Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Princess of the Moon ❯ Chapter 01 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Princess of the Moon
Chapter 01
By C. Rose


When she woke up, Ranma crawled out of her tent and began her early morning
streach and work out, us usually lasted about three hours, so it was nearing
8am by the time she finished up. She grabbed a pan out of her pack inside
the tent and walked over to the lake that was the main attraction of the park
she had slept in and used it to dump several pans of water over her and
to get rid of her sweat. Several of the guys out jogging nearly dropped dead
from shock as she did this, it had her wet silk shirt clinging to her curves
in a very interesting manner, Ranma didn't even notice as she dried her hair
with a towel that had seen better days.

She had a lot on her mind as she thought about that fight the day before
and those weird girls who had said she was some kind of princess. Ranma
snickered to herself again, if they only knew that I had used to be a guy,
they wouldn't have even tied that. She would have dismissed them entirely,
but that three story jump those two girls had made was nothing to sneezed
at. That kind of skill took years of practice to learn, whoever they were,
they were very strong and talented. A few months ago she might have
dismissed them as useless since they were female, but being stuck like this
full time had force the true reality down his throat on a daily basis,
girl's were not weak unless they wanted to be. Every other girl he'd met in
China as she traveled around had been a decent fighter and she had spent
several days camped in certain places as she challenged female fighters
around the area and learned from them.

Those fights had been the most fun she'd had since the change and she had
mastered several special attacks and even a couple of Ki attacks to add to
her arsenal of growing special attacks. Now these girls were looking to try
and get her to join their team, if it wasn't for that uniform, she may have
been tempted, but as it was maybe she could get them to fight her on a one
on one basis to see how good they were. She picked up and packed her stuff
as she thought all this through and wondered where to go from here. Without
her family she was Ronin and didn't have very many options.

She was in the Juban district if she remembered right, maybe she could find
a part time job and make some money before settling down somewhere. While
making her way out of the park, Ranma noticed the local truancy officer
heading her way, a scowl on his face. School, she didn't need to deal with
that right now. Ranma hopped up on wall, waved the officer, and ran for it
down the fence line, between buildings, across a couple of canals and up
onto the roof tops until she reached the business district. If that guy
actually managed to follow her through all that, she would go to school just
for respect of his skills alone. About five minutes later he hadn't shown up
so she figured she was in the clear.

A bit of wandering brought Ranma to a bus stop and a set of stairs that led
up to Hikawa Shrine. The name sounded familiar to Ranma and after a few
minutes though she recalled that they had traveled through this area a few
years ago, they had stopped at the Shrine for a few hours before moving on
in the middle of the night. Ranma snapped her fingers remembered a set of
scrolls in her pack she had been learning from, they specialized in mediation
techniques that she had been using to gain control over her Ki and that
damned Neko-ken of hers. She had the techniques down, so figured that
returning them would restore some of her tarnished honor.

With those techniques she had learned how to review her life from different
perspectives, she couldn't believe the sheer number of time her idiot father
had tricked her into stealing something by turning it into a game, or the
people she had hurt without knowing it. Ukyo, her old friend had been
surprise had had her so angry that she had destroyed several trees with her
fists before she calmed down. Relieving that little problem was going to be
a pain in the ass, but her renouncing the Saotome name had solved a number
of problems for her and placed them back where they belonged, at the panda's

The stairs were a good training exercise, Ranma ran up them in two minutes
flat. It took most normal people five minutes to do it normally, as she hit
the top, she saw a dark haired girl about to come down and flipped over her
in a daring acrobatic way. The girl was so surprised she fell down in
surprise, Ranma just smirked as she landed.

"Good morning, do you know where I can find the head priest?" Ranma asked
the girl. She was very pretty, but there was this cruel glint in her eyes
that disturbed her a little. The girl was wearing a school uniform of gray
plaid and had dropped her book bag, her skirt had hitched itself up in the
fall and her white panties were showing.

"Just who the hell do you think you are, this is shrine, not a gym or a
battle ground. You just don't go around scaring people like that, get out of
here and go away!" Rei yelled, her face turning red as she notices her

"I just stopped by to see the head priest, you caught me by surprise there
and I didn't have time to react much, so I flipped over you."

"Humph!!" Rei said, grabbed her bag and ran down the stairs. She stopped
just out of sight and wondered why the red head was here of all places. She
ran into the trees at the side of the stairs and made her way back up so she
could keep an eye on the girl, at the same time she pulled out her

Ranma just giggled as the girl left.

"May I help you cutie?" Asked an old bald man, with a lecherous grin as
she looked her over.

Ranma glared at him until he backed down. "Yes, I need to return something
to you."

"What would that be?" The old man asked, his eyes glued to her tits.

"A couple years ago my idiot father passed through here and stole something
from you, I was just going to return them to you."

"Stole..." The old man's eyes brows rose for a second, them his eyes turned
to stone and in a totally different tone of voice he said a name.

"I see you know the idiot, I figured you would." Ranma handed over a small
bundle of scrolls. "These are yours I believe."


"That's my good deed for the day, now I must be off." Ranma said and
started to walk off.



"Are you Ranma Saotome?"

"Not any more old man, not any more."

"Why did you return these, what about the other stuff your father stole?"

"That is the only thing I can remember him taking, what are the other

"He also took a hundred thousand in yen out of our savings, most of the
silverware, and the sacred texts."

"He probably sold them somewhere, he had this habit of ditching me for
days on end to do odd jobs and such, while I was training in one technique
or another. At least that's what he said he was doing, but I have my doubts

"I may be old, but I remember Ranma Saotome quite well and you are not

"Ever hear of Jusenkyo?"

"No, what is that?"

"The cursed springs training grounds, it's a nasty place. Pops and I picked
up a curse there, it is because of that place that I no longer travel with
the idiot."

"A curse can not turn someone into a totally new shape, now why are you
trying to help those two thieves?"

"Believe what you will, I returned what I could of your property, if your
going to get mad about it, that's your problem, not mime. I renounced the
the family name when I was cursed. Good day." Ranma said and turned to walk
off again.


"What!?" Ranma growled.

"Thank you for showing that there is someone in your family that holds

"Old man, I renounced my family name so it no longer matters. I gave up
everything when I did it, I'm not even a man anymore because of those
springs. Still, here's some good news for you, pops picked up a curse
himself and now turns into a giant panda with a splash of cold water. If you
ever see him again, just toss a cup of water on him and laugh."

"Will you tell me more of this curse of yours and this Jusenkyo?"


"These scrolls are prized possessions for Shinto Temple like this and cost a
fortune to replace. I still haven't had a chance to get new ones and my
granddaughters training has suffered for it. Also, the seals on these have
been forced open, that means that someone has seen the techniques within, am
I right?"

"Yes, though it was open when I took them from the old fart, I used the
techniques to help cure me of some problems that I had developed over the

"Like what?"

"I'd rather not talk about it." Ranma said with a shudder.

"The main thing these techniques teach is Ki control and I can tell just
from looking at you that you have mastered the techniques. Your body is over
flowing with Ki, I can feel it and I've never met anyone as strong as you.
How is it you have achieved this much skill?"

"My martial arts school is called 'Anything Goes' and my pops has taught me
in it for over ten years now. I have learned the majority of several other
schools as well, this has given me a major advantage in a fight. Still, I
think my dunking in that spring knocked something loose in my mind because
I'm accessing my Ki much easier now that I've turned female, I can do Ki
attacks and Ki defenses quite easily."

"That's amazing, can you show me?"

"Well, nothing fancy, but I can call up a Ki ball with no problems."

"A ball of Ki, you can't be that strong even with what I'm...seeing..." The
old man's eyes widen to dinner plates as Ranma glares at him and holds up
her hand. Red sparks of light begin arching from finger to finger for
several seconds before collecting at the palm of her hand and pull into a
small ball of red energy.

"C-can you teach me how to do that?"

"It takes emotion."


"I read though those scrolls of yours and several other I have and all of
them described two ways to access Ki and use it. There is your way, which
focus' all your energy into a point and you use it manipulate your fire
readings and such. The second is scoffed at for being a short cut and not as
powerful as the first way. This is the short cut, it uses one's strongest
emotions blended together to form a desired effect." Ranma concentrates and
the ball flares for a second and shrinks down into a tiny pinprick of light
bright enough to cause Ranma to be cast into shadows.


"This is your way, with me focusing everything I have into my hand. It is
ten times as strong as the Ki ball, but not as useful and a lot harder to
control. I can feel your strength old man and you have a lot of experience
using your Ki in this way, but none in the other. You need to practice both
or they can't work with each other, there has to be a balance." Ranma said,
she figured that if the old man picked up the technique, it would help him
to forgive the Saotome family for it's crimes. "Will that help to pay back
some of what the panda did to you?"

"Indeed it will, I can already see uses for both techniques."

"Excellent, then I'll be off."

The old man grinned again and sidled up close to her. "You wouldn't happen
to want to be an acolyte would you?"

"Nope, I have to find a job and find a place to stay, but thanks for the

"The job does pay you know?"

Ranma stopped and looked at him over her shoulder. "How much?"

"Enough to help you out, so long as you stay here and help. I also want you
you to teach me and Rei how to use that second method you just showed me."

"For how long?"

"Say, six months?"

"Can I use the woods to practice my martial arts?"

"Sure, we even have practice dummies and other materials for you to use."



Ice cream, it was the one thing Ranma loved above the Art, but not by much.
She loved to eat it by the bowl or dish, or even in a cone if it was large
enough. After getting a place to stay and even a job, she figured it was
time to spend a little of her cash and celebrate a little. So she was
walking down the street licking a giant ice cream cone with a big grin on
her face. She loved ice cream, as a guy it was unmanly to eat, unless the
old man sole a pint or two and decided to share with her at the time.

The old man, grandpa as he wanted to be called, wanted her to get back in
school. All she had to do was pick out one of the schools in the area, but
had suggested Juban High as a good place to start, then the catholic school
his grand daughter went to, or another just a bit further up the road from
there. She couldn't even remember the last two's names and figured the
Juban High would be a good place to start. She arrived at around 9am and
wasn't surprised to find the gates locked up tight to keep the students
inside to learn. She didn't know it, but she was already making an
impression on the male half of the students as she stood there, they had
noticed her and swarmed to the windows for better look.

Ranma was in her usual clothing, black baggy pants and red silk shirt, but
had added a black hair band and bows to her hair to give it a better look
for a girl. She also had on red arm bands and sunglasses to give her a
mysterious look. With an easy kick, she flipped over the gate and sauntered
into the school. Since the gate was over fifteen feet high and had been
designed to keep the students from climbing it, the jump was breathtaking
and she did it without dropping her ice cream.

She strolled down the halls until she located the office and walked inside.
The secretary looked up in surprise as she entered. "Where is your uniform
young lady?" She snapped.

"Since I'm here to register, I don't have one yet." Ranma snapped back.

"Alright, here fill out this paper work." Ranma took half an hour to fill
in the blanks and let the lady do her job. She sat down, leaned back, and
was instantly asleep.

"Mrs. Ranma?"

"What?" Ranma asked without opening her eyes.

"What is your family name?"

"Its..." Uh oh, Ranma thought, she hadn't planned on this. "...Ranma
Masaki. Yeah."



The secretary gave her a weird look, shrugged, and made up a folder and
handed her some papers to sign. "Am I to assume you are currently on your

"I'm staying at a local Shinto Temple while I'm in school, after that I
don't know."

A tall lady with long green hair walked into the room and handed a folder
to the secretary. "Here is Miss. Misaki's school records Mrs. Taki."

"Thank you Mrs. Meioh, where were they I didn't find them in the incoming
students files."

"Miss. Masaki is one of my students, I was over looking her file and making
some notes."

"Huh?" Said Ranma, totally lost at this point and wondering who this woman
was and how she knew she needed to help.

"Come along Ranma, my name is Setsuna Meioh, I'm going to be your school

"Um...alright." She stood and followed the tall woman to a set of offices
several doors down.

As they entered she closed and locked the door and motioned for Ranma to
sit down. "Every now and then someone comes here and makes a friend, I won't
mention names Miss. Masaki, but your friend has requested that we let you
get set up in a new life."


Setsuna smiled and handed Ranma large envelope. "In there is everything you
will need to get set up in your new life, identification and such set up
under your new name."

"How did..."

"Your new friend is worried about you and arranged everything ahead of time
and apologizes for any problems that may arise from this help." Setsuna
handed Ranma her class schedule and escorted her out of the room, talking
nonsense and lying through her teeth even as she pushed the confused girl
out into the hall and shut the door in her face. "Thank you and good luck at
the uniform store Ranma, I'll talk to you tomorrow."


"Huh?" Ranma said and blinked a few times.

'What the hell was that about?' Ranma thought as she went over to the
stairs and sat down. She dug into the envelope and found to her surprise a
wallet, male version, filled with about 50,000 yen, a student ID with her
picture on it and the name she had just made up on the spot. There was also
a library card, and a bank book registered to her, it had a 500,000 yen
balance. There was also an ATM card and a check book with everything made
out to her. Every bit of it looked legal.

She also found a note addressed to a Ranma Saotome and paled in shock.

Ranma Saotome:

This may come as a shock to you, but you don't need to panic. The Sailor
Scouts set this up and would like for you to forgive them for any pain or
fear their offer caused you. Everything in this packet is legal and yours
free of charge, we will be contacting you again to explain in more detail
what the others messed up yesterday.

Your friend

Ranma sighed, this was getting weirder than usual and she had thought she
was used to weird. What could all of this mean? Those girl's had said she
was a Princess of all things and that was impossible, she was born a boy and
transformed into this shape. If anything she was a prince under a curse, and
even that was a bit far fetched. She had grown used to this female body over
time and could live with it if she had to, but this crap about her being a
Princess was a little weird. She would have to give those girls the truth
just to get them off her back, a guy couldn't be a Princess.

She put the stuff away and pulled out the last item, the address of the
uniform shop and just what she had to get. To her surprise there was even
some sizes written down for her, she recognized them as her bust and waist
size and blushed a little. Even after all these months she still wore her
boxers and no bra, but they were a required part of the uniform so she had
to wear them or get in trouble. Standing up she ran outside and jumped on
top of the fence, looked at the address, and ran in the right direction
while on top of the fence.

The place was located a couple miles away so Ranma arrived in about ten
minutes, still on top of a fence, she had just jumped over the various
intersections. She looked the place over and wondered why she was feeling
this weird foreboding the closer she got to the place, but shrugged it off,
it was probably nothing of interest to her. It was decent looking place and
Ranma headed inside and looked around, a sales lady headed over way and
smiled as she saw a sale. Ranma smiled back and handed her the card.

"I'm starting at Juban in the morning and need a couple of uniforms."

"Lets step into the changing room and let me see if these sizes are correct
and I'll get your uniform for you."

"Thank you."

Several minutes later Ranma was blushing as the sales lady held up a pair
of white and yellow boxers, her eyebrow twitching.

"Um..." Ranma started.

"Let me get you some proper underwear and I won't ask why your wearing

"..." Ranma said, still blushing as she stood there in the nude.

The uniform was a blue skirt with a white top, a blue neck tie and was the
most mortifying thing Ranma had ever put on. She felt stupid and wanted to
burn the thing, her new panties were itchy and bra was pinching her in
places she wanted to forget about. Of course that was her opinion, to the
sales lady she was nodding and smiling at the gorgeous girl in front of her
who looked like she had been born to wear that skirt. Her legs were
perfectly proportioned and her but was just the right size to drive all
thoughts out of any male that saw her, the lady smiled. This one was
perfect, she was just a tomboy waiting to bloom, then Ranma itched her
crotch and farted, ruining the image. The red head smiled and giggled a
little as she adjusted her breasts by lifting them and adjusting th bra.

"H-how is the fit?"

"A little snug, but nothing I can't live with, though the bra is a bit to
frilly for my tastes."

"Oh, I thought it was perfect for you."

"I don't wear them all that often, my idiot father trained me in the Art
for over ten years, he treated me as a boy for the whole time so I don't'
have much experience with these things. I'd rather wear a boy's uniform if
you have one, that's what I did at the last school I was at."

"With that body?!" The sales lady said, sighing at the stupidity of a man
that would hide this magnificent creature.

"Yeah, can you believe it?" Ranma said, oblivious to the sales ladies tone.
She adjusted the panties thought her skirt and sighed in relief even as the
lady twitched.

"I can tell you have never worn this type of stuff before, you need some


"The more you adjust your underwear, the more attention you will draw to
yourself and what your adjusting. You will also need to keep your legs
closed, a skirt hikes up when you sit down and you could accidentally flash
your panties to some unsuspecting man when you don't want to."

"I didn't know that, but I have a way to keep it from happening so don't
worry about it." Ranma said, covertly looking at the pile of clothing that
had been brought in. The PE shorts would solve a lot of problems if she wore
them under the skirt. She adjusted the cuffs on her shirt and decided she
would be putting her Martial Arts Sewing to use tonight to solve some
problems with the outfit. "Is there a jacket that goes with this?"

"Yes, though it costs extra."

"Get me one, make it a size bigger than it needs to be, I'll be making some
adjustments to it."

"It's against school rules to make to many alterations."

"I'm a martial artist ma'am, I need something I can fight in. The
alterations will not be noticeable on the outside of the clothing."

The jacket was in as bad a shape as the skirt and the shirt, all of it was
to constricting to be used in combat. She had a lot of work to do tonight if
she was going to be ready by morning. Suddenly there is a scream from
outside the small room and Ranma runs out in her new uniform to look around,
she spots the sales lady just as she collapses at the feet of this thing
standing over her. It is about seven foot high, covered in scales and
female, deffanently female. The giant tits and large bra were a dead give

Blushing furiously, Ranma gets in a set stance as she looks in her
direction and grins with pointed teeth. The dark energy wafting off the
thing nearly knocks Ranma off her feet and makes her mouth go dry, but the
excitement of a fight kicks in and has her more than ready. "So are you like
the stupid electric monster I destroyed a yesterday?" Ranma says and smiles

"YOUR the one that killed Electrica? For that you get to die now, as
painfully as possible, I'm Silky Doll and your dead!" The monster woman
yelled, her large breasts bouncing wildly.

Ranma found her eyes glued to the large bouncing objects and blushed an
even brighter shade of red. "Um..."

Silky Doll raised her arm and fired off a beam of light that Ranma dodged
without even thinking about it, she couldn't stop blushing. Doll screamed
and ran forward and threw a punch at Ranma, but she twisted, grabbed Doll's
arm, and threw her over her shoulder and through the front door. It exploded
outward in a shower of splinters as Doll flew across the street and slammed
into a wall, Ranma came running out of the destroyed door. Her blush was gone
as she started to get more into the fight, she would have to be careful if
she continued this fight. That thing was a very good looking monster and
Ranma was reluctant to take it out because of that.

The pointed teeth were a good distraction though, they would allow her to
keep her mind out of the gutter while she fought. There it was across the
street, Ranma didn't think she had thrown it that far, she hopped up on a
car and jumped across the street. She was cursing as she landed, her skirt
had billowed up as she came down and flashed her new white panties to
everyone in the smal crowd that was swiftly gathering. The loud gasp of male
hormones was something she didn't need to deal with right now, so she got in
fighting stance and let he aura flare up around her.

Sensing an opening, Ranma ran forward and started to beat on the monster at
super speed, several loud bangs are heard as she breaks the sound barrier
with her punches and kicks. For Silky Doll, she is unable to react fast
enough and soon falls to dust, releasing the energy she had gathered
earlier. Ranma smirks and wonders how many of these wimps she will have to
take out, no matter how pretty they were.

"How dare you interfere again!" Yelled a male voice from above her.

Ranma rolled her eyes, looked up a Jedite and smiled at him, the crowd
vanished as quickly as it had formed. Jedite floated down to the ground, his
eyes glinting with hatred as he looked Ranma over. "Hello blondie, what is
it this time?"

"I will teach you the meaning of pain as I kill you!" Jedite yelled and
launched forward.

Stepping forward, Ranma broke through Jedite's defenses and hit him in the
face with a straight arm to th jaw, kicked him in the balls, and body
slammed the man into the concrete so hard it shattered around him. The
difference this time was that Jedite was prepared for the girl's fighting
ability, so his magic deflected most of the damage. He jumped to his feet
and fired out several blasts of energy, Ranma dodged and weaved as fast as
she could, but wasn't' fast enough to get out of the line of fire fast
enough. A large blast caught her in the chest and exploded, blowing the body
back several yards, she landed in a heap but was able to roll to her feet.
Her clothing was shredded and her bra was showing through some of the tears
and rips, the skirt was now a weird looking mini skirt. Ranma could feel the
blood running down her leg from the cut she had taken on her upper thigh,
her grin was a mile wide and was enough that it frightened Jedite more than
he was able to admit.

To Be Continued...

Notes - This story is going well, but a little slow since it is not one of
my main ones, it is just an idea I'm toying with at the moment. I may cross
this with Tenchi, but at the moment I don't know, well see how things work
out in the future. For anyone familiar with my stories, I like to get a lot
of fighting done, this story is no exception. If I write the whole thing
out, I will probably take it clear though the death of Beryal and Metalia,
the main history will be very changed as I go along. There will also be
plenty of lite hentai parts, after all Ranma is to new at being a girl to
cover up the very thing he used to care less about.

Notes - Setsuna is a kind of helpful background character that is there to
make sure things go as they are supposed to, the inners don't even know she
exists yet and those that do can be counted on one hand.