Happi's Redemption [T] by: mykon1 Anime/Manga: Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan FictionGenre(s): Drama / Fantasy / Romance | Type: CrossoverLatest Revision: March 27, 2011 18:10 PDT | Chapters: 17 | Words: 147.6K | Visits: 40.3KSummary: Happosai can't absorb ki from women anymore. The only way for him to stay alive it to use Nyaniichuan to change into a young girl.Review(s): 28 Reviews
A Big Help [P] by: mykon1 : Ranma 1/2 Fan FictionGenre(s): Adventure / Romance / Sci-fi | Type: Alternate UniverseLatest Revision: November 07, 2010 00:38 PDT | Chapters: 19 | Words: 226.3K | Visits: 57.3KSummary: In this AU Ranma is smarter, better educated, a nicer person and an even better martial artist. How did this happen? He had help.Review(s): 6 Reviews
Ranma and Akane - A Saiyan Story [T] by: mykon1 : Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan FictionGenre(s): Adventure / Fantasy / Romance / Sci-fi | Type: SongficLatest Revision: November 06, 2010 21:12 PDT | Chapters: 10 | Words: 100.7K | Visits: 18.7KSummary: The Tendo's yougest child was born dead and the Saotomes can't have children. Two Saiyan babies arrive to be adopted and become Ranma and Akane.Review(s): 13 Reviews