Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ A Big Help ❯ Consequences ( Chapter 13 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A Big Help
A Ranma one half/Sailor Moon crossover fanfic
By Michael A. Ivins
Mykon and Jora are my original creation so nobody use them without permission. The rest of these characters are the property of their creators, publishers anime production companies, etc. I write this for fun and make no profit off it.
Chapter 13
The walk back to the Nekohanten was conducted in silence. The Amazons were each of them wrapped up in their own thoughts and not in the mood for conversation. None of them felt like roof hopping.
Of them all only Mousse could claim to be in anywhere close to happy. He was free of his curse and now had perfect vision. As they walked he looked around him like a child seeing the world for the first time. In a way, he truly was seeing the world clearly for the first time.
Shampoo was experiencing mixed emotions. On the one hand she was glad to be rid of her curse. No more would she change into a cat. On the other hand she was not getting married to Ranma. She had been told flat out that her intended Airen didn't love and didn't even like her. She was also incredibly confused. How could any man not love someone like her?
She took the opportunity presented by the slow walk to think back over her relationship to Ranma. Never once had he encouraged her. He had never expressed any interest in her or in being married to her. He had even said that he would rather die than be forced to live in the village.
Did she love Ranma? She had thought she did. He had complained that she had treated him like a prize to be won and not a person she loved. Upon examining her feelings she began to wonder if there was some justice to his accusation. Further thought brought her the realization that she wouldn't like being treated the way she had been treating Ranma.
Maybe it was time to consider the offer of friendship. There was always the chance that a friendship with the pigtailed martial artist might develop into more over time. Yes, that might be the best thing to do.
Cologne was feeling depressed. All of her plans were demolished. The reason for opening the restaurant was no longer valid. Maybe it would be a good idea to just to cut her losses and go back to China. She also had to admit that it was at least partly her fault for not paying attention to the letters that had been sent to her by the Council.
It had been a day of surprises and they were not over yet. Loitering by the door of the Nekohanten was a familiar figure. A short woman who was still taller than Cologne herself waited. She was obviously old but didn't have the `dried up mummy' look that the Matriarch did.
“Lo Shun? I was not notified that you were coming.”
“Kho Lon, greetings. You were not notified because I came in haste. There was no time to send a letter and we didn't have the telephone number for this restaurant. I rode on an airplane for the first time today. I come at the direction of the Council on a matter of grave importance.”
Cologne considered this then unlocked the door to the restaurant. The closed sign was out and under the circumstances she didn't see any reason to open for business tonight.
She ordered, “Xian Pu, Mou Tsu, you two make yourselves something to eat. After you have eaten you can go to bed. This has been an emotionally exhausting day and I'm sure we're all tired. Lotion and I have Council business to discuss and we might be late. We can prepare something for ourselves to eat later if we get hungry.” The teenagers went to the kitchen while the Elders went to the office.
When the door was closed behind them, Cologne began, “Lo Shun, why are you here in Japan?”
In Mandarin the other elder said, “As I said I am here by the will of the council and also at the direction of the government of the People's Republic of China. I'm sorry to be the one to bring bad news, but you and the youngsters with you are in trouble.”
The matriarch's eyes narrowed, “What kind of trouble?”
“The young man you and Xian Pu came here to retrieve has made a complaint to his government. The Japanese government in their turn complained to the People's Republic. The PRC in their turn complained to me. If you continue your efforts to bring Saotome Ranma back to the village you could embarrass the PRC. They are talking of how easy it would be to simply wipe out our village and those of the Phoenix and Musk.”
“They would make such threats?”
Lotion sighed. “Those were not simply empty threats. I understand they had actually started to make plans. It seems there are larger issues at stake than just possible marriage of a young couple. Cooler heads were able to talk them out of taking hasty action but that is only for the present. If you do not back off we could be in serious danger.”
“Larger issues?”
The younger of the Elders explained, “I think that if neither Xian Pu or the boy had Jusenkyo curses, it would be less of an issue. The PRC is concerned that if you should continue your actions they may be forced to publicly acknowledge the existence of magic. They fear that doing so would lessen the respect they are given by other nations. They feel that if the Joketsuzoku, Musk and Phoenix people were to vanish, they could avoid such issues.”
Now it was Cologne's turn to sigh. “Our pursuit of Saotome Ranma won't be a problem anymore. It would seem that an authority even higher than the PRC has taken an interest in the young man.”
“Higher authority? What are you talking about?”
“I just came from a meeting with a god and two goddesses. They informed me that Xian Pu had not been telling me the whole story of her fight with the Outsider girl who visited our village with a pet panda. My great granddaughter had in fact given her word to award the food from the Champion's Table to the girl if she lost. She broke her word by giving the Kiss of Death.”
“That is true, Matriarch. We of the Council have been trying to tell you that for some time. If you would just read your mail you would have known this and we could have avoided getting the governments of China and Japan involved. You may loose your position as Matriarch over this.”
Cologne was not happy to hear this but she could recognize the position she was in. “If that is the will of the council, I can accept that.”
Lotion went on, “It might be in her own best interest if Xian Pu does not return with you. I am instructed to order her return, but if she does she could face severe punishment. The least that could happen would be banishment from the tribe and it could even include the locking of her curse.”
Cologne was shocked. “No, surely not that.”
“It was one of the options discussed. Since she is likely to be banished anyway, I would strongly suggest that she resign herself to staying here and never returning to the China. Young Mou Tsu is not in a much better state. He is in trouble for sneaking off without permission and for traveling without the proper documents. He could also be subject to some of the same punishments.”
Cologne rested her forehead on her hand for a moment. “I have been a fool, but mostly it comes from believing that stubborn, willful great grandchild of mine. If she hadn't let her pride blind her and had just let Ranma have the food, we wouldn't now be in this position.”
Rather diplomatically, Lotion said, “There is blame enough to spread around.”
“That much is certainly true. These divinities didn't offer any threats if their wishes were defied, but then they didn't have to. They made their wishes clear.”
Lotion said, “This is not something that was discussed in open council but a thought that was discussed privately. It may be time that we establish an enclave of our people outside of China. If the government should decide to act against us, it would be a terrible thing if all of our long history and culture were to die with the village.”
“I can see there will be much that needs to be discussed when I get back to the village. Xian Pu and Mu Tsu will remain here and run the restaurant. Without me here they will likely need to hire some help.”
Thoughtfully, Lotion said, “If the idea of an external enclave should gain favor with the rest of the council, there could be others sent here from the tribe to join them. If this Ranma is all that you seem to think he is, perhaps we should offer to make him an official ally of the tribe.”
Cologne speculated, “Since the boy has the Nyaniichuan curse, maybe we could make him a warrior of the tribe if he… she were willing to accept. I'm sure he would only accept it if there were no requirement to leave Japan.”
The younger Elder shook her head. “That might be pushing our luck. I think we are in enough trouble now as it is. You could make the offer but I think it might be better to offer him… her, whatever, with the position of ally of the tribe.”
The eldest Elder agreed, “That might be better.”
Cologne took a moment to consider before saying, “The locking of Xian Pu's curse is now something of a moot point. She no longer has a curse. The god I spoke of removed the curse. Mou Tsu's curse was also removed.”
The younger of the elders was immensely surprised. “I thought there was no cure for Jusenkyo curses.”
“These were gods, what can I say. I read their ki signatures and verified that if they are not gods they are so powerful that they might as well be. Young Saotome remains cursed because of some destiny that requires he be able to change from male to female and back. Even then the curse has been modified so that willpower is the trigger of the change instead of water.”
Lotion was impressed. Truly it would take the power of a god to accomplish such a thing. “So I guess we will have to change established lore on Jusenkyo curses. Now we will have to say there is no cure other than the intervention of a god or goddess.”
Thoughtfully Cologne said, “Maybe it wouldn't be such a good idea to make that public. After all in the complete history of our tribes how many instances of divine intervention have you heard of in curing a curse?”
“Counting the two you just told me about? It would be just those two.”
The matriarch nodded. “If we let it be known that gods can cure curses we could have people doing all manner of crazy things to try and get a god's attention. It might be better if we leave the lore as it is. Just because we've had a divine intervention in the case of these youngsters, doesn't mean we can expect it as a regular occurrence.”
The younger Elder looked thoughtful. “You have a valid point. This is something that will likely have to be debated by the Council.”
Cologne said, “I have to pack for a trip. Would you join me in a meal before we leave?”
“There isn't that much of a rush. The man in the government was thoughtful enough to book a flight for the two of us. We have until tomorrow at 1:00 PM when the flight leaves.”
Back at the Tendo home Nodoka followed Ranma after dinner to the room she had formerly shared with her father. The auburn haired mother surveyed the room and found it looked rather stark and bare. Other than a few photos, there were no decorations or anything else to give the room any personality. The only furniture was a chest of drawers and two futons on the floor.
Ranma was currently in female form and puttering around putting away the clothes the giants had given her. “I guess I'm going to need some boxes to put Pop's stuff in. It's a safe bet he won't be coming back to sleep in this room for a while.”
“Humph, good riddance,” was all Nodoka said in response.
“I'm sorry I don't have a chair for you.”
Her mother told her. “That's all right. I'm still fit enough that sitting on the floor is not a problem.”
Ranma settled down nervously on her futon. She looked around the room again and said, “I guess I'll have to put away the extra futon.” While she was sitting, Mia the cat came up beside her and she absently began to pet the small cat. She thought to herself that now that her father wasn't around to wake her up, maybe she would have to get an alarm clock.
Nodoka opened her mouth as if to say something but no words came out. After a moment she cleared her throat and said, “I guess we're both nervous. I had all manner of things rehearsed that I was going to say to you when my husband brought my manly son back to me. Very little of that applies to the situation we just experienced.”

With a sheepish expression, Ranma scratched her neck below her pigtail. “I know you were hoping for a manly son, and I don't exactly live up to that description right now.”
Taking the now taller woman's hand in hers, Nodoka said, “Please dear, don't concern yourself with it. I never took that contract seriously. Male or female you are my child and I love you.”
An impish smile came to the older woman's face. “I always wanted to have a daughter but was told that I couldn't have another child. This was certainly an unusual way to get a daughter in addition to my son.”
A nervous laugh escaped the girl. “Unusual… Yeah. Did anyone ever tell you that you've got a gift for understatement?”
A more genuine laugh came from the mother. “Yes, I have been told that from time to time.” She sobered, thinking the abuse her child had suffered. “Through the trial I have learned something of how you spent the last ten years. I admit it wasn't pleasant hearing. Would you like to know what I've been doing during that time?”
The pigtailed girl nodded. “That seems like a good place to start.”
“That first year, I didn't do much beyond maintain the house and wait for letters. At first the letters came every week. After six months that changed to once a month. After the training trip had been going a year the letters no longer came with any regularity. Sometimes it would be a month between letters and sometimes six months. The last letter I got from your former father was three years after the start of the training trip.”
An expression of pain passed briefly over her face but Ranma controlled it quickly. She requested, “Please don't call him my father. He never treated me like his son. He treated me like a student he was trying to shape into some monument to the Art. He was my sensei, not my father. If you must refer to him, please call him my former sensei or the panda.”
Nodoka hadn't missed the pain in her daughter's expression. “Oh, my child, I didn't realize the depths of the pain he inflicted on you. I'm so sorry I let him take you.”
“You didn't know what an idiot the panda was. You heard about it during the trial. If Mykon and Jora hadn't been there I would be dead now.”
“I was little more than a child myself. The force of his personality overpowered me at the beginning. I was a fool. If I had to do it over again, I would never have allowed him to take you.”
“Not your fault, Mom. So, you said you mostly maintained the house for the first year. What did you do after that?”
“Well, keeping house with only one person living in it isn't hard. I had so much time on my hands and I grew tired of brooding. It was in that first year that my aunt died and left me an inheritance. I decided to use that money to go to school. It at least gave something to occupy myself.”
“What did you study?”
“It might be better to ask what I didn't study. I took many different classes. Among them was a course in economics that helped me to learn how to invest and manage the money that I had inherited. It also taught me how to protect my money from the bills that your former sensei began to forward to me both in his name and yours. I was pretty sure that a child of seven wouldn't have run up a bar tab.”
Ranma nodded. “I found out later that he was doing stuff like that. I didn't know what to do to stop it at the time. I learned later thanks to Mykon and Jora tutoring me.”
The mother continued, “I also studied cooking because I like doing it. If I wanted to get a job in a restaurant I could be a Cordon Bleu Chef. I have a degree in history and I could even teach it if I wished. I also studied astronomy and a variety of other subjects. I speak English better than most Americans as well as speaking Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, German and Spanish. I speak Latin as well.”
Ranma looked wide-eyed. “Through the tutoring I got I can speak all of those languages as well as Russian and Swahili. I guess I know where I got my looks and brains from. I'm really glad I look more like you than my former sensei.”
Nodoka blushed at the compliment. Continuing on seriously she said, “You may have gotten some of your martial arts talent from my side of the family as well.”
Ranma raised an eyebrow in an inquisitive expression. The elder Saotome woman continued, “My father was a strong martial artist and owned dojo. When I first met the panda I wasn't interested in martial arts but, since I was left holding the Saotome honor blade, I thought I should know how to do more with it than just participate in a seppuku ritual. I took lessons and found that I have a talent for the sword. My sensei tells me that if I were to compete I could be in the top ten women in the region.”
“Wow, that's so cool. Do you know hand to hand?”
“Well, I'm not as good with that as I am with a sword. I do know basic Kempo, judo and Kung Fu.
The girl's interest was piqued. “If you'd spar with me with swords would you let me train you in Anything Goes?”
“If it's doing something with you, I'm willing.”
“Sounds like you've kept busy.”
“It gave me something to do.”
It was getting back to the loneliness issue again. Trying to steer the conversation away from such a negative subject, Ranma asked, “Did you make a lot of friends at school?”
“I did make some friends, a few really good ones. I do stay in touch with most of them. Some have moved away.”
“So you weren't completely lonely?”
The older woman smiled. “My friends and neighbors are a great comfort to me. They couldn't completely fill the emptiness of having my child taken away from me.”
This is awkward,” the girl thought. “Oh, well. The issue won't go away if I ignore it.” With some internal struggle she finally said, “I know you want me to come live with you.”
“Yes dear, I would love it if you would come to live with me. However, I do realize that there are considerations that get in the way of that. If you came to live with me now you would have to change to a different school. You would have to leave the friends you have at your current school. Besides that you have responsibilities here. You have classes to teach. I'm so proud that you are teaching the girl's self defense class.”
Nodoka continued, “What I was thinking was that you might occasionally come to my house to visit or spend the night or even a whole weekend. We could talk or we could spar. You could teach me your Art or I could teach you mine. We could go shopping or we could just enjoy being in each other's company. I will come over to visit some evenings during the week. Maybe some evenings I could even give Kasumi a night off from cooking.”
Ranma beamed, “She'd like that. She's spent so much time taking care of everyone here it's like she's chained to the house sometimes. She hardly ever goes out except for shopping. Maybe she could get a date with that doctor she likes.”
“Kasumi is interested in a doctor? How wonderful!” Although she gave an enthusiastic response, inwardly Nodoka was puzzled. Maybe she had misread the look that Kasumi had given her when she had first seen the eldest Tendo daughter. She could have sworn Kasumi had been checking her out.
Ranma suggested, “Maybe you can help teach Akane cooking. She needs lots of help. I'd like to learn how to cook better too.”
“I love passing along my learning to others.”
Ranma got a thoughtful look on her face. “Did you ever think of being a teacher? With all of your education I'd bet it would be easy to get your certificate.”
“I'll have to think about that. I don't need to work for a living thanks to my investments.”
Nodoka surveyed her `daughter' for a few moments. “You need to start wearing proper girl's clothes when you are in your girl form. You no longer have the excuse of changing by accident. You should also wear proper feminine undergarments. Mykon gave you many of the reasons why. At the earliest opportunity you and I are going shopping.”
“Aw Mom, I hate shopping for girl stuff.”
With amusement in her voice Nodoka asked, “When was the last time you shopped for `girl stuff'?”
“Uh, last month.”
“Were you one of the girls getting the `stuff?'”
“I got to play pack mule. Akane and Nabiki dragged me along with them to carry bags and stuff.”
“Aha! I knew it! This time you will be the one trying on the clothes. You should try it, I bet you'll like it.”
“Ok, I'll try it.” She didn't sound convinced.
A thought occurred to Nodoka. “Perhaps now that you are past the risk of accidentally changing you might want to start wearing a proper boy's uniform when you go to school.”
Not willing to give away too much Ranma only said, “I'll think about it.”
Now past all of the really heavy subjects the two women chatted amiably. Nodoka also petted Mia.
Author's Note: Sorry for the short chapter. It was either post a short chapter or include this part on the end of the previous chapter. That chapter was getting too long and what comes after this is too different to combine it with this chapter. In the next chapter we start getting into the Sailor Moon crossover.