Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Noble Warrior Lunar Knight ❯ ✮ Rei Hino: Fiery Miko ✮ ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

sukino Residence, Saturday morning

Ranma and His Mother were working at breakfast and talking in more detail about what happened the previous day when an Informational announcement was heard over the Radio. "Attention to all households in the Azabu-Juban neighborhood, due to the mysterious fainting that occurred yesterday in the neighborhood already named, the National Diet has decided that today and tomorrow the entire neighborhood will be given a day off so that those affected can recover." the announcer reported

"That means we can visit your great-uncle today, I'm going to call him to see what time we can go," Nodoka told her son, seeing the positive side of the news.

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Dark Kingdom, Throne Room

"Jadeite, although your energy harvest has been very effective, you have lost all the Youmas, including some of your Youmas with the best abilities, and even worse, you have not even been able to finish off Sailor Mercury, the weakest of the Senshis." Beryl angrily scolded Jadeite.

"My sincere apologies, My Queen, I underestimated the strength and means of the Senshis today," Jadeite explained, falsely apologizing for her mistakes.

Making something inside Beryl thirst for his blood, a feeling that could be felt in your room.

"Of course he failed, he's just a brat," said a voice in the hallway, interrupting Beryl from condemning Jadeite to eternal sleep for his insubordination.

"If there is something you want to contribute then show your face Nephrite" Beryl said to the aforementioned

"As I order, My Queen," Nephrite said, coming out of the shadows, bowing at the same time. "Of course it fails, Waste Youma to distract the enemy from their great plan. How about that, Brat?" Said Nephrite already revealed

"That's true, Jadeite I demand to know the progress of your great plan" Beryl said demanding information from Jadeite

"You see, My Queen, we have already managed to use the Waves to use the drainage spell, but the structure where the waves will be transmitted and received is still missing. That could still take a week or a little more," Jadeite informed Beryl.

"Jadeite you will be given a Last Chance, so don't waste it, I want at least one Senshi dead, understood?" Beryl ordered as she dismissed him.

"Understood Queen Beryl," Jadeite said as he bowed to her and retired to his Command Center.

"As for you Nephrite, I will forgive you this insubordination just this once, is that clear?" Beryl threatened as she dismissed him.

"Yes Queen Beryl" Nephrite responded, bowing to her and retiring to his chambers.

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Dark Kingdom, Jadeite Command Center

'Why did that Playboy save me if he had kept quiet, I would have died and he would probably get my job? Why? Why? Why?' was the biggest question on Jadeite's mind as he entered the Control Room.

"How was the meeting, Lord Jadeite?" Thetis asked when she saw Jadeite enter the room.

"We have to prepare well for our next plan, it is our last chance" Jadeite said cryptically.

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Azabu Hikawa Shrine, Saturday Afternoon

Nodoka, Luna and Ranma (Kenji had stayed taking care of Shingo) have just arrived at the Shrine when a man somewhat shorter than Nodoka, short gray hair with a cut similar to Ranma's, short white mustache, dressed like a Shinto Priest "Hello No-Chan, how were you niece?" the man asked

"Hello Ojisan, good as always but since I met Ranma again I've been better than ever" Nodoka responded happily.

"You must be him, if I'm not mistaken, you must be Ranma," said the man, speaking to Ranma, "I am Hanofu Hino, but you can call me Ōoji-san since I am the brother of your grandfather, that is, your Great-Grandfather (Ōoji-san)." The Man concluded. now known as Hanofu

(There are possibly times when the characters simply call him grandfather or uncle)

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Ōoji-san." Ranma greeted his great-uncle.

"Oh and you must be little Luna. It is not like this?" Hanofu asked Luna

"That's right, Mr. Hino," Luna responded.

"So shall we come in so we can talk?" Said Hanofu Inviting his guests to enter the Shrine, guiding everyone inside. "By the way, your cousin Rei is with her boyfriend on a date."

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In a cafe, not far from Hikawa Shrine

Rei and Ryoga are talking about everything they both experienced while they didn't see each other when they both sneezed like that knowing that they were talking about them somewhere

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Azabu Hikawa Shrine, 1 hour later

"So you've been to Jusenkyo because of Genma. That guy really is an idiot. I still wonder what you saw at No-chan," said Hanofu, curious to know the reason.

"I don't know what I saw in him either," Nodoka realized.

"Could you bring me some hot water, please Ōoji-san?" Usagi asked, please.

"Right away, dear," Hanofu agreed, going to the kitchen to get the hot water.

"Don't call me darling, I'm not a woman!" Usagi shouted, angry for being considered a girl by her Great Uncle.

"We arrived!" Rei and Ryoga shouted as they entered the Shrine when they both saw Usagi. "Y...you?" Ryoga asked, terrified of what would happen if Rei found out how he felt for the girl.

"Hello Ryo-Chan," Usagi greeted Ryoga happily, trying to be as friendly as possible.

"Ryoga, we could talk in private," Rei said with a clear jealous tone, both going to a place alone.

"Here you are Usa-chan," Hanofu said as she handed a teapot with hot water to Usagi. "By the way, where are Rei and Ryoga?" I heard them arrive" term I ask

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Rei's room

"Ryoga, who is that Bitch?" Rei asked her boyfriend Ryoga angrily.

"I don't know," Ryoga said, somewhat embarrassed by his feelings.

"She calls you Ryo-Chan. She clearly knows you. and you're also blushing" Rei complained very angrily and had already thought about what was happening "Ryoga No Baka!" He shouted as he hit Ryoga's head with a bamboo sword, leaving the lost boy unconscious at that moment. Hanofu knocked on the door.

"Rei-chan, I'm sorry to interrupt your talk with Ryoga, but your aunt and cousin want to talk to you," Hanofu said from the other side of the door.

"Here I come, Grandpa, wait a few minutes and I'll go," Rei said as she turned to Ryoga and tied a rope to his leg to tie the other end to his bed. "This way you won't escape our most serious discussion."

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Sala principal, Templo Hikawa

Rei arrived at the living room where she found her grandfather talking to her aunt and a young man with a ponytail who she assumed was her cousin Ranma, although there was a third person who was not expecting a small black-haired girl. "Hello Aunt Nodoka, I guess You're Ranma, right?" I ask the young man with the ponytail who he has just noticed is wearing the same clothes as that whore who tries to steal his Ryo-chan

"That's right, it's nice to meet you," Ranma replied. "Then you must be Rei. Am I right?" Ranma asked.

"That's right, it's also a pleasure" Rei responded now that she realized he also looks like the boy that Ryoga said he was chasing... 'it must not be just a coincidence, just in case I ask questions' Rei thought but still not ruling out that possibility. " "Hey Ranma, do you happen to know Ryoga Hibiki?" I ask, curious about the answer.

"Of course yes, it was my best during high school, of course we fight sometimes but what a friendship it hasn't. Why do you ask?" Ranma asked, partly feigning insanity at the party out of true curiosity, making Rei start to get upset.

"By chance, did you fight Ryoga 3 years ago 460 from his house?" Rei asked her cousin, to which Ranma realized the implication of the question.

"I did wait 3 days after which Genma knocked me out and dragged me out of the city because knowing him the police were chasing him, so please don't hate me." Ranma asked his cousin, almost begging on his knees, not to hate him for what happened with Ryoga, which surprised her.

"It's okay," Rei said, somewhat annoyed but understanding as she felt true regret on the part of her cousin for that event from years ago. "But it's not me you should apologize to, follow me, Ryoga is in my room."

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Rei's room

When Ranma and Rei arrived at the room everything was in order except for the fact that Ryoga was not there, nor was Rei's bed, both of them were missing.

"¡RYOGAAAAAAA!" Rei shouted angrily when she saw the scene, to which Ranma walked away due to an instinct that he didn't know where it came from.

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Azabu Hikawa Shrine, Entrance

Hanofu was talking to Nodoka until he heard someone knocking from the entrance so he went to see who it was. When he arrived he found a young man with short black hair, a wheatish complexion and hazel eyes dressed in a red jacket and gray trousers.

"You are Priest Hino, right?" The Young Man asked in broken Japanese, proving to be a Foreigner.

"That's right, Young Man, but what brings you here?" Hanofu Hino asked with some uneasiness.

"I am Argentine, I work at the embassy down the street and I was wondering about Japanese religions and traditions, I was wondering if you would be so kind as to teach me?" The young man asked kindly.

Hanofu, upon realizing that he was not a simple foreigner but an embassy worker, left his Xenophobia and decided to put his best face forward to avoid any problems that could arise.

"Sure young man, follow me but first I would like to know your name" I accept Hanofu

"Oh right, my name is Dante Jadi" He introduced himself as Dante erroneously since he said first his name and then his last name and not the other way around as is correct in Japanese, bowing, only it was a European relevance and not a Japanese one.

'It will be a very long afternoon' Hanofu thought as he guided Dante through the Shrine and explained Japanese culture to him.

This exchange was seen by Luna who had a horrible feeling about this Dante Jadi but didn't know why.

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Tsukino Residence, At Night

The entire Tsukino Family was having dinner and talking a bit especially Nodoka Ranma and Luna about how their meeting with the Hino side of the family went.

Already in Ranma and Luna's room. Luna would tell them her suspicions about Dante and how when she saw Rei she felt her connection to Mars and that she was likely Sailor Mars, Ranma refused to let her cousin join them, because she couldn't accept anyone else joining them. in danger to fight in this fight, plus he and Ami are already enough that it could make them need someone else

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Azabu Hikawa Shrine

Dante had knocked Hanofu unconscious by magic when they were alone in the room of sacred fire, Rei, upon hearing the commotion, came in to see and was also knocked unconscious.

"Maiko, Haito impersonate them and take their places. "I will leave them in a place where no one will find them," Dante ordered, leaving his Youmas to replace the unconscious Hino

"Lord Jadeite understands" Both Youmas said, taking the form of each other respectively.

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Crown Karaoke and Games Center, Sunday

Usagi, Ami have just arrived at the Crown being invited by Naru to enjoy their Sunday

"Here it is! THE CROWN GAME CENTER!" Naru shouted excitedly. "One of the best places in Juban, let's go in." Naru finished saying.

Usagi and Ami weren't very sure how they would do in video games after all this would be the first time they played one.

Image of Usagi obtaining a record in the ball throwing game

Image of Ami obtaining a Record in Sailor V The Game

Image of Usagi and Ami completing Metal Slug with only 2 coins (1 for Usagi and one for Ami)

Image of Naru losing in Random

Image of Naru Getting the lowest score in Gamedom

Image of The three girls singing at karaoke late in the afternoon

After spending almost the entire day in the Crown The girls had gone to eat ice cream where they both could see Usagi's voracity when it came to ice cream, now they were returning to their respective houses.

"Girls, I didn't expect you to be so good, especially your Usagi, since you were away from technology for so long. How did you do it?" Naru asked in amazement.

"I guess it comes naturally to me" Usagi responded somewhat nervously.

They all returned to their respective homes, unaware of what was happening outside of Juban.

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Azabu Hikawa Shrine, That Same Afternoon

Little Mii and Erika are visiting their friend Rei with their families then they met Hanofu

"Hello Priest Hino, we come to see Rei-San." The girls said excitedly to the priest.

"Sure, follow me here," said the priest as he guided them into the Shrine so that when both families entered, the doors of the Shrine would close.

Dante Jadi would have been watching this when the priestess approached him. "Lord Jadeite, why are we kidnapping humans to drain them instead of just draining them with amulets?" I ask with intrigue

"Simple Maiko, the disappearances will be very obvious and the Senshis will come to the Shrine to investigate, and when they do they will fall right into the trap, hahaha" Dante explained to the priestess.

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Tsukino Residence, Monday morning

Ranma and Nodoka were making breakfast together talking about how the outing with their friends from Usagi went when they suddenly heard a disturbing News report.

"A series of disappearances have been reported on the Azabu Hikawa Shrine Grounds since yesterday afternoon, the reports continue to come in and the Tokyo Metropolitan Police are already investigating the case. Keep tuning us for more update"The Reporter reported

"That can't be good at all, something sinister is attacking the Shrine, Ranma Please go investigate with Ami, I wouldn't want something to happen to your cousin or Õoji-san" Nodoka asked her son

"Okay... but after breakfast" Conditionally accept Ranma

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Outside Azabu Hikawa Shrine

Usagi and Ami arrived in front of the Shrine (Ranma was like Usagi because he was hardly like that on his previous visit to the Shrine, and that way he wouldn't attract attention) there was also a police car parked there, it seems that the officer had entered the Shrine, then they would be received by Hanofu

"Welcome ladies, this is Hikawa Shrine, what do you have to offer?" The priest asked

"Oh Mr. Hino we just wanted to talk to our friend Rei" Usagi responded with a rather impersonal handle.

"Of course, ladies, follow me," said the Priest, guiding them into the Shrine.

"Forgive us Mr. Hino but we just remembered that we have another commitment now so we have to say goodbye" Usagi said quickly before running out taking Ami's hand.

"Wait!…" The Priest shouted but before he could do anything to stop them they were already gone. "Lord Jadeite, Sailor Mercury was just at the Shrine, but before I could catch her she ran away, what should I do?" Haito asked his lord

"Prepare for combat, and when the Senshi arrive, finish them," Dante ordered.

"Understood Lord Jadeite" The Priest obeyed.

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In an alley on the same street as the Azabu Hikawa Shrine

"That was clearly a Youma" Usagi stated "Are you ready Ami?" she asked her friend

"Always," Ami responded.

"Moon Prism Power!" Grito Usagi

"Mercury Power!" Ami shout

"Make Up!" They both shouted

Sailor Moon and Sailor Mercury were ready to face the youma

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A few streets away

Luna was running over the roofs and fences in her cat form, she had a horrible feeling about Usagi and Ami facing whatever was in the Shrine alone. Hikawa, she had to go there and at least give her Transformation Pen to Rei so that could help in the battle to come

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Interior Shrine Azabu Hikawa

The Shrine was not very different from how it was recently, only that now there was a gloomy and evil aura in the Air Moon and Mercury went deeper into the Shrine in search of the missing people.

"Sailor Senshis, welcome to the Hikawa Shrine, I am the priest of this Shrine. How can I help you?" The Priest asked

"Enough of the youma costumes, don't fool us," said Sailor Moon, angry at what the youma was doing with the image of her great-uncle.

"Very well, goodbye costumes then," said the youma, still disguised, as he disappeared into the darkness.

Suddenly the entire room began to distort until the real appearance of the Shrine disappeared, replaced by a twisted version of it with what seemed like countless hallways. All the walls were connected by twisted columns that seem to imitate the Japanese architectural style which went up to the seemingly infinite due to the impossibility of seeing the ceiling the floor was now dirt and lightly marked by cobblestones everything was lightly lit by paper lanterns they were definitely no longer in Tokyo

Sailor Moon and Mercury began to move while the latter scanned the Area to see how to get to the end of this apparent labyrinth.

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Ryoga didn't know the term very well in the strangest area of Tokyo. Everyone spoke English and no one knew the directions of where he wanted to go. To make matters worse he was still tied to Rei's bed he didn't really know how but it seemed like the bed was stuck. To follow him then when he crossed a corner he recognized the Azabu Hikawa Shrine and there sweeping the leaves was Hanofu but when he was going to greet him he felt a strange presence coming from him, an Evil Ki as he called it. So instead of doing that he decided to look for the Ki of his Girlfriend and her grandfather and it seemed to come from the sacred Fire room but when he entered the place it was definitely not as he remembered 'Great lost again' he thought until he felt the Ki of Rei and Hanofu came from somewhere in this strange place so he decided to follow that trail no matter how slight it was, he was hoping to see his girlfriend again, he wouldn't notice but he would be followed by a black cat with a nails in the shape of a crescent moon

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Distorted Shrine, Moon and Mercury

Sailor Moon and Mercury arrived in a large room similar to what Moon remembered as the main room, only now it seemed anything but cozy.

"Congratulations Sailor Senshis, you have come far, unfortunately your journey ends here" Said the Miko

"Release the people you kidnapped, youma," said Sailor Moon, angry at what the youma was doing with her cousin's image.

"As you wish," the youma said as she disappeared into the darkness.

Then the ground began to shake and a group of men, women and children came out of the ground. They all had a paper on their heads with the Chinese characters《殭屍奴隸》written on them, also another important detail was that all their arms were extended towards forward no matter what, they were also pale and looked like walking dead, or rather

"Kyonshi!" Both Senshis shouted when they saw the appearance of the people.

"Mercury, can you see what I feel through your visor?" Moon asked.

"If those Kyonshī are real people then, Yes" Mercury replied.

"That means we can't attack them with magic, at times like these we only have to use My Family's Secret Technique." Moon began to plan.

"A Family Secret Technique?" Mercury asked, intrigued.

"Exactly from my father, pay attention, they move very slowly, that is the key" he began to talk about the technique in a mysterious and mythical way.

"How do you plan to use that to our advantage, Moon?" Mercury still didn't really understand what the technique was about.

"Well, of course, we will need our legs and be Fast" Moon continued speaking Mythically.

"¿The legs and being fast?" Mercury asked, already imagining a double super-powerful Leg Technique but that would not harm the Civilians more than necessary.

[JJBA Battle Tendency OST - Overdrive - 0:50]

"...NIGERUNDAYO! MERCURY!" Moon shouted as she ran away (Yes, It's a Mother Fucking Jojo Refence!)

"What's wrong with her?!" Mercury shouted, asking no one in particular as he ran off following Moon.

Moon and Mercury began to run throughout the labyrinth in the shape of a twisted Shrine, always following Mercury's map so as not to end up in dead ends, followed by the civilians converted into Kyonshī.

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Distorted Shrine, Ryoga

Ryoga had finally found a way forward in this Bizarre and twisted place, following the Ki of Rei and Hanofu the only problem was that despite that he seemed to get lost but sometimes he seemed to get closer and other times it was strange he supposed that his bad sense The alien structure of the place added to the orientation, but even so he did not lose hope and still continued running towards Rei's Ki, he was still followed by Luna.

Thanks to that determination he arrived at a place that reminded him of the area of the sacred fire rather than walking through the eternally active flame in the center of the room that illuminated the entire room with a red light. Here he found Rei and Hanofu trapped in a type of Mechanical-looking Capsule above you could see the Inscription Sleep and Drain Ryoga after meditating severely (it only took him 5 minutes) decided to hit the capsules until they were destroyed, freeing Rei and his Grandfather from these

"Ryoga!" Rei shouted when she saw him jumping to Hug him but when she realized how physical she was being they separated very blushing.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you, but Jadi Dante, the person responsible for this and his youmas is still out there, it's dangerous to distract us," Hanofu said, clearing his throat.

"You're right, Older, I'm still here," Dante said, appearing in front of them. "But my name is not Jadi Dante, my name is Jadeite, one of the four Great Generals of the Dark Kingdom." The now known as Jadeite continued introducing himself, leaving a side his costume

"DAMN YOU!"Ryoga shouted, jumping while taking his umbrella from his backpack."YOU'RE GOING TO DIE FOR HURTING MY REI-CHAN!"He continued shouting now with umbrella in hand and ready to crush Jadeite with it."

"Foolish Human, Your Primitive Weapons are no match for my Technomagic" Jadeite said putting one of his gloved hands between him and Ryoga, activating the glove with Technokinesis, which stopped Ryoga in the fall, keeping him suspended thanks to a Short Range Anti Gravitational Field around Ryoga "Die Idiot!" He screamed when he threw it straight into the fire in the center of the room.

"NOOoo" Rei shouted, jumping to save Ryoga, managing to deflect him but she fell into the fire instead, to the horror of Hanofu and Ryoga and the amusement of Jadeite.

"Hahaha, Stupid Human, now you will die at the hands of your own stupidity called Love, Hahaha" Jadeite mocked the situation until he saw something that everyone in the room noticed.

Rei was in the very center of the sacred fire but it was not burning, only her clothes were being charred to Ryoga's shame.

'Huh? It's not burning. That only means one thing.' Jadeite thought while some fear

"Take Ryoga, throw it at Rei," Luna said, doing a somersault and giving him In the aforementioned, what appears to be a pen, only that at the top it had a sphere with a ring around it. On the sphere, a heart is drawn in blue with an arrow coming out vertically to the top right. Ranma saw Luna strangely, being a cat that talks like a pen. "There is no time for explanations, just do it," Luna ordered, to which Ryoga did as he was told.

'She's a Sailor Senshi,' Jadeite realized.

Rei took the pen and as if the words came alone she shouted "Mars Power, Make Up!" After a [Transformation Sequence] Sailor Mars was ready to fight Shout "Firee…" Charging the fire around him and aiming directly at Jadeite "Souuul!" I shouted a huge amount of fire at the General

"Ahh" Jadeite shouted as fire completely flooded the entire area where Jadeite was for a full minute when the fire dissipated we found the General surrounded by a force field activated at the last minute but that seemed to fail "I'm not ready to face a Senshi of front, Haito take care of Them!" The general shouted as he fled, scared by his almost death.

"Hai Lord Jadeite'' said the youma, still appearing with the Hanofu costume, abandoning it, taking its true form, it is a tall man with gray skin with huge black spots in the shape of a scar, long black hair with some strands falling over his face, emphasizing his face. Of Demente what looked like thorns came out of his shoulders, elbows, the sides of his hips, and his knees, his legs were arched and ended in legs with 2 digits with rows of claws on them, although the most notable of all were his hands with 5 digits only that the fingers had sharp blades "I am Haito" The youma cut and I will cut them all in half," said the Youma, introducing himself.

"Fire Soul!" Mars shouted barely had the chance only to see the youma simply quickly move away from the magical attack.

"Noroi, Noroi! Even though your magic is stronger, your speed is nothing compared to mine" the youma mocked. "Sailor Senshi dies!" The Youma shouted, moving faster than the normal human eye can see, but before his sharp claws could harm Mars, Ryoga's umbrella stopped them. "Nani? "How could you be faster?" The youma asked in surprise.

"You idiot, you may be faster than the normal human, but someone trained enough like me can be faster than you," Ryoga said as he threw the youma against a wall, pushing him with his umbrella.

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Distorted Shrine, Moon and Mercury

Moon and Mercury were still running from the civilians turned into Kyonshī, and now they had returned to the now completely clear main hall, as Moon had planned they continued deeper into the Shrine although the mob was still following them.

"Moon I'm getting readings from another Senshi in the Area. She says she belongs to Sailor Mars. Do you know who she could be?" Mercury asked Moon

'Rei, I'm sorry,' Moon thought sadly. "If it's Rei, Mercury guides the way," Moon asked Mercury to which she nodded affirmatively.

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Distorted Shrine, Ryoga and Mars

Ryoga and Haito were fighting at high speed exchanging blows Ryoga had been superficially cut several times but still nothing serious, Haito would be more injured but all his wounds regenerate constantly

"Hahaha, you are a skilled human but without magic your attacks are USELESS USELESS USELESS USELESS USELESS USELESS USELESS USELESS!"The youma shouted as he quickly attacked with his claws.

Ryoga blocked most of it but still left cuts all over his body 'If this keeps up I'm going to bleed to death or be decapitated' Ryoga thought when he saw his current situation and how the fight was developing.

Sailor Mars, upon hearing that, tried to aim at the Youma but it was too fast for her, but if she didn't do something her boyfriend and eventually she and her grandfather would die, but she simply shoots without having her target and could hit Ryoga.

It was then that one of the doors was quickly opened. Mars turned to look and was surprised to see 2 other girls dressed like her. "Who are you? Why are they dressed like me? What's going on?" They were Mars' series of questions to the newcomers

"First…" Moon started to say until he saw Luna who was a "CATTOOOOOOO!" She screamed terribly scared as she found a place to hide something. Mars was completely confused by the situation.

Mercury acting fast I summon a "Shabon Spray!" Generating a thick fog that prevented Moon from seeing the cat and everyone else from seeing anything.

"Thank you, Ami," Luna said, taking the opportunity to hide from Moon's sight.

"Don't worry, Moon, there is no Cat here, they can't hurt you," Mercury said, reassuring his Friend, managing to do it very easily just when the fog dispersed.

Moon now calmer saw Haito and Ryoga resuming their fight at super speed while Mars saw the mob of Civilians converted into Kyonshī both saw what they had to do

"Moon!" Moon shouted seeing the Youma that attacked Ryoga.

"Rin (臨), Pyō (兵), Tō (闘), Sha (者)" Mars began to recite the Kuji-in while taking out an ofuda

"Tiara!" Moon shouted, taking her tiara and pointing at the Youma.

"Kai (everyone), Jin (jin), Retsu (row), Zai (zai), Zen (front)" Mars termino de recitar el Kuji-in haciendo que el ofuda quedara recto

"Action!" Moon shouted, throwing her tiara at Haito.

"Akuryo Taisan!" Mars shouted throwing the Ofuda to the mob

The tiara counted Haito in half making him scream in pain, fear and agony. The ofuda magically multiplied and each copy stuck to the head of a civilian, destroying the previous spell, leaving everyone unconscious and free of Maiko's control by talking about her.

Maiko appeared from the shadows to sense that her Kyonshī army had suddenly disappeared, she was still in her Rei disguise when she appeared.

Mars saw only red when she saw the youma who had stolen her identity and she decided to attack physically but Maiko always stopped her with her hand and threw her back into the reading room of fire when she saw that there were more Sailor Senshis who had seen them this time. decided to reveal his true form to use 100% of his powers

Maiko's true form was a tall woman with a skeletal complexion and pale skin, dressed in a worn miko outfit and instead of being White and Red it was Black and Blue, her skirt was worn down to her knees, revealing her legs and feet making it clear. who was not wearing any type of footwear (ironically being the only one who would be properly shod) had long white hair tied to her forehead by a rope on which there were many spells in the form of paper with writings on the front almost completely covering her eyes or That seemed like "I am Maiko La Youma Hex, Sailor Senshi, my spells make me completely immune to your magic, I am invincible" Maiko said Mocking

Moon approved the statement when she launched her "Moon Tiara Action" against the youma, only for the tiara to harmlessly hit the youma to confirm the statement.

Maiko began to cast curses towards the Sailor Senshis who were dodging the curses while trying to find a way to defeat the Youma when suddenly

A rose cuts the rope that Maiko was wearing on her head, leaving her without her spell. As we follow the path, we find Tuxedo Kamen standing on a projection of one of the pillars.

"Tuxedo Kamen" Moon said he was upset about seeing the masked man again

"Sailor Senshis as long as they believe in their hearts they will win"Tuxedo Kamen gave his speech to motivate the Senshis"Sarabata, Matao" He uttered as he waved his cape and disappeared

"That idiot at least did something useful this time" Sailor Moon said angrily when she saw Tuxedo Kamen disappear "She's all yours Mars" she said letting Sailor Mars finish off the Youma that was posing as her

"FIREEEE SOULLL!" Mars shouted as he summoned a gigantic pillar of fire beneath Maiko.

"¡KYAAAAA!" Maiko screamed as she was wrapped in the pillar of fire. After the attack ended for a few moments, you could see the youma's completely charred body before it turned into dust and its remains were carried by the wind.

With both Youmas defeated, the Shrine returned to its normal appearance, everyone was happy and celebrating until *Noise of Knocking on Wood* they went back to see where the sound came from to see Ryoga on the floor bleeding from the multiple wounds left by Haito Mars without wasting time he went for the first aid kit to help him

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Dark Kingdom, Throne Room

"You have failed again Jadeite" Queen Beryl exclaimed.

"Forgive me Queen Beryl, but the appearance of Sailor Mars made things difficult" Jadeite apologized for her mistake.

"Besides that, due to your ineptitude the Sailor Senshis now have Sailor Mars. It will send you straight to eternal sleep." Queen Beryl stated in an intimidating manner, making Jadeite tremble at the mere suggestion that he could suffer that fate. "If not for your great energy extraction plan, I am more interested in it and that needs you. " He finished by reassuring Jadeite.

"Thank you Queen Be…" he began to thank Jadeite but before he could finish, Queen Beryl interrupted him.

"But from now on that will be your only priority, the attacks on Japan will be carried out by the Youma of my court Thetis" Beryl declared, leaving Jadeite speechless while the aforementioned youma entered through the main door.

"Understood Queen Beryl," Thetis said, bowing.

"Understood… Queen Beryl" Dijo Jadeite bowing equally

"I'm sure you'll do a very good job," Beryl said. "Seeing that you both agree with this change, the meeting ends here. Now leave!" Beryl ordered.

"Yes, Queen Beryl," they both said in unison, retreating to their command center.

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Azabu Hikawa Shrine

Rei, Usagi, Ami and Hanofu were helping everyone affected by Maiko's spell including the police officer, who having experienced the experience firsthand, agreed that it was not the fault of anyone in the Shrine as such, and decided that the charges be dismissed and that the Shrine could continue operating

After everyone left and only them were left, they decided to talk about what happened and give all the necessary explanations about Rei's new responsibilities as Sailor Mars asked for some time alone, going up to her room where Ryoga was on a Futon next to her. recently recovered Western style bed

"Hello Rei-chan," Ryoga greeted her with a weak voice due to the pain that ran through his entire body, but I was still glad that she was okay.

"Hello Ryo-chan," Rei greeted him back. "I was talking to the other senshi."

"What did they say?" Ryoga asked, interested.

Rei explained to Ryoga everything the other Senshi had told her, about her new responsibility and how she had to save the world.

"My Girlfriend is a Superheroine. Who knew?" Ryoga joked happily.

"I'm going to need Training when you're fully recovered, could you help me?" Rei asked her boyfriend to train her

"Okay Rei-chan, we'll start with the basics tomorrow." I agree, Ryoga.

"Thank you Ryo-Chan," Rei thanked, kissing her boyfriend on the forehead.

To which Ryoga responded by fainting.

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Tsukino Residence

Usagi arrived home and decided to look for her mother so she could talk to her about what happened during the day. She needed someone to calm her thoughts.

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Mizuno Residence

Ami arrived home tired from the fight at the Hikawa Shrine, met her mother and decided to talk about everything that had happened during the day as Ranma had advised her.

To be continue

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Omake: Crazy Reference With Rei #1

Hello Friends, I am your friend Rei, this is the first edition of Reference Locas con Rei, maybe you are wondering why me? and well, of all the girls, I am the one who reads the most manga

The Prologue is a reference to another Ranma x Sailor Moon Fanfic called "Millennial Panic" in which Setsuna was also warned by a future version of herself that they had not been able to fight the enemy without the princess and that everything ended in disaster. where Pluto also reveals to Setsuna that Ranma is the Reincarnation of Serenity

The Title of Lunar Knight was taken from the Fanfic "Ranma: Senshi of the Moon". in which Luna, after meeting Ranma in female form and following him home, discovered her Aquatranssexuality and thought that in female form Ranma would be Sailor Moon and in male form Lunar Knight although the latter never appeared.

Chapter 1 is mostly a reference to both "Chaotic Moon" and "Beautiful Martial Artist Sailor Moon ½ (Wasn't there a longer title?)" in which, like chapter 1 with the same name, "Family Reunion" Ranma and Genma arrive at the Tendo Dojo but Genma's letter is received with a bad face by the Tendo family calling Nodoka and where it is revealed that Genma kidnapped Ranma when he was a baby.

The Name of Chapter 2 "First in a Millennium" is a reference to the Fanfic Twice and Thrice in a Millenium of the Sailor Ranko saga because the titles refer to the fact that it is the second and third time in a millennium that a new one is named Senshi, and as such Sailor Sun was named at the time of the Silver Millennium. The only new Senshi named in the 20th Century was Sailor Moon, because there had never been a Sailor Moon.

In Chapter 3 we will talk about 2. The first is that Tōki is the man of a Hoenn gym leader, more specifically the Fighting Type Leader. This was done this way because Masterzonic had no idea what to name the youma. Second, Jadeite sings an altered version of Be Prepared from the Lion King. simply to Masterzonic He thought the idea was funny

And to finish with Today's edition we will count all the Jojo References so far

In Chapter 3: Tōki shouts Muda Muda Muda in reference to Dio and Giorno's battle cry.

In Chapter 6: Ice Screamer, every time he is sent to Fly, he shouts BAKANA, a phrase said by DIO. When dying and in a couple of more moments, this same enemy also says Noroi, Noroi, a phrase also said by DIO when he compares Star's Speed. Platinum with that of The World. The appearance of this same Youma is inspired by an average Stand user from part 5 onwards.

In this Chapter there is a record of Jojo References, I won't explain them to you now but they are there

Until next time, Rei Hino says goodbye, wishing you good luck and good health.

End of the Omake