Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Blood on the Grass ❯ Prologue: ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

It was a desert. No mistaking the vast sea of sand. Wind swept fiercely by, blowing clouds of sand with enough force to sting the skin and burn the eyes. Even of one from the strong Hibiki line.

18 year old Hibiki Sachiko bore a striking resemblance to his younger cousin Ryouga. For one thing they both had long, unruly hair, piercing brown green eyes, and extended canine teeth that protruded over their lower lips like fangs whenever they were in deep thought or experiencing times of great frustration. Even their clothes were similar. Sachiko wore baggy black pants and a dull brown t-shirt. It was always best to wear colours that blended in, a camouflage if you will.

Now was a time of both deep thought and great frustration for Sachiko, but the tell-tale fangs were hidden beneath his dirty white bandana with the decorative black tiger stripes. The bandana was wrapped around his neck and mouth to help filter the sand out of his lungs with each inhaled breath he took.

“Where am I now?” Sachiko wondered. He didn’t see any pyramids, but it was quite possible he was in the bowels of Egypt... again.

He just hoped he didn’t have a repeat of last time he was in a desert. What with the Mummy, and the curse, and all that shit. His previous desert escapade definitely had not been a favorable one.

A sickly, green and yellow, aura began to blur the air around Sachiko Hibiki. It’s funny, this aura could only cause ill effects on destiny and bring bad luck. It was just too bad none of the Hibiki’s knew this except old uncle Hiro Hibiki who went mad and has been locked away in an asylum since 1988.

In the next five seconds though, as fate would have it, Sachiko would be mortally wounded. You see, for once Sachiko’s guess was right. He was in Egypt. It just also happened to be that he was standing in the middle of a gigantic minefield left over from a war a long time ago. It seems the forgotten war has claimed one more. It is the death of Sachiko Hibiki, however seemingly unrelated, that has altered Ryouga’s destiny. This isn’t the first time his destiny has been altered, but perhaps this time will be the most severe.


The funeral is a solemn affair. A handful of people, wearing white are walking around the small park out back of the shrine. These aren’t monks but mourners, all of them Hibiki, or related. All of them have arrived within a week. These are the best of the best. The Hibikis with the most determination and fire.

The wind is cool, the air is damp. It’s late Autumn again. Has a year already passed? What has become of me? Ryouga wondered as he stared into the casket. Last year I was in China at this time, un-cursed. I was still hunting down Ranma.

Looking at the corpse in the casket he admired the work the make up artists did. Sachiko Hibiki looked almost alive. Like the time Ryouga had first met him when they were young kids. It was a family reunion. Ryouga and his family were a week late, the hosts had yet to arrive. It took almost a month for the guests to finish showing up.

Where was Sachiko last autumn? Was he happy? Did he even have the slightest idea that he’d be dead only a year later? Did he know he would die alone, and in unbearable pain? Both his legs blow off just above the knee. Ryouga pictured his cousin crawling for miles, leaving a trail of blood in the sand. But the worst part of it all was the words “that could have been me” which kept flitting through his mind.

Ryouga drew his attention away from the casket, and his cousin. Ryouga wasn’t wearing fancy clothes or a suit to this funeral. He was wearing the yellow shirt he’d been wearing all week as he trekked across Japan after receiving the invitation. Only a handful of Hibiki’s arrived as of yet. Even Sachiko’s parents were not present. Did they even receive the news that their only son was dead?

Ryouga had to get out of here. He couldn’t bare staying here any longer. But everywhere he stepped, he knew there could be mines underfoot, or death lingering around each and every corner. Every wrong turn could prove fatal. But such was the life of a Hibiki, life expectancy barely fifty.

But finally Ryouga had the fire within him to do something he should have done a long time ago. “I won’t die alone” he said aloud, “I won’t live alone either...”
Next stop Nerima. Ryouga Hibiki disappeared in a haze of sickly green light, his departure unnoticed.