Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ A Simple Wish ❯ Complete Discord ( Chapter 4 )
Disclaimer: Not mine. *Cries* I wish!!
Summary: Ranma is fed up with Akane; he makes a simple wish to never have met her. Lady Fate takes pity on him and grants his wish. A problem arise with this wish; he remembers everything before the wish was granted.
A Simple Wish
Episode 4- Complete Discord
"Bye Pop, I'm leaving." Ranma said as he raced down the stairs towards the front door. His father's body glided in front of him.
"Where do you think you're going boy?" Genma asked suspiciously. "You were leaving without eating breakfast, that's not like you. Are you sick?"
Ranma completely forgot about food, which was an odd thing all together, but he was thinking of his plan which he mentally titled Operation Make Ryouga Jealous and Therefore Help Him in Using The Right Words of Affection… Okay, so the title needed a little work, but he couldn't think about that now, right now he had to think up an excuse to tell his old man and then thinking up something utterly brilliant, he said: "I already ate." Ranma was eyeing Genma, whose eyes narrowed even more. Okay so it wasn't the most brilliant idea he's ever had, but it was something at least.
Genma crossed his arms over his chest. "And just what did you have?"
With a shrug of his shoulders, Ranma simply said: "Food, duh." Genma grunted but before he could say anything Ranma interrupted him. "Look Pops I'll pick something up on the way to school. I gotta go." The pigtailed boy then held his satchel tightly in his hand and raced from the house. He had to get going, he wanted to be there in case he missed Ryouga and Akane to set his first motion of Operation Make Ryouga…. Ugh, Ranma shook his head and therefore abbreviated his plan into letters. OMRJaTHHiUTRWoA. Yeah that should do it for now, even though it seemed more confusing. 'Oh well', Ranma thought to himself and continued on down the sidewalk towards school.
He waited by the fence post, surely those two would arrive soon, he looked up towards the sky and was thinking about his life before this change and after. He had no idea of who he was at the moment, since the switch that is. What was his childhood like, and was he really friends with that idiotic Kuno?
"Oh Ranma!" A cheery voice said, it was Ukyou moving quickly down the street with a smile on her face. "There you are Ranma, you're out here kinda early, don't ya think?"
Ranma simply sighed. "Am I really as lazy as you all think I am?"
Ukyou snickered. "Ranma you are the laziest person I know, except for when it comes to martial arts, that's the only thing you ever put a little effort in." She was watching him and noticed he seemed way too concerned about something, "is everything all right Ranma, you look a little lost."
"No, I'm all right. Just thinking about stuff, girl trouble mostly."
She gasped. "Ranma, have you made your decision about which of us girls you want to…" She gulped, "marry?" Ukyou flushed bright red.
His eyes widened. "What?! No, nothing like that." Ranma waved his hands in the air wildly. "I was just thinking about this girl I met the other day, well in my new class anyway."
"Girl, what girl?" Ukyou's voice dripped with suspicion. "Have you been two timing on me with someone other than Shampoo?!"
Ranma groaned, and thought that some things never changed. "Ukyou listen to me-"
Ukyou did not let him continue, she interrupted. "Who is she Ranma? Come on I want her stupid name."
"It's not what you think at all Ukyou, calm down. Sheesh, It's just someone I am working on a history project with. Relax Ucc-Chan, this girl even has a… fiancé." He almost gagged on the word. Akane had a fiancé and it wasn't him, he fumed for a moment, his eyes narrowing slightly as he stared at the ground. No, no remember the plan, yes the plan, Ryouga and Akane, that's the plan. 'It's a stupid plan!' His mind shouted. Ranma took a deep breath trying to clear his thoughts. Yes it might be a stupid plan but it was still the plan, there was nothing he could do about this. This was the new reality, this is the way things are now. As much as he hated this, he would help them. He saw so many similarities with how Ryouga and Akane acted and how he and Akane acted. It was obvious those two had some kind of feelings for one another.
"Ranma, Ranma…Earth to Ranma!" Ukyou shouted, snapping Ranma out of his thoughts. He looked right at her.
"Huh? What did you say?"
Ukyou sighed. "Ranma you are hopeless," She smiled. "But since this girl means nothing to you, just a simple study buddy then I won't act so loony." She smiled and was about to move closer to her fiancé when she heard shouting and arguing. Ukyou noticed that Ranma's attention was on whoever was making all that noise. She turned slightly as saw two students that went to her high school running towards them. It was a girl with short blue black hair and a boy who wasn't wearing a school uniform.
"Ranma!" The boy shouted. "Get out of my way!!" It was Ryouga and he was running very fast next to Akane.
Ranma's plan flashed in his mind, he made a move to get out of Ryouga's way and stepped to the side, as if he didn't see where he was going and moved right into Akane's path. She smashed right into him with a shriek, sending them both to the hard ground. That was probably the worst idea ever, Ranma thought. He was in such pain with how hard her body smashed into his. He soon relaxed for the body on top of him was soft, he then noticed he was staring into a pair of wide deep chocolate eyes, which meant she was shocked. Instead of blaming him and calling him a pervert the girl above him was apologizing profusely or at least that's what it sounded like, he couldn't be sure. He was just too comfortable and not thinking much on what she was saying, but how she lying there between his legs and pressed up against him, the whole idea made him suppress a groan.
"Ranma!? Are you all right?" Ukyou shouted as she kneeled down at his level, ignoring the girl who was lying on top of 'her' fiancé. She shook his shoulder lightly, but he wasn't responding to her at all. She heard the girl apologizing to Ranma.
"Oh my God, I am so sorry. I didn't see you. I mean I didn't expect you to turn my way so I would crash into you." Akane kept talking, not really realizing the effect it had on Ranma, she was completely oblivious.
Ranma shook his head, all he heard was crash and into you and he figured out that she must be apologizing. "Uh yeah, it's okay." Why wasn't he making her get up, the truth was he wanted her to stay there longer. If only Ryouga, Ukyou and the whole world would fade away… It was when she heard Ryouga shouting at him that Akane finally got up.
Ryouga was sneering and looking so very angry, and well completely red in the face from his jealousy. "Raaanmaa!! Prepare to die!"
"Ryouga, calm down," Akane said.
"You stay out of this." Ryouga pointed at Akane. "This is between me and Ranma here. He's going to pay for all he has done to me!"
Akane groaned. "He hasn't done anything to you, stupid!"
"Akane! He did that on purpose! He wanted you to fall on him, I could tell!"
The short haired girl rolled her eyes. "Ryouga, that is just the stupidest thing I have ever heard. No one could anticipate that, I should have been paying more attention, Saotome should have been paying more attention. It was a complete accident." Akane reached around and held onto Ryouga's hands. "Why don't you believe it, huh? Tell me."
Ryouga shrugged. "I don't know maybe you liked that kinda thing." He felt her hand squeeze his a little tight. "How should I know, you never talk to me, you never open up and tell me stuff that is important."
"Yeah well neither do you!" She threw his hand down and away from her and turned her head looking away from him. "You know its one thing if we have an arranged marriage which I hate..."
"No kidding, I'm not to thrilled about it myself." Ryouga said interrupting, "But…Akane…I…uh…"
Akane turned around facing him more intently. "Yes, Ryouga? What is it?" Her whole face seemed to brighten up and she was smiling lightly.
Ranma felt something inside him constrict, the way those two were talking and looking at each other… and it sure sounded like Ryouga was going to confess something rather important. He did not like it, and he felt short of breath. Ranma looked between Ryouga and Akane, not really hearing their words. He did not want them together! Not ever! It was supposed to himself and Akane. 'This plan was stupid!' His mind shouted again, it was only an excuse. He hated this, he hated Ryouga for having feelings for Akane who should be his! Not Ryouga's! No way! He was throwing away his plan; he would change this. He was going to fight for Akane, oh yes. He would win, he will do all he can to make her fall for him instead of that idiot who turns into a pig. He regained his normal thinking patterns and watched the Ryouga and Akane more closely
"Maybe I don't…uh mind it so much…" Ryouga scratched the back of his head nervously. "Anymore."
Her heart just about stopped; was he confessing something. Did he really mean it?
"Besides, someone would have to be downright desperate to want you… So I'll do you a huge favor and accept you." 'Ugh no, that was wrong. Ryouga say something nice to her, you can do it.' He thought to himself. "I mean you're not incredibly ugly or anything." 'ACK! Now I'm dead. I see that look in her eyes.'
Akane growled softly. The bright fire of love in her eyes died, returning to a cold icy like barrier which also formed around her heart for who knows how many times now. 'how dare he say that!' she shouted in her mind. 'And here I thought he was confessing his feelings and he's just being a jerk again.' "Ryouga!! YOU JERK!" She pulled back her fist and let it fly forward as it smashed up into his stomach sending him airborne. "I don't know why I put up with you!!" She shouted up at his retreating form.
"I'm sorry!!!!" Ryouga shouted down to her as he sailed away towards the gym.
She twirled around and glared at anyone who was in her line of sight, which was Ranma and Ukyou. "That idiot! He's so stupid!! Ryouga the idiot creep of a jerk!" She ranted, and continued to rant on.
Ranma was about to say something helpful when two people he had never seen before were walking towards them, one was a boy and one was a girl, they looked about sixteen years old, they both had black hair and eyes like obsidian, their faces were similar shaped and boy oh boy the pair was very good looking. The girl had large breasts and a narrow waist, and the boy you could tell was completely muscled underneath his clothing. They were both wearing Furinkan High School uniforms. Both Akane and Ukyou were suddenly drawn to the young man, that they both blushed as he approached, Ranma of course not really being drawn to the woman could still feel a bit of a pull of attraction to her. His curse has made him rather impervious to women's charms and beauty, but he still knew a good looking girl when he saw one. The first time he saw Akane, and well when her hair was longer he thought that she was really pretty. Even though he covered up most of what he thought with insults, since she just ended up calling him a pervert.
"Excuse me," the new boy said, mostly to Akane. "Do you go to Furinkan High School?" He asked her, looking her in the eyes. He saw her nod and then he smiled. Ranma looked closely at the boy who was talking to Akane and Ukyou, his smile it was odd… and if one was paying attention you could see it resembled a smirk. "Great, perhaps you can help us. My sister and I just moved here and well we are going to this high school." He pulled out his paper and looked at it. "We are supposed to be in classroom 1-A."
Akane jolted out of her stare. "Uh…that's my class."
"Is it now? Great!" He stepped closer to her, which made Akane feel like giggling like a silly little girl. "What's your name?"
She controlled her giggling fit. "It's Akane, Akane Tendou."
"I am Konton Muchitsjo." He reached out and took a hold of Akane's hand and pressed a kiss to her knuckles. This action make Akane's legs feel like soft butter, she couldn't suppress her tiny giggle.
"And I'm Ukyou, Kuonji." Ukyou gushed and smiled at the boy and thrusting her hand in his, pushing Akane's out of the way. Hoping to get to same treatment, but her hand was merely shaken and then he let go.
"This is my twin sister Fuwa," He pointed to the dazzling beauty next to him. "It is nice to meet you two."
Konton moved away from Ukyou and more towards Akane. "Will you show me the way our classroom?"
"Sure." Akane said brightly and the two of them started towards the gates of the school.
As Ranma watched them, he felt something, it was odd like he had seen or even met that person before. But how and where? It was strange seeing that boy behave like that over Akane, it wasn't like when Ryouga behaved inappropriately. With this teenage boy, it was a different kind of inappropriate; it felt more like danger, like something was indeed not at all right. He needed to be watched.
Ranma turned at the presence of the Fuwa behind him, she was smiling at him. Ranma felt the urge to smile back but he restrained himself.
"And what is your name?" Fuwa asked with a purr in her voice.
"Ranma Saotome," He said and then turned leaving her standing there.
Fuwa ran to catch up with him. "Are you in classroom 1-A too?"
It was then that Ukyou snapped out of her trance and followed after Ranma and that girl. "Ranma, wait for me!" Ukyou shouted running towards them. "Ranma, wait."
Ukyou saw the girl, Fuwa turn around and narrow her eyes at her. She could have sworn they changed to a dark red for a split second, the next thing Ukyou knew she was stuck to the ground. Ukyou twisted in many directions, she tried to move forward. With groans and grunts Ukyou reached down grabbing a hold of her leg trying to lift it off the ground. It was as if she were cemented to the concrete. "Hey!! Wait, Ranma!!!!" She shouted but it seemed like he didn't even hear her. He didn't turn around at all. Ukyou noticed the smug look on Fuwa's face as she turned around and attempted to loop her arm around Ranma's.
"You should lead me where I need to go, I could use a strong escort such as you to show me around." She finally achieved her goal of holding onto him, Fuwa smiled adoringly up at him.
Ranma rolled his eyes, but as he felt her arm loop around his, he felt warm and content. He looked at Fuwa and found that she was even more breathtaking up close than she was from at a distance. Much more beautiful than anything he had ever seen, more so than Akane and Shampoo and even Ukyou. "Uh… sure." He grinned foolishly. We must get to class.
"Well this is it." Akane said to Konton with a smile.
He nodded. "This is the advanced class, is it not?"
"Yes it is, I hope you can keep up."
Konton grinned. "I can keep up with just about anything. You'll see, I usually go for the win in any situation and succeed." Konton noticed that Akane was very cute, but when she smiled, she was beautiful. "What are your professors like?"
Akane cleared her throat. "Well Mr. Takamada is our homeroom teacher…" Akane went on to explain about all the different teachers that came to their classroom to teach them their subjects.
"That is very interesting," Konton replied. He went up to the front of the classroom as Akane took her seat, other students were also filing into the room. Konton looked through all of the students and his sister came inside. He walked right up to them, looking at the boy who was with her and then turned his attention to Fuwa. "I need to talk to my sister, if you don't mind."
Ranma sighed and his arm was released, he felt a sense of loss when Fuwa removed her appendage from his. A small wave of depression seemed to wash over him, then it went away as fast as it came on and Ranma shook his head. That was the weirdest feeling he had ever experienced, it was as if he was under some kind of spell. He looked around the class and found Akane, she was already getting her school supplies out of her satchel to prepare for class. Ryouga was still missing, that means the idiot lost boy was well probably lost. He started for her desk when he heard panting from the doorway, and sure enough it was Ryouga, he was slightly hunched over and his face was red.
"Looks…like…I made it." Ryouga said, wiping his brow from sweating. Every time he tried for the classroom, he would end up in some storage closet. It was then that Ryouga noticed two new students, who gave him a strange sensation creeping down his spine. He immediately shook off the feeling and made his way to his desk. He stopped short when he saw Ranma was a mere inch from Akane's. Ryouga's eyes narrowed and he stalked forward. "Ranma, your desk is right there." He pointed to the aisle next to his. "Remember?" He kept in a low growl that was threatening to force it's way out.
Ranma sighed and would wait to try to make any progress in talking with Akane on things other than school work. He turned around to Ryouga and plastered a fake smile upon his face. "Oh right, I forgot. Thanks." He immediately went over to his desk and sat down, as Ryouga grunted and sat down in the aisle between Ranma and Akane.
Ryouga had a feeling that his idiot enemy was up to something, and that feeling made him want…no…not want. Have… He had to keep Ranma away from Akane.
Mr. Takamada carrying a cup of coffee and a briefcase stepped into classroom 1-A. "Good morning everyone, please take your seats quietly, while I take role." He looked at the two new students. "Oh it looks like we have been blessed with two new students today. Why don't you two introduce yourselves." He reached out for the two new student's papers which they handed over to him quite easily.
First Konton bowed to the students. "I'm Konton Muchitsjo. And this is my sister, Fuwa Muchitsjo and we just moved here from Yokohama." He could hear all the females in the classroom sighing and looking dreamily up at him. But none of the males were doing the same to his sister, which made him smirk delightedly. "We hope to learn a lot here at Furinkan." He and Fuwa bowed and then turned to Mr. Takamada who smiled at them.
Konton and Fuwa immediately took their seats which happened to be in the back of the classroom by the far wall, and Mr. Takamada started to take Role call.
The morning breezed by fairly quickly, and Ranma was doing better than he thought. After he heard that Ukyou thought he was lazy, which might lead… he looked over at Akane who was still hunched over her work, he pencil scribbling wildly… Akane to see him as lazy as well decided to put more effort into his work then he supposedly had been. It was then that the lunch bell wrung disrupting the students from their work, and they all started packing their supplies away and go get something to eat.
Akane looked into her bag and realized that she had forgotten her lunch, her stomach grumbled. "Oh no." With a sigh she shook her head, this was a perfect opportunity for Ranma to finally talk to her since the incident this morning when he remembered that he hadn't really said much. Ranma was immediately cut off by Ryouga who jumped in front of him.
"Where do you think you're going Ranma?" Ryouga's eyes narrowed suspiciously.
"None of your business," Ranma shot back with his eyes narrowed as well.
Lifting a brow Ryouga then grunted, "Excuse me, I think I know exactly where you are going, and I am not going to let you. You stay away from Akane, I know you're up to something, I can sense it."
"I'm not up to anything pork breath, so get over it. Not everyone wants your fiancé." Ranma rolled his eyes, trying his best to sound convincing, which was really not a problem for him. "Besides, I'm not the one you should watch out for." He saw Ryouga blink, he then pointed behind Ryouga to the boy that was talking to Akane. "That is the guy you should worry about. Not me."
Ryouga turned sharply seeing that new student Konton talking to Akane, and what was this… making her laugh. This made both Ryouga and Ranma see red; they wanted to kill him instantly. "Who does that guy think he is, anyway?" Both Ranma and Ryouga made their way over to Akane and Konton.
"Hello," Ryouga said tightly to Konton who turned around a little, and gave Ryouga a polite nod.
"Hey." Konton said, and then turned back to Akane resuming their conversation. "So if you've forgotten your lunch, you can rely on me."
Akane's brow arched. "Really? I mean I don't really know you. I think it would be a little weird if you bought my lunch for me."
"Nonsense, I'm happy to help. You were so nice to me this morning in showing me around this school that it would be a nice thing if I were to repay you by purchasing your meal for you."
"What?!" Ryouga shouted. "I don't think so buddy!" He pushed Konton back away from Akane's desk.
Akane got to her feet. "Ryouga, what do you think you're doing?"
"I'm gonna feed this guy my fist is what I'm gonna do," Ryouga started cracking his knuckles menacingly. "This guy will not be buying you your lunch Akane, I won't allow it!"
"How dare you behave in such a manner in front of a lady." Konton said standing right in front of Ryouga, not backing down from the challenge that Ryouga was going to force on him.
"Show me a lady and I'll behave appropriately." Ryouga sneered.
"Why you…" Akane growled out. She pushed Ryouga away from Konton. "How dare you say something like that you jerk."
"How dare you let him buy you something, you could have come to me you know."
"Oh really!" Akane shouted. "And you would have willingly helped me without making fun of me?!"
Konton sighed looking at Ryouga. "I can not see why this young woman puts up with your behavior, it is completely deplorable."
"Who talks that way? It sounds so dorky." Ryouga insulted.
The new student's eyes narrowed, and he smirked lightly. "Why I do, and if you have a problem with it, I can give you a few lessons on how to talk and treat a lady with respect. You obviously don't deserve a friend like Miss Akane Tendou here."
"She's not my friend! She's my fiancé damn-it!" Ryouga shouted loudly.
"Well you don't deserve her as your fiancé then." Konton shot back.
Akane groaned. "Look Ryouga, he has enough money to buy my lunch for me, that is all." She pulled on Ryouga's arm and he looked at her.
"Akane, I don't like it. I don't like it at all. He seems sneaky."
"That's all in your mind." Akane tried to reason with Ryouga.
It was then that Ranma interfered into the conversation, he looked at Akane, "Maybe you should listen to him. I have a really bad feeling about this guy." He pointed at Konton.
"You both have lost your minds," Akane said and then she turned all of her attention to Ranma. "And I hardly know you, how would you know what I should do and shouldn't do?" She said rather snippy.
'You know me better than you realize,' Ranma thought. "I know, but still I can't help but wonder about Konton here, and even if we don't really know each other, we are classmates. Even classmates should look out for each other."
"Just what are you insinuating here?" Konton said to Ranma. "What do you think I will do, and why do you both think I am sneaky? Really think about this, I am just a normal teenage boy trying to make friends in a new school. Is that really such a sneaky thing?"
"Exactly," Akane said with a smile on her face, she took a look at Konton and suddenly felt short of breath, his eyes were so dark and she felt differently when she looked at him. "He's just trying to uh…make friends."
"Look," Ranma said. "I know something weird is going on, and it has to do with you." He pointed at Konton. "It's like we've met before…" He felt something latch onto his arm, Ranma looked down and found Fuwa's smiling face. He started to grin, forgetting all about Akane, Ryouga and Konton. His mind went blank and all he could do was think about Fuwa and how beautiful she was.
"Will you show me where the cafeteria is, I am starving." She purred.
Both Ryouga and Akane watched Ranma, as the pigtailed boy nodded slowly and proceeded to walk out of the classroom with Fuwa.
Akane not thinking much about Ranma and Fuwa turned back around to face Konton and Ryouga. "Look Ryouga, he's just being nice offering to buy my lunch, it's not really that big a deal, is it?"
Ryouga grew very suspicious. "Why are you so anxious anyway. I'm starting to think you like this guy and will say and do anything just so he can…"
"Ryouga! UGH!! You idiot. That is not true, and I don't want anything to do with someone who has a problem with new students who try to make friends. It's ridiculous. I'm tired of you behaving like this!"
"Eh! Who needs you anyway." Ryouga threw his arm up and crossed both his arms over his chest. "Who cares if he buys your lunch, cause I certainly don't."
Akane clinched her hands tightly at her sides, "Fine then!" She turned to Konton and grabbed his arm, "Come on, let's get outta here!" And she started dragging him off.
As soon as Akane and Konton left the classroom for the cafeteria, Ryouga let out a loud growl and kicked the desk, his stomach grumbled and he too decided to head to the cafeteria for lunch, he would deal with Akane and that jerk Konton later, right now he needed food.
The few classes that started after lunch seemed to move by slowly, and soon it was time for history, that was when Miss Iru stepped into the classroom with a smile on her face. "Good afternoon students." Iru said looking at all their faces, suddenly her smile faded and she looked completely serious as she took in the sight of who the new students were. "Why don't you all partner up, while I speak privately with our new students out in the hall." She pushed the door open Fuwa and Konton left quietly with Iru.
Ranma was trying to figure out what happened earlier, its like he wasn't in control of himself, especially around Fuwa. It's like all he could see was her and all he wanted was her. That was until he got away from her. He didn't even notice Akane come over and sit down in the desk next to him. Ranma was just staring at the top of his desk.
"Saotome? Are you all right?" Akane sounded very concerned and Ranma looked up at her.
Seeing her slightly worried face snapped him out of his thoughts. "Uh…yeah I'm all right. Just thinking about stuff."
"Must be important stuff," Akane said opening her notes that they had taken yesterday. "Just as long as it's not distracting you from our project."
"Not at all." Ranma said, as he too also opened his notes, he really wanted to talk more to Akane than an hour a day, so it looked like he had to do some overtime on the school work, "I know you said Mondays and Wednesdays for our project, but do you think we could get together this afternoon, since we didn't get much done yesterday?"
Akane scratched the back of her head. "Well, I guess so. Although I thought we got a lot done yesterday, that was until Akari came over, that little…" Akane closed her mouth before something rude came out. "Anyway, I suppose we could do some more work, but I have to do something first when I get home today."
Ranma nodded. "Great, I really want to do well on this project, so we should work as much as we can on it." He lied.
With a soft smile Akane nodded. "I like to hear you're motivated on this. That's good."
He couldn't help but smile as she had. "Good." 'She is so cute!' His mind shouted. Why couldn't he have had this in the other reality, why were they always fighting in the other reality? He noticed how she is with Ryouga, he could tell she loved him. So did that mean that Akane in their other reality was in love with him? And has he been clueless this whole time about it? With a mental groan Ranma was determined to have Akane get to know him, they weren't even friends in this reality… so that meant that this really had to change, and he would do whatever it takes to change it.
Iru stood there facing the two new students with a scowl on her face. "Just what do you think you're doing?"
"Me? I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about."
"Shut up Chaos," Iru's bright blue eyes deepened to a dark red as she dropped his title, she was angry. "How dare you do this, and just who is this girl?" She looked at Fuwa.
Chaos chuckled. "I can't believe you don't even recognize my own twin sister-"
"Discord." Lady Fate finished for Chaos with displeasure.
"That is Lady Discord." Discord said with a hint of arrogance.
Lady Fate shook her head. "Why are you doing this, why are you helping him? You two never get along."
Discord giggled. "Why Lady Fate you know how much I love trouble. I just couldn't resist. And besides that mortal boy, he is really cute so I don't mind helping."
It was then Chaos who started a soft laughter. "I have a plan of my own, Lady Fate. And we will now see who will win."
"You two are terrible, I will still win. I know it."
"We shall see Lady Fate, we shall see." Chaos said as he and his twin sister Discord headed back into the classroom.
Lady Fate closed her eyes tightly. Why was this happening? She couldn't believe it. All her plans are being ruined by those two. Wait she couldn't give up, not now. Not when she was this close to victory. Oh ho she would play this game and she would win. There was no doubt about that! Okay so there was a little doubt, but she could do it and victory would be hers! Lady Fate then turned and walked back into the classroom to begin.
Finally this chapter is done, I hope everyone enjoyed it. Thank you everyone for all the reviews, the really brighten up my day. I love reading what you all have to say about this fanfiction. Chapter 5 will be out very soon, and I hope you all enjoy that one. It's going to get a bit intense and emotional for poor Ranma. Do you think I'm making him suffer too much yet? Or not enough? Well I hope that I have pleased you all with this chapter, I patiently wait for your reviews, which now everyone can review if you'd all like since I took off the login reviews only.
Thanks again,
Ryoko Blue