ryouga stop in the air in some inexplicable way completely blank by the situation, after a few seconds he would fall to the floor and get back up now as if nothing had happened, now he was standing firm now supposedly clearly calm waiting for something from Ranma


Ranma at first didn't understand what Ryouga wanted until Rei coughed so that Ranma remembered what they had talked about when they met. You could almost see the light bulb turn on.


“I'm sorry Ryouga, for not being there on the day of our duel, I wanted to wait more time but Genma knocked me out and dragged me out of the city, Forgive me for being absent in our duel between men, I apologize for both” Ranma apologized, bowing.


“...It's okay Ranma, I forgive you.” Ryouga said, forgiving his rival. “But as soon as Rei-Chan gets hurt, I'll put you through hell.” He promised Ranma.


"Alright ejejeje" Ranma nervously agreed. 'I hope he doesn't find out about everything Ami and I went through.' He thought at the same time while accepting Ryouga's promise.


“Very good now with that matter settled, Ami, how is your mother?” Rei asked worriedly.


Ami became a little depressed thinking about her mother but Ranma's hand rested on her shoulder, she turned to look at him, he was next to her giving her a smile, transmitting his trust and empathy.


“Mom is admitted to the Tokyo Metropolitan Hiroo Hospital for 4th and 3rd degree burns, we don't know how long she will have to be hospitalized, but until then my dad will come to take care of me” Ami explained her current situation to Rei and Ryouga with tears in her eyes. eyes


Upon hearing this, Rei became depressed upon learning of Ami's mother's situation, thinking that if she had gone, perhaps the result would have been different, something that was obvious on her face.


"Don't worry, Rei, Luna already told us why you couldn't come. Don't blame yourself, we don't blame you. We understand that you were taking care of Ryouga and that you were tired," Ranma said, comforting his cousin Rei.


"Of course we don't blame you especially for being tired, rather I fainted my first time and Ranma had to carry me home" Ami said comforting Rei without realizing the double meaning until she blushed "N...not that way" Of course Ami terribly embarrassed


“I'm glad that you and Ranma have already made so much progress in your Relationship” Rei commented in a sarcastic tone, making Ranma blush and Ami's face take on the same color as her friend's shirt. Seeing their reactions, Rei began to laugh, Ryouga joined her, and finally Ranma and Ami, managing to lighten the atmosphere


I'm sorry to interrupt your friendly conversation but the youma responsible for all this is still roaming around Tokyo, looking for you AmiJunpei said through the Mercury Computer still closed in Ami's subspace pocket, speaking to her.


“It's true, that's why we had come to the temple,” Ami said, regaining her composure, “Rei, the youma responsible for hospitalizing my Mother, is still loose in Tokyo. She and her partner are marrying me, to Ranma, we thought you wanted to train with us so we could face them. Will you join?”


“I'm not sure Ami, Ryouga and I are already training, I don't know” Rei responded, doubtful of whether or not to train with her teammates.


Ami takes out the MPC I want to talk to them” Junpei asked Ami, she does what he asked by taking out the Mercury Personal Computer and opening it so that Junpei appears as a hologram “You see Rei, Ryouga"You can continue training each other, but Ryouga can only train you physically, and I plan to train you in the use of your magic and spells to be able to face the youmas well." Junpei explained to Rei and Ryouga who saw him. somewhat surprised


“¿Who...who it's you?" Rei and Ryouga asked, scared.


 “Oh right, I hadn't introduced myself,” Junpei said somewhat embarrassed. “I'm Junpei Taer, former captain of the royal guard of the moon, and from now on your mentor about your magical powers.”


“Hello Junpei, nice to meet you?” Rei greeted him. “How did you know our names?” I ask him


“Oh Ranma and Ami told me about you, oh and I was listening to you talk” Junpei explained calmly to Rei and Ryouga “Any other questions?”


“Yes, how do you plan to train us if you're not exactly physical right now?” Ranma asked in this case since he was wondering about that since he heard Junpei's plan.


“Oh of course I didn't explain it right then it will be more surprising now” Junpei realized “Could you please transform?” He asked politely, to which Ranma, Ami and Rei nodded and took out their respective transformation objects and shouting…


“Moon Prism Power!” Shout Ranma


“Mercury Power!” Ami shout

“Mars Power!” Scream Rei


“Make/Suit Up!” The three shouted, after a [Transformation Sequence] Lunar Knight, Sailor Mercury and Sailor Mars were ready for what Junpei would ask of them.


“Ami, could you put on your visor please?” Junpei asked kindly after Mercury did what he asked, he asked him for something else. “Now shout Hyperspatial Sphere Generate.”


“Hyperspatial Sphere Generate!” Mercury shouted, making a translucent light blue sphere with white digital details appear around everyone present.


“Now yell Teleport” Junpei told him.


“Teleport!” Mercury shouted after which everyone together with the sphere disappeared.


  ───━───━━━━─ ● ───━─━━━━───



A light blue-blue sphere with digital details appeared somewhere completely in black, it became more and more translucent until it disappeared completely, leaving behind Lunar Knight, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars and Ryouga, everyone is confused about where they are.


“Welcome to the Hyperspatial Cyber ​​World” Junpei who just appeared welcomed them.


“What exactly is this place Junpei?” Mercury asked.


“This is a pocket dimension hosted within the Mercury Personal Computer, here time passes differently here, an hour outside is equivalent to a week inside, the Mercury Personal Computer also has control over this reality” Junpei explained “Look” Junpei said making a command console after pressing a series of buttons changing the color of the sky from black to a gradient of blue with white lines in a grid, the floor now looked like a platform with an edge and all made of green blocks with white edges, a series of training objects


“Wow” Everyone reacted surprised to see the change in the environment


“Now, I have to explain some things to you first of all,” Junpei began to say while executing a series of commands on the console, making a holographic screen appear in front of the rest of the temporary inhabitants of the HCW. “Firstly, due to the limitations of the current system of the Mercury Personal Computer, we can only be in here for an hour equivalent to a week, or the dimension will collapse on its own mass. Don't worry, the MPC will get you out of here as soon as that time period is up, second before I can start training you I need to explain to you a little bit of magic theory…” Junpei explained in great detail the entire magical system and how it works, but in order not to bore you and not to bore me, I will summarize it. 

-They obtain Energy from their planets through their Sailor Crystal

There are three types of magic: Physical, Elemental, and Primordial.

Physical Magic is divided into Body or Weapons. 

Elemental Magic is divided into elements and some are stronger than others: Water > Fire > Wind > Earth > Thunder > Ice > Water. Although they all have a secondary strength being: Water > Earth > Fire > Ice > Wind > Thunder > Water.

Finally, Primordial Magic is divided into Order and Chaos, this is the strongest and most difficult type of magic to master, Order and Chaos are divided into many different variants, an example of these would be light and darkness. No matter how both Order and Chaos are contrary and complementary, as long as Order exists, Chaos will exist. This was actually the most simplified rather what was written here was what Junpei said in his explanation in addition to explaining this topic extensively in the future since the important ones are Physical and Elemental Magic


After explaining the theory they moved on to practice here we will talk a little more. First Junpei let Mars and Ryoga continue with their physical training, meanwhile he took Lunar Knight and Mercury aside. First let's start with Ranma's training.


"Well Ranma, although the Lunar Hat Action is effective against the enemy, you will have already noticed that it is not the most beneficial attack of all, unlike the Moon Tiara Action the Hat can fall off in the middle of the fight, also the time it takes to use This ability is the time in which you are exposed, I know a simpler Physical Magic spell but I am sure it fits better with your normal fighting style and is much faster than the hat although in exchange, it is not as strong this Spell is called the Magic Punch, the best part of this Spell is how adaptable it is, that is why it is usually one of the first offensive spells taught” Junpei explained the spell to Lunar Knight “Shall we begin?”


“Do you have to ask?” Lunar Knight asked rhetorically with a confident smile.


Meanwhile, a copy of Junpei guides Ami to another training area.


“Ami, if your mind is still tormented by not being able to help your mother, so I propose this to you, I can teach you a spell, with which you can mold the Steam of your Shabon Spray, into multiple Ice structures” Junpei explained to Ami “Do you accept?” The digital being asked


“Of course, Junpei-san,” Sailor Mercury responded respectfully.


[What a Feeling]

First, when there's nothing

But a slow glowing dream


Let's look at Junpei explaining Lunar Knight with his arm as an example. How he should concentrate his magic in his fist 

That your fear seems to hide


Junpei is explaining the most widespread theory of ice magic. and Mercury taking notes


Deep inside your mind


Let's see Mars and Ryouga trained, Mars is learning to dodge, Ryouga keeps hitting her and his punches hurt a lot 


All alone, I have cried

Silent tears full of pride


Lunar Knight tries to do the move that Junpei showed him but nothing happens, Junpei proceeds to explain to him again, correcting the errors he noticed.


In a world made of steel


Mercury tries to put into practice the theory that has just been explained to him, but he doesn't know what to project his ice on first, and Junpei gives him some advice.


Made of stone


Mars is knocked down again by a blow from Ryoga, he advises her to dodge movements


Well, I hear the music


We see Lunar Knight, Mercury and Mars on split screen. Each one in his training 


Close my eyes feel the rhythm


The three close their eyes and focus on what they have learned so far.


Wrap around, take a hold of my heart


They open their eyes again, now full of determination, to achieve it


What a feeling


Lunar Knight launches a couple of blows already loaded with magic, he just needs to project his magic into them


Being's believin'


Mercury Manages to Create a Small Ice Shield, But Still Not Strong Enough


I can have it all, now I'm dancing for my life


Mars manages to dodge more of Ryouga's blows but is still hit by some blows.


Take your passion


Lunar Knight manages to successfully execute a Lunar Punch, which pierces the training Youma


And make it happen


Mercury manages to create an Ice Barrier strong enough not to break easily and large enough to protect the entire team.


Pictures come alive


Mars Manages to dodge each and every one of Ryouga's blows


You can dance right through your life


Scene of everyone raising their fist in victory, training was over for today


  ───━───━━━━─ ● ───━─━━━━───

Hikawa Temple, 15 seconds after finishing training


The wait for Hyperspatial Sphere Generate appears once again leaving everyone back in the room where they were previously where Hanofu was waiting for them. 


“So you can rest from your training,” said the old priest, leaving a tray with tea and cookies.


“How did you know we were training, Grandpa?” Rei asked, intrigued.


“I came to see them but they weren't there, so I found the computer on the table.” Hanofu began to tell, pointing to the computer itself. “And he explained to me that you were training in a pocket dimension, and he asked me to show you in about 45 minutes.” Bring something for them to rest from training. I arrived here a minute early and saw them appear. That's all” He finished telling


Everyone in the room sat down and brought the Tray closer to them and began to eat and drink after the week of intensive training they had experienced. 


“Am I crazy or don't I feel the hunger of a week of training without eating?” Ranma asked, surprised at not feeling the sensation that he felt more than a thousand times in his childhood.


“You're right, Ranma, I'm barely hungry even though we spent a week just training without eating anything.” Ami agreed.


Rei and Ryouga attended upon realizing the same thing.


“That happens because the Hyperspatial Cyber ​​World is configured in such a way that almost your entire body remains exactly as you entered. Sure, there is physical improvement, but it is less than what would have training a week away from him” Junpei explained, appearing as a hologram over the Mercury Computer that was resting on the floor. “And speaking of weeks, the Hyperspatial Cyber ​​World requires a week to become usable again” He informed those present.


"That? Because? “We made great progress within. Why so long between uses?” Ranma asked, somewhat indignant at not being able to continue using his new favorite training ground.


“You see, Ranma, do you remember how I told them that if they passed an hour in the dimension, would it collapse on its own mass? Well, that happens because the dimension gradually destabilizes. When everyone came out, it was about to become completely destabilized, and for it to stabilize again it will take a week to pass,” Junpei explained calmly to Ranma and company. "But don't worry, I think they are ready enough to face the coming enemies."


That reminded Ami of something "Ranma, My dad is coming today at noon, because those youmas are following me, could you go look for him for me at the Azabu-Juban station, and bring him here so we can talk, please?" ”


“Okay Ami, what's his name?” I accept Ranma, asking the name of her friend's father.


“Thank you, Ranma,” Ami thanked. “His name is Kaizo Zōkei,” he said, giving Ranma her father's name.

To be continue

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Author Notes


  • You may be wondering why this suddenly became so dark and violent, well I based it on the Sailor Moon manga where darkness and violence are normal.


  • If you're wondering No, there won't be Ranami, they are simply confidants of each other and trust each other a lot, they are best friends after all.


  • Regarding the Hyperspatial Cyber ​​World, I will only say one sentence. Have any of you seen the movie Tron?



  • Some may be wondering why such an abrupt ending? simple Cliffhanger