Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Well-Hung By Moonlight ❯ The Plot Thickens ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Well-Hung by Moonlight - Chapter 03 - The Plot Thickens

Started: October 27, 2003

Latest Revision: January 10, 2004

A Story By Warpwizard

A Ranma/Sailor Moon Fanfiction

Big-time Lemon Warning! This is self-indulgent X-rated fantasy piece. Read at your own risk.

* * *

Breakfast tasted particularly good this morning.

Ranma eyed his plate. Perhaps it was the food, which was up to Kasumi's usual masterly standard, or perhaps it was the Ki surging through his body. Ever since unblocking himself the other day, the pig-tailed martial artist had felt like a billion yen. Coming home from his rendezvous with sweet Mako-chan, he'd had to avoid bounding too high with each roof-jump, feeling like he had springs on his feet. He'd thought he would feel a bit fatigued, and perhaps even depleted after the intense "exercise" session with the brown-haired Senshi of Lightning and Wood, but no such luck.

Not to mention his new little friend just wouldn't stay down! For once in his life Ranma was thankful for the fact that he changed into a girl with the application of cold water. His usual morning dip in the Koi pond had turned out to be a blessing in disguise, as "morning wood" had made its appearance, or so he'd noticed during his split-second of maleness as he hurtled through the air. The magical change had the fortunate side-effect of resetting his lower chakra, allowing him to regain temporary control even after changing back to a guy. That recently awakened zone was still pulsing like a fresh lava flow, but at least he wasn't in danger of hoisting the dinner table into the air every time he got up from his seat.

He ate some more succulent vittles, absently batting his Pop's paw, er, hand away. It was particularly easy this morning, due to that same free-flowing Ki. He had put the issue of what Genma had done to him on the back-burner for the moment. He wasn't exactly in control of himself and he knew it. In the near-term it had been satisfying to use his new speed and strength to inflict extra lumps on his snooze-disturbing parent.

He shot a glance at Genma out of the corner of his eye. Did he know?

It was hard to suppress the smoldering anger he felt at the thought of his Pop's actions. Why the hell had he done that? Some selfish reason, transparently disguised as "It's for your own good, boy!"?

Ranma didn't know as much as he would have liked about Ki, and especially the body's chakral vortexes, but he knew enough to be sure that you didn't mess with them without a damn good reason.

His brow creased as a though occurred to him. `Why the hell don't I know about the chakras? They should be part of the Ki training that Pop…' His stomach dropped again.

If there was one thing Ranma hated, even more than being betrayed, it was being fed false or distorted information about the Martial Arts. Being screwed over he was almost used to. Despite his father periodically selling him over for a quick meal throughout the years, the old man had always remained a good source of information on the Art of Battle. With a twinge of sorrow, Ranma realized that this was no longer the case.

`If he left that out, who knows what else…'


Ranma turned to see Kasumi looking at him, concern evident in her soft brown eyes. Just seeing her sweet face made him smile.

"Yes, Kasumi-chan?"

He became aware that the dinner table was strangely still.


Kasumi's concerned look remained, only the faint blush on her face indicating she had heard his response.

"Are you feeling alright, Ranma-kun? You seem disturbed this morning…"

Ranma smiled a false smile that turned into a real one as Kasumi's genuine concern for his well-being penetrated. His eyes subtly caressing her lovely form, he replied softly, "I'm fine Kasumi-chan. Just got some things on my mind."

He grinned at her, his eyes sparkling with vitality. "Your breakfast is great as always!"

Kasumi was speechless, captivated by the untamed energy in the young martial artist's gaze. Her blush deepened, and she put an elegant hand up to her mouth in a demure expression of confusion.

"Oh M-"

A feline, self-confident voice cut through this tender, but potentially explosive scene like a buzzsaw through old, dry wood.

"And just what would those things be, Ranma-kun?"

Ranma swept his gaze past the blankly chewing Genma, oblivious behind-his-paper Soun and jaw-dropped Akane to where Nabiki was smirking at him. His grin was undimmed.

Feeling reckless (more so than usual anyway) he replied, "Wouldn't *you* like to know, Nabiki-chan?"

Gazing into Nabiki's coolly assessing eyes, Ranma's grin became a confident smirk, mirroring hers. He shot out a hand and barked, "5000 yen!".

Nabiki's smile didn't disappear, but it became more like the frozen smile of a painting. She blinked incredulously.

Ranma danced up from where he was kneeling and dropped down behind the confused mercenary girl. He placed his hands on the sensitive curves between shoulders and neck and whispered into her ear, "Or maybe you'd like to take it out in trade…"

Moments later, Ranma was on his way out the door, bento in hand, whistling. Nabiki had sported the faintest shade of pink on her cheeks when he'd left, he was sure of it. Why had such things been so difficult to handle in the past? He laughed out loud, scaring the sidewalk-cleaning ladle-lady into missing him with her usual application of gender-swapping moisture. She gave him a dirty look as he zipped past, no doubt planning on giving him a double dose the next morning.

* * *

After the usual Kuno-pounding and assorted hijinks, another school day was over.

On the way home, just as Akane was opening her mouth to question him about what happened at breakfast, the tiny, wrinkled form of Happosai bounded into sight.

"Ranma, my boy…we have to talk," quoth the perverted Master, giving Ranma an unusually serious look.

Something told Ranma to take the aged lech at his word. Without another glance at Akane, the two martial artists bounded off at a rate of speed unmatchable by those who can't roofhop. She shut her open mouth with a snap, huffed and stalked off to her home, muttering under her breath about inconsiderate macho jerk martial artists.

* * *

After a bit of travel, Happosai led Ranma to one of Nerima's convenient empty lots.

He looked about and felt a bit guilty. He recognized this particular lot. It had been a building of some sort before he and Ryouga had crashed into and through it. Repeatedly.

Happosai's voice was a welcome distraction from thoughts of wailing property owners.

The perverted Master took a seat on a chunk of rubble and pulled out his pipe. Chewing its end meditatively, he began to speak, still in that unusual tone of seriousness.

"Ranma my boy, I felt what you were doing last night. Quite the explosion on the upper Ethereal. You and your partner made a helluva noise. I just hope there weren't any Succubae or other sex-demons in the area when you got yourself unblocked."

Ranma glared. "Did you know about it? My chakra bein' all screwed up?"

Happosai gazed back at him, unruffled by the heat in his reluctant pupil's tone.

"I knew…" he held up a hand when Ranma opened his mouth, "..after the fact."

He puffed on his pipe a few times, thoughtfully. "You have to remember, Ranma, I was locked in that cave for a good many years. When I first saw you, of course I examined your aura, and immediately saw what Genma had done."

Ranma immediately interjected, "So why didn't you do anything?" He folded his arms and glared. "I thought I was your heir or somethin'. Doesn't that count for anything?"

Happosai sucked in another lungful of smoke, exhaled it slowly and smiled at the pig-tailed martial artist. "Certainly my boy, certainly. And the fact that you managed to restore your proper energy flows all by yourself confirms your worthiness. Truly an impressive feat, even by the standards of a Ki-master like myself!"

Ranma couldn't help but swell at being praised so openly. Happosai may have been an old pervert, but he was also a Master of legendary ability. Recognition by such as he (in his second capacity anyway) was one of the things Ranma lived for.

Happosai preempted the expected boast of "I'm the best!" by grinning wickedly and saying, "Which only shows that you're now ready to learn the *real* secrets of Anything Goes!"

Ranma's eyes became big and disturbingly sparkly. "M-Martial Arts Secrets?! Really?"

Happosai nodded enthusiastically. "Oh yes! Things I never taught Genma and Soun even. Only my true Heir is worthy to share in this forbidden knowledge!"

Just as rainbows and unicorns were about erupt around Ranma's smiling face, a horrible thought occurred to him. "Um, Happosai, ah, *Master*, these secrets…they wouldn't be stuff about-"

Happosai looked around suspiciously, as if afraid of being spied on.

The wind howled desolately through the scattered rubble of the former building, now a vacant lot. A lone tumbleweed rolled down the empty Neriman street. Ranma gawked.

Satisfied that they were unobserved, Happosai gestured at Ranma to join him in the concealing shadow of the adjacent building. Once he had, Happosai, speaking in a near-whisper, pulled something from stuff-space and passed it reverently to his Heir. "Here you go, Ranma my boy. Read and marvel!"

It was a big leather-bound book. Ranma stared at the title: "Happi's Big Book O' Hentai".

Flipping randomly through it, he could see from the headers that the large book was composed of excerpts from other books, among them, "The Manly Man's Guide to Appearing Sexually Sophisticated", "Purple-Headed Yogurt-Slinger: A Thousand Synonyms for the Male and Female Genitalia", "The Kama Sutra: Profusely Illustrated Edition", "Masaki Jurai's Guide to Male/Female Relations" and many more.

Happi chortled pridefully. "Everything's in there Ranma my boy, from the simple to the sophisticated! We start with philosophy at the front, then moving to practical application in the middle. The end bit is purely technical, pressure points and stuff like that."

Open mouthed, Ranma paged through the profane manual. "This is-"

Happosai nodded, "Pure gold, I know. You're looking at the labors of generations of enlightened liberators of silky darlings there, my boy. I alone, dedicated though I am, could not have not have concentrated such wisdom into a single tome in a mere 300 years!"

He slapped Ranma's leg (the highest thing he could reach) affectionately. "You're standing on the shoulders of giants, lad. Think of the heights you'll be able to reach!"

Against his will, Ranma nodded, his eyes scanning. Though the first parts of the book screamed "pervert!", even to an unsophisticated reader such as himself, as it progressed, the technique-hungry young martial artist noted the signs of increasingly useful knowledge. The need to rapidly assess a scroll "borrowed" from his father's pack and read by moonlight after his father had "borrowed" it from a nearby temple had had a way of developing his reading skills, though not in a school-sanctioned sort of way.

"Yeah…" he said slowly, pulling his eyes away from a painstakingly detailed method of increasing one's ability to sense "flavors" of bodily-generated Ki. "This is really good stuff, old perv-, ah, *cough* Master."

Tucking the book possessively under one arm, he said, "So…you gonna test me on this stuff, or what?"

Happosai gestured dismissively. "No, no, self-learning is the Anything Goes way, you should know that by now." He clasped his hands together under his diminutive chin, his small black eyes taking on a disturbingly watery appearance. Ranma watched warily. Happosai could be unpredictable, and all the pig-tailed martial artist wanted to do was find a quiet place and read.

Ranma swayed in place, his face longing to plant itself in the pavement as Happosai produced two victory fans and waved them madly, Nodoka Saotome-style. "Go out there and get them, Ranma-chan! Give those girlies a couple of good ones for this poor old man! Wai! Wai!"

Suppressing the urge to gibber in terror, Ranma merely muttered, "Sure old perv, sure…" and fled, effortlessly making a fifty foot leap to the nearest rooftop. Happosai waved his fans in oblivious happiness as his one true Heir disappeared into the distance.

`A worthy Heir at last! Women of the world prepare to sigh and surrender your panties, for my finest student will be upon you soon!'

Opening his eyes a few minutes later, Happosai contemplated the empty lot.


The tumbleweed made a second appearance, rolling cheekily past, almost within arm's reach.

Happosai shrugged and toasted the insolent vegetation with a Happo Dai-Karin.

"Eh, kids today."

* * *

For the next week, Ranma followed a new routine: baffle his Pop and the Tendos at breakfast and dinner, read the Big Book O' Hentai while pretending to study in class, pound Kuno at the beginning, middle and end of school.

…Ok, some parts of his routine weren't new. :)

When trying to think of how to hide his precious new acquisition, Ranma had discovered that Happosai, or someone anyway, had enchanted the BBo'H so that it could become as big or small as the reader wished. He'd taken to shrinking it to the size of a thin manga and concealing it behind his textbook.

Furinken's teachers were amazed at the intense concentration their "lost cause" was now lavishing on his academic material. Even the fact that his answers were wrong as often as before was no discouragement. After all, they reasoned, he'd only taken to studying recently. Perhaps it took more time for knowledge to pass through the bone/brain barrier?

Ranma was just happy they were leaving him alone more than usual. The chi techniques in the last third of the book were absolutely fascinating.

He was having to avoid his fiancées too, more than usual anyway. By the third day, our hapless hero was horny enough to screw a tree stump.

`Damn chakra! Damn Pop!'


`Damn Koi pond…'

Dripping and female, Ranma-chan climbed out of her familiar watery morning landing pad. With an inarticulate cry of female fury she laid into her father with fists and feet.

Genma blocked and evaded, sweatdropping at the speed and power of his, or rather, *her* strikes.

"Now boy…"

Ranma-chan paused in mid-pummeling, her cute face scrunched up in outrage. Her high-pitched voice was loaded with righteous wrath as she shrieked, "Do I look like a *boy* to you?! Do I, you useless lump of Panda-fat!!!"


Kasumi and Nabiki cautiously peeked out the front door. Their heads went back and forth like spectators at a tennis game.



Into the low stone wall.



Into the yard's lone (but remarkably sturdy) tree.


"Oh my…"

Nabiki smirked at her sister. "I've never seen an entire person dribbled like a basketball before, Sis, have you?"


Kasumi went to get the kettle as Ranma-chan hauled her pandafied Pop out of the pond. Nabiki spent the time eyeing the female form of their resident martial arts prodigy.

`Hm. Looks like Ranma's girl-side is growing up too…'

The currently female pigtailed martial artist's breasts bounced nicely, drawing Nabiki's eye, as she hauled her father by his furry foot, grumbling all the way.

Nabiki smiled and suppressed a pang of envy. `Merciful god, Ranma-chan's boobs are even a bit bigger.' She traced the maturing curves of the Tendo's long-term houseguest with a photographer's eye, finishing with Ranma-chan's stunning face. `Heh. She's halfway between cute as a button and drop-dead gorgeous. She even looks good when she's scowling.'

Ranma-chan stomped her feet as she came up the stone path, grumbling and enjoying each bounce of her father's head. "Rassa-frassin' rassa-fraz…"

Absently, she took the kettle from Kasumi's hand and poured it onto her, then his head.

"Thanks Kasumi-chan…"

Ranma looked up, startled to find himself so close to the eldest Tendo daughter. He felt a rush of heat run though his body as their eyes locked.

`Oh crap.'

Kasumi's soft brown eyes were pools that a lust-maddened martial artist could get lost in. Both of their breathing patterns sped up, then slowed down and deepened. He could feel Kasumi's warm breath on his face as her lips approached, closer, closer…

"Ranma-kun? What are you doing?"

Ranma wrenched his head towards Nabiki's startled voice. He could *feel* Kasumi's pique as she sucked in a breath and took a shaky step back from him.

`Goddamn it."

He didn't know which he was more surprised at: Kasumi's disappointment or his own.

His lowest two energy centers pulsed once as Nabiki came into view. Her face was back under control as she said with a teasing lilt, "Ranma-kun. What were you…"

She trailed off as her pigtailed patsy ran his eyes openly over her body. He took a step closer and for some reason, she didn't step away.


`God*damn* Nabiki has a nice body! I don't know why I never noticed it before…' He grimaced as his lower centers gave another pulse. `Alright, so I do.'

Nabiki was wearing one of her usual outfits. Tight, thin, scallop-neck T-shirt, showcasing her sizeable boobs. Short-shorts, allowing the eye free access to her long, firm bare legs.

`She has a cute face too, now that I'm not watching for the signs of a yen-grab. I kinda like that uncertain look in her eyes…'

He took another step closer, bringing him close enough to feel her body heat. She didn't move, her gaze hardening to a challenging stare. Still, her voice, when it came, had a bit of a wobble in it.

"Hold it right, there Saotome…I don't like it when my-" His hand came out and caressed her jawline, feather-light. She gulped and continued weakly, "…personal space…is…" The hand traced her neck and the curve from it, to her shoulder, stimulating sensitive nerves in *just* the right way. Her voice was a breathy squeak, "…invaded…eep."

Ranma gently placed his hands around the heavily breathing Nabiki's upper arms, enjoying the sight of her proud bosom gainaxing with each rise and fall of her chest. He could dimly feel a spike of…jealousy? from his right. `Nah, must be imaginin' things."

"Boy? What are doing? Nabiki is not your rightful fiancée!"

Ranma's eyes went wide.

* * *

Nabiki cursed under her breath as her about-to-be-intimate moment was shattered by the rough voice of Genma. Ranma's entire body jolted, and then he was nothing but a red-black blur, bounding away over the property's wall.

`Dammit. You'll pay for that, Panda-man.'

Genma shivered under Nabiki's icy stare and hustled inside to wait for breakfast. It didn't pay to piss her off and he knew it, even if he was twice her age and a thousand times the fighter.

The brown-haired mercenary girl sauntered over to where Kasumi stood, innocently holding a kettle.

"Couldn't you have waited, say, 5 minutes longer, Sis?"

Kasumi smiled serenely. "Oh, but poor Mr. Panda was getting all cold on the lawn. I couldn't let him just lie there."

Nabiki stared at her sister's retreating back as she went to set out the morning meal..

`Was that a trace of *malice* I saw in Kasumi's smile?'

Shaking her head, she slowly followed her sister's example and headed inside to eat.

Between Ranma's new behavior and a possibly uncharacteristically emotional Kasumi, Nabiki had plenty to think about. Longing for something to snack on while she thought, she mused, `Had to be my imagination. Right?'


* * *

Ranma fled.

He'd lost control, and almost despoiled Kasumi. And Nabiki.

His brow crinkled as the city blurred past. Though…Nabiki had seemed almost…*eager* to participate in her own despoiling.

Dismissing the Tendo sisters from his thoughts, Ranma leapt to the sidewalk and walked for a moment, moving his head like a radar dish. The pedestrians, inured to insanely athletic people hopping hither and yon, ignored him as totally as he ignored them. He extended his newly sharpened Ki senses, hunting for the trail he wanted to find. *Needed* to find.

`What are the odds that they'll be out fighting tonight-`

He stopped, quivered. `Ah-ha!'

Blurring past pedestrians like a sports car among horse-drawn carriages, Ranma leapt to a rooftop, and then immediately to another, eating distance in huge bounds.

The red and black clad martial artist grinned as he heard the sound of an explosion.


The exhilaration of speed and soon-to-be-quenched sensual hunger filled him as he made tracks towards the familiar sounds of battle.

`Sounds almost like me an' Ryouga mixing it up with Ki attacks.'

His cocky grin changed to a grimace as the out-of-control blaze in his lower chakra flared, inspiring him to new heights of speed.

`Makoto-chan *please* be there…'

Another pained smile crossed his face as a colorful group of figures, ringed around a dark-clad, caped one, came into sight.

Scanning, scanning- there! A green skirt!

Ranma dove.

* * *

"BWA-HA-HA-HAAAAA!!! Feel the wrath of my unmatched powers, Sailor Senchos!"

"That's *Sen-shi*, you sicko! Mars Firebird! Mars Dual Firebird!! Mars Triple Firebird with a cherry on top!!!"

The mysterious figure sucked up the hits of scorching flame without even pausing in his maniacal laugh. He opened his arms wide and yelled, "OH-HO-HO! That wasn't much of a warm-up, Mars-chan! Come to pappy! Lothario-BEAM!"

The other Senshi watched in horror as the fiery Pretty Soldier of the Red Planet was enveloped by a sparkling (rather kawaii actually) beam of light that shot from their opponent's chest.

The purpose of the Masked Hentai's posture was revealed as Rei staggered, clutched her head, then developed a sickly sweet smile and scampered towards his welcoming arms like a love-sick puppy.


"Give me a big hug, Mars-chan! Your manly man is here for you!"

Minako, the sexy Sailor of Venus, covered her mouth with both hands. "Oh my god. Mars! Don't do it!"

A red and black blur streaked though the assembled Senshi, somehow acquiring Sailor Jupiter on the way, bounced off of the Masked Hentai's face and used the momentum to spring to a nearby rooftop and away.

An instant later, Sailor Moon cried out. "Jupiter-chan!"

Ami blinked, processing the young male voice lingering in the air. She could have sworn it had said, "SorryboutthisgottaborrowMakochanbye"

Pluto, who as far as the other Senshi could tell, hadn't been there a second ago, took the opportunity to toast the fallen pervert with her trademark blast of chronospheric energy.

"Dead Scream."

The blast hit and caused a devastating, but remarkably contained explosion.

The leggy Senshi of Pluto walked over and kicked at the burned spot, finding, as she expected, no body.

She tapped a green booted foot, musing that this guy was proving as hard to kill as the legendary underwear thief. If rumor could be believed, that reviled figure had once survived a direct barrage from the Battleship Missouri's main battery of 16-inch guns, inflicted when the ship had been commandeered by a crew of outraged housewives.

"Damn perverts are tougher than cockroaches…" muttered Pluto, resolving to be even quicker on the draw next time. She pulled her staff from the air and without even a flare of light, disappeared back into the mists of Time.

The younger Senshi were clustered around a slow-motion replay of Jupiter's abduction being displayed on Mercury's computer.

Sailor Mercury stared down at the screen. "H-his pants. Does he have an e-"

Venus nodded without moving her eyes away from the screen, smiling brightly. Or was that hungrily? "Oh *yeah*. A really, really big-"

Sailor Moon, who was already covering Saturn's eyes, covered her ears as well. "Venus!"

Venus just stared off in the direction Jupiter had been carried and said under her breath, "Dammit. Mako-chan gets all the good abductors."

Uranus and Neptune pulled up and panted for breath. "<huff>Sorry we're late. Did we- <puff>miss anything?"

The rest of the Senshi just looked at them, open-mouthed.

* * *

Makoto was a soft, sweet-smelling weight in his arms. She'd been sweating from the stress of battle, but even that smelled good to Ranma. As he ran he fought the urge to simply stop where he was, tear open her fuku and bury his face in her big, soft breasts, but knew that they had to find shelter first.

Makoto wriggled furiously, and futilely. "Let me go, you- Ranma?!"

He gave her a tormented look and leapt onto a mailbox and from there to a roof. "Sorry Mako-chan."

Now lying quietly in his grasp, her sparkling green eyes were soft with concern. "What's wrong?"

Even the sound of her sweet voice was a torment. A bead of sweat followed its predecessor down the flushed martial artist's face. "You know what happened to you when we met?"

Her eyes widened. "You didn't get zapped by that sicko?!" They widened further and took on a tinge of panic. "Or a female version of him?"

`Please, God, no…not *my* hunk!'

Ranma groaned as Makoto stopped resisting and cuddled her curvy self to his chest.

"Please be ok Ranma-sempai…"

Feeling like he was on fire, Ranma's desperately searching eye lit upon a narrow alley between two tall buildings. `Out of the way, dim…it'll have to do.'

As he jumped, Ranma pulled specially prepared object out of his pocket and prepared to activate it. It was a common marble, albeit one with an intricately folded pattern of chi burned into it. He'd come across the technique in flipping through the BBo'H.

Wanting to see if any of the old freak's moves were recorded within, he'd found something called the "Spatial Warp", the description of which referenced a page number with a related technique. He'd known it was a page of special significance to Happi due to the numerous (and surprisingly talented) doodles of many different items of intimate apparel adorning the edges of the page. Grunting in disgust at what he had to endure in the name of learning, after scanning Happosai's technique he'd flipped to the reference and discovered a method of setting up a limited-time concealing Ki-shield.

The method involved a perfect sphere, probably uncommon at the time of the technique's creation, but easy to get now, and a method of Ki-folding with similarities to his own father's Umisenken cloaking method. Having a gut feeling that, with his current problem, he might need privacy at a moment's notice in the near future, he'd practiced hard and managed to make one portable shield-sphere. He had no idea if it would work though, since it was a one-shot, impossible to test.

He flexed his knees and his Ki as he landed, groaning as the slight bounce that resulted made Makoto's boobs rub against his chest. With an last-ditch burst of concentration, he charged the marble with energy and let it bounce into a pile of trash. The BBo'H had said only that the duration and range of the temporary shield depended on many factors. At this point Ranma was beyond caring.

Makoto let out a cute little "Eek!" as they dropped three stories in an instant. Blinking at remarkably smooth landing, she hesitantly unfolded herself from her resting place. She had found it rather comfortable once she realized who was carrying her away.


Ranma kissed her on the mouth, hard. She gave a muffled moan as the martial artist's calloused hands dove under her skirt and into her panties. Makoto found her desire heating up with extraordinary speed as her pig-tailed lover gave her bottom a thorough, blatant grope. Her arms willingly wrapped around him as he pressed against her, crushing her against the sun-warmed brick of the alley's wall.

Makoto whimpered as she felt a firm object rub against her panty-clad sex, sending a surge of heat though her body and making her knees turn to jelly.


Makoto panted into his ear. "W-What?" As Ranma's hands pulled her panties down, she realized the nature of the object rubbing against her.

Ranma's voice was taut with need. "I need to be inside you Mako-chan." He kissed her again, inadvertently rubbing his steel-hard member against her now bare pussy. Makoto gave another low, excited moan, realizing that she'd somehow gone from fighting mad, to relieved, to concerned, and now to extremely, extremely aroused, all in the space of a few minutes.

Neither of them perceived Ranma's aura, overloaded with male (Yang) Ki, interacting with Makoto's powerful, more balanced aura of female (Yin) Ki. The oppositely charged energies swirled and entwined, swiftly stimulating the Senshi of Jupiter's body to a state of intense sexual desire.

Pushing back against him, Makoto breathed heavily and moaned out that she needed him too. Taking this as acceptance, Ranma sheathed himself in her body with one hard thrust.

Makoto's juices slipped slickly down her thighs beneath her bunched up skirt, as Ranma's thick member drove into her with an audible squish. The alley was privy to the grunts and groans of the athletic pair as they rutted, Ranma pinning his partner to the wall with rapid motions of his hips.

The first few minutes were spent in utterly mindless copulation, Ranma violently penetrating Makoto's lush body with an air of desperation. Her pleased cries indicated no dissatisfaction with such treatment. In fact, the powerfully muscled inner Senshi rocked her hips with a total lack of restraint, straining to take the hard shaft of her lover as deep within herself as possible.

As the fires within him began to recede, Ranma came back to himself. He became aware of the lush body of the girl in his arms, her voice moaning in his ear, the moist heat of her pussy squeezing pleasantly around his penis. Feeling a surge of affection for the brown-haired girl, he kissed her ear as her head bobbed on his shoulder.

"Unh…Mako-chan, you feel so good around me…"

He gasped as Makoto's sex gave his member a little squeeze. She panted, "I - love - having - you - inside me - Ranma-koi."

Ranma grimaced, feeling the semen in his balls churning. Far more gently than before, he thrust rhythmically into his partner, enjoying each motion, the snug grip of her loins, the rub of her big, soft breasts against his chest. "I'm gonna - come - Mako-chan…"

Makoto's voice trembled with excitement as she replied, "Yes, come inside me Ranma-koi! I want to feel it!"

Ranma grimaced again, his lower body feeling like it was going to explode. Each time he slid his full length into Makoto's hot, slick interior it was more and more difficult to avoid discharging. "Unnnhhhh…so good…"

Ranma's heart skipped a beat as a fact learned from the intro chapters of the BBo'H occurred to him. "But, Mako-chan…couldn't I get you…pregnant?"

Makoto's eyes were intent as she rested her head on Ranma's shoulder, concentrating on the humongous orgasm she could feel building in the space below her belly. "After we first encountered the Masked Hentai," she let out a long groan as her sex began to uncontrollably spasm, "Ami - told - us - oh *god* - can't get pregnant - so gooooood - in Senshi form-"

Makoto's already tight vagina rapidly squeezing and releasing around him was enough to set Ranma off and with a relieved groan, he filled her with an oversized load of semen. He was happy to hear Makoto loudly crying out her delight as the hot fluid coated her insides and extended her intense orgasm. He concentrated on enjoying every second of her pussy massaging him, grunting as it pulled every drop of seed out of him that it could, sucking it deep inside her body.

Feeling much more centered, Ranma cuddled the quivering girl in his arms and began to employ his newly developed "Ki-vision". It was still rather crude, and hard to maintain for more than a handful of seconds at a time, but he was already finding it useful. He reached out for Makoto's Ki, distracting himself with another thought as he did so. The trick to it was to not try too hard, weirdly enough. A "relaxed state of mellow concentration" was what the book had said was necessary.

He smiled to himself as Makoto's Ki aura built in his inner sight. `I'm mellow all right, ooohhh yeah…I'd have to be a puddle of water to be any more mellow.'

He continued to concentrate without effort, allowing the information to come to him passively. He could almost see Makoto's aura in his mind. The process of being able to examine the image once it was built was equally odd and difficult. The book had said that the closest physical analogue was to focus your attention on something in the corner of your vision, without giving in and moving your eyes. Once you could examine the object in detail without shifting your field of vision, you would have a far easier time with the Ki-vision technique.

Naturally, following his father's "train at all times" philosophy, Ranma had stumbled around for the last three days, trying to keep his eyes pointed straight ahead and use only his peripheral vision to navigate.

And - it had worked, just as the book said. It was even harder to examine something in your mind's eye than to successfully execute the physical analogue, but he was sure it would have been flat out impossible had he not trained for it. The BBo'H said that with sufficient practice, the mental maneuver would become almost natural and whole new worlds would open up to the practitioner.

Smiling to himself at the though of such progress, he examine Makoto's aura, being careful not to grow too intent. Lightly, lightly, that was the way…

`Hmm…she's very healthy, that much I can tell…'

Ranma knew he would eventually see colors, but right now all he could perceive were shapes. The knowledge about what he was seeing came as whispers from his intuition. The book said that if he grew skilled enough, his mind would eventually assign colors as a form of short-hand. Fortunately, Ranma had a highly developed gut instinct that he trusted implicitly. This made him a natural aura reader.

Moved by curiosity about Makoto's comment, he willed himself to gather information about her womb. He'd recently learned sexual anatomy from the BBo'H, or wouldn't even have known where to look.

`Weird, Ki from there is kinda empty…where's it going…ah, looks like it's being diverted outward to her torso…reinforcement maybe? Makes sense, she's a fighter…maybe all the Senshi are like that…'

Blushing a bit, he ran a mental `hand' over the area that represented Makoto's vagina, a bit worried that it wouldn't be normal. To his surprise, he found the Ki flows there to be exceptionally strong.

`Geez, she's extra sensitive down there if anything…spillover from the redirection?'

Embarrassed by the implications of this, he retreated his Ki sense to his own body. It was far easier for an experienced Ki-user like himself to sense his own Ki this way, as he had a strong, though crude sense of it already. He suppressed an urge to whistle as he `saw' his Ki surging through its natural channels, with vigorous though controlled power.

`Looks like making love to Mako-chan is good for my Ki…' He grinned wolfishly. `I'll have to do it more often, then.'

The girl in question sighed happily in his ear, breaking his concentration and dispelling his inner sight. His grin became a fond smile as Makoto said, "I feel sooooo nice right now…"

He squeezed her rump and said, "You feel pretty nice to me too."

She giggled and lazily turned her face up to him, giving him a smoky look through her thick eyelashes. Ranma's smile faded and his eyes grew intent. The post-coital pair exchanged several long, warm kisses, trying to transmit their considerable and growing mutual affection in a more efficient way than using words.

Finally, Makoto sighed and said, "I hate to always be the party-pooper, Ranma-sempai, but I should get back to my friends, they'll be worried…"

She blinked. "In fact, I wonder why they haven't tracked me down by now?"

Ranma gestured at the faint shimmer dimming the light at the exit to the alley, and opened his mouth to explain about his Ki-shield, but didn't get the chance.

Jupiter's eyes went wide and she clapped her gloved hands to her mouth in dismay. "Oh God, we left in the middle of a fight! I totally forgot. I've got to get back right now!"

Ranma nodded, walked over and picked up his marble. A small pulse of Ki disrupted its fading energies, making the sunlight shine uninterrupted into the alley.

He gave Jupiter a farewell kiss, which she returned, quickly but passionately. "I'll see you soon Mako-chan."

She nodded enthusiastically and said, "Oh yes! Please come visit me." She murmured her address in his ear and finished in a sensual purr, "I live alone…I want to show you my bedroom, Ranma-koi."

Ranma blushed and retreated. "Sure, ah, ok Mako-chan…gotta go, bye!"

Makoto blushed in shame as her beau bounded to the rooftops and away. "Smart move, Makoto. Act like a tart why don't you?"

Her brow wrinkled a moment later. "On the other, he was the one screwing me up against a wall a minute ago…"

Another thought swept the first two into oblivion as Makoto realized that she was sweaty, mussed and had semen running down her leg. Her friends, with the help of Ami's computer, were almost certainly on their way to this very location. The blush drained from her face along with the rest of her blood as she imagined being caught in her current condition. The teasing alone would probably last her next three reincarnations. Her hand moved at Chestnut Fist speed for her henshin rod.

* * *

She was in plenty of time. She met the remaining Senshi (minus Pluto of course) on a rooftop as she ran back to the battle site.

Sailor Moon said, "Mako-chan! What happened, did that guy hurt you?"

Ami scanned busily. "Jupiter shows evidence of recent vigorous physical activity."

Makoto turned bright red. "Of course I do! I was fighting the guy! Of course I was! Heh heh heh…" She turned an accusing glare on Sailor Mercury. "What's with the invasive scanning, Ami-chan? Don't you have any respect for my privacy?!"

The blue-clad Senshi of Science gave her an apologetic look. "With that psycho's mind control powers, we can't be too careful Mako-chan."

"Oh…well that guy was under some sort of spell. I had to fight him off. It was quite a battle!"

Venus said, "I'm sure it was." She quirked a skeptical eyebrow. "What about his…thingee. It was poking out something fierce when he grabbed you. Did he expose himself or anything?"

Hotaru thought that Makoto's head looked like it was about to explode from having to contain her entire blood supply.

"No! He was just…grabby. He tried to grope me, and I had to fend him off!"

Usagi nodded. "I'm sure glad you were the one that got grabbed Mako-chan!"

She glared. "What the hell do you mean by that?"

Usagi quailed under her tall friend's intimidating stance. "I meant…you're so good at martial arts. I wouldn't have been able to hold him off!"

Makoto calmed. "Of course, I'm sorry, Usagi-chan, I'm just a little tense."

Hotaru interjected hesitantly, "Minna…we should go see how Rei's doing, shouldn't we?"

Grateful for the interruption, Jupiter followed up with, "Oh? How is Rei-chan?"

Ami said, "We had to knock her out. She kept trying to get away and find her `cuddle-pumpkin'." The intellectual Senshi looked disgusted at such a mushy term.

Venus jerked a thumb over her shoulder. "We had Neptune and Uranus take her back to their place. We might as well go there now."

Chatting quietly, the defenders of Love and Justice began to make their way across the city to where their friend was recovering. Makoto breathed a silent sigh of relief at how little questioning he'd received. She didn't notice how Venus kept a skeptical eye on her…

* * *

Ranma bounded for home, once more feeling like a billion yen.

`Mako-chan, Mako-chan, sweee-eeet Makoooo-chan…'

He smiled as an amusing thought occurred to him. `Heh, if I *looked* like a billion yen, I wouldn't be able to keep Nabiki off me.'

His smile turned upside down as he remembered the situation that awaited him at the Tendo's.

'Nabiki…Kasumi…and Akane…'

* * *

END - Chapter 03

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Next chapter: Nabiki gets what she's looking for!