Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Game is Cat and Mouse ❯ game 3a ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

begin part 3a Akane and Shampoo

A beautiful, mature, but still young looking woman with short wavy hair is listening to her radio. The radio is talking about a gang of teenagers that is fighting in a park across town.

"Tsk,tsk,tsk, I wonder how their parents could have allowed them to grow up and be so wild and fond of horseplay."

The explosion from the factory across the street draws her to the kitchen, from where she can see the smoke and fire. From the bottom of her eyes she sees a cat and a mouse get up and start circling each other.

The cat has been in a fight and a fire. Her left ear is bloody. The back of her neck is bleeding. Her hind legs and tail are black from the explosion.

The mouse is in worse shape. Her head is bloody. There is blood red streaks in her reddish brown fur near her ribcage. Her hind legs are covered in blood welling from a bite on her rump.

The woman hears the sirens of the fire and police departments. "Good," she says, as she thinks "somebody has already called them, so I do not need to."

As the animals circle each other, the mouse sees the woman. She jumps over the cat to run under the house. The cat follows.

There are scratching noises from the bathroom. Then the sounds of wood breaking. The woman goes to the stove and turns the flame off. She had a pot of tea brewing.

The woman, as she is grabbing her broom, thinks, "That cat might need help, and I do hate mice. Getting rid of those pests is impossible."

Coming out of the bathroom is the mouse. The mouse stops and stares up at the woman. She swings her broom at the mouse. The mouse jumps over the broom.

As the woman turns around to attack the mouse again her broom almost hits the cat as the cat continues to chase the mouse. "Sorry, Mr Cat, I almost hit you." She says to the cat.

They both go after the mouse. The mouse has found the kitchen. She is on the stove next the pot of hot water the woman was preparing for tea.

The woman swings her broom at the mouse.

The cat jumps at the mouse.

The mouse hides behind the pot.

The broom HITS the pot spilling hot water everywhere.

The expression on the woman's face CAN NOT be described.

"Mrs Saotome! I can explain!" Akane pleads from the stove.

"Shampoo explain after beat Akane." Shampoo says as she stands in front of Akane.

"Shampoo STOP! We need to explain what happened to her! PLEASE!" Akane begs.
"Why Shampoo stop?" Shampoo asks.

"Tendo Akane! What is going on here!" Saotome Nodoka exclaims as the shock has worn off.

"Mrs Saotome! Shampoo! Please, lets talk and explain things. PLEASE!" Akane pleading begs.

" 'Mrs Saotome'? Woman's is related to Ranma? Shampoo asks as she looks at Nodoka.

"YOU know my son? Akane, what IS going on here?" Nodoka demands.

“I can explain, Mrs Saotome. But first can Shampoo and I clean up and get some first aid? Some clothes, too, if possible?" Akane asks.

Everyone notices that Akane and Shampoo are nude and are still hurt from the their fight.

"Very well. There is a first aid kit in the bathroom. You two girls clean up and I will see what I can find." Nodoka says. Nodoka is rummaging through her closet.

When the girls _raise_ their voices she can hear them.


"Shampoo know now"


"Shampoo, _I_ will explain later, OK?"


Nodoka opens the door to the bath. She is carrying some old clothes. Both girls have cleaned up and patched themselves.

Shampoo has done an excellent job bandaging her ear, neck, and rear. Due to the explosion she will not be sitting down soon.

Akane has not done as good job on herself. She has bandaged her ear, ribs, and rear. Due to Shampoo's bite she will not be sitting down soon.

"Put these on. Then come into the living room and explain." Nodoka commands.

"We will need hot and cold water." Akane says. Nodoka is sitting down in her living room with a tray in front of her. The tray has on it two pitchers. The girls are standing up and are as far from each other as they can be.

"It is easiest to show what happens. If you could, pour some cold water on us, then pour hot water on us." Akane volunteers.

The curses are shown to Nodoka.

"Shampoo JUST cursed me, that is why we were fighting!" Akane angrily tells Nodoka. She assumes a fighting position in front of Shampoo.

"Shampoo no curse Akane." Shampoo says as she also assumes a fighting stance.

"Girls! No fighting! One would think you two are a couple of boys, not girls." Nodoka says as she steps between them. "Shampoo, how can you say Akane is not cursed, we just saw it."

"Shampoo use instant magic spring salts. Magic salts last only one, two hours then go away." Shampoo explains.

"Like the instant spring of drowned boy?" Akane asks.

When Shampoo nods her head yes, Akane nearly hugs her.

"And Shampoo you're cursed from the 'instant spring salt', also?" Nodoka asks.

"No Shampoo is cursed from real water," Shampoo says as she hangs her head down.

"Why did you use this 'magic' on Akane?" Nodoka asks.

"It was a challenge, Mrs Saotome." Akane interrupts before Shampoo can say anything. "I know you like martial arts, dear. But to use magic as well, is not that taking it too far."

Nodoka smiles at Akane and says, "Magic is not something you want to use. Now promise me you will not do this again, both of you. Challenges should not be fought with magic."

Both girls nod.

"Now I want you two to make up and be friends."

Both girls look at each other strangely, big sweat drops on the back of their heads, then they nod at each other.

Nodoka sighs, but accepts the nods as a gesture of friendship.

"Good, you two can get along. Now, Shampoo, how do you know my son?" Nodoka asks.

Shampoo says, "Ranma come to restaurant all the time." Shampoo looks at Akane and grins.

"Mrs Saotome, can I ask your opinion on something?' Akane grins back.

"Of course," Nodoka grins as well, pleased that things have calmed down.

"Shampoo is in Japan looking for a husband," Akane begins.

"Shampoo found Husband. And Husband love Shampoo not Pervert Girl," Shampoo interrupts.

"Whatever, but your 'husband' is engaged to marry a Japanese girl." Akane replies looking at Shampoo.

She looks at Nodoka and continues, "Shampoo's Chinese village has a law that says if you lose to an outsider and that outsiders is male, you will marry him. The question is which is more important; the customs and laws of Shampoo's Chinese village or the honorable, traditional, engagement of the Japanese couple?"

"NOT that simple, Shampoo love husband." Shampoo hurriedly says.

Nodoka thinks for a couple of seconds then begins to speak, "Shampoo loves the man, but he is engaged to another, and he loves her back."

Both girls start to speak, but Nodoka continues, "I can see the problem. Shampoo, you have a very good friend in Akane, since she is trying to help break an engagement, which she knows to be the wrong thing to do. To answer your question Akane, Shampoo can not marry her 'husband'. Before you ask, I will not help you break the engagement, it just would not be the correct thing to do."

"Now, then, I would like to met the person that has two young girls trying to help him break an engagement. A person who is getting you two to do the wrong thing is just not very manly, and he needs to be taught a lesson. You will bring him by." Nodoka sternly says as she looks at the two young women. Akane has a HUGE sweat drop on the back of her head by the time Nodoka is finished.

Shampoo merely looks confused. "On a more pleasant note, Akane, is my son back from that training trip yet?" Nodoka smiles.

"Ranma at school yesterday." Shampoo helpfully supplies.
"Yes, but he said something about leaving again soon," Akane quickly adds.

"Shampoo not hear that." Shampoo begins before Akane covers Shampoo's mouth.

'Mrs Saotome, sorry about the problems we caused, but. It's getting late and we need to go, NOW!" Akane says as she shoves Shampoo out the front door.

As Nodoka goes to the front door to say good bye to the pair she thinks,'I should stop by the dojo soon, before Ranma can leave again.'

She frowns as the two girls begin arguing as they leave her house. 'Just like a couple of boys, and I thought better of Akane.'


end part 3a

I wanted to bring Nodoka in, bring up curses, and engagements, and not change anything. I changed Nodoka's place of residence to the above, since I do not have the later manga volumes. I believe that given Nodoka's lack and visible support, living in a neighborhood next to a old factory would be reasonable.

See "Like Water for Akane" OAV for Nodoka's next visit to the dojo.

Thank you for reading.
Jeff shelton