Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Caution, will Explode ❯ Fun Fun ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Neerp: Here goes chapter 4!

Rem: Goody.

Neerp: Shush you!

Fruitcake: On with the chapter!


Ranma: Where are we going?

Yami: Somewhere where they sell those cards.

Ranma: Oh Joy...

Marik: *singing* I got the joy! Joy! Down in my heart!

Ranma: *also singing* Happy happy Joy joy happy-

Akane: *smacks*

Ranma: WAAAA!!!

Yami: >_> <_< Are we going to go yet?

Ranma: *walking off* I'm already half way there!

Marik: Well I'm there! (XP)

Ranma: WAAA!!! T.T

Akane: *Raises eyebrow*

Ranma: Where's Mousse??

Marik: Somewhere, in a galexy far, far away...(A/n: once again we apologize for the way the characters are acting)

Ranma: 0.o

Yami: Well, it doesn't matter right now.

Ranma: Oh sure, let the phyco spirt run off with our friend!

Yami: Well, what are we supposed to do? Search for someone who is probably being forced to hide by the nut case?!

Rem: I AM HERE!!

Akane: NOT YOU!

Rem: oh....

Ranma: We should help him...

Akane: Mousse did save my life, twice...

Yami: Later, we will help him, later.

Marik: That's Yami talk for, " I don't give a damn!"

Yami: Liar!

Akane: Who knows what that nut-bar is doing to poor Mousse!

Ranma: WAIT! the nut-bar's in the shadow realm dur!

Marik: Oh yeah......................... dotdotdotdotdotdotdotdotdotdotdotdotdot-

Ranma: SHHH! You might hurt yourself...

Marik: Ya mean you CARE?!

Ranma: no...

Rem: *howls*


Rem: *makes sonar beeping noises*

Marik: What is it?

Ranma: A....A...DAGGER!?!?!

Yami: Noooooooooooooooooooooooo!

Ranma/Akane: !?!?!

Yami: I dunno. I just felt like saying it.

Marik: I'm contagious!


Akane: This dagger has blood on it....

Marik: If I had a tounge then I could lick it and tell you who's it is.

Yami: But common sence says that it's probably Mousses blood. Meaning that BAKURA ESCAPED THE SHADOW REALM!!!

Marik: AGAIN!!

Ranma: O.O

Akane: *whimpers* Poor Mousse!!!

Crickets: *chirp*

Ranma: Let us go find Mousse!


Akane: ahem..



Mousse: oooooooo the pain....

Bakura: How many times am I going to need to tell you, do not back talk me.

Mousse: yes s-sir...*whimpers in pain*

Bakura: Good. Now I need to go plot... *goes into the item to plot*

Ranma: MOUSSE!!! *comes running over*

Mousse: Hi...*winces*


Ranma/Mousse: 0.o

Akane: Mousse! Are you okay!!!

Mousse: ......

Yami: Bakura's out of the Shadow Realm isn't he?

Mousse: No...

Yami: You lie!


Akane: They said that about Kurama....

Ranma: >> << >^

Akane: STOP THAT!!

Ranma: (): ) ... *halo breaks* ): (

Marik: Aruef!

Ranma: O.O;;;

Mousse: *whimpers in pain*

Yami: *notices the gaping hole Mousse's trying to hide* O_O OH MY RA!!

Ranma: OH DEAR GOD!!! MOUSSE!! .... Ra??

Yami: The king of the Egyptian gods...

Marik: Cool holes.

Mousse: It's nothing!

Kurama: *appears* Just a minor hole in his stomic!






Ranma: O_@

Akane: ACK!!

Kurama: ^____^ *disappears*

Mousse: ><

Marik: *sings Dead Man's Party* Goin' to a party where no one's still alive! Walkin' with the dead man over my shoulder!

Rem: ^__^

Ranma: We should help Mousse!

Mousse: I'm fin- aaaaaagh! (<----- pain noise)

Yami: Liar liar!

Marik: Pants on fire!

Ranma: Marik, let's play a game..

Marik: Neva!

Rem: >< >< >< >< ><



Yami: Can we get back on track? Mousse still has a very large hole in him...

Rem: *rights self* right!

Marik: Left, left, left right left.

Ranma: ><<<

Akane: O_O

Mousse: ><;;

Yami: Could someone with hands please help him? His blood's kind of going everywhere..

Akane: *rips part of the hem of her dress off, uses it to create a bandage*

Mousse: I'm fine danmit!!

Marik: Lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Ranma: *helps Mousse stand*

Mousse: >< *thinking* damn! they know he's out!!

Bakura: And guess who's in trouble.

Mousse: Me...*mental sigh*

Marik: Ssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaboing!

Mousse: Put me down! *kicks feet*

Ranma: Not on your life, Ducky one...

Yami: >_> <_< I can see!*is hologram*

Mousse: Oh joy...

Marik: Mmmmmmonkey... *is also a hologram*

Ranma: --_--o

Rem: Let's get Mousse to a docter...


At the doctor's office! KAZOOIE!!!

Ranma: So docter, how bad is the wound??

Doctor: Wow, most people never get my name right the first time... Anyway, he has a hole in his vitals. But we can help him, we have the technology.

Rem: We can make him better, faster, stronger...

Doctor: No, but we can make him live.

Rem: Spoot...

Ranma: Is the wound infected??

Doctor: Nope.

Marik: I want my, baby back baby back baby back.

Ranma: 0_o WHAT!!? Nevermind...

Marik: Chilli...

Doctor: O_o;; Ummm... anyway, there was salt and alcohal in the wound, but it was cleaned up. Does anyone know how that got there?

Akane: If we told you, you wouldn't belive it...

Doctor: Try me...

Akane: Someone tourtred him... with this *holds up dagger*

Doctor: HOLY SHIT!!!

Yami: You said a bad word...

Akane: 0_o Anyways... Did you find something around his neck? Like a middalion?

Doctor: No, why-


Rem: This is bad?

Yami: Yes, because Bakura can now cause bodily harm to Mousse and we can't do as much about it. It's easier to stop him when we know where he is.

Marik: MOUSSA!!

Ranma: .... Marik now is not the time...

Akane: Oh dear god no....

Marik: Can we visit Mousse?

Doctor: If he wants visitors then sure.

(in Mousses room)

Mousse: *sigh*

Yami: Are you okay Mousse?

Mousse: .......

Marik: MOUSSA!!!

Mousse: ......

Rem: Poor thing he's tramatized!!

Jessica: I have something!! *throws a bottle at Rem*

Rem: What is it??

Jessica: A bottle of stuff that'll cure Mousse duh! *disappears*

Rem: *uses stuff, wound is gone*

Mousse: ......

Yami: Any idea who that was?

Rem: Jessica, friend of my err... stalker..


Rem: Shh....!!

Marik: ssssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhh................IT!

Steph: dundadadada BATMAN! *disappears*

Yami: Will you be okay Mousse?

Mousse: Yes...

Yami: Are you lieing again?

Mousse: No...

Ranma: *sigh*

Marik: LANMA!!

Yami: 0_O

Ranma: ......

Mousse: >>

Bakura: *evil laugh, no one can tell where it came from*


Ranma: eep!

Mousse: ..............

Sharp surgical knife: *impales Mousse's leg*

Mousse: AAAAH!!

Akane: O_O

Yami: Holy shit-!

Marik:-akie mushrooms!


Takhisis: *appears* Hey! Don't bring me into this! *disappears*

Rem: FINE!

Ranma: Mousse are you okay!?

Mousse: *gulp*

Bakura: *in Mousse's mind* Go ahead and tell them... say whatever you want... *is all menacing*

Mousse: *sqeeks* I'm fine!

Marik: Once, I found a mouse and it sounded like that... Then it died...

Mousse: O_o

Ranma: Shhhhh...

Yami: Wounderful subject to bring up Marik. NOT!

Mousse: *in mind* What did I do!!!

Bakura: They found out about me not being in the shadow realm. So I'm taking my frustration out on you.

Mousse: I'm sorwy!

Bakura: I don't care. I'm still going to hurt you.

Mousse: ><

Rem: It's a butterfly!

Marik: ???

Rem: A butterfly! *points*

Yami: Where did that come from?

Rem: The open window, dur!

Yami: I meant, where did the comment of pointing out the existance of the butterfly come from.

Rem: Me silly!

Yami: That's not what I mean!! What commpeled you to say that?!

Rem: I saw it!

Yami: *dies, again* X_X

Ranma: O_O

Mousse: ><

Marik: *pokes Mousse's eye* Squish.

Mousse: >_o Oh thanks...

Marik: Any time! ^.^

Mousse: *to Bakura* Pweeeese don't huwt me!

Bakura: If you talk like that again I'll put you in the shadow realm for as long as your mortal soul can stand it.

Mousse: O_O Yes sir!!


Neerp: How do you like it? R&R!