Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Blood on the Grass ❯ Chapter One: ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter ONE

An explosion shook Nerima that morning. A cloud of black smoke erupting from the Tendou home, smoke spewing from windows and the open patio door. This was the doing of a martial artist, as if you hadn’t already guessed. But what made this explosion different from the others that frequently rocked the small district of Nerima was who it was caused by and how. Well you see Akane had been cooking breakfast again... and this time things had REALLY gotten out of hand.

Ranma threw himself through the open patio door, landing sprawled on the grass. His fiery red shirt engulfed in flames.

“Stop drop and roll Ranma-kun!” Kasumi shouted as she followed Ranma out, lifting her soot smeared apron to cover her nose and mouth to keep the choking smoke out of her throat and lungs.

Ranma commenced rolling. This was almost as bad as the time his father had tried to teach him a technique called “jumping over fire while drenched in whiskey”. It’s supposed to improve the trainees endurance, and power of jumps.

“I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry!” cried Akane as she rushed past her sister. “I’m just no good... no good at cooking.”

“Well duh!” A smouldering Ranma stated from where he sat on the lawn, looking worse for the wear, but the flames at least were now extinguished.
Akane collapsed to her knees, burying her face in her hands as she cried openly. “I..I r-ruined everything!”

Fire truck sirens sounded in the distance.

“Well at least no ones hurt...” Kasumi said cheerfully.

Ranma suddenly looked around. Soun and Nabiki hadn’t been home but— “hey where’s my pop!?”

Suddenly a flaming fireball burst through the upstairs window, landing behind Ranma and running the short distance to the Koi pond. Ranma winced, without even turning to watch, and the sound of a large splash carried over the fire truck sirens. The wave from the splash carrying over Ranma and activating the curse.

“Oh my...” said Kasumi scrunching up her face as the smell of burned panda fur filled the air.
“Great... just great” Ranma-chan pouted.

Akane was still sitting on the lawn sobbing, as every past, and present, failure came back to haunt her.

Luckily the damage was mostly isolated to the kitchen, and the Saotome’s guest room which had been located above the kitchen. Coincidently Genma had been sleeping in the guest room at the time.

Apparently Nerima’s fire department was quite able to put fires out effectively. In fact Ranma who had watched the firefighters wondered if he could adapt some of their techniques as martial arts maneuvers. But basically Ranma had had enough fun for one day and would rather sulk in the living room as Kasumi put salve on his burns.

Genma-panda was also missing a significant amount of fur, and the horrible stench of charred panda and smoke filled all the rooms.

Part II

A young tomboy ran the street late at night, suddenly she stopped under the enveloping glow of a street lamp. The light shone off her short raven black hair with blue highlights, and illuminated the tear tracks running down her face.

Akane had to get out for a bit. The night air was fresh and clean... unlike the air in the house. Even though Kasumi had opened up all the windows all Akane could smell was smoke and burned panda.

“I did it for you Ranma...” Akane said but there was no one to hear her whispered explanation.

It seemed as if fate was determined to keep her and her fiance apart.

She lashed out in anger, not thinking... her fist connected with the street lamp and the lumbering post toppled, creating a mini explosion as it struck a storefront.

“Ooooops!” Akane yelped sheepishly before she took off running into the night, turning the corner blind. Then she hit a solid wall of Hibiki. Ryouga Hibiki to be exact.

“Stupid Tomboy... Stupid P-chan!” Ranma complained as he watched the two from where he stood on the roof of a two story building. Akane and Ryouga standing almost directly below him. The dark clouds overhead had giving the night a menacing quality and Ranma wanted to get back home to his nice warm bed as soon as possible. No way did he want to be out here if it started to rain.

Ranma had decided to go after the tomboy, to keep her out of trouble, but now he could see trouble had found her regardless.

“A-akane! I love you!” Ryouga practically shouted.
And Ranma’s eyes widened in shock, horror and awe. If only he himself could have the courage to utter those words to his tomboyish fiancee.

“R-ryouga? What?”

“I-I have to confess... I love you Akane. For a long time now...”

“B-but why? I mean I... oh Ryouga-kun I ---” Akane stammered along before being interrupted as Ryouga held up his hands to interrupt her.

“W-wait. There’s something else... I’m P-chan. It’s a Jusenkyou curse. I-I’m cursed Akane.”

And as if on cue a torrent of rain poured down from the dark heavens. Ranma felt her body change to take on her cursed form. With a movement so fast Ryouga’s hands blurred he popped open his umbrella and held it over himself and Akane. Under other circumstances, this would be a romantic moment, and maybe it still was. Ryouga’s heart was beating so fast he could barely breathe. What if she said she loved him too? What if she said she hated him? What if... well needless to say the suspense was killing Ryouga.

Akane stood there unmoving, her jaw slightly parted, and eyes dumbfounded.
Ranma felt a deep pain in her chest, right where her heart was. But she had no time to linger on such things as heartache. Akane was bound to clue in on his own part in the whole “P-chan mess”, what with him calling Ryouga Bacon breath, Pork butt, and even P-chan on a regular basis.

He saw Ryouga waving his hand in front of Akane, oblivious to the dark red aura the tomboy was venting into the air. Ryouga was flirting with death, Ranma mused.
“Hey, Pig-boy!”

“Ranma!? I... I think I broke A-Akane!” Ryouga shouted.
“Well lets get the hell out of here man, before she fixes herself and breaks US!”
Ranma jumped from the roof, grabbing Ryouga by the scruff of his shirt and taking off down the street.
Behind them Ranma and Ryouga could hear an inhuman scream that sounded strangely like “you jerk!”

Part III

“See! I told ya we were supposed to take a left and follow the road!” Ranma said, glaring at the back of Ryouga’s head as she emerged from the forest or jungle or whatever it was they’d just spent eight hours trekking through.
Ryouga just stood there on the cliff, looking out across the vast ocean that reflected a billion stars, more than he could ever count. The water was calm, the wind non-existent but there was a coldness and life in the air that froze his soul.
Ryouga took a deep breath. He wasn’t surprised he’d gotten lost again, what else was new?
“From now on I’ll do all my own navigating pig-boy” Ranma said, frustration evident in her voice.
“Hey, you lost ‘rock paper scissors’ fair and square” Ryouga growled. “But fine...if you want to leave, well goodbye then Ranma...” Ryouga said. Tears were gathering in his green brown eyes. It’d be better if Ranma left, he thought.
“I don’t need you Saotome, so if you wanna just go ahead and leave just do it already.”
“Ryouga” Ranma said, her concerned voice no louder than a whisper, almost lost in the vastness of the night.
“Well?” Ryouga asked, turning angrily.
“I’m not going anywhere...” Ranma said walking to the edge of the cliff and sitting down, her legs dangling over the side, far above the ocean below. “Beautiful.”
Ryouga stared at the red haired girl, silhouetted by the stars and ocean and the same word came to mind.
Ryouga shook his head. “Ranma, I don’t think I’ll ever understand you.”
Ranma looked over her shoulder at him, smiling mischievously “good... that’s half the fun.”

Ranma and Ryouga are in Brazil, though neither of them know this yet. Sure the animals and fauna seemed strange to them, but neither Ranma or Ryouga had ever really payed much attention in geography class. Somehow they had crossed an ocean and traveled a very long way from home.
Ranma and Ryouga were now deep within the amazon rainforest, in a place where a tribe of amazons had lived for thousands of years before fleeing.
It was three thousand years ago that this tribe, called Mulheres Do Guerreiro, fled and arrived in China, and began a certain village called Joketsuzoku.
You want to know why the Joketsuzoku Amazons left their native home?
Well the better question to ask is “do you believe in monsters?”