Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Noble Warrior Lunar Knight ❯ ✮ Computers, Pets and… Shingo?: Is Shingo's mysterious new pet a Youma? ✮ ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Dark Kingdom, Jadeite Command Center

"Inframeleon your mission will be to infiltrate a computer company and enter the World Wide Web through one of the computers. Once there Uirusu takes care of the rest. Once that is done, stay in touch waiting for new orders" he ordered on the air.

"Understood, Lord Jadeite" Inframeleon said, completely invisible.

"Then go!" Jadeite ordered. Saying goodbye to the Youma, when he saw the center door open and then close, he knew that the Youma had left.

"Why do I choose the Lord? It can only be made Invisible to the Human senses, the MPC would detect it" Thetis asked curiously.

"Let me answer with another question: Do the other Generals have the MPC?" Jadeite asked in response.

"No," Thetis replied.

"Exactly" Proclaim Jadeite

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A few Roofs away from the Tsukino Residence

Moon and Mercury were jumping across the roofs approaching Moon's house until Moon stopped Mercury and said, "Here is close enough to home that it won't raise suspicion and far enough away that no one will see us." The building in question was A small store that was for rent and had not yet been rented a few blocks from the Tsukino Residence, both girls detransformed, they agreed to go to Usagi's house to talk about what happened, so they both faced towards the Tsukino Residence. Meanwhile, a young man a few meters away wonders "WHERE THE HELL AM I NOW?!" Or that's what I would have said if someone at that precise moment had not decided to rain and stop shortly after. To the people of Jūban this already seems normal after all it has been raining like this at irregular times for a while but it seems like lately it has been every 2 days

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Clock Look

"ANOTHER!" on the security cameras. Toshio screamed when he saw Sailor Mercury in the recording, scaring everyone on the block.

"Do you want an arrest warrant for her too boss?" asked a nearby officer

"Yes, but unfortunately there is not enough evidence to do so," said Toshio, somewhat disappointed.

"But sir, you know that they are criminals because they don't falsify it. After all, we are the police, who is going to question us?" said another officer with a particularly long smile

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Tsukino Residence

Ami and Usagi are in the latter's room. Talking about their fight, Usagi complimented Mercury on his performance for being his first time, so Ami asked, "Who was that weird rose thrower that saved you from being crushed?"

"Oh, that's Tux-Baka or Tuxedo Kamen as he calls himself and there is also Mask-Kawaikunee or Masked Fuku that I still don't know how they are related but I know that they are both madly in love with one of my forms and want to kill the other for who believe that we are boyfriend and girlfriend and we are forcing ourselves to be so. Yes, they are crazy, but even so, they are both strong rivals, so underestimating them for that reason is a mistake and a serious one." Usagi responded, annoyed by talking about the two people she has detested the most in recent days.

"You're sure he seemed quite discreet to me, a little strange with his speech but not someone crazy" Ami said thinking about their meeting tonight "But I still don't know him enough to know exactly" he finished his idea.

"Believe me, it gets worse," Usagi said.

Sometime later Ami had already gone home after having studied and trained together. The Tsukino family had already returned from work or school respectively, curiously Shingo had brought something with him.

"What do you bring there, Shingo?" Kenji asked his son.

"I found him in a puddle wet and scared a few streets from home," Shingo said as he showed what he brought with him. It was a small black Pig who had a curious yellow scarf with black spots around his neck. "I decided to call him P-Chan after Pig, which in English means Buta (豚)" Shingo said, proud of the name. "Can we keep them?" He asked, handing the pig to his mother to dry it with a towel.

"Seeing that he has a scarf around his neck, it is very likely that it already belongs to someone, so we will look for its owner. If he doesn't have one, you can keep it." Nodoka proposed to his son.

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Jam Computers, That Same Night

In an already completely dark employee office block it is suddenly illuminated by the light coming from the hallway through the newly opened door and shortly after it would be closed one of the computers in the block would be suddenly turned on and started after finishing starting the mouse would move alone and it would enter the Internet Browser after that something leans on the cabinet causing the screen to turn red

"Lord Jadeite, Mission accomplished" said a voice out of nowhere or rather Inframeleon through his communicator communicating the success of his mission.

"Excellent work Inframeleon" Jadeite congratulated his Youma for his communicator "with your main mission completed, start your secondary mission, remember you have to leave 2 days to start it or everyone will notice. Understood?" Ended with An Order

"Yes, Lord Jadeite" The Youma obeyed, leaving the office building.

Once a woman known as Akiko Yanagi left, she entered the office block and saw the computer on and turned it off, asking why it was on if everyone in that block had already gone home and would not return for 5 hours.

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Tsukino Residence, The Next Day

Ranma woke up early and went down to the kitchen where his mother was, then they both began to make breakfast together, talking about what had happened the previous 2 days since he couldn't cook with her because his training with Ami lasted longer than usual. expected, he woke up late the day before and the whole P-Chan thing took up the entire night before

"You should apologize to that Ryoga boy," Nodoka proposed.

"But Mom…" what Ranma was going to say was interrupted by his mother.

"I know it's not your fault but maybe this way you can be friends again and from what you said he is a strong martial artist and maybe he can even help against the Dark Kingdom" Nodoka finished her idea "A strong ally is always important in a battle." so big"

"I'm going to try, but I'm not sure he'll accept them," Ranma said, accepting his mother's idea. With that, they finished breakfast and the family's bentō just when the whole family came down to breakfast and Shingo came down without the little pig named P-Chan.

"Where is P-Chan, Shingo?" Kenji asked his son when he saw him without the little pig that the little boy wanted as a pet.

"I think he got lost, the poor thing must be scared and freezing to death" said Shingo sad and worried for the little pig.

"I'm sure he's fine, Son," Nodoka said to reassure her son.

"Yes, don't worry otōto-chan," Ranma said to his Younger Brother, trying to calm him down.

"It's true, don't worry, Shin-chan," Luna said with the same intention as Ranma.

"They're right but still, Ranma, Luna, could you look for him? Please" Shingo asked his brother and his cousin to which they both nodded affirmatively.

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Streets of Tokyo, 1 hour later

After having searched the entire house and not finding Shingo's pet pig, Ranma thought that maybe he could find some way to get out of the house so he started looking for it around the neighborhood so he searched but so far, his attempts to find the little piglet lost were a failure, but that wouldn't stop Ranma Tsukino, the best martial artist of his generation, wasn't going to lose his little pig's brother.

Ranma was about to resume when his sense of danger was triggered and he jumped just in time to dodge 3 fast and lethal blades that stabbed into a wall. The curious thing about these is that they had the same pattern as... "Ryoga's" scarf. By following the trajectory of the projectiles, he would find his old friend up the street

"RANMA SAOTOME PREPARE TO DIE! Ryoga shouts, jumping to attack Ranma with his deadly umbrella, which Ranma dodges without much trouble.

"Listen Ryoga, I can't fight now, maybe my younger brother's pet is being eaten by some animal, if you want to fight help me find it" said Ranma trying to negotiate a truce with his rival and friend while dodging his attacks.

Ryoga at first was going to refuse but then he thought what would happen if the same thing happened to Shirokuro and seeing that Ranma's concern for the animal was real he said "Okay Ranma, tell me what it is like or what it's called so I can help."

"It's a little black pig about this wide and this tall," said Ranma, gesturing to indicate the size of the animal. "Otōto also gave it a name but we have a theory that it already has an owner so it won't respond to that name so probably not." "Answer him," Ranma explained to Ryoga.

Ryoga for a moment thought he was referring to his cursed form but then he remembered that the boy who picked him up in the rain was the younger brother of that kind girl who helped him get to Jūban, not Ranma. So, it must only be a coincidence, so they both started looking for the missing Piglet, of course he would be lost shortly after, but the effort is what it's worth.

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To say that Ryoga was upset would be understating his feelings. He is helping Ranma look for his pet pig when suddenly he is in the Tokyo Tower although it was different from how he remembered it and the people around him no longer spoke Japanese. After walking around a corner, he saw a man standing in front of a Tower with strange design which was curiously tilted as I turned a corner, I was seeing the giant statue of a woman with a torch in one hand and an object that I couldn't identify in the other as I entered the structure just feet from it, I was on a long path It was very high, luckily it was near the entrance to some type of building. Upon entering, he came out in a place full of trees. He was so distracted that without realizing it, he stepped on a puddle of water that turned him into a pig. He hid his things in a bush but when he was about to go in to transform again, he heard a voice say "There you are P-Chan, I was looking for you, where were you?" It was that girl, upon seeing her, he was paralyzed by her great beauty.

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Some public park in Jūban, 30 minutes later

Usagi was already a little upset because of that careless boy, she had gotten wet and now she was very wet and very feminine looking for that damn lost piglet when she is thinking that she would never find it in a puddle that had formed from the rain of the previous day that it hadn't dried yet. "There you are P-Chan, I was looking for you. Where were you?" Usagi asked in a tender voice as she took the little pig in her hands and took him back to her house.

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Jūban High Public School

During Lunch Time we can find Ami hiding in an empty classroom Ranma had told her about Shingo's lost Pet Pig and he would come about 5 minutes ago to ask her to post about the little pig found by the Tsukino family on various forums on the internet. using the MPC while eating your Sandwich Lunch with your favorite edges

"Hey Ami, here is a file with all your personal information that the computer collected automatically, I suggest you improve its security" He suggested to Ami

"Can't your Junpei do it? "I'm busy with this," Ami asked, distracted by working on the publication.

"Sure, but I need administrator permissions" He replied to Ami

"Then I'll give them to you," Ami said, doing the operation quickly and without paying much attention.

"I'll do it right away Ami," he told her as he left.

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Tsukino Residence

"Ami is already making online publications, now it's my turn to leave posters all over Azabu-Jūban" Ranma said, taking a bunch of advertisements that said, 《"Do you know me?" If this little pig is yours or you know its owner, contact us》Attached were all the information about the Tsukino residence and a photo of P-chan "Meanwhile, Luna takes care of P-Chan" Ranma asked Luna to take care of the currently sleeping Piglet while He went out the door to put up posters all over Azabu-Jūban

"Okay Ranma, be careful" Luna wished Ranma luck as he left "Very good, now what will I do with you?" Luna asked the unconscious Pig.

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Streets of Jūban

Ranma was putting up the posters when a female voice he knew very well spoke to him, "What a pretty little pig! Hey, you're Usagi's twin brother, right? "You are exactly as she described," Naru Osaka said, somewhat excited to meet her friend's twin brother.

"That's right, you're Naru aren't you?" Ranma asked with false intrigue.

"That's right Ranma. What is all this paperwork about this little pig?" Naru asked, pointing to the stack of posters that Ranma carried with him.

"Oh otōto-chan found him lying in a wet puddle and since he had a scarf around his neck, we assume that he already has an owner so we are looking for him" said Ranma. He informed his "Sister" friend.

"Really? A pet store recently opened called Petzite where there are little pigs like that, why don't you ask them, maybe they know who the owner is?" Naru proposed to Ranma

"Thank you Naru, I'll go after putting up the last of the posters" Ranma thanked "Do you know something? Usagi has been alone for a long time. She seriously needed a friend. Thank you for being my sister's friend." Thank you again this time from his "sister."

"It was nothing Ranma, I'm glad to know that you helped Usagi with my company" Naru responded, happy to know her positive influence on her friend while Ranma jumped high and continued putting up posters.

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Ranma had just arrived at the pet store after leaving the last sign a few houses away and was seeing that all the people were dating piggies like P-chan. 'Curious' he thought 'well I have to go in and ask' he continued with his train of thought entering the store "wow, really little piggies" Ranma said when he saw so many little piggies.

"Are you interested in something, Young Man?" Said a store employee who was petting a…

"Ga…ga…GATOOOOOOOOO!" Ranma shouted when he saw the small and tender kitten being caressed by that man, running, to his misfortune, towards the section full of cats, making him scream even more, running, now, towards the door, running out of the store, completely forgetting the reason why had gone to such a hellish place

"I'm sorry!" The employee shouted, hoping that Ranma would hear him.

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Tsukino Residence, In the Afternoon

Ami was in front of the door when she entered, she found Luna trying to calm Ranma down. "Don't worry, Ranma, there are no cats nearby. They can't hurt you." Luna said in a calming voice.

"I still hear their horrendous roars, they are coming for my soul, I know it, I know it" Ranma said with fear in his voice and tears in his eyes, he was on the verge of crying.

"What happened Luna? "I've never seen Ranma like this," Ami asked, worried about her friend.

"Ranma is Ailurophobic, this afternoon he saw a pack of cats and I've been trying to calm him down since then, so far I haven't had much luck," Luna explained to Ami, "could you help me?" "You might be luckier than me." Luna asks Ami for help.

"It's okay, Luna," Ami agreed. "Don't worry, Ranma, all the cats are gone, there are no cats around, it's just Luna and I," Ami said, trying to reassure Ranma.

"But Luna is actually a Cat!" Ranma scream of fear

"Oh, he knew it," Luna said, understanding why Ranma didn't calm down with her. "I'd better leave you two alone," Luna said as she went to another room.

"Don't worry, Ranma, Luna is gone, everything's fine," Ami said, slowly managing to calm Ranma down, taking 30 minutes to do it, but doing so.

"Thank you, Ami… by the way, when did you arrive? And for what?" Ranma asked strangely.

"It's time for your Tutoring Ranma."

"Oh right, Tutoring," Ranma said, once started he had completely forgotten about the Pet Shop.

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Petzite at Night

"Lord Jadeite, do you receive me?" The store manager asked a communicator in his ear.

"Affirmative Inframeleon. State Report" responded The General on the other side of the communicator

"The Pet Pigs have been a success sir, today alone 300 sales per hour were reported. Soon all homes in Azabu- Jūban will have one in approximately the next 4 hours if everything remains the same.

"Perfect, that's enough time for those Sailor Stupids and Lunar Blind to not suspect anything until it's too late, Hahahaha" Jadeite short transmission "Keep going don't stop" and opened it again just to say that

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Tsukino Residence, The Morning After

Ranma and his mother were serving breakfast when they called the whole family to eat Shingo didn't come down so Ranma went up to see him and found him in bed and from what he could see he was exhausted not only physically but his Ki flow was irregular 'this is bad.' ' Ranma thought as he went to look for his mother to tell her this seemed like a Youma attack but how?... P-Chan, that filthy pig must have been an infiltrated Youma. As soon as the idea occurred to him, he looked for it but didn't find it, he must have gotten lost. again... wait now everything makes sense he wasn't lost he was taking his brother's energy to his dark masters 'When I find him, I'll make him pay no one messes with my family!' He thought while he told his mother who went to check on her son, she also told Luna her suspicions when they had a moment alone, so after that Ranma ran out to find the unfortunate pig.

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Tokyo streets

While Ranma was looking for P-Chan he began to see that a lot of people seemed to have the same symptoms as his younger brother then he saw that they all had a pet pig so he saw it clearly and he blamed himself for having seen it before all those pigs were part of the Dark Kingdom plan. At least there was something good about this. Now he knew where he was so he would make his way to Petzite where he would put an end to this ruse once and for all.

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Outside of Petzite

Ranma had already arrived at the pet store and met someone he didn't expect to meet. Ami "What are you doing here Ami? "Shouldn't you be at school?" Ranma asked, curious about his friend's reason for not being in class.

"The Professor fainted along with all the rest of the people who bought a pig here yesterday, I just arrived like you" Ami responded "Let's finish off the Youma that is in there" Ami said with determination

Ranma nodded. "Moon Prism Power…" Ranma began.

"Mercury Power..." Ami started

"Make (Suit) Up!" They both said respectively and after a [Transformation Sequence] Lunar Knight and Sailor Mercury were ready to fight and both entered the pet store

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Inside Petzite

The place was different from when Ranma visited it, now the cages for the animals were huge and seemed to rise to the ceiling which was impossibly high, also the environment in almost complete darkness does not help much having as far as the ceiling reached.

"Sailor Senshis finally arrive, I was waiting for them" said a Sinister voice that came from everywhere and from Nowhere at the same time. "It seems that my pets want to play. Go get them, my Kittens," the voice continued, making Lunar Knight tremble at the mention of the Felines when suddenly several of the cages opened and in them were bright red eyes that were clearly Feline, only they were very big to be kittens. harmless when they emerged into the little light, they revealed to be Huge demonic tigers with blood red fur Huge sharp claws and very sharp fangs "ATTACK!" Said the voice, causing the huge felines to avalanche against our heroes."

Lunar Knight ran away as fast as possible in fear and panic. Being closely followed by Sailor Mercury who was trying to find a way to help her friend then came up with "Shabon!" She began turning to make the pose to invoke the respective spell "Spray!" releasing a cold fog that leaves the tigers disoriented. Once that was done, she set out in search of Lunar Knight, having to be quick. She did not know how long the fog would last or if the Tigers would be able to orient themselves through it. "Lunar Knight! Moon Knight! Where are you?" Mercury would shout as she ran trying to see if her friend would respond.

"Don't worry, you're safe, Ranma, the cats can't find you here," Lunar Knight would repeat, hiding in a hole in a fetal position, rocking, trying to calm down.

Mercury would hear that and get to where he was and help him calm down this time it would be much faster than the day before due to the critical situation they were in "Well Lunar Knight I think I found a way to fight the tigers without triggering your Ailurophobia" Mercury whispered the plan in Lunar Knight's ear after a nod from both of them, they would go to their positions.

5 minutes later

When the Roars of the Ferocious Felines were heard nearby, Mercury would begin to run making as much noise as possible, thus attracting the tigers towards her, chasing her to a somewhat narrow hallway where she would use a "Shabon Spray!" to disorient them once again although they would not be the only ones who would not see at that moment Lunar would come out of hiding and with a "Lunar Hat Action!" He will throw his Hat guided by his Ki sense, thus ending the threat of the tigers

"Bravo Oh Bravo, So you finished with my pets" The voice congratulated them " It would be fair if you introduced me now " continued when a space in front of them began to distort, thus appearing a Youma with Reptilian appearance who seemed dressed in an outfit probably inspired by an American Spy movie, the most curious thing about Youma was his face because contrary to his reptilian appearance he had no snout but his Eyes seem to have completely circular eyelids surrounding them in 3 different rows, seeming to be able to move each one independently and his hands and feet were clearly sticky. to be able to adhere to the walls "I am Inframeleon, The Invisible Youma, no matter how hard you try, you will never find me again" He introduced himself with a very proud tone then instantly disappearing again "Hahahaha"

Lunar Knight tried to locate him with his Ki senses but couldn't find him when "Ahh" Something would cut him in the leg.

"Hahaha, it's very fun to finish you off Piece by Piece" Said the voice of Inframeleon coming from Nowhere

"I'm going to try to scan it" Mercury said taking out her MPC but when she tried to use the scanning function it started to fail and everything would turn red and black and appear...

The 3D head of a Blond Man with blue eyes who said with a synthetic voice "How are you Lunars? This Terminal are belongs to us, you have no chance of surviving make your time, Hahahaha"

At that moment Mercury realized that they were in trouble and that their enemy does not know Japanese.

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Inside the MPC

Junpei was locked in a cell created by the enemy, he was trying to escape since yesterday at noon, he had finally weakened enough knowing that it was now or never, he hit the seal with all his strength, finally managing to break it, leaving his captivity, finally leaving the MPC main system quickly searches for something in the data and finds it without much difficulty

[Mega man ZX Advent Ost- Determined Eyes]

"He forgot to delete it. Don't worry Ranma and Ami, I've got this covered. Oh, it's been so long since I said that." Junpei said, very worried about what was happening outside and putting the object in front of his chest he shouted "Jupiter Military Power Armored On!" Thus, beginning his own Transformation Sequence

First all of his clothes would disappear in a pile of green 1s and 0s revealing a lower armor resembling a black full body suit. With a sequence of binary code, a Green technomagical Chest with Red and Yellow details on the chest would appear with 2 green shoulder pads with yellow details. Also, some green wristbands with yellow energy flows that are directed towards the gloved hands in what appear to be white gloves no fingers. Along with a green knight's skirt (that is, the one used in armor, don't think badly) attached to his waist by a techno-magical belt with a buckle that looks like a crimson sphere, and on the sides having a pair of leather sheaths. metal guns like the rest of the belt where there are a couple of hybrid techno-magical Weapons. a pair of greaves that reached to the knees from the front green with straight white lines running through the middle. His footwear would be a pair of golden scarps. Finally, on his head appeared a green helmet that exposes the back of Junpei's blonde hair with a matching beard, what appears to be white headphones with what appear to be more crimson spheres over the dark circles with a pair of antennae sticking out. vertically backwards, with a wide-brimmed transparent yellow visor on the forehead ending in a point resembling a beak. To finish the sequence Junpei took out one of the weapons and spun it until he stopped and posed with it in an epic pose. "I have to get to the main directory and quickly" said the one now known as Jupitā Eagle before running towards the Directory.

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Home Directory, Important Files

[Mega Man Star Force 2 OST - Ride On!]

Jupitā Eagle arrived at the main Directory this is the first of three sections: The Important Files which was full of a lot of conscious Viruses that were damaging vital information files that upon seeing it came to attack.

The first would come from the front. Junpei would use it as a springboard to jump and gain height. He quickly unsheathed his weapons and began shooting at every virus that tried to reach him in the air, managing to eliminate them all.

As he begins to fall, he shoots downwards, eliminating the virus that he used as a springboard, and once on the floor he would use one weapon as a gun and the other quickly transforms it into a sword.

Shooting distant viruses and cutting close ones, dodging all enemy attacks in movements that seemed like a dance, a deadly dance.

Once all the viruses in front of him had been eliminated, a group of viruses thought they had a chance by attacking from behind, Jupitā shot them until they were all eliminated without turning around, just shooting backwards.

Once that last group was defeated, Jupitā Eagle continued on his way to the next section: The Encrypted Data

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Home Directory, Encrypted Data

[Mega Man Star Force OST - Now Study!]

Jupitā Eagle arrived at The Encrypted Data this place was reorganized into a huge labyrinth with some encrypted files as doors to pass through he would have to decrypt them.

The first part was easy, you just had to follow the right wall to the encrypted door to decrypt it you would have to solve a fairly simple puzzle. It was simply shooting at moving targets in different parts of the room.

The second part was interesting, the maze was still easy to go through but there were a group of enemies arranged in the area. The door was somewhat more difficult than the first since you had to face a virus that was heavier than the rest. It was strong and resistant but its speed was fatal, something that Jupitā Eagle deciphered instantly, the Virus would make a strong blow on the floor. Jupitā dodged it without much problem, shooting at the joints of the upper extremities and cutting the lower extremities, leaving the virus immobilized to be decapitated and eliminated, managing to advance to the next part

The third and final part was stressful, the maze was full of traps and viruses. To make matters worse, the way to decrypt the exit is by activating a series of firewalls scattered throughout the labyrinth, it was long but luckily it didn't take too long. Once the last door is opened, Jupitā will advance to the next Section: The Computing Core

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Main Directory, Computing Core

[Mega Man Star Force 2 OST - Incident Occurrence!]

Upon arrival, the first thing that Jupitā Eagle notices is that one of the cylindrical walls was converted into a giant screen where you could see the outside and how Lunar Knight and Sailor Mercury were already with several wounds around their bodies caused by Inframeleon, which was shown perfectly. On the screen, the rest of the walls were red with black computer patterns. In the center of the cylindrical room there was a Red and Black platform on which is the Youma responsible for all this. To access the control platform, he must cross a floating metal bridge, Jupitā notices that the bridge is programmed to fall as soon as he sets foot on it. So, without wasting time he makes a high jump that leaves him in the middle section of the bridge, it begins to fall so Jupitā begins to run until he finally reaches the platform, thus finding the Youma. She was floating a short distance from the ground, she was female, her body was composed of red polygons with black lines detailing her body, each polygon was independent and did not join the others, her torso was mostly red with a few black lines detailing it. what appears to be a Roman dress, the middle upper front vertices were placed further forward to give the illusion of breasts, her hands looked like giant claws while her feet were part of the same polygon due to the lack of need for real ones, her head floated at A few centimeters from his torso, his red "hair" was permanently upward, arranged in a conical shape with a black wing around it. It was polygonal like the rest of his body, but curiously, his facial features looked like pixel art. His eyes were black with red irises and nose and mouth were black

[Mega Man Star Force OST - Prelude to Battle]

"Youma, your reign of computer terror ends here, I am The Strong Computer Warrior who defends this System from external Threats, Jupitā Eagle! Maybe you have gone far but this system is for the Benefit of the Sailor Senshis, not to destroy them, by trying to pervert this Hardware. I will eliminate you in the Name of the Queen and Princess Serenity" Jupitā Eagle delivered his speech

"I Am Uirusu, The Youma Computer Virus. Maybe you have freed yourself from your prison but now you will be eliminated by my claws" Uirusu said, preparing to fight.

"As you wish," Jupitā said, adopting his own pose.

[Mega Man Star Force 2 OST - Wave Battle]

Uirusu attacked first with a "Pandemic Virus!" sending a cloud of nano viruses to eliminate Jupitā Eagle but he dodged it without much problem

Jupitā Eagle Fires a series of Charged Shots at Uirusu to weaken Uirusu but she would separate and dodge them.

Uirusu, now choosing to attack physically, launches himself at Jupitā to try to cut him with his claws, but he turns his pistols into swords and stops them, starting an exchange of cuts.

That Uirusu would end up losing when one of his claws was removed "You will pay for that. "Die," Uirusu said very angry at the elimination of her left claw and shouting "Constrictor Virus" from her right claw she would pull out what looked like red cables that constricted Jupitā, leaving him immobile. "Die, you damned idiot, I'm more powerful than you."

Jupitā would respond "I don't think so" with total indifference to his situation.

"Why do you say that?" Uirusu asked "I already beat you, I'm stronger."

"Okay, let me tell you why first you didn't win, you only managed to immobilize me" Jupitā explained indifferently "and second, do you know what differentiates us?" Asked

"Yes, I won and you lost," Uirusu said arrogantly.

"No, you are nothing more than a program created with magic" Jupitā began to say when suddenly the yellow parts began to glow "I am a Program with Magic" he finished before shouting "Electric Shock!" and send a powerful electric shock through the cables towards Uirusu, leaving her immobilized and free. "One more thing" He said before standing in front of her at a certain distance, putting his feet in an arc one in front of the other. "Eagle" He said, carrying his arms like this behind him. his back while a green aura shines throughout his body "Strike!" He shouted as he brought his arms forward, leaving them in an arrow position, causing the Aura to be expelled in the form of a green eagle that envelops Uirusu and raises her high, and then completely enters her body and makes her explode, eliminating her permanently.

[Mega Man Star Force OST - Winner!]

"Virus Eliminated" said Jupitā after finishing off his enemy

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Back in Petzite

Lunar Knight and Sailor Mercury are already heavily damaged by multiple attacks from their invisible enemy when all seems lost the MPC tells Mercury that it has completed the Scan, and is no longer affected by the virus. Now finally with a clear view of the enemy Mercury uses her "Shabon Spray!" Creating a dense fog around her and Lunar Knight that their enemy cannot see through, showing Lunar Knight the Exact Location of the Youma now he launches his "Lunar Hat Action!" Flying through the fog straight towards your target

"GHAAA AA AAaaaa…" Were the last words of Inframeleon, who was split in half by his hat, appearing once again before being turned into dust and disappearing forever.

With the Youma duo defeated, the place would return to its original state, that small rental shop near the Tsukino residence.

Lunar Knight and Sailor Mercury, without the adrenaline of the moment, fell exhausted to the ground waiting for the suit to heal them enough to be able to remove them, which in Mercury's case is much longer.

Lunar Knight was already better but he realized something that he had not heard until now. The alarm could arrive at any moment the police could arrive, so he took Mercury and ran trying to hide as much as possible in the shadows, running towards Ami's house through that only her mother lives with her, that she already knew her secret and it was better not to risk someone else discovering them.

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Mizuno Residence, 30 Minutes Later

Lunar Knight would leave Mercury in his bed while he detransforms save how Ranma decides to take a nap the couch today was a long day it wouldn't hurt to rest

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Ranma woke up in a place that although extravagant she could understand was a training room in which there were a series of soldiers being trained by the captain of the royal guard from Jupiter, Junpei Taer.

" Πρ姫أم {Princess, may I ask the reason for your presence here?} こώ" Junpei asked Ranma.

"θ ε 平اي {Uncle Junpei, I heard you had a super powerful attack. I want to see it!} まأ ς" 6-year-old Young Ranma asked

"Οπこ ن {Where? Oh, it doesn't matter if you want to see it. I'm going to ask you to move away a little more} さض ω" Junpei said kindly after Ranma did. Junpei put his feet in an arc one in front of the other " Αε鷲{Eagle} ر " He said carrying his arms behind his back while a green aura shines all over his body " Απト{Strike!} ض α! "He shouted as he brought his arms forward, leaving them in an arrow position, causing the Aura to be expelled in the form of a green eagle that enveloped the training dummy and lifted it into the air and then dissipated, leaving the dummy very damaged. Οれ" It was the Eagle Strike; I can control the aura to move and whether I want it to explode or not. But its biggest weakness is that it leaves me exhausted and if I lose a hand I will be unable to do it} れع " Junpei explained to Ranma

" θε平اي {Uncle Junpei, you are great!} しός" Ranma said, very excited about how great her "uncle" was.

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Mizuno Residence, In the Afternoon

Ranma just woke up from the most restful sleep he felt he had in a long time. At first he was scared because he didn't recognize the place until he remembered everything that happened during the day, so he went to check on Mercury or that's what he wanted to do, but when he saw to Ami walking Usually I already knew that she was fine, after greeting each other they both sat at the table leaving the MPC on the table so that Junpei could talk and have a meeting to talk about what happened

2 hours later

With everything clarified and explained Ranma said goodbye to Ami and headed home. Ami started reading a book about science fiction to take a break from everything that happened today. and Junpei went to do damage control and seeing how many files can be recovered is going to take a while

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Tsukino Residence

Ranma just got home where he found his mother which is strange since she works even harder making soup. "Hello Ranma, did you take care of the Youma responsible for the fainting spells around the district today?" Nodoka asked her son captiously.

"Who is the soup for? Isn't it a little early to prepare dinner and why are you at home? "Shouldn't you be at work?" Ranma asked curiously.

"Shingo was sick so he was in bed all day and I took the day to take care of him. The soup is for him, because it will warm his body, helping to kill the virus faster."

"And what happened to P-Chan?" Ranma asked, curious to know the pig's fate.

"Oh, about 3 hours ago your cousin Rei came and said that the little pig was hers, and she thanked us for taking care of him" Nodoka responded.

"So, he wasn't a Youma? So, I guess he was a very peculiar little pig then," Ranma said, surprised by the revelation.

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Dark Kingdom, Jadeite Command Center

"So Junpei Taer protecting the MPC complicates things, but today was not a defeat. Maybe Sailor Mercury and Lunar Knight are still alive but we got a large amount of energy and…" Jadeite began to say while executing a series of commands on his computers "Thanks to Uirusu we got the plans of many Solar Empire machines. That greatly benefits our plans Hahahaha" He ended by showing plans for multiple weapons and a special Techno-Magical Armor.

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Hikawa Temple

Rei Hino arrived home with P-chan in her arms, goes into the bathroom and turns on the hot water, waits until smoke is coming out of the water and throws P-Chan into the water, turning into Ryoga.

"First of all, to get you out of that little mess with my aunt's family, now you're going to explain to me why the hell you went to Jusenkyo in the first place?" Rei asked her boyfriend

To be continue